Danger! Bad Boy

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Danger! Bad Boy Page 2

by April Brookshire

  Sitting against the headboard as she slept beside me, I flipped through the channels. Tonight should be interesting. I came here with Dante and a couple other guys last summer. I had a feeling this trip was going to go a little differently. This time I’d only be having sex with one girl. In the past, that would’ve been a bad thing. Not so much now. But how long could that last? I was too young for this to be forever.

  But it wouldn’t be ending anytime soon. We hadn’t even had sex yet. It did seem our relationship had come to that point. Gianna had indicated she was ready. I was way past ready. Was I supposed to tell her I loved her first? Would that make it more special for her? Do I even love her a little? I loved being with her, that was for sure. I’d been avoiding looking too deeply into my emotions where Gianna was concerned.

  With love came complications neither of us needed. From what I’d seen of love, all it did was make people miserable. My parents were miserable together and now things were crashing and burning in my dad’s relationship with Julie. Everyone ended up miserable when love was involved. I cared about Gianna more than anybody and anything else in the world. If I told her that, would it be enough?

  Damn! A part of me wished she’d already had sex with someone else so there’d be less pressure on me. Of course, a bigger part of me would want to punch that nonexistent guy in the face. The entire situation sucked. I wanted to do this right. Unfortunately, this was my first real relationship and my examples of other relationships were all failures.

  Gianna was right when she said I was nervous about having sex with her. I’d messed up in life so much and this was the first time the thought of screwing up bothered me.


  As we were getting ready to go out, Gianna teased me that I actually managed to pack suitable clubbing clothes and shoes for her. It was definitely pure luck because I hadn’t been paying attention in my packing frenzy.

  Before leaving the room, I pulled my sexy girl in for a kiss. “You look beautiful