by M J Marstens
“I’ve never done anything like that,” Val admits. Her cheeks turn a delicious red as she ducks her head and tucks a strand of brunette hair behind one ear.
“I don’t think I have, either—have I, Khepri?” I ask with a raised brow as I step closer to Val.
“How in Duat should I know?!” he chokes out in a horrified voice.
“I just figured it’s something that I would tell you.”
Khepri scowls up at the ceiling of my temple room. “Dude—I don’t think your dick has seen any action in years.”
“I think you might be right,” I concur. “It’s always talking to me and I get that impression.”
“His penis talks to him?” Val whispers to Khepri.
“All guys’ cocks talk to them. That’s why there’s the saying about thinking with the wrong head,” I clarify for Val. Clearly her education has been a bit lacking. “Mine is named Hanma.” I gesture down at him. He strains to reach Val. He’d really love to shake hands with her.
“Hanma? Like rhymes with grandma?”
“Hanma like hammer, like pounding,” I gently correct.
“Oh please,” my best friend cannot contain his eye roll.
I ignore him because Val moves closer to me, staring down at Hanma.
“Right,” she drawls, licking her lips. She sounds breathy when she asks, “So ... what does Hanma say?”
“That you’re the most beautiful woman ever,” I praise— it’s the truth!
Val is perfect.
“Whelp, Kung-Fu’s dick is hands-down my favorite.” She reaches out and puts a perfect palm around Hanma.
“Wait a fucking minute!” Khepri snaps, stomping forward so he’s directly behind Val and she’s sandwiched between us. “You haven’t even heard what my dick has to say about you!”
“Honestly, you and Lover can keep your cock convos to yourselves. I’m a little afraid of the things they think and say to you.”
Khepri growls and his hands go to her hips. “Woman,” he warns.
“I’m going to light some candles,” I interject before my best friend can spontaneously combust. I reluctantly step back from Val, but clearly, Khepri needs a moment with her.
“Should we leave you to pray, er, whatever you do in here?” Val offers.
“Oh, I’m not lighting them to pray—it’s to set the mood for our threesome.”
I walk away to do just that and Val whisper-wonders, “Is this really going to happen?”
Khepri pulls her backward against his iron-hard dick.
In answer, I take off my shirt and her eyes grow extremely large. They are so pretty and remind me of storm clouds that are swollen with need, too full, just like my cock, building to that moment when they can rain.
“Is something wrong?” I ask in trepidation.
“N-n-n-o,” she stammers. “You’re just built like a god.”
“Aren’t I a god?” I query in bewilderment. Did I forget that, too?
“Yes, you’re a god,” she clarifies. “It’s a human saying—it means you’re very muscular.”
“Which is good, right?” I demand.
Khepri ignores me and brings his lips to Val’s neck as she stares at me.
“One hundred percent,” she confirms breathily. “Muscles are one hundred percent sexy.”
I feel a confident grin stretch my lips.
My intended mate finds me sexy.
“Bestie—show Val your muscles,” I direct Khepri.
“No,” he spits out curtly, before returning to her neck and running his teeth down the side.
“Why? Are you embarrassed—oh! You don’t have any muscles,” I realize. I just embarrassed my best friend in front of the woman he likes. “I’m sorry—”
“Oh, for pharaoh fuck’s sake, I have muscles!” he declares, stepping back from Val and ripping his shirt off over his head.
Sure enough, his chest and abdomen resemble mine—but his skin is many shades darker than my bronzed flesh and he appears leaner than me. When I glance at Val, she seems to be in a stupor.
“What do you think?” I urge. Hanma is hungry for more compliments.
“You both are otherworldly,” she decrees, and I preen a little under her praise. Hanma surges to life, pulsing with need. “But. . . I don’t have relationships with gods.”
“Wait—what? Why?” I cry. Horror and dismay roll through me, breaking up the sexual storm brewing between the three of us like nasty little rays of sunlight cut through cumulonimbus wonders. She’s stopping this threesome before it even started!
“Gods are ... dangerous. I don’t want to get involved with them.”
