Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs to Pleasure: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 48

by Stasia Black

  “I thought our feelings for each other went deeper than they obviously did. I guess I thought both of us doing her like that would be fucking her over somehow.” He shakes his head. “Turned out she was really into it. We kept it up all three of us for a little while but it fizzled. Dad got a new girlfriend and I guess I was still upset about the tutor, so I…” he trails off and his dark eyes come back up to me. “I’m not proud of this part.” He pauses like he doesn’t want to go on.

  Hesitantly, I take a step forward. “Tell me. I want to know.” I swallow. “All of it.”

  He looks down. “Well, I knew he had this new girlfriend, so I seduced her.” He glances up, eyes wary and obviously bracing for my reaction. “To get back at him. I told you I was really competitive with him for a while. So that’s what we did. We’d sort of compete with women, sleeping with women together but secretly each trying to one-up the other.”

  I stumble back again. “Is that what you’re trying to do with me?” I think of how each of them have come to me separately, with their different seductive styles, and my stomach starts to churn.

  “God, no!” Dominick says, finally moving away from the door and coming toward me.

  I hold up a hand to keep him back, though. He seems so sincere, but can I really trust him after all he’s just admitted to me?

  “Tell me about Janine.”

  He swallows hard but doesn’t look away. I can already tell I’m not going to like what I’m about to hear.

  “I was getting older, I’d started my residency at the hospital and Dad and I were trying to bury the hatchet. Change things between us. I wanted to just start dating women on my own, but Dad convinced me to keep doing what we were doing, but go about in a different way. We decided we’d go into a relationship with everyone knowing ahead of time what they were getting into. Dad obviously has certain kinks he likes to play out.” He looks at me knowingly and I nod, getting what he means. The whole Daddy thing. “So we went looking for a woman who liked to play the same way. We found Janine at a BDSM club Dad had heard about.”

  My eyes obviously must’ve widened at the acronym because Dominick raises both his hands. “Neither of us are into the rest of that stuff, but it’s not exactly like you can put out an ad on Craiglist and say, looking for a girl who likes you to spank her and call you Daddy.” He winces. “Well, I’m sure you could, but,” he cringes. “…enough said.”

  “Anyway, we thought we might find someone with similar, you know, appetites. But it was just a disaster. Janine was fun at first, but she was really needy. It was clear almost from the start. And soon it was bordering on stalking.”


  “Yeah.” He nods. “She’d show up at our jobs, dressed up in these bizarre little girl outfits, crying and making scenes when Dad or I wouldn’t see her. We had to get restraining orders. It turns out she’s bipolar and has a coke habit on top of it. We paid for her to go to rehab once, but we’d only dated her for a month,” he lifts his hands, “and there was only so much we felt we could do for her that wasn’t just encouraging her obsession. We talked to the club where we met her and one of her old Doms said he’d talk to her family and see if they could help. The last time we’d heard from her was when we had to call the police on her a month before Dad married your mom.”

  Which he’d done because he needed Grandpa’s influence and connections. I saw plenty of Grandpa’s friends around the ballroom tonight. Donors for the new wing when Dad had needed the last influx of new money to shore up the project. Because of Grandpa, I guessed, it was made possible. His old money friends had deep pockets.

  “And then you met me?” I question, putting the last piece of the puzzle in place.

  Dominick nods. “And you were like no one and nothing I’d ever seen before.”

  I stand there, processing everything he’s said.

  “Please, can I hold you now?” He steps forward before stopping again, eyebrows scrunched together as if pained. “You’re killing me here.”

  God, does he think he’s the only one? Doubting him, wondering if everything I thought I knew was a lie? I’ve been dying inside ever since that woman put her hands on me in the ballroom.

  But if everything Dominick’s said is true, then it’s just that—the past. It’s naïve to imagine that they would come to me with a completely blank slate. Dominick is twenty-four. And Dad obviously twenty years older than that. They didn’t know me. It’s not fair to judge them on the things they did then.

