One Summer Night

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One Summer Night Page 3

by Gerri Hill


  This time, she accepted the drink from Betsy thankfully.

  She was hot and it had nothing to do with the weather, she thought with a smile. The bar had filled up. Quite a few players from other teams there now.

  "Crowded tonight," she said commented.

  "Yeah, there's lots of women in town," Janis agreed.

  Jo nodded and watched the dance floor, now filled with couples doing the Cotton-Eyed Joe. She was thankful no one had dragged her out for that one. A fast line dance was next and she watched with amazement as everyone turned and stepped in unison, the strangers mixed with the locals. She had never gotten the hang of line dancing, maybe because she rarely tried. Nancy had seldom agreed to go dancing, even though Johanna enjoyed it. Then, after Nancy left, Jo had isolated herself. She could count on one hand the number of times she had come here since.

  Kelly was watching her, she knew, but she didn't look up. She didn't trust herself. She was much too aware of her as it was. Staring into those dark eyes was too much of a temptation. However, when the next song started, she couldn't resist looking up.

  "Come on," Kelly said, motioning to the floor.

  Jo locked eyes with her and stood, reaching for her hand.

  They moved together quickly, their bodies pressed close together, Kelly's heart beating against her breasts. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, her hand moving into Kelly's hair. Oh, dear Lord, she thought. What am I doing?

  This is a perfect stranger!

  Kelly's hand moved low on her back, pressing her closer, and as their hips came together, Jo couldn't suppress a low moan. Their flushed cheeks touched, and as she felt Kelly's lips graze her ear, Jo involuntarily pulled her closer. Her feet moved with a will of their own, her thoughts on anything but dancing. The dance floor was dark, masking their 22

  movements. When they were in the back, Kelly pulled away, staring at her. This time, Jo didn't look away. She watched Kelly's gaze drop to her lips, and her heart hammered in her chest as Kelly slowly brought her eyes back to Jo's. Jo watched in anticipation as Kelly's lips came closer. She closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss, wanting her kiss.

  Even so, she wasn't prepared for the rush of desire that consumed her when Kelly's lips finally touched hers. Her mouth opened eagerly under Kelly's, and her feet stopped moving entirely, unable to continue their meaningless motion when all she wanted was for their kiss to continue.

  Kelly drew her lips away slowly and continued their dance, forcing Jo to move with her around the floor. Kelly’s arms held her tightly, and Jo was thankful, certain that she would collapse right there without them. They didn't speak when the song ended, but their hands remained locked as Kelly led her through the crowd toward their table.

  Jo's eyes darted to Betsy and Janis, feeling certain that they had seen them kissing, but they were talking to Christy across the table, and no one seemed to have noticed.

  Flustered, she sipped her drink, refusing to look across the table at Kelly. My God, what have you done? Kissing a total stranger right on the dance floor! She downed her drink, letting the rum wash through her. If it wasn’t the heat, it was the alcohol, she decided. Three drinks were one past her limit. She twirled the ice in her glass, drinking the melted water. Closing her eyes, she tried to fight the attraction she felt for Kelly Sambino and failed miserably. She looked up to find Kelly watching her, and Kelly raised her brows, giving her a small, gentle smile. Jo didn't return it. She was too embarrassed. Did Kelly think she did this sort of thing all the time? That she was used to picking up strangers in a bar? Oh, Lord, if she only knew how out of character this really was!


  A slow Trisha Yearwood song started and, with a will of their own, her eyes sought Kelly.

  "Dance with me," Kelly said softly, and Jo was powerless to refuse. She moved into her arms eagerly, refusing to think about what she was inviting. Kelly held her tightly, both arms behind Johanna's back as Jo slid her arms over Kelly's shoulders, pulling her close. They danced together slowly, feet barely moving, bodies pressed together. Jo closed her eyes and let the music wash over her, breathing deeply as she smelled the perfume at Kelly's neck. Her lips pressed there before she knew what she was doing, and she heard Kelly's sharp intake of breath, felt her arms tighten around her. It was the rum, she reasoned. Why else would she be acting so wantonly? Kelly moved her head, and her lips found Jo's in an instant. Her own mouth opened. Feeling the tip of Kelly's tongue, she thought her knees would buckle from desire. Her own tongue found its way into Kelly's mouth, and she moaned deep in her throat, forget-ting the other couples dancing around them. Kelly pulled her into a dark corner in the back and pressed her against the wall, her hand boldly cupping Jo’s breast. Jo leaned into her, her nipples hard and sensitive to Kelly’s touch. Their kiss was hungry, passionate, tongues dancing, desire growing.

