SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3)

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SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3) Page 5

by Tracy Lorraine

  Grabbing my purse and boots, I start backing away from him. I can still feel the pressure of his hand around my neck as if it’s still there, and it irritates the hell out of me seeing as there are now feet between us.

  “Just because I’m walking away, that doesn’t mean this is over.”

  “Not by a long shot, sweet cheeks. Already looking forward to the next time.” He winks at me and I turn on my heel, not able to look at his pained face any longer.

  I get that he’s unhappy with how his life is right now, but seriously, I didn’t ask for this either. Okay, so I may have got the better end of this deal with the fact that I now live in a mansion overlooking the sea, but I didn’t want to be here anymore than he wants me to be. I had no intention of starting my life over once again.

  I walk past all the families playing and adults who’ve come to enjoy the warm sun, but unlike when I walked in the opposite direction I don’t really take any notice of them. My head’s spinning thanks to Ethan’s warning, and I quite honestly can’t get away from him fast enough. A little trepidation fills my veins, but I’m not scared of him—at least I don’t think I am. He’s a posh boy who’s always got everything he ever wanted, I’d imagine. What’s he really going to do to ruin me, as he keeps threatening?

  After climbing the steps back up onto the sidewalk, I find a row of shops. I come to a stop outside a diner called Aces when the smells from its kitchen hits me. I pull my boots back on and push the door open. After not really eating anything at breakfast, I’m suddenly starving.

  Trying to put my interaction with Ethan behind me, I walk inside, appreciating the decoration of the place.

  Looking around, I find the sign for the bathrooms and head that way. Before I do anything else I need a second to sort myself out.

  Locking myself inside one of the stalls, I lower the lid, place my ass down and drop my head into my hands. My breaths are unsteady as I replay what just happened with Ethan down on the beach. He’s angry, I get it. But I’m not the one he should be taking this out on. I’m as innocent as him.

  My stomach feels as if there’s a ball of lead sitting in it. How am I supposed to live with him if our encounters are going to continue like that—or worse. I’m supposed to be starting at his school on Monday. I can only imagine how that’s going to go. He’ll have had a two-day head start to ensure everyone hates me from the get-go. I shudder as I imagine everyone’s eyes turning to me. Being the subject of everyone’s attention as the new girl is easy, but being the new girl who ruined Ethan’s life, their beloved football player… yeah, that could be interesting.

  Once I feel able to face the world once again, I wash my hands before risking looking into the mirror. My face is even paler than usual and the black makeup around my eyes is all smeared from the tears that pooled in them. Quickly tidying myself up, I hold my head high and walk back out into the diner.

  No one even looks up at me as I pass. It’s a welcome relief.

  I ignore the table and booths and head straight toward the bar stools at the counter.

  “Good morning,” a slightly graying man says with a warm and friendly smile.

  “Morning. What’s good here?”

  “What isn’t?” he says with a laugh that is infectious enough to have the beginnings of a smile pulling at my lips.

  Reaching into my purse, I pull out my wallet. “What have you got for… five dollars?” I ask sadly, the reality of my situation hitting me full force. I’m in yet another place I never asked to be, I’m being forced to live with a guy who hates me, and I’m broke.

  “I’ll see what I can do for you, sweetheart. I’m Bill, by the way.” The friendly smile he gives me as he walks away doesn’t make me feel all that much better.

  I spin on my stool and take in my surroundings, from the black and white checkerboard floor to the red walls and chrome fittings. This place screams 1960s diner, and I kind of love it.

  I sit, staring out the windows at the sea beyond, lost in my own world when a voice behind me startles me.

  “Here you go.”

  Spinning back around, the last thing I expect to find is a huge plate with a giant burger and a massive stack of fries beside it and the biggest chocolate milkshake I think I’ve ever seen.

  “Uh… I can’t afford all this,” I argue, knowing that it must cost way more than I have.

  “It’s on the house, Raelynn.”

