The Boy Spies of Philadelphia

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The Boy Spies of Philadelphia Page 8

by Joanna H. Mathews



  The boys now had good reason to believe that the most difficult portionof their work was accomplished.

  It was not probable they would meet any of the enemy while ridingin this direction, and all that now remained was to find GeneralLafayette's command.

  This last both the boys fancied might be easily done, for Jacob wasfamiliar with the roads in that section of the country, and should beable to lead the way to the camping-place.

  The horses would be recovering from the effects of their long race ifallowed to continue on at a walk, and such gentle exercise, heated asthey were, was better than to bring them to a halt.

  "I reckon we've earned our swords," Jacob said, after he was satisfiedthe enemy had abandoned the pursuit and there was no longer any dangerto be apprehended. "It's mighty lucky for us we met that spy on the dayof the carnival!"

  "I think we'd better finish the work before crowing very loud,"Enoch replied with a laugh. "As to whether we are given swords ornot troubles me very little, for I had rather be a private than anofficer."

  "That's because you don't know how much easier it is to command than becommanded."

  "But how is it when a fellow doesn't know how to command?"

  "He can soon learn."

  "Well, it doesn't seem to me there is any good reason why we shoulddiscuss the matter, for the swords haven't been offered us, and perhapsnever will be."

  "If we don't receive them it'll be because our services are notappreciated. Hark! Do you hear anything?" and Jacob reined his steed toa standstill as he listened intently.

  Far up the road, in the direction where the boys supposed the advanceof the Continental army was encamped, could be heard the hoof-beats ofhorses, sounding nearer and nearer each instant.

  "They are coming this way!" Master Ludwick said at length. "Do yousuppose it is possible our friends have any idea of making an attack onGeneral Howe's forces?"

  "They must do that, or be prepared to resist one. Now if ever is thetime when our news will be of value."

  The boys rode forward confident the approaching travelers were friends,and a few moments later two mounted men could be seen dimly in thegloom, approaching at a quick, but not hurried, pace.

  "Hello, friends!" Jacob shouted, guiding his horse to the middle of theroad as if to bar the passage.

  The newcomers halted suddenly, and one of them asked in a low tone,speaking to his companion:

  "Who have we here? Surely it cannot be that any of the enemy are so farfrom the city."

  "We are friends if you are members of the Continental army," Jacobcried.

  "And that is what we are; but why do you take the middle of the road asif to dispute our right to pass?"

  "I am the son of Christopher Ludwick, and this fellow with me is EnochBall. We have ridden at risk of our lives, having been chased and firedat by a squad of Britishers, to give General Lafayette news of theenemy's movements."

  Jacob spoke in an important tone, much as though the sword he dreamedof was already hanging by his side, and had even now assumed a swaggersuch as he thought essential in an officer of the army.

  "We have just come from the general's headquarters, bound for NewJersey; but if your information is of importance it may be to ouradvantage to turn back. Are the enemy informed of General Lafayette'smovements?"

  "General Howe knows all about it; the Quaker at whose house the marquisquartered himself sent in the full particulars. From all we couldlearn, two forces, one of five thousand and the other of two thousandmen, have been sent against you."

  "Have been sent?" one of the officers repeated. "Do you mean they havealready started?"

  "I saw more than a thousand in the ranks ready for marching before wecame away, and they must have left town about the same time we did."

  "But how are you so certain as to the exact number?"

  "Enoch heard General Grant talking with one of his staff, and theBritisher said General Howe was so sure of capturing the marquis thathe had invited his friends to meet the prisoner at supper to-morrownight."

  The two men spoke together in whispers a few seconds, and then he whohad acted the part of spokesman asked:

  "Are you the boys who were imprisoned on the charge of having aidedyoung Graydon to escape?"

  "We are."

  "Then there seems to be no question as to the truth of yourstatement----"

  "The truth of it?" Jacob interrupted. "Why, we saw the soldiers readyfor the march."

  "Will you come with us to General Lafayette?"

  "Of course we will! It was to find him that we set out."

  The two officers wheeled their steeds, and began to retrace their stepsat a rapid pace, the boys following close behind.

  After a few moments one of them, half-turning in his saddle, asked howthe young messengers had procured horses, and Jacob readily told himthe story of despoiling the Tory.