“But we’re different,” I almost pout.
“You are different,” she agrees and my spirits soar again at her words.
“Then, let me kiss you again. But, first, kiss Khepri to make it fair.”
“No—it’s way more complicated than tha—” Val starts, but Khepri cuts her off with his mouth.
Val’s back is to Khepri’s chest and he has her head twisted to the side. I can see his tongue slide sensuously in and out of her mouth and I long to kiss her in the same way. I step up to her front and press my chest to hers. Both Khepri and I are touching her and something familiar sparks through my body and seems to race into hers. Instantly, she arcs into me and cries out passionately.
The strong scent of her arousal hits me and a memory drifts into my consciousness—Val asking if we can smell orgasms. I ignore it momentarily and pull her face to me to cover her lips with mine. With a moan, I kiss her just as Khepri did—with my tongue. Sensation after sensation pours into my body the longer Val and I kiss, and some part of me recognizes that she came when Khepri and I both touched her.
She came when we both touched her. . .
The words keep running through my head, over and over and over, until a dam breaks free in my mind and the world spins around me. I wrench away from her and stare in horror.
“What in the sweet fuck is happening right now?!” I roar in anger, suddenly—and finally—coming back into my full faculties.
Val looks just as confused as I’ve felt until two seconds ago and Khepri wears his trademark sneer.
“Well, well, Raiden the Fuckstick is back and just in time for a threesome.”
“WHAT?!” I scream, making Val flinch.
“Take a moment to think about everything that’s happened,” he counters.
For once, I actually do as the little pissant suggests. My mind zooms from one sickening memory to the next.
She was a prisoner.
We were guards.
She broke out.
Khepri … and I helped.
“You look like you’re going to puke,” Khepri points out gleefully.
“Yeah—well, I just might.” It’s the truth—I’ve basically spent the last however many days metaphorically sucking this prick’s cock. My stomach churns. I fucking hate Khepri. Of all the gods in all the universes … I can’t believe I called him best friend.
“Well, I’m glad you got your faculties back before you really embarrassed yourself,” Kheprick continues.
“And just what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I snap.
“That this ‘threesome’ would have been a joke on your part,” he taunts.
“Bullshit!” I still want Val. Pissed as I am. Hanma and I still surge with energy at the sight of her, the smell of her. Nothing about being with her would be a joke.
“Oh, yeah? Prove it!” Khepri challenges.
I lunge forward and gather Val into my arms the same time that Khepri leaps for her. I get there first and pull her into me, kissing her passionately—angrily.
How dare they shame my name and my family with their farce—acting like we were all good friends. Belatedly, I remember the curse I feared was placed on me to make me hunger so for Val, but I just don’t care anymore.
My hands roam down her sides and tweak her pebbled nipples and I shove my pelvis into hers.
Hanma takes over, telling me, “She’s a disease in our bloodstream—I have to purge her from my body and this is the only way.”
Shock tears through my system as Raiden kisses me. Gone is the playful man that I’ve come to adore over the last few days, in his place stands a furious god—one who hates demis. His hands roam my body and being sandwiched between Khepri and him is indescribable ...
And wrong.
“Stop,” I command, trying to shove Raiden back a little.
His face is the familiar, wrathful thundercloud of ire that I saw before his … accident with Dad’s hammer. I wince a little—I can’t entirely blame him for being pissed. Khepri refuses to give me any quarter and crowds my back even more, making me squirm.
“You want this, my khen1—I can smell it.”
I flush in hot embarrassment, making even Kung Fu snicker around his pissy sneer. Thankfully, it bolsters my courage to straighten my spine when my entire body wants to liquify into a puddle at their feet.
“Firstly, why are you calling me Ken? Secondly, yes, I can admit to wanting you both—physically. You two are very … um ...”
“Khen is the ancient Egyptian word for swan. And perhaps you are searching for the word virile?” Khepri supplies.
“Chauvinistic?” Raiden offers helpfully and I glare.
