Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 46

by Stasia Black

  Dominick’s mouth drops open and he looks just as shocked. And so turned on, I can’t even.

  “Beautiful, I’m gonna blow in my pants, you’re so fucking perfect. Christ— Christ—” He stares down at my backside looking absolutely mesmerized, no doubt watching the spot where his fingers disappear into my ass, slowly twisting back and forth and around. Exploring and stretching and—

  “I’ve gotta taste you while I’m in your ass like this,” he says suddenly. Then, not removing his fingers, he drops to his knees and swivels so that he’s underneath the sink, facing my sex. His forearm is still raised, fingers buried two knuckles deep in my ass.

  He lifts up on his knees slightly and then his mouth latches onto my clit.

  I was riding a pleasant buzz after my last orgasm while I focused on the sensations of what his fingers were doing to my body, but all the sensations combined together.

  So much.

  Too much almost.

  Oh God, I’m almost immediately at the edge again, except that this time, it’s so much higher. I don’t know why second orgasms tend to be more explosive than the first, but they are for me. Even more so this time because of the next feelings Dominick has been introducing me to, both physically and emotionally…

  The fullness in the back, plus stimulation at the front— Oh my God, I can’t—

  I clench and clench and bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming as the second orgasm rips through me.

  Dominick keeps suckling at me and pumping his fingers in and out of my ass through it all. He only stops minutes later when the aftershocks spasming through my legs threaten to make me fall over.

  “Can’t stand up much longer,” I pant. “Too much.”

  Those too words encapsulate all of it. But God, I still want more. So I tell Dom. “More.” My pussy is still aching.

  “I need more,” I whine, pressing up against Dominick’s body when he stands back up and pulls his fingers from my backside. “Another,” I say greedily, kissing him hard. “I want another. I need another.” I lift a leg around his hips and grind my pussy against his cock.



  God I love the way those words sound.

  “I want you inside me,” I growl against his lips.

  He nips at my lower lip and groans. “You don’t know how much I want that. Christ, and how quickly you come, it’s so fucking insane. You’re so fucking beautiful.” He kisses me hard. “But you’re too sore. You need rest down there.”

  “But you!” I reach down and grab his cock through his scrubs. Ugh, why is he still wearing those. I want to see that gorgeous, beautiful cock of his. I want it now. I shove the waistband of his scrubs down, freeing his glorious dick. It’s raging and hard and I want it.

  I start to drop down to my knees, licking my lips, but Dominick stops me with a firm shake of his head.

  “Not today, beautiful. Today is all about you.”

  “But—” I protest.

  “Don’t forget,” he says, pulling the vibrator back out of his pocket. He’s turned it off, but just the sight of the toy makes my breath short. “Your training for the day isn’t done yet.”

  I can’t help licking my lips again. Dominick, who’s watching my lips, grins.

  “Up on the counter.” He gestures me to hike myself up on the elevated sink, then lifts me himself when I apparently don’t move fast enough for his liking. He hikes my ankles up in the air, relubricates the dildo, and has it nudging at my asshole in moments.

  A shudder racks my body at feeling the cold plastic. I look down, and from this angle, I can watch it disappear in my forbidden little hole.

  I swallow hard and relax like Dominick instructs. He’s right. Because of the stretching he’s done, it slides in without any problem at all.

  Dominick quickly washes his hands.

  And then he turns the dildo on to vibrate again.

  Which brings on a whole new slew of sensations. It’s far longer than his fingers and he’s not hesitant about pushing it in deep. Then deeper. Then deeper still.

  Soon I can feel it rumbling so deep inside me. Oh God, I’m so full.

  Dominick moves the wand all around and it vibrates up and through my sex. Which is when he naturally begins to play with my pussy again. He leisurely circles my clit, then dips down through my lips, plunges one finger into my channel, then two. Then he starts toying with my clit.

  Basically he’s freaking torturing me.