  "You boys have begun well in the service of the cause, and if youcontinue with the same zeal, should be able to give a good account ofyourselves before the struggle is ended."

  "That is what we hope to do," Enoch replied, and Jacob whispered to hiscomrade:

  "He didn't say anything about our being given commissions for thisnight's work."

  "And it isn't likely any one else will," Enoch replied with a laugh."It should be enough for us that we have rendered an important service,and it seems selfish to be talking of a reward even before the work hasbeen done."

  "We'll see what General Lafayette thinks about it," and Jacob spokein a tone of irritation, after which he relapsed into silence, notventuring to speak again until the little party had arrived at anencampment completely surrounding a small farmhouse, before which theofficers drew rein.

  Sentries were pacing to and fro in front of the building, and the boysunderstood that they were at General Lafayette's quarters, the owner ofwhich was the person who had sent information to the British commander.

  Not until after considerable parley were they admitted to a room strewnwith military accouterments, in the center of which stood a tablebearing the remnants of a meal.

  Here they were forced to wait several moments, after which a young, notparticularly prepossessing-looking man entered, only partially dressed.

  The two officers saluted him with evident respect, while Jacob andEnoch showed signs of dissatisfaction.

  It did not seem possible to them that this boyish-appearing officercould be the famous Frenchman of whom they had heard so much, and bothwere sadly disappointed, because, as they believed, an interview withthe commander himself was to be denied them.

  "This is General Lafayette," one of the officers said to Jacob, "andyou can tell him your story."

  "This the general?" Master Ludwick cried in amazement.

  "You expected to see an old man?" Lafayette asked with a smile.

  "Well, I didn't think you was--I mean, it didn't seem--I thought youmight----"

  "Never mind what you thought, my friend. If you have importantinformation to give it will be well if I hear that at once, and youropinion regarding myself can be told at a more convenient season."

  Jacob was so thoroughly confused as not to be able to tell a connectedstory, and it became necessary for Enoch to act as spokesman, a post hefilled with great satisfaction to all, except, perhaps, his comrade,who was angry with himself because he had foolishly allowed hissurprise to so far overcome him as to tie his tongue.

  "So I am to take supper with General and Lord Howe and their friends,am I?" Lafayette said as if to himself when Enoch's story was ended."With seven thousand men against us the situation may be desperate, butI do not think I shall go to Philadelphia this night."

  Then he gave hurried commands to his officers, and when the two leftthe room he turned to the young messengers with a smile which changedthe entire expression of his face, and caused Enoch to believe he hadnever seen a more kindly gentleman.

  "You have done nobly to bring this news, wh
ich is most important notonly to me personally, but to the cause we all serve. As to the theftof the horses, you need give yourselves no uneasiness. I will sendword to Mr. Wharton at the earliest convenient moment, stating that Iimpressed them into the service of the United States, and forward himan order for the payment of the animals. It will be better you shouldremain with this command awhile, since it may be dangerous for you togo in either direction alone. Procure from the quartermaster food foryourselves and the beasts, and take such rest as is possible until wemake a move."

  Enoch understood that the bow with which they were favored was anintimation that the interview had come to an end, and at once wenttoward the door; but Jacob remained facing the general as if hisbusiness was not yet concluded.

  "Have you anything more to tell me?" Lafayette asked.

  "I thought perhaps you counted on saying something else," MasterLudwick stammered.

  "I think we have finished our business. Perhaps at some future time wemay have a better opportunity for conversation."

  After this Jacob could do no less than follow his companion, and whenthey were outside the building he said, in a tone of dissatisfaction:

  "It don't seem to me that we got much thanks for what we've done."

  "What could you want more? We know that perhaps we have been the meansof saving this whole command from capture."

  "That's exactly what we have done, and yet he didn't say a word aboutgiving us a sword, or even a corporal's commission."

  "You expected too much. If General Lafayette is willing to give hisservices to a people who were strangers to him, he has a right tobelieve that a couple of boys like us are willing to serve our countrywithout reward."

  Jacob was about to make what might have been an angry reply, when hewas suddenly seized from behind in what was no unfriendly embrace, asa familiar voice cried:

  "I counted on seeing you fellows as soon as you were let out of jail;but didn't think you'd steal up on us in the night. Have you beentrying to get an interview with General Lafayette at this hour?"