“I liked you better when you were dumb,” I snap. “No woman likes a man who’s chauvinistic! Ugh! Listen, I don’t do gods. End of story.”
“You did Tupac,” Khepri points out in a wounded voice.
“He’s a demi,” Raiden counters condescendingly.
“First off, I didn’t do him … yet,” I hedge, because even though my former cellmate often borders on ridiculous, he also has this genuinely gentlemanly quality that I love. “But, the very thing you look down upon him—and me—for, is the same reason I’m drawn to him. His humanity cancels his snobbish, I’m-better-than-you, dick god side!”
Raiden blinks at my tirade, seemingly taken aback at the depth of my emotions about full gods—but he doesn’t get it. I can feel the tears sting my eyes thinking of everything that’s happened in my life simply because I only half-goddess.
“Hey,” Khepri says softly, turning me to him. His brow furrows and his kohl-lined eyes soften as he traces my cheek. “Look at me. I don’t look down on you because of your lineage—I think you’re amazing, just like the Demigodling. I can’t speak for Raidong over here—”
“Fuck off, Kheprick, you traitorous bastard!”
“Ok, woah! Everyone calm down. What are you two—five? Raidong? Kheprick?”
Khepri snickers.“Admit they’re funny,” he chuckles.
“They’re childish,” I correct.
“They’re supposed to be,” Khepri sighs. “Are you going to tell us why you hate full gods so much? Aside from the obvious.”
“What’s the obvious?” I wonder.
“That your family—minus your father—are a bunch of fuckwits,” Raiden attests, taking me by surprise.
“Fuckwits … that’s a good word for my sisters and stepmoms. I’ll have to use that one if I’m unfortunate enough to ever have a family dinner again. And, I really don’t want to talk about this. It’s personal,” I state primly.
Both guys roll their eyes and I almost laugh at how similar they are—I bet they would love to hear that.
“Let me guess,” Raiden snorts derisively, making me long to throat punch him, “You dated a full god and he was a fuckwit, too. And, now, you lump all of us gods together for one asshole’s mistakes?”
“Kind of like how you lump all demis together because of what one god—Ra the Shit Wizard—thinks and says!” I snap back hotly.
“Hey!” Khepri yells, “I’m the only shit wizard around here!”
I try to maintain my stern glare, but end up laughing. Dammit Khepri! It’s impossible to stay angry after a good shit pun.
We’re quiet for a moment and Raiden stares at his hands.
“You’re right,” he finally whispers, surprising both Khepri and me with his confession. “I’ve only ever thought of the gods, of our honor, of what my parents said and their allegiance with Ra—but … these past few days have accorded me an unhindered point of view from the demis and I realize that I never took responsibility for forming my own unbiased opinion. I ... was a sheep,” he admits, ashamed.
Seeing how sad he looks makes my chest pulse, but not with anger anymore, with sad recognition. I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.
“Then, we’ve been sheep together because I’ve done exactly the same thing, and as you said—I lumped all full-gods in with my bad experience from just one, but I know deep down that’s wrong, unfair, and—most importantly—untrue.”
“Now that that’s settled, we can get this threesome underway!” Khepri jokes, smacking his hands and rubbing them together.
“Only if Val agrees,” Raiden counters. His eyes hold mine for a long minute.
“You still want to?” I ask him, feeling a bit insecure until a smile stretches across Raiden’s face and his eyes scan my body, blatantly checking me out in a way that sends a delicious thrill up my spine.
“Val, put the man out of his misery and touch his dick. I don’t know if he’s even been with a woman!” Khepri stage-whispers, earning a dark glower from Raiden.
“I could say the same for you!” Kung-Fu shoots back.
“Ugh!” I cry, throwing my hands up in the air. “Am I going to have to touch both your dicks to shut you two up?!”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetheart. Here, let me help you,” Khepri purrs, pulling down the front of his pants.
Instantly, his very hard and very large cock springs forth. His hand can’t even cover half of it, his dick is so long. Unabashedly, the God of Scarabs strokes himself while staring hungrily into my eyes. All I can think is that Tupac would definitely be enjoying this show ... I am.