  Until I grab his arms and jerk him against me, kissing him until both of us are out of breath. With him so close, his cock is caught between our stomachs. Even the feel of it makes my pussy tighten on the fingers he has inside me.

  “I want you to come,” I say, biting his lower lip. “Come all over me.”

  He growls and moves back only far enough to grab his shaft. He jerks himself so roughly and I’m fascinated by the sight.

  I can’t take my eyes off of his hand on his cock. The fluid, masculine movement of him pleasuring himself. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  He’s still plunging the dildo in and out of my ass with his other hand. But it’s watching him masturbate that has me on the edge again.

  “Touch yourself,” he orders. “And come when I tell you to. Not a fucking moment before, do you hear me?”

  I nod, breathing so hard my chest pumps up and down. I drop a hand down my body. Another forbidden thing. I can’t believe I’m about to—

  But watching Dominick, the only thing I can think is God, I need friction.

  It’s so insanely hot seeing him like this. The needy strain on his face. The way he grips himself so ruthlessly, dragging the skin up and down, twisting hard around the bulbous head and then just jerking back down. Then the way his eyes go slowly unfocused and his mouth is lax with pleasure.

  “I said fucking touch yourself,” he commands. “One hand on your clit, the other buried in your cunt. I want you filthy with your own juices.”

  I pant as I obey, rushing to circle my clit. I’m so swollen and sensitive down there from coming twice already, my sex jerks as soon as I make contact. I lean back against the mirror and then stick first one finger inside myself and then two. Oh God, I’ve never done that before. Never actually put my fingers inside myself. Ever. I’ve only touched my clit, and that only tentatively. Always with so much guilt.

  My insides feel strange. Hot and soft and stretchy.

  Dominick’s merciless with the dildo now. He saws it in and out of my ass, but it feels good, so good.

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” he says through clenched teeth, his face screwing up with strain and pleasure. “I’ve never seen anything so goddamned beautiful. Fucking come with me. Now.”

  And I do. I come and I come and I come.

  Dominick jerks himself and ropes of cum spray on my stomach and I come so hard I feel like I might black out and my head split in two.

  When I can feel my limbs and see again, Dominick is clutching me to him, kissing my face, and he’s whispering over and over, “I love you. I love you, Sarah. Christ, I love you so much.”

  My heart sings even as a loud knock starts up at the door.

  I ignore it and grab Dominick’s face. “I love you too. Forever.” I kiss him hard.

  I feel so light, so happy. Maybe it’s because we have to scurry to clean up and get our clothes on that Dominick’s face becomes shadowed.

  Or I’m just imagining it because five minutes later, we’re both laughing after the librarian glowered at us, saying there was a noise complaint and asking for our student IDs.

  Dominick covered for me saying we’d forgotten them in the dorm and then told me to run for it. He grabbed my hand and we rushed for the stairs.

  Yes, as we walk hand in hand toward Dominick’s car and I’m more happy and fulfilled than I’ve ever felt in my life, I’m sure any darkness I glimpsed in Dom’s face was just in my imagination.

  Chapter 10

  That weeken
d, both Dad and Dominick aren’t around at all. After spending Saturday driven crazy by the empty house and a sense of anticipation I can’t even fully explain, when I see a note from Dominick saying he’s sorry he missed me and that he’s working another double, I spend Sunday in the college library working on a big paper that’s due Tuesday.

  Yes, if Dominick had been around this weekend, I would have totally blown it off, but the semester’s almost over and I’ve been so scatterbrained for months, it’s good to focus on school for a little while. Burying myself in research about Piaget’s stages of cognitive development is almost enough to keep my mind off everything at home.

  We’ve managed family dinners twice since Dominick’s and my interlude in the library bathroom and everything has been, well…wonderful.

  Dad smiles at the secret looks Dominick and I shoot each other. Both of them squeeze my butt playfully when I pass on the way to set the table or while we’re doing the dishes or heading to the den to watch after dinner TV. But that’s as far as it’s gone. Everything’s settled back into our normal routine—with just an edge of playfulness to it.

