by M J Marstens
2 Originally, unicorns were described by the Greeks as having the tail of a lion and hooves of a boar. Slightly different from the pretty horsies with a horn shoved on their head that we describe today.
3 Roman goddess who protects against fires. She was actually super important back in the day,when fires could decimate entire cities.
18. Raiden
1 Shinto word for soul, not a braless tank top.
19. Val
1 Rhymes with the English word ‘pen’, which is ironically the word for a female swan. Khen is not to be confused with Barbie’s bitch lover.
22. Khepri
1 This style of fighting is old and peppered throughout Egyptian history. It was used to settle scores, keep our bodies fit, and to entertain the masses.
2 Supposedly, the fakest wrestler in the WWE, according to one website whose veracity is questionable.
25. Val
1 Incan heaven