The Boy Spies of Philadelphia

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The Boy Spies of Philadelphia Page 24

by Joanna H. Mathews

  The Boy Scout Series


  New stories of Camp Life, telling the wonderful and thrillingadventures of the Boys of the Silver Fox Patrol. HANDSOME CLOTHBINDINGS.


  THE BOY SCOUTS FIRST CAMP FIRE; or, Scouting with the Silver Fox Patrol.

  This book, every up-to-date Boy Scout will want to read. It isbrimming over with thrilling adventure, woods lore and the story of thewonderful experiences that befell the Cranford troop of Boy Scouts whenspending a part of their vacation in the wilderness. The story is cleanand wholesome in tone, yet with not a dull line from cover to cover.

  THE BOY SCOUTS IN THE BLUE RIDGE; or, Marooned Among the Moonshiners.

  Those lads who have read The Boy Scouts First Camp Fire and followedthe fortunes of Thad Brewster, the Young Patrol leader, will bedelighted to read this story. It tells of the strange and mysteriousadventures that happened to the Patrol in their trip through the"mountains of the sky" in the Moonshiners' Paradise of the old Tar HeelState, North Carolina. When you start to read you will not lay the bookdown until the last word has been reached.

  THE BOY SCOUTS ON THE TRAIL; or, Scouting through the Big Game Country.

  In this story the Boy Scouts once more find themselves in camp andfollowing the trail. The story recites the many adventures that befellthe members of the Silver Fox Patrol with wild animals of the foresttrails, as well as the desperate men who had sought a refuge in thislonely country, making most delightful reading for every lad who hasred blood in his veins. This is a story which every boy will be glad toread and recommend to his chums.

  THE BOY SCOUTS IN THE MAINE WOODS; or, The New Test for the Silver FoxPatrol.

  In the rough field of experience the tenderfoots and greenhorns of theSilver Fox Patrol are fast learning to take care of themselves whenabroad. Many of the secrets of the woods, usually known only to oldhunters and trappers, are laid bare to the eyes of the reader. Thadand his chums have a wonderful experience when they are employed bythe State of Maine to act as Fire Wardens, since every year terribleconflagrations sweep through the pine forests, doing great damage.

  THE BOY SCOUTS THROUGH THE BIG TIMBER; or, The Search for the LostTenderfoot.

  A serious calamity threatens the Silver Fox Patrol when on one of theirvacation trips to the wonderland of the great Northwest. How apparentdisaster is bravely met and overcome by Thad and his friends, forms themain theme of the story, which abounds in plenty of humor, rollickingsituations, hairbreadth escapes and thrilling adventures, such as allboys like to read about. If you ever dream of camping out in the woods,here you may learn how to do it.

  THE BOY SCOUTS IN THE ROCKIES; or, The Secret of The Hidden Silver Mine.

  By this time the boys of the Silver Fox Patrol have learned throughexperience how to rough it upon a long hike. Their last tour takesthem into the wildest region of the great Rocky Mountains, and herethey meet with many strange adventures that severely test their grit,as well as their ability to grapple with emergencies. This is oneof the most interesting of the stories in the Boy Scout Series,--theexperiences of Thad Brewster and his Cranford troop abounds in plentyof humor, and hairbreadth escapes.

  * * * * *

  For sale by all booksellers, or sent post-paid on receipt of price bythe publishers, A. L. BURT COMPANY, 52-58 Duane Street, New York.


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