  Dad helped me with my Statistics homework on Thursday and afterward stopped me with a hand on my arm. “I know the adjustment of Dominick and I coming to live with you must have taken some getting used to.” His voice softened. “Especially as we get even closer as a family and our relationships become complex.” He reached out and took my hand, his thumb my caressing my inner wrist.

  “But I want you to know that getting to know you has been one of the best things that’s ever happened to us. It’s brought Dominick and I closer than ever before as well. You’re such a special young woman.” With that he gave my hand one last squeeze, leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then he got up and left the kitchen.

  I stayed there at the table, feeling warm all the way through. Then it was followed by anxiety as I looked after him. What did all that mean? Would he want to come to my room tonight? Was I ready for that? But no, Dominick said it was only something they’d do together from now on. That calmed me down.

  And true to what Dominick had said, Dad didn’t come that night. Was it just because Dominick wasn’t home? And did that mean that the first night both of them were there, they’d want to…? After all, Dominick had the vibrator because he said he wanted to train and prepare me for…

  But both of them haven’t been home at the same time. Dominick’s still working crazy hours. Even Dad’s been gone more than usual as the hospital scrambles to get in as many donor dollars as possible by the board’s deadline if the new oncology wing of the hospital is to be a go. I know he’s stressed out by it all even though he tries to leave work behind at work.

  I try hard not to let any of my own stress show. Yes, I have classes, but it’s also the lingering uncertainty about things here at home.

  I’d hate for either Dad or Dominick to guess that they’re the cause of any anxiety. And the further I get from that initial sexual experience, the more convinced I am that I was just immature in my response to it all. Of course sex hurt the first time—I was a virgin for God’s sake. My hymen had to break. Um hello? Facts of biology much?

  Plus, even though I haven’t seen as much as I’d like of Dominick—well, to be honest, I’ve barely seen him at all—he’s been leaving little treats for me in my bureau where I keep my hair and makeup things.

  God, I blush even thinking about it. The first time I opened the drawer to pull out my brush and saw what he’d left me, I yelped and almost slammed it shut again. Like I was embarrassed someone else might see or something. Ridiculous, since obviously there was no one else there. I was still absurdly embarrassed about reopening the drawer and reading the note in Dominick’s messy doctor’s handwriting.

  Wear this whenever you can over the next couple days. Leave it in while you go to school and think of me. Prepare yourself for me, beautiful.

  Beside the note was a small anal plug and a small tube of lubricant.

  Every few days, he’d leave a larger plug and a new note.

  You can’t imagine what it does to me, imagining you walking around with my present inside you. I’m so hard all the time I can barely concentrate. Soon, beautiful, you’ll be mine in every way.

  And after another few days, after the long weekend spent tucked away at the library on my paper, I finally see him. It’s Tuesday morning. I stayed up most of last night finishing the paper and barely had time to shower, then dash downstairs and grab a croissant before running out the door. He’s just coming in, looking exhausted after a night shift.

  “Beautiful,” he says in happy surprise when he opens the door to find me on the other side, just slinging my backpack and purse over my shoulder.

  “Dominick!” I immediately drop my backpack and fling my arms around him. “I’ve missed you so much.” I kiss him and he pulls me up and into his body, kissing me back just as ferociously.

  “Don’t forget to breathe, you two,” Dad says, walking over to the both of us.

  Dad turns me to him and kisses me on the lips as well. Dominick’s lips were warm and tasted like chocolate. Which makes me smile because I know it’s one of his tricks when he’s tired at work—he sneaks little dark chocolates to help himself stay awake.

  Dad’s lips are cool and minty. He’s probably just drank some of the bracingly cold filtered water from the fridge. And brushed his teeth.

  As soon as Dad pulls back, my eyes shoot over to Dominick. Will he be mad that Dad kissed me?