Not to be outdone, Raiden shucks his pants clear off and stands fully naked in all his ninja-like glory. I blink a couple of times in shock since I kind of considered Raiden shy ... I guess not. Reserved might have been a better word, but he’s clearly thrown all his reservations to the wind. And with one look at those pale washboard abs, I’m not about to protest. He picks me up effortlessly and I hook my legs around his waist.
We kiss for a long minute, his tongue stroking mine until I get lost in the sensation. Then I feel Khepri at my back, pressing into me with his chest and cock. For a moment, I just revel at being sandwiched between these two strong men, until Khepri decides to move this threesome along.
“You got the front and I got the back?” he asks Raiden and I feel my ass clench in trepidation—and a little anticipation.
“Gods, you are so unromantic,” I lament and Raiden chuckles, tweaking a nipple through my shirt.
“We aren’t Dev or Tupac—and that’s part of why you’re drawn to us, even if you won’t admit it to yourself.”
I grumble a bit at this, but know he’s right. I’m drawn to both him and Khepri because they aren’t trying to be gentle or tender like the other two men. They are raw, demanding—consuming.
“Don’t worry about what we’re doing, just enjoy the ride,” Khepri murmurs, lifting my arms to remove my shirt slowly.
Raiden’s hands follow, tracing up the now naked expanse of my sides to my breasts. My breath hitches when he cups them roughly and pinches my nipples while Khepri places biting kisses across the back of my shoulders.
Gently, I’m lowered to my feet and Raiden slowly peels off my yoga pants. He works at an excruciatingly leisurely pace meant to tantalize me—and it does. By the time the two men have my leggings around my ankles, my pussy is throbbing with need.
It doesn’t help that both their hot, hard cocks keep brushing the front and back of my thighs.
I can’t stop the deep groan that escapes my mouth when Khepri reaches up and runs a finger along my pussy to my as
s. There, he slips under my thong to explore me a little further. I immediately tense up—no one has ever touched me there.
“Don’t ... don’t you need some, ah, lube or something?” I pant since Raiden has joined Khepri in teasing me—except his fingers are buried deep inside my aching core, pumping in and out.
“I’m actually the god of secretions,” Khepri announces and I collapse into Raiden, giggling.
“You seriously need some romantic pointers from Dev or Lover,” I chortle. “The god of secretions! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Even Raiden chuckles and Khepri joins in before explaining.
“I just meant that I’ve got you covered in the lube department.”
“It’s official—this has to be the world’s most awkward threesome ever,” I decide, but I don’t care.
For some odd reason, it seems to be working for us—which is a testimony of how fucked up we are and this situation really is.
“We need more foreplay,” Raiden demands.
“No one says that,” Khepri tells him with an eye roll, still playing with my ass, gently circling my hole which, now, magically appears to be lubed. “And no one does foreplay anymore.”
“Is that true?” Raiden asks me.
“Um ... I think it depends on the circumstances. I didn’t really with Dev,” I admit self-consciously, “but I didn’t need it. But, I agree, maybe a little foreplay wouldn’t hurt with us.” Taking it slow might help alleviate my nerves, which are jangling like pennies in a pocket.
“See?” Raiden snorts at Khepri. “Ok, halfling, suck my cock.”
Both Khepri and I stare at Raiden, waiting for him to grin or show he’s teasing ...
He doesn’t and I realize that he’s not joking.
“Wow,” Khepri says in my ear. “And you think I’m unromantic?”
“It is an honor to bless my dick with one’s mouth,” Raiden coaches sanctimoniously. “What would you have said?”
Khepri pauses for a moment to think.
“I would have told her to open her mouth like a bank account so I can deposit my dick in it—that’s much more amorous.”
I lean forward, torn between horror and fits of laughter at the absurdity of their thought processes. The movement brings me dangerously close to Raiden’s pulsing erection, the tip already glistening with pre-cum. The man is far too ridiculous by half, but I can’t help myself when my tongue flicks out to taste his salty essence.