  “We never imagined we’d ever find someone as perfect as you,” Dominick whispers, taking another step forward. “You have no idea. I’d given up even hoping for it. But then I met you. And like I said, that first night at the wedding, your beauty, your innocence, God, you just stood out like this bright beacon apart from everyone else at that party.”

  I swallow hard as he finally crosses the last bit of space between us. He doesn’t crowd me or try to kiss me. He just reaches down and takes both of my hands. His touch is tentative.

  I crack the second I feel his warm skin touch mine. I fling myself into his arms.

  “Oh God, Dom,” I breathe out, squeezing his waist. “I was so scared it was all a lie.”

  His arms come around me and hold me to him just as fiercely. “Never. Christ, Sarah. Never doubt what I feel for you. I love you. I swear I’ve never said those words to another woman and I never will. You’re my first and my last.”

  I shake my head against his chest. “It just all seems too good to be true.”

  He clutches me tighter.

  His chest buzzes against my cheek. He must have his cell in his coat pocket. He ignores it but it keeps buzzing away, the person obviously calling back a second time.

  “Do you need to get that?” I finally ask.

  He sighs. “I’m sure it’s just Dad wondering where we are.”

  “Oh,” I pull back. “You should let him know.”

  Dominick looks down at me and I can’t quite read the expression on his face. “Is that what you want?”

  I nod, not sure what he expects my answer to be. “Well… yeah? I want him to know I’m okay. After what happened.”

  Dominick takes the phone out of his pocket but still his finger pauses before pushing the button to call back. The phone starts to vibrate again. He puts a hand underneath my chin, making sure I’m looking him straight in the eye. “If I answer this, Dad will have certain expectations about tonight and what happens next. Are you ready for that?”

  He holds up the buzzing phone. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I can turn off my phone and I can take you anywhere you want to go if you feel like today has been too much already. We could go catch a movie or grab a hotdog from a street vendor and walk the streets for hours.” His eyes search mine back and forth, his face dead earnest. “Whatever you want. It’s always your decision. Your call.”

  I can tell he means it, absolutely. And his words, combined with knowing that he’ll be by my side every step of the way, gives me the courage to take the phone from him, touch the answer button, and answer, “Daddy? Come and get us.”

  Chapter 12

  Dad takes over the scene immediately as we get in the hotel room upstairs.

  “Dominick, take your sister’s dress off. Then baby,” he addresses me, eyes dark as he snaps his fingers, pointing at the floor, “on your hands and knees.”

  My stomach does a flip-flop of anxiety at the command in Dad’s voice, but I can’t deny the corresponding trickle of wetness in my sex.

  Dominick obeys, unzipping my dress and helping me step out of it. Again I relied on the dress’s built in bra, so I’m bare up top, with just a scrap of lacy white underwear on. Dominick helps me as I get down to my knees. My legs are so wobbly, I’m grateful for his strong hand holding mine. My eyes ping back and forth between Dominick’s confident, caring smile and Dad’s dark, brooding features.

  Dad’s jaw ticks as he pulls his bowtie off and he throws it to the floor. He�
�s had the same look of strain on his features ever since he came and found us outside the lobby men’s room.

  “You were a very naughty girl, running away like that without letting us explain,” Dad says, his eyes darkening even further. He takes off his suitcoat and undoes the buttons of his dress shirt, looking colder and more furious every second.

  Alarmed, I look back at Dominick. He’s watching Dad, but he reaches down and gives my shoulder a squeeze. My breath evens out at his calm look. While last time we were all together like this, he seemed to take a subordinate role to Dad, this time, he’s standing right beside me. He too starts to undress, but at a leisurely pace.

  “She was a naughty girl,” Dominick agrees. “I think we’ll enjoy giving our little girl her punishment, don’t you think?”