  "I want you," Kelly whispered into her mouth.

  "Yes," Jo agreed. God, how she wanted her, too.

  "Let's get out of here."

  Jo was too drugged with desire to offer a protest, and she nodded. She blindly followed Kelly to their table.

  "Johanna is leaving, so she's going to give me a lift to the hotel," Kelly told Christy.

  "So soon?" Betsy asked sweetly.

  Jo met her eyes, sure she was blushing, and forced a smile anyway. "It's been a long day," was all she said.


  They left quickly. Kelly followed Jo to her car. They didn't say anything on the way to Jo's house, and she was glad. She wasn't sure she would have been able to carry on a conversation, considering she was taking this stranger to her home with the intention of making love with her. It was almost midnight, the streets were quiet. They sped along MoPac, heading to Northwest Austin.

  In no time, they pulled into her driveway, and they paused as the garage door opened to let them inside.

  Standing in the garage, the overhead light glaring, their eyes met across the car. Jo refused to think. If she did, she would send Kelly away immediately. But right here, now, she knew that was not what she wanted. Not tonight. Tonight, she wanted to lay in this woman's arms and enjoy the feelings that she brought to her. No matter that this was something Johanna Marshall did not do. Had never done. But the promise in those dark eyes was too much for her to deny.

  It had been too long.

  They stood there for a long time, long enough for the light to blink off. Only then did they move. Kelly walked around the car to her, took her hand, and Jo led them to the door. They entered the kitchen, Jo shut the door after them and, feeling amazed at her boldness, led Kelly into her bedroom.

  They did not speak aloud. Yet the energy between them spoke volumes. Jo turned and moved into Kelly's arms.

  Their lips eagerly sought each other, and it was clear their desire had not dimmed during the drive. If anything, the anticipation had increased it. Now, there was no audience to witness their passion, no reason for them to stop. Jo let her hands travel over Kelly's back, caressing her just as their tongues caressed each other.

  She drew in a sharp breath as Kelly pulled Jo’s blouse out of her jeans and began unbuttoning it slowly. She stood 25

  still, eyes on Kelly’s, hands resting lightly on her shoulders.

  Strong hands went to Jo’s bare breasts, moving over them slowly, thumbs rubbing the taut nipples.

  Their breath came quickly, and Kelly drew her close, kissing her softly, then more eagerly. She pulled back as Jo tugged Kelly's shirt out. Jo wanted to touch her. Her hands trembled as she undid each button slowly. She reached behind Kelly, unclasped her bra, and then touched her breasts for the first time. They filled her hands, and she stood with her eyes closed, fingers lightly touching Kelly’s nipples, feeling their hardness. Oh, they felt so good to her touch.

  Kelly cupped Jo’s face with her hands and drew Jo up, kissing her, her tongue tracing Jo’s lips, slipping inside and over her teeth. With sudden urgency, she pushed Kelly's shirt off her shoulders and let
it fall to the floor along with her bra. She let her own shirt fall behind her, and they stood together, bare breasts touching as their mouths eagerly sought each other.

  Kelly's hands went to Jo's jeans at the same instant that Jo went for hers, and they both laughed softly. But the laughter died quickly, replaced with an urgency that would not be denied. Soon, they were naked, standing by the bed, both with uncertain smiles on their faces.

  “Are you sure about this?” Kelly asked softly.

  “No, but yes, yes,” Jo replied, trying hard to ignore the fact that she was giving herself to a perfect stranger.

  "You're so beautiful," Kelly whispered.

  "So are you.”