  No, he’s still just smiling at me like he’s never been happier to see anyone in his life. Relief sweeps over me.

  I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss Dom again.

  Mmm. Chocolate. His tongue tangles with mine, and then there’s a warm body at my back and hands cupping my ass.

  Dad squeezes and kneads my backside through my jeans, then grinds himself into me, pressing me into Dominick.

  “Sweet, sweet girl,” Dad whispers. “Look at you so hot for your big brother.” His breath is warm on the back of my neck since my hair is up in a ponytail.

  “But you can’t be late to school,” he continues and pulls away, but not without a solid wallop to my backside.

  I yelp but then giggle.

  Dominick withdraws from my mouth, though not without holding me for another long second before releasing me.

  “You need a ride to school?” he asks, searching my eyes.

  I smile at his sweetness. He’s just come off a God-knows-how-long shift and he’s offering to drive me to school?

  “I’m fine. Get some sleep.”

  “I’ll take her,” Dad says. “She’s on my way.”

  “I can just take the bus like I usually do,” I start to protest, but both men are already shaking their head.

  “It looks like rain,” Dominick says, then he looks over to Dad. “You got her?”

  Dad rubs my shoulder and drops another kiss there. “Always.”

  A look I can decipher passes between the two men, then Dad picks up my backpack from the ground. “Let’s get going, sweet girl. Don’t want to be late.”

  I reach out and squeeze Dom’s hand, then I’m out the door with Dad.

  Dominick was right, it does start to rain on the way to my school and I’m glad not to be out in it. It only takes about twenty minutes to get there and for a while Dad and I just listen to NPR morning news.

  When we’re about five minutes away, Dad turns off the radio. I look over at him in surprise.

  He watches the road, the windshield wipers flipping furiously to clear the rain from the window.

  “I’m really looking forward to the Father-Daughter Dance on Thursday.”

  “Me too.” I smile over at him and his eyes flick off the road for a second toward me.

  “Do you have a dress ready?”

  I nod, then realize his eyes are back on the road. “Yep. Grandpa gave me a wardrobe allowance just for this sort of thing. I got a really nice one this weekend.”

  “What colo
r is it?” Dad’s question comes out sharp and for some reason, I feel like this is some sort of test.

  “Mauve,” I say, not knowing what the right answer is. I clarify more, “Sort of a soft pink.”

  Dad relaxes and smiles. “Good.” He takes another quick glance at me. “Just needed to know what color corsage I should get.”

  “Oh,” I respond, still a little confused.

  Then he reaches a hand out and puts it on my knee. “I’m so proud of you that you know how to dress like a young lady. Not be like so many other girls your age and dress like a slut.”

  He pulls to the side of the road in front of my English building and leans over. “Except when you’re being Daddy’s little slut, of course.” He nips my earlobe with his teeth and I can’t help the intake of breath his words evoke.

  I blink when he pulls back.

  He makes everything sound so dirty.

  But I’m squirming in my jeans at the same time.

  Dad’s certainly a lot more crass than Dominick. But I think that’s just his way. He likes to get this response out of me.

  The fact that I currently have the third size up anal plug in my backside right now isn’t helping matters. The truth is, both of them are dirty as hell, and they’re both drawing me into their games in their own way.

  Dad’s hand on my knee moves so that he’s rubbing up and down my thigh, creeping further and further inward. “Have a wonderful day, sweet girl,” he says in a low voice, those green eyes of his burning with intensity. Like he’s daring me to stay in the car with him.

  “Okay, bye!” I say and then jerk the car door open. I sprint through the rain the short distance to the building and use my body to push open the door.

  By the time I look back through the glass door, breathing so hard I’m panting like I’ve just run a mile, Dad’s car is gone.

  Chapter 11

  Thursday comes around far too quickly. I feel like the Father-Daughter Dance carries a symbolic significance. Like Dad and I going out into the world officially as father and daughter makes it, I don’t know, more real.


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