  My eyes shoot up to Dom, but he just shoots me a wink. He’s got his shirt off now and damn, he looks so mouth-watering standing over me in just his dress-trousers, his gloriously broad chest on display, unruly hair swept to the side. He’s more built even than Dad, his arm muscles bulging. He’s toed off his shoes and pulled off his socks, and I swear, even his feet are manly. Him standing over me, so godlike and glorious is such a turn on. As if he can read my thoughts, he grins deviously.

  “Look at our sweet little girl’s tight ass, just waiting for us,” Dominick says. He reaches down and grabs my ass cheeks roughly, massaging and separating them.

  It’s then that he pauses and looks at me in surprise.

  I guess he didn’t expect me to have the plug in tonight.

  A brief look of alarm crosses his face but then he smiles in a way that seems a little fake as he looks up at Dad. “Little sister is ready for us. I’ve been preparing her.”

  “What do you mean?” Dad’s voice, already on edge, gets slightly darker.

  “I wanted tonight to be perfect for her,” Dominick says, all confidence. Then he grabs my underwear at the back, right above my ass and rips them down the middle. The next second, he’s tugging the butt plug out and tossing it to the side.

  “God you don’t know how I’ve dreamed about this, beautiful.” He crouches down and oh—

  His tongue is—


  He’s licking at my back entrance around and around. I’m already sensitive from the plug being in there all day and—

  “What the hell are you doing?” Dad’s angry voice jolts me out of the pleasure induced haze I started drifting into.

  Especially when he shoves Dominick away from me, knocking him to the ground. The floor is carpeted, but still, Dom barely catches himself from landing face first.

  And Dad’s not nearly done.

  He grabs my arm and drags me up off the floor, yanking me behind him. “You’ve been corrupting your sister? Turning my sweet girl into a whore?” Dad’s face is red as he starts to unbuckle the shiny black belt from around his waist. I thought it was a strange addition to his tux, but I should have known he wore it for just this purpose. I shrink back at the fury on his face as he advances on Dominick.

  “Assume the position,” Dad orders.

  But Dominick jumps to his feet, fists clenched. “No.”

  Dad looks shocked for a moment and then his face gets even redder. “What did you say to me?”

  Dominick’s jaw locks. “I said no. We do this together as equals or not at all. Sarah is still as sweet and pure as ever.” He sidesteps Dad and walks over to me. “She’s precious and beautiful and perfect just as she is. Nothing could change that.”

  Dominick puts his hand around my waist and I swallow hard, both at his words and at the horrible tension in the room.

  The way he’s standing up to Dad. For both himself and for me— God, I want to both cry and hug him and—

  Then Dominick’s hand around my waist drops down and smacks my ass.

  Not hard—but still!

  I look up at him, open mouthed.

  He’s grinning down at me. “Now, I’m still all for punishing the little brat,” he says. “But only when it’s accompanied by pleasure.” His other hand drops down the front of my body and starts to play with my clit.

  Then he looks back at Dad, eyes only going slightly hard. “I’m gonna take baby sister’s tight ass tonight. I think it would make her feel amazing to have another cock filling up her sweet little cunt at the same time.”

  He smacks my ass again with another loud crack. I yelp even though it barely hurt. When I glance up at Dad, his teeth are gritted together. But he also seems confused, like he’s not sure what to think about this turn of events.

  Dominick doesn’t wait for him to figure it out. He just leads me over to the bed and bends me over it, ass out.

  “Are you going to give her the rest of her punishment, or should I?” Dominick asks. I turn my face to the side on the mattress and look back at Dad.

  Dad glares at Dominick for a second. “Don’t think I’m going to forget this.”

  I twist to look over my shoulder at where Dominick stands behind me, but he doesn’t look intimidated or worried in the least. “In or out, old man?”

  Dad immediately springs into action at that. He doesn’t charge Dominick again, though. Nope, he comes straight for me.

  I’m expecting it, but I still cry out when his palm lands hard on the round of my ass. “Daddy’s going to fuck you so hard tonight,” he growls, almost immediately landing another blow. “The two of you conspiring behind my back.” And then another, right below where he spanked me the first time. “A man does all he can for his children and this is how he’s repaid?”