  My eyes narrow. “How do you know my name?”

  “I know everything in this town. And I know that things can’t be all that easy for you right now. Just wanted to put a smile on that sad face of yours.”

  “I… uh…” I stutter, not knowing what to say. No one’s ever this nice. “What do you want?” I snap, thinking that there must be a hidden agenda here.

  Bill raises his hands in surrender. “Absolutely nothing. Just being welcoming.”

  “Are… are you sure?” I’m still skeptical, but now that it’s in front of me, my mouth is watering for a bite.

  “Of course.”

  I pick up a fry and throw it into my mouth, still waiting for him to tell me what the catch is, but he never does. Instead, he disappears to grab some plates when the chef calls.

  That first fry turned into the whole pile, and before I know it, the plate in front of me is empty and I feel full and satisfied, and a little bit fat.

  “That was so good,” I all but groan when he comes back over to clear my plate. I still have the milkshake to start on, but I figure waiting a few minutes wouldn’t hurt.

  “So how have your first few hours in Rosewood been then?”

  I consider my answer for a few moments. “Interesting.”

  “That good?”? He laughs.

  “This is my tenth school in as many years. Moving and starting over is pretty much my life. I’m used to all this shit. Although…” I pause as I think about the guy in question. “With all the guys my mom’s picked out over the years, this is the first time I’ve had to worry about their child. Nothing like throwing me in at the deep end.”

  “Ethan giving you grief?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Give him some time. He was kinda blindsided by all this.”

  “How do you know so much?”

  “I’m the eyes and ears of this town. Nothing gets by me.”

  “Thanks for the heads up. Seeing as you know everything, do you know anywhere that’s hiring? I need a job, and I need one soon.”

  “Sure do, kid. How about you start on Monday?”

  “Huh?” I ask, crease lines forming in my brow as I stare at his amused face.

  “You want a job? I need a waitress. My last one quit only yesterday. It’s yours if you want it.”

  “You have no idea if I can bus tables or not.”

  “You seem like a pretty switched on kid. I’ll take my chances. What do you say?”

  “I say that would be amazing, but I insist you take this out of my first pay check.” I push the plate toward him and pull the milkshake closer.

  “I’ll see what I can do. Head over after school Monday and I’ll get you up to speed in no time.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” A little bit of happiness manages to poke its way into my otherwise miserable existence right now. At least if I have a job, I’ll be able to afford to get away from Ethan when he runs me out of town. I shake my head at my thoughts. That asshole isn’t going to see the back of me that easily. After the life I’ve lived, he’s barely even a pussycat compared to the lions I’ve dealt with in the past.

  He wants to fight? Bring it on, baby. Bring. It. On.



  After securing myself a job and walking along the rest of the promenade, I make my way home. Home. I’m not sure this place will ever truly feel like that to me. I know I’ve only been here a matter of hours, but I feel more like an outsider here than I have in any other place we’ve lived. I know that’s Ethan’s fault, and I hate that he has the power to make me feel that way

  Vowing to stand up to him and not allow him to ruin this new start, I begin making my way back to the mansion.

  It takes longer than I expect to navigate my way back, but eventually I turn up the street I vaguely recognize as the one I left this morning.

  When I get to the top of the hill, the Savage house comes into view and I breathe a sigh of relief. Although it’s probably not hot to the locals, I’m melting in this late autumn heat.

  The driveway is empty, hinting to the fact I have the house to myself. It’s not until I have it confirmed that Ethan’s not here that I truly relax. The last thing I need right now is to go up against him again so soon.

  I briefly wonder what happened to him but soon chastise myself for even thinking about him. He could have been washed out to sea by the rising tide for all I care.

  The house is blissfully silent. Even Rachel seems to have vanished. II have no idea if she lives here or just turns up from time to time or what. After pressing what feels like every single button on the coffee machine, I eventually manage to make myself a huge cup and take it up to my room.

