Not Yet

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Not Yet Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  Only a few more months, I remind myself. Then I’m out of here. I’ve been debating about living at home while I go to college, but I think it’s clear something has to change. It’s not like Drake is going anywhere. He’s always going to be a part of my life. I can just make things a little more bearable if I don’t have to see him every day.

  Chapter Six


  “If I have to hear any more about Homecoming I’m going to throw up,” I say to myself but loud enough for the girls next to me to hear.

  “God, Drake, you’re so dramatic.” Court giggles through her nose and it gets on my nerves. But everything gets on my nerves lately.

  “He’s just pissed he had extra laps today,” Kira chimes in and I scowl at her. “I was watching Josh and saw you. What’d you do to make the coach so pissed?”

  “Nothing,” I say and lean back in my chair.

  I didn’t want to come to the mall tonight, but Mom texted me and said Ali needed a ride. What was I supposed to do? I didn’t really have a choice at that point, so I texted Liam that we needed to make the drive. It’s only on the other side of town but there’s so many people from our school here and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep a low profile.

  Sure enough, as soon as we sat down to eat dinner, here came the wicked witches. Court, Kira, and Dakota are the co-captains of the cheerleading team. Apparently there used to be only one, but someone decided that one person on the team couldn’t have that much power so they divided it up. Personally I think the fuck-up was giving three people that much power. Now they just feed off one another but no one says anything to them. I never realized how much I hated blondes until the three of them got on the varsity team. Now every chance they get one of them is in front of me and I can’t get away.

  It doesn’t help that I’m captain of the football team so I’m around them all the time when we have practice and games. After today, though, I don’t really know where I stand anymore. I got in a fight with Eric and Coach threatened to kick me off the team. We’ve got state coming up and there are going to be scouts there. If I’ve got any hope of getting picked up then I need to keep my head in the game. I clench my fists under the table and I think about hitting Eric all over again.

  “Come on, Drake, tell us who you’re going with,” Dakota coos and leans forward to let me look down her shirt.

  I glance beside her to Wes and see he’s got his arm draped on the back of her chair. I don’t understand their relationship. He lets her flirt openly in front of people and doesn’t seem to care that she cheats on him when we’re at away games. I also don’t understand why Dakota wants Wes for a boyfriend when he can hardly remember her name. People are so dumb.

  “I’m going stag,” I mumble as I grab a French fry to occupy my mouth. I turn away from her stare.

  “Ali’s almost finished trying on dresses.”

  The sound of my sister’s name has my ears perking up. Liam is beside me and on the other side of him is Lindsey, Ali’s best friend. I lean in closer to try and hear what she’s saying.

  “Who?” Court asks, and it sounds salty on her mouth. She knows exactly who Ali is.

  “Ali,” Lindsey repeats and gives the brightest fake smile to Court. “She had a reservation at Neiman Marcus. I think she said yes to the dress.”

  “I didn’t realize she was going. Is she our year?” Court looks to Kira and Dakota, who pretend to be dumb. Although can they really pretend?

  “Oh yeah, she’s the redhead that’s in AP calculus with my cousin,” Dakota chirps and then they all nod.

  I keep my mouth shut because I don’t like them associating me with Ali. Some people might think this makes me an asshole, but these girls are vicious. It’s better to keep her away from this. I don’t know why Lindsay is sitting with us, but I think Liam has a thing for her.

  “You know my dad’s renting a stretch Hummer for all of us to ride in,” Court says to me as she steals a fry off my plate. “You’re in, right?”

  I push my tray toward her because I don’t want any more of them after she’s touched them. She beams at me and takes another and I’m close to pushing away from the table and going to the parking lot.

  Lindsey is leaning in close to Liam and talking, and Dakota is telling Kira about shoes being on sale somewhere and I can’t hear anything else.

  I wish I could just leave but I know Ali needs a ride. I also don’t want people seeing me take her home. It’s not like it’s going to be an enjoyable trip for either of us. We’ll probably ride in silence while she stares out the window like I’ve stepped on her puppy.

  I’m not an asshole no matter what she thinks, but there’s only so much I can do when she’s around. And when we’re alone it’s not like it used to be. She was my best friend, but somewhere along the way things changed and she didn’t look at me the same anymore. Now my actions make her sad and no matter what comes out of my mouth it’s not right.

  A bunch of the guys from the team come over and the Blonde Brigade gets louder. I’m ready to shove a plastic fork in my ear just as I spot Ali walking toward us.

  Her red hair is down and over one shoulder and she’s not wearing her glasses. I’m immediately irritated, because she probably lost them. She’s done it twice already this year and I’ve had to tell Mom to get her more. She was either too scared or too embarrassed to do it herself.

  She beams at me and for a second I’m taken aback. She’s bouncing in her Vans sneakers as she comes closer and holds her hand up and waves. For a second I feel my chest warm and a smile tugs at my lips as I start to raise my hand.

  Then out of the corner of my eye I see Lindsey wave and I realize she was smiling at her.

  “Oh my God, I can’t wait for you to see my dress.” Ali’s voice is so excited and all the warmth leaves me.