  After spanking me several more times he flips me over like I’m nothing more than a rag doll.

  And it probably means I’m more than screwed up, but being handled so roughly… God it’s turning me on.

  Dominick joins us on the bed as Dad crawls up and over me. I know nothing will get out of hand with him here. And the charged electricity between all of us makes the pulse between my legs more intense than I’ve ever felt it before.

  “You’re gonna swallow Daddy’s cock like a good little girl now,” Dad says, grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap where he proceeds to shove his giant dick in my mouth. I’m not quite ready and I cough and sputter around it.

  “Aw fuck, that’s right, little girl. Fucking choke on it.” He shoves himself in and out of my mouth and against the inside of my cheek. When he misses my mouth, he slaps the fat head of his cock against my cheek.

  “Suck it. Suck it.” Then he grabs the hair at the back of my head and shoves me back on his cock.

  At the same time, Dominick has dropped low and pried my legs apart. With his tongue and fingers, he toys with my pussy.

  I groan around Daddy’s dick and struggle to lick and suck on him while he shoves himself roughly in and out of my mouth.

  Dominick latches on my clitoris right as Daddy shoves himself so deep he starts to go down my throat.

  I struggle and gag around him but he grabs the back of my head and forces himself in a little deeper. Dominick sucks even harder and— can’t breathe—

  Panic and pleasure fight against one another until Daddy finally pulls me off him. I gasp for breath just long enough to get a huge lungful right before he jams himself back in deep again.

  It’s disorienting, being so out of control of my own body. If it were just me and Daddy, I’d be terrified and freaking out, but Dominick is here. I trust him completely. He thinks this will bring me pleasure.

  I’m not supposed to be in control.

  So I give myself up to it.

  To them.

  I mean, I can’t help still gagging—it’s my body’s natural instinct to try to get air when Daddy’s choking me with his ungodly large cock. But I try to relax my throat as much as possible. I try to suck him when I can. I want to be a good girl for them.

  And when Dominick’s talented tongue and fingers stretching me do their work and I can’t stand it anymore, I scream a choked howl around Daddy’s cock.

  Daddy yanks me of
f him moments later, his eyes dark with a look I’ve come to recognize. It’s a mixture of hunger and lust.

  “That’s right,” he growls, “cry for Daddy, sweet girl.” He rubs his palm downward from my eye, smearing the little bit of mascara I’m wearing down my cheeks. I can tell because when he pulls his hand away, they come away with black on them.

  “I have to fuck my innocent little baby now. Look how hard you’ve made Daddy’s cock. Look at it.” He grabs the hair at the back of my head again and jerks me so that I look down at the huge cock he was just choking me.

  Holy crap, it looks even bigger than last time. I wasn’t even taking a third of him into my mouth, no matter how far he was trying to jam himself down my throat.

  “Get underneath her, Dad,” Dominick orders. “Near the edge of the bed.”

  Dad glares at Dominick, but when his hungry look comes back to me, he complies. He smiles, a slightly manic glint entering his eyes that I’ve seen before. “Time to cry again for Daddy.”

  I blink even as he moves himself to the edge of the bed and drops to his back. Then he drags me down and lifts me by my waist to straddle him.

  I think I’ve just realized something.

  I think that deep down, some part of Dad actually really wants to… hurt me.

  That it’s part of what gets him off.

  Does Dominick know?

  I don’t even have time to consider the question before Dad’s grasping my hips, lining himself up, and then pistoning his cock up and into me.

  It’s shocking, of course. He’s so huge and long.

  But unlike the past two times, it doesn’t feel like he’s splitting me in two.

  Between stretching myself earlier in the bathroom and Dominick doing the same while he was suckling me just a moment ago, when my breath hitches at Dad’s continuing penetration, it’s only with pleasure.

  Especially when I feel Dominick’s warmth at my back.


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