  It was Seth who spoke, and several minutes elapsed before the threeboys had so far concluded their greetings as to be able to carry on acoherent conversation.

  Then, in obedience to his friends' urging, Seth explained how he hadsucceeded in reaching the American lines on the night they parted withhim on the outskirts of Philadelphia.

  It was not such a story as would cause much excitement, owing to thelack of adventure. From the moment he left them until he was at ValleyForge he saw nothing of the enemy. The food provided by Mrs. Ball wasample for all his wants, and the journey which he had believed would bebristling with danger was hardly more than a pleasing excursion.

  He had been received with a hearty welcome by the Americans, who,through their spies in Philadelphia, had heard of his dangeroussituation, and was allowed to enlist in whatever branch of the servicehe desired. He enrolled himself in the New Jersey militia, commanded byGeneral Dickinson, because among them were several acquaintances, andhad done a soldier's duty from that day.

  Jacob expressed considerable surprise that he had not been rewarded insome way because of all he had suffered, and Seth's reply occasionedMaster Ludwick no slight amount of astonishment.

  "That would have been strange indeed, to reward me for simply trying todo something in aid of the cause."

  "But you gave information which must have been valuable to theAmericans."

  "It was, so I have since been told, and surely such knowledge issufficient reward."

  "I ain't so certain about that," Master Ludwick replied doubtfully."Now I had an idea that Enoch and I would be made officers at the veryleast, because of bringing news which may prevent General Lafayettefrom being made prisoner; but if you haven't got so much as a uniformfor all you've been through with, perhaps we shan't fare any better."

  Seth laughed long and loud at the idea that Jacob had expected to bemade an officer in the Continental army before he had even so much ashandled a musket, and said, when his mirth had subsided sufficiently toadmit of his speaking:

  "After you are in the ranks you'll learn that such rewards as youexpected could not well be given, unless the army was to be used asan ornament, instead of for fighting. I suppose of course you willenlist?"

  "It looks as if that was all we could do," Enoch replied. "It wouldn'tbe safe for us to go back to the city, for some one of the squad thatpursued us might remember our faces. Yes, the time has come when weshould become soldiers, and it seems to be more than ever our dutysince we are within the American lines by accident."

  "And you will enlist in the regiment to which I belong?"

  "It seems as if we should be with the Pennsylvania troops."

  "I don't understand that it can make any particular difference, for youwill do your duty in one place as well as another."

  "Of course we want to be with you," Jacob added thoughtfully, "andif you really believe there's no chance of our being made officers, Isuppose we can't do better than join your company."

  "Then you may as well sign the rolls at once, for I question if GeneralLafayette will recommend you for promotion until you know what aprivate's duty is. Did you see one of our friends in Philadelphia, whomI sent to you?"

  "Do you mean a man who was dressed as a farm-hand, and came into themarket to sell vegetables?"


  "We met him on the day the Britishers had their celebration, orwhatever it may be called. Who is he?"

  "A member of the company to which I belong; a true patriot, and onewho is willing to risk his life over and over again if by so doing hecan aid the cause. His name is Robert Greene, and when I heard thathe wanted to be directed to several people in the city who might beable to give him information, I told him about you. The fact that theBritishers kept you in jail so long was sufficient evidence you were tobe depended upon."

  Then Seth insisted that his comrades tell him the story of theirtroubles after he escaped, but before his curiosity could be fullysatisfied the entire camp was aroused.

  It was nearly time for the sun to rise, and General Lafayette hadbegun making preparations to escape from the trap into which he hadvoluntarily walked.

  Three messengers from different points had come into camp to givenotice of the British advance, and the commander knew by this time thatGrant's troops were halted at the forks of the roads leading, one toBarren Hill, and the other to Matson's Ford. It was also learned that aconsiderable number of men had been sent to Chestnut Hill, while Greywith his force of two thousand was at the ford, less than three milesin front of Lafayette's right flank.

  Thus it was that the Americans were almost completely surrounded,the only avenue of escape left open being by way of Matson's Ford,the approach to which was very near where Grant had halted his fivethousand men.