  Jo reached for her. Their bodies touched, and then their lips sparked. Jo felt the heat assail her again thinking her legs would buckle. She knew how ready she was for Kelly, how wet she had become. Pulling the covers back, she laid down on the bed. Kelly came to her, pressing her weight on top 26

  of her, lips moving over her face and neck, her tongue snaking into her ear as Jo sighed and held her close. Kelly's fingers moved over her breasts. Jo desperately wanted her mouth there, and she felt Kelly slide down, her lips moving tantalizingly over her, tongue tracing Jo’s nipple, swirling over the taut peak before covering it with her mouth. Jo groaned deep in her throat, holding her near, her hands on either side of her face. Kelly moved to the other breast, sucking it into her mouth. Jo pressed her closer, holding her there, thinking that she had never before felt such pleasure.

  Kelly moved lower, her lips tracing a path over Jo’s flat stomach and into the hollows of her hips, causing Jo to rise up to meet her. She whimpered softly as Kelly moved her legs apart with her shoulder. Kelly’s tongue washed across her inner thighs over and over.

  "Please," she begged softly, and Kelly's mouth settled over her, causing her to cry out. Her hands clutched the sheets, head arching back as Kelly's tongue moved over her, inside her, stroking her expertly as Jo writhed beneath her mouth. Dear God, she felt like she would surely explode.

  Closing her eyes tightly, her hips pressed up to Kelly's face.

  She breathed deeply, then held her breath as this woman, this stranger, brought her so close to ecstasy. She started to take a deep breath and then gasped. Suddenly, her hips stilled, pressed up into Kelly’s expert mouth, as her orgasm clutched her, consumed her. She cried out loudly, shocked by its intensity.

  Jo brought Kelly up to her, holding her close as her breathing calmed. She swallowed hard, eyes still tightly closed. Kelly said nothing, just let herself be held as Jo moved her hands gently over her smooth back. Before long, Jo's lips began exploring Kelly's neck. She rolled Kelly over, laying by her side, one leg pinning her to the bed.


  They gazed at each other, their eyes missing nothing. Jo softly kissed her lips, tasting herself on them, and it stirred her so. Her tongue moved inside Kelly's mouth, over her lips, wetting her face. Jo kissed her neck where her pulse throbbed, her teeth nipping at Kelly’s skin, sighing against it. She wanted to please this woman, this stranger whom she just met. She wanted her to feel the same intensity she felt.

  Her hands cupped Kelly’s full breasts. She moved her mouth over them, thrilling in the feel of their softness. Kelly's nipples were hard. Jo's tongue teased them, making them swell even more before she took each of them into her mouth.

  Kelly's hands ran through Jo's hair, holding Jo’s mouth to her, hips pressing up against Jo's leg. Jo could feel Kelly’s wetness on her leg as her hand moved down between their bodies, seeking Kelly’s warmth, feeling her surge up to meet her fingers as Jo delved into her smooth, silky softness.

  Jo’s lips left her breast, her mouth followed the path of her fingers, kissing the warm flesh of Kelly’s stomach. Her chin grazed Kelly’s soft, fine hairs, and she heard Kelly moan softly, and she smiled, wanting to please her. Her tongue wet a trail along one thigh, down her leg, and up the other thigh, and Kelly begged her to touch her.

  "Please. Now," she demanded.

  Jo pressed her mouth to her, letting her tongue slowly move over Kelly, tasting her. She settled between Kelly’s legs, hands pushing them apart, tongue and mouth quickly stroking her. She felt Kelly press up into her. When she slipped her tongue inside her, Kelly clutched at her shoulders. Her mouth sucked and her tongue swirled over her.

  Kelly screamed out, hips thrusting forward against Jo's mouth as her orgasm exploded.

  "Dear God," Kelly breathed as her body slowly calmed.


  She then laid back against the bed, arms and legs limp against the covers.

  Kelly drew Jo up into her arms, one hand caressing Jo’s hair. Kelly’s fingers slid over her body gently before cupping her intimately. Jo pressed against her hand, wanting to feel Kelly’s fingers on her, inside her. Kelly teased her, and Jo reached for her hand, placing it firmly between her legs.

  Kelly moved over her softness, feeling her readiness. Several fingers slowly slipped inside her and Jo surged up to meet them. Kelly moved with her, her thumb rubbing, her fingers plunging deep, as Jo’s hips rose and fell with her rhythm.