  The sun is still on my balcony, so I curl my feet up beneath me on the love seat and stare out into the distance.

  My coffee’s long gone when I glance down at the glistening pool water beneath me. The temptation to dip my body in that sun-warmed water eventually gets too much as I find myself depositing my dirty mug in the kitchen and heading out.

  I don’t have a suit, but seeing as I’ve got the house to myself, I pull my shirt over my head and drop my pants. I glance around, ensuring that I don’t have an audience while I’m standing here in my underwear before diving in.

  I sigh the second the water hits my skin. It’s warm and relaxing, everything I hoped it would be.

  I can’t remember the last time I went swimming, but I soon find my rhythm as I paddle back and forth, my muscles starting to pull and ache and reminding me that I’m stronger than I think and that I can go up against Ethan asshole Savage.

  I have no idea how many lengths I do or how long I’m in the water. All I do know is that my body aches to the point I’m unsure if I’ll be able to walk back up to my room and my skin is all wrinkled.

  With the sun starting to descend in the sky, I decide it’s time to get out before anyone stumbles across me swimming in my underwear, and I slowly climb from the water. The sun kisses my wet skin as I emerge, and it feels incredible. Scooping up my dry clothes and boots, I hold them in front of me, trying not to get them wet, and I run back into the house. I’m just about to step through the door when some movement to my right catches my eye. I stop and stare, expecting someone to be standing there, but there’s only a small tree blowing in the light wind. Assuming it must have been that, I head up to my room to shower.

  Thankfully, the house is still as silent as it was when I first arrived back, and not wanting to have to deal with anyone, mostly Ethan, I spend the rest of the night locked in my room once I’ve grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator.

  Like I do most nights, I toss and turn listening to the sounds of the house around me. What I don’t hear at any point is Ethan coming home. My mom and Eric do. She pokes her head in my room to make sure I’m okay but soon disappears to spend time with him after announcing that they’re going out of town tomorrow.

  That means I’m going to be alone in this house with him. Fan-fucking-tastic. I can’t wait. That’s probably the reason sleep eludes me most of the night.

  I must drift off at some point because I wake with the sun streaming in and the curtains blowing in the light wind.

  After visiting my en suite, I grab a bottle of water I didn’t drink last night and take it out onto the balcony with me. It’s not the coffee I crave, but I need to wake up a little before potentially having to deal with Ethan.

  I look out at the view I’m already becoming used to and sit on the edge of the love seat. A splash below catches my attention and I lean over so I can see the pool beneath.

  The second I see his muscular body cutting through the water, I freeze. He’s got a huge tattoo covering almost his entire back. I squint as he moves, trying to make out the details, but he’s going too fast so instead I focus on how his muscles ripple as he does length after length like a fucking pro. I’m fascinated watching him. I forget all about the person inside the body and lose myself in his repetitive movement as he continues.

  I don’t realize I’ve moved and am standing at the railing to get a better look until he comes to a stop at the edge. He must sense my attention because no sooner has he found his feet is he looking up at me. His hand lifts to push his hair back from his face and I freeze, my breath getting stuck in my throat as our eyes connect. I want to back away, pretend this never happened but I’m fucking frozen under his stare.

  Still holding me captive, he puts his hands on the edge and pulls himself from the pool, revealing his toned and muscular body.

  A bolt of lust hits my lower stomach. I can’t help it. He’s fucking gorgeous. His thick chestnut hair is soaked, and water droplets cover his tanned skin and run down to soak into the waistband of his navy swim shorts, which I now see are clinging to his body and showing me everything he has to offer beneath. Maybe his arrogance is warranted if he’s packing in the downstairs department like he appears to be.

  When I raise my eyes to his again, he’s got a shit-eating grin on his smug as fuck face.

  Okay, he’s got me. He’s hot. But the arrogance is such a huge fucking turn off.

  He winks before blowing me a kiss. I just about come to my senses in time to flip him off before he disappears from my view.