  “So I guess we’re going to Homecoming,” Lindsey laughs, and Ali leans in close to her.

  “Sorry, ladies, but Drake is exhausted with the Homecoming talk,” Court tells the two of them and Ali cuts her eyes at me.

  I open my mouth to tell her to shove it, but then Kira cuts her off.

  “Are we going to Chanel or not? I’ve got my mom’s credit card and she said I can get the shoes.”

  One of the guys from my team comes up to me and starts talking about the game coming up next weekend. He’s talking loud so I can hear him over the crowd at the table, but it drowns out any conversation Ali is having with Lindsey.

  I’m frustrated and pissed off because as much as I should care about this weekend, I can’t find it in me. I’m supposed to really fucking care, but all I want to do is eavesdrop on Ali’s conversation about the dress she picked out.

  “Are you coming?” Dakota’s nasal voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up to see the Blonde Brigade standing there waiting.

  Did they actually think I’d go shoe shopping with them? I see Wes beside her, so maybe she did, but I shake my head.

  “Nah, I’m about to head back. I’ve got to get some sleep.”

  “Must be tired from all those laps.” Kira makes one last jab as she winks at me and the girls walk away.

  Most of the guys have gone to get food, so now is a good time to leave. “Are you ready?” I say to Ali and she looks away from me and nods. “Liam?”

  “I’m good,” he says, and Lindsey beams.

  “I offered to give him a ride since you guys were going uptown.”

  “Cool,” I say and get up, not looking back over my shoulder at Ali.

  There are enough people here and I know some of them may be watching me. The cheerleaders are gone and that was my main concern. I also don’t have to look back to know Ali is close to me. Some things you just feel and I know when she’s near.

  I get to my BMW and hit the unlock button. I get in the driver's seat and a few moments later the door opens and Ali slides in.

  The car was a gift from my parents on my eighteenth birthday. I wasn’t expecting it, but they went on and on about how good
of a kid I am and how proud they are. The entire conversation made me uncomfortable. If they knew everything they probably wouldn’t have let me look at this car, let alone drive it. But I wasn’t about to turn down a free set of wheels. I should be working hard to earn their pride and making good decisions, but I keep stumbling and fucking up and my head isn’t in the game. Just like Coach said today.

  “Can you turn on the heat? I’m cold,” Ali whispers.

  I clench my jaw as I turn it on for her and back out of the spot. Why does she have to talk so softly like she’s going to break glass if she raises her voice? I hate it but we’ve gotten in fights before about how she won’t stand up for herself or use her words.

  What the hell is she going to do if she goes off to college and I’m not there to stand up for her? The thought makes me even angrier and I grip the steering wheel tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

  “Who are you going to Homecoming with?” I manage to sound somewhat relaxed and I’m pretty proud of my effort.

  “What does it matter?” She looks over at me for a second before she looks out the window.

  I sigh and shake my head. “Just making conversation.”

  Why do we have to do this back and forth every time? What happened to us?

  “Court seemed eager for a date.”

  I’m shocked to hear her say that, but not surprised. Court makes it known to everyone listening that she’s after the quarterback. She was all over Kira’s boyfriend Josh last year until I got promoted to his position.

  “Court is an airhead,” I say as I pull onto the freeway.

  “Guys like that.” She lets out a bitter laugh and it’s too dark to see her face.

  “Not all guys.”

  Silence falls between us and it’s becoming strained. We can’t keep having these clipped conversations or one of us is going to snap. I won’t be shocked if it’s me.

  “But you’re going to Homecoming?” I hedge, and she nods. “Did Mom and Dad say it was okay?”

  She snaps her eyes over to me and I can just make out the tight set of her lips. “Do I need to ask permission?” She waits and then cocks her head to the side. “Did you?”

  “I’m eighteen.”

  “Drake, you’re exactly twelve weeks older than me.”

  I hate how pissed she sounds when she says my name. When I don’t say anything she crosses her arms over her chest.

  We ride the rest of the way in absolute silence and I feel like shit. I don’t know what we’re doing wrong, but there are things between us not getting said and it’s making our time together miserable. We’re about to graduate and head off to college. We’ve both been accepted to a couple but plans aren’t set. I’m still trying to get a football scholarship and colleges are practically beating down our door to take Ali.

  We can’t go on like this.

  When I pull up to the house I put the car into park and turn it off. Just as she makes a grab for the handle I reach out and take her wrist.

  “Ali,” I say softly but she doesn't look at me right away. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” she snaps and the look in her eyes is a mixture of anger and sadness.

  “For whatever it is I did to piss you off.”

  “You’re sorry I’m mad? That’s a half-assed apology even for you, Drake.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.” I sigh and let go of her. She’s so soft and my hands are beat up from practice.

  She takes a breath and then turns to me. Even in the dark I can see how blue her eyes are. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Thanks for giving me a lift.”

  “We should just go together,” I blurt out, and the second the words leave my mouth I want to stuff them back in.

  “What?” Her eyebrows pull together as she looks up at me.

  “Um, I mean Homecoming.” I stumble for a moment and then realize she’s already heard me so I might as well go all the way over the edge of the cliff. “We should just go together. So you’ve got a ride.”