  Her breath came quickly, and she clutched at Kelly’s shoulders as orgasm claimed her. Holding Kelly inside her, she squeezed her thighs tight around Kelly’s hand.

  When Johanna finally relaxed, allowing Kelly to move away from her, she reached for her and held her close, hands brushing the hair from Kelly's face. She should be tired but she didn't want the night to end. Lovemaking had never been like this before. She kissed Kelly's mouth softly, gently, trying to tell her without words how she felt. Kelly lay still, seeming to understand.

  They made love again and again, finally falling asleep as the first rays of dawn brightened the eastern sky.


  Chapter Three

  Johanna woke slowly, feeling disoriented. Her mind cleared, and her eyes snapped open. She turned her head quickly, looking at the bed. Empty.

  "Oh, God," she said out loud and shut her eyes. Her limbs felt heavy, and she stretched, every muscle screaming out its protest. "What have I done?"

  She rolled over and looked at the clock. Ten already.

  Kelly had a game at nine.


  Johanna squeezed her eyes shut against the memories of last night, covering her face with her hands. Had she really spent the entire night making love to Kelly Sambino? Yes, she admitted, groaning aloud.


  "Oh, God," she said again. She turned her head into the other pillow and took a deep breath, smelling Kelly's perfume mixed with the sweet smell of their lovemaking.

  "Oh, God."

  Rolling back onto her side, she clutched her knees to her stomach. "What have I done?" she whispered. "Oh, God."

  She lay there with her eyes closed, trying to deny the truth, but the reality of last night came crashing down around her. She hadn’t had a lot of lovers, had certainly never spent an entire night making love. Even when her relationship with Nancy was brand new, she could not recall spending more than a few hours in bed. None of her experiences had ever been as consuming as this. Even now, disgusted with herself as she was, she felt a warm feeling wash over her as she remembered all the things Kelly's hands and lips had done to her.

  "Oh, God," she said again. "Was I out of my mind?”

  Lying still, she let her mind go blank, soon drifting back to sleep. An hour later she woke to the phone ringing but ignored it. Let the answering machine get it, she thought.

  She sat up, feeling light-headed, and blamed the rum. Hell, she blamed the whole night on the rum. Or, better yet, the summer heat. She rubbed her forehead and then her eyes.

  She stood up, naked, and looked at her clothes lying in a heap beside the bed. "Oh, God," she repeated, shaking her head.

  The phone rang again, and she walked into the living room, listening as the answering machine picked up. Her grandfather's voice startled her into action.

  "I'm here," she said, quickly switching off t
he machine and picking up the phone.

  "You're late," he said.


  "Oh, Harry. I'm sorry. I overslept." They had had a standing date for Sunday brunch for years. She rubbed her forehead lightly, trying to ease her headache and her conscience.

  "It's okay. I can put everything on hold, Jo-Jo."

  "No, no, Harry, I'm sorry," she said again. "I'll be there in half an hour."

  She rushed through her shower, refusing to dwell on the night before, pulled on shorts, a T-shirt and her Teva sandals, and hurried out. Her grandfather lived on Lake Travis in a house he and her grandmother had built long before the lake had become popular with Austinites wanting to escape the city. Now, the mansions that had sprung up around him dwarfed his small, modest house.

  She drove down the familiar winding drive to the house she had called home since she was twelve. After her mother, Sarah, was killed, her grandparents had taken her in and tried to repair the damage caused by the loss of her only parent. Johanna had never known her father. He had left when her mother was seven months pregnant with her and was never heard from again, but they managed to survive.

  Her mother worked two jobs and went to college at night, finally finishing when Jo was seven. Sarah became a teacher at a suburban elementary school, and they moved into their first house a year later, leaving the dingy apartment behind.

  Then, on a rainy afternoon in March, when Johanna was twelve, her mother’s car skidded around a curve, colliding with a tree. She had been killed instantly.

  Harry and Beth Marshall had willingly taken Jo in and saw it as their life's work to try to make her happy. Sarah had been their only child. Johanna was their only grandchild.

  As a teenager, she had rebelled, of course. She was a hellion, silently bitter about her loss. But that, too, passed. After high 32


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