  I fall down onto the seat, my heart pounding and my panties damper than I’d ever want to admit from his little show. I need to remember that he’s a massive asshole and not to get blindsided by his body.

  I’m still trying to rid the images of him from my mind when my cell pings somewhere in my bedroom. Knowing it can only be Mom, seeing as no one else has my number, I go in search of it.

  When I find it at the bottom of my purse surrounded by a few stray coins, hair ties, and a tissue, I pull it out and look at the screen.

  Unknown number. I almost throw it back where I found it, thinking it’ll be some kind of sales thing, but curiosity gets the better of me and I open it.

  You can come and watch me in the shower if that’s your thing.

  My fingers tighten around my cell to the point of pain. How the fuck did he get my number? And why the fuck does he think I want to watch him shower? My mind runs away with me and I picture his ripped body with water and bubbles making their way south, only this time, there are no shorts.

  Damn him.

  Fuck. You.

  The little blue dots start bouncing immediately.

  Not a chance, sweet cheeks. Not. A. Chance.

  I growl, throwing my cell onto my bed. I shouldn’t have responded, but it’s too late now and he’s found another way to torture me from afar.

  He leaves his bedroom not long later, then the house. Eventually, my need for caffeine eventually gets the better of me and I’m forced out of hiding.

  I find suitcases lining the hallway when I get down the stairs and I’m reminded that I’m being left here for Christ knows how long.

  “Morning, honey,” Mom sings when she sees me. “Coffee? Rachel’s making pancakes. They are to die for.”

  “Sounds good.” I look toward the stove when I enter the room and smile at Rachel who’s standing there with an apron around her waist and spatula in hand. I’m not sure how I feel about being served food in my own home, or Eric’s home at least, but Mom sure doesn’t seem to have an issue with it as she sits there and stuffs a chunk of maple syrup-covered pancake in her mouth.

  “When are you leaving?” I ask, dropping down at the table opposite her.

  “In about an hour. Eric’s just popped to his office to take a call.”

  “And how long are you going for?”

��m not sure. Eric’s got business in a couple of different states, so we thought we’d make a bit of a vacation out of it seeing as I’ve got no work ties now.”

  “That’s nice,” I lie. Unfortunately, she sees straight through it.

  “You’ll be okay here, won’t you? Eric’s already spoken to Ethan about taking you to school on Monday and getting you settled. I’m sure he’ll be around should you have any issues.”

  “Everything will be fine, Mom.”

  “I hear he’s planning a party for tomorrow night. It’ll give you a chance to meet some of his friends. That should make Monday easier, seeing some familiar faces.”

  “It’ll be fine, really.” I refrain from pointing out that starting a new school is almost as regular an occurrence as my morning coffee. Although, I must admit that the prospect of a house party fills me with dread. I can’t imagine he’ll want me attending.

  “I’ve got something for you,” she says, reaching for her purse that’s sitting on the chair next to her. She rummages around before pulling something out for me and passing it over.

  “What’s this?”

  “A bank card, silly.” She shakes her head like I’m an idiot.

  “I know what it is, I’m asking why you’re giving it to me. I’ve already got a bank account.”

  “I know, but Eric wanted you to have this. It’s to look after yourself while we’re away.”

  “Mom, I don’t want his money.” I hold the card out for her to take back, but she just wraps her hand around mine and refuses.

  “It’s yours. The money in it is yours. Enjoy it, honey. Go and blow some of it on something you’ve always wanted.”

  I nod, but I already know that won’t be happening.

  Mom chats away while we both eat one too many of Rachel’s pancakes, but before too long, Eric pokes his head into the room to say that they need to leave.

  Mom’s practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with the excitement of being able to go traveling with him. A small part of me is happy for her that she’s no longer having to work a minimum of two jobs at a time to keep a roof over our heads. I can’t help wondering what the cost of it all is though. While she thinks she’s got everything she ever wanted, I’m already drowning in her decision and it’s only been two days.


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