  I want to find a hole somewhere and jump into it so that I can disappear from this awkward conversation.

  “Oh,” she says softly and then looks away. “I’m sure I can ride with Lindsey. It’s not a problem.”

  “I can drive her too.” Why am I still talking?

  “Okay.” The word comes out slowly as she’s thinking it over. “I can text her and see.”

  I don’t say anything else as she gets out of the car and I follow her inside. Dad’s car is gone and then I remember he said he and Mom had date night tonight.

  When I get inside I close the garage and set the alarm, knowing they’ll be late. I put my keys on the counter and walk into the living room in time to see Ali heading for the stairs.

  “You going to bed?” I ask and she turns around to nod at me.

  Just like the first time I saw her, her shocking blue eyes see right through me.

  “Goodnight, Drake,” she says softly, and this time it doesn't hurt when she says my name.

  “Goodnight, Ali,” I whisper as she turns to leave.

  Chapter Seven


  “Here,” I say as I write out the rest of the math problem for Lindsey. She was almost there but skipped a step because she’s distracted. She’s normally better than me in math.

  “You have to come to college with me,” Lindsey teases. “I don’t know how I missed that.” She erases what I wrote and does the problem in her own handwriting to be safe.

  “That’s because you’re not thinking straight.” I glance over my shoulder to see Liam sitting in his usual seat in the corner. We don’t have assigned seats, but most people sit in the same place every day.

  “Is he looking at me?” I can’t tell where he’s looking, to be honest. He’s watching both of us. If I had to guess it’s her, but he looks like he’s trying to hear what we’re saying.

  “Yep,” I answer, looking back to the front of the classroom and waiting for the lesson to begin.

  “Is he still looking?” she asks again.

  I snort. “It’s been five seconds.”

  “I know, but looking is all I can get from him.”

  I’m not sure what’s wrong with Liam because Lindsey is beautiful and smart. She’s been hung up on him since he showed up at our school this year. He’s the first guy she ever showed an attraction to and he doesn't give anyone the time of day. Except Drake. I’m not sure if they’re friends because they actually like each other or because of football. It’s literally Liam’s job to protect Drake on the field. He’s the center and hikes the ball to him before making sure Drake doesn't get the crap knocked out of himself. That is, if anyone could catch him. I go to all the games since it’s always a family affair and even I’ve noticed how well they work together. They’re a good fit and it shows on the field.

  “I want to go to Homecoming with him.” She licks her lips before stealing a glance over her shoulder. Liam might not talk much, but he doesn't give a shit if you bust him staring. He keeps on looking our way and she snaps her head back. I watch as she blushes and it’s kinda cute seeing her flustered over something. She’s always so chill and unbothered by guys.

  “Drake suggested we go together,” I offer and Lindsey's whole face lights up.

  “We could go as a group since they’re always together. Then it would be kind of like we’re on a date.”

  “That would mean Drake and I are kinda on a date,” I remind her. Has she forgotten we’re stepbrother and sister?

  She rolls her eyes. “You guys aren't real brother and sister.”

  My chest tightens and I’m not sure if I like that response or not. It’s the same feeling I got when Drake came up with the idea of us going together. He didn’t even enjoy being in the car with me but now he wants to do Homecoming together? Oh God, what if Dad put him up to it?

  I push my glasses up my nose. “Isn't that weird though?” I hedge. I think Mom and Dad would be excited about us hanging out and it’s starting to make
sense why he suggested we go together.

  At home we try and be civil but it’s clear things aren't like they once were. Drake and I might come from the same home but we live in two different worlds. I know Drake doesn’t want me in his because he keeps his group of friends away from me. Even at the mall I could tell he didn’t want me sitting with everyone. He practically rushed to get us out of there. Not only that, I think he was trying to leave me when we walked to his car. I had to speed walk to keep up with him. If he is so embarrassed to be seen with me or doesn't want people knowing we live together, why is he doing this whole Homecoming thing? It doesn't make any sense and I hate when things don't add up.

  “No.” Lindsey shrugs. “You’d sure piss the BBs off.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

  The BBs are the blond-haired captains of the cheerleading team. We had the luxury of their company at the food court, which was rare. Our two crowds don't usually mix and we more or less ignore each other. At first I thought it was because none of us shared classes, but over the last year I’ve figured out they just don’t like Lindsey or me.

  My stomach cramps thinking it might be something Drake said about me to them. He’s in that crowd but I can’t see him doing that. As much as he doesn't want to be around me, he’s still protective of me at times. I think it’s for our parents’ sake more than anything. He does it out of obligation.

  “I’d rather stay off their radar,” I mumble.

  I’m not a loner per se, but I like keeping my bubble small and not garnering attention. I have my hands full with all the advance placement classes I’m taking. I want to go to Boston College with Lindsey, but I want to try and get some scholarships. I know I’m already in if I want to go since Dad went there. He would be more than willing to pay for college, but I have a need to prove myself. Drake’s going to have his pick of colleges, so who knows where he’ll end up? He’ll for sure get a full ride with football.


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