  The older soldiers whom the boys heard discussing the situation were ofthe opinion that General Lafayette was in a trap from which he couldnot escape, and, in fact, the majority of the Americans believed theymust soon be made prisoners of war, which would be a small disaster ascompared to the blow given the American arms before the summer campaignwas fairly opened.

  "It begins to look as if we had jumped out of the frying-pan intothe fire," Jacob said as he stood with his comrades listening to thecomments of those around him. "We're likely to go back to Philadelphiasooner than we counted on, and Mr. Wharton will be after us as horsethieves."

  "Come with me," Seth suggested. "I do not believe General Lafayetteis in as bad a fix as some try to make out; but if he is, it will bebetter for you to be captured with muskets in your hands, rather thanas fellows who came here solely to bring information of the enemy'smovements."

  "How can we do that while we have the horses? I don't propose to givethem up unless we're forced to, and that is what would happen if wefollowed you."

  There was no longer time for Seth to discuss the matter with hisfriends. The drums were beating the call for the men to "fall in," andhe was forced to take his proper
station in the line.

  While Jacob hesitated, and Enoch was doing his best to persuade himthat it would be wisest to leave the horses to their fate, the boomingof heavy guns close at hand startled the boys, and Master Ludwick waslooking anxiously around for some convenient way of escape, believingthe British close upon them, when one of the officers they had stoppedon the road came up.

  "You look frightened," he said laughingly.

  "That's just what I am," Jacob replied grimly. "I don't want to betaken back to the city as a horse thief, and it now seems as if thatwas what is about to be done."

  "There is no cause for fear yet awhile. Those cannon are being servedby our men, and I allow they will deceive the Britishers, even thoughno great execution follows."

  "But it sounds like a regular battle."

  "I admit that, my boy; but unless I am mistaken we shan't see anythingin the way of an engagement this morning."

  "Do you think General Lafayette will----"

  "Have patience and you shall see what is to be done. The troops willsoon begin to move toward Matson's Ford, and you two had better makeyour way in that direction at once."

  "But some of the soldiers said the Britishers were very near there."

  "So they are; but I fancy we can prevent them from knowing what isbeing done until our troops are in a place of safety, for, as a matterof course, there can be no question of pitting twenty-five hundred menagainst more than seven thousand. Take my advice, and get to the fordas soon as possible."

  Enoch insisted that their wisest course was to act upon the officer'ssuggestion, and although Jacob appeared to think he should receivepersonal orders from General Lafayette regarding himself, he finallydid as his comrade desired, and, mounted on Mr. Wharton's horses, theyfollowed the main body of the troops.

  Not until after the movement had been successfully executed, andall the men and baggage withdrawn to a place of safety, did the boysunderstand how it was done. Then the maneuver was explained to them bya soldier whose acquaintance they made during that day.

  "Lafayette proved himself adequate to the occasion. In a moment, asit were, his dangers were revealed, and the one possible means ofextrication resorted to. Dispositions were made in the churchyardas though to receive Grey; his artillery, by a well-directed fire,encouraged the idea that he purposed to engage. His real aim was, ofcourse, flight, and by the ford; but to attain it he must pass within ashort distance of Grant, who was nearer to it than himself. He feignedmovements as though for an attack, and by an occasional display ofthe heads of columns he for a time persuaded the Englishman that anaction was imminent. Meantime the troops, as fast as they could comeup, were hurrying across the ford, until at last the artillery anda body of Oneida savages only remained on this side of the stream.These were also now brought over, and on the high ground beyond ourmen were secure. Grant at last came up, and ordered the advance tomove on, but too late. They saw but a party of our troops dotting thesurface of the water like the floats of a seine. The prey had escaped.Grant was hopelessly in the rear; and when Grey's column closed inthere was nothing between the British lines. The only skirmishing eventhat seems to have occurred was between a body of light-horse and theOneidas. Neither had ever encountered a like foe; and when the cavalryunexpectedly rode among the savages, the whooping and scampering ofthe one, and the flashing swords and curveting steeds of the otherparty, excited such a common terror that both fled with the utmostprecipitation. Irritated and empty-handed Howe marched back to town,with no one but his own officers to blame for his ill-success."[B]


  [B] Winthrop Sargent's "Life of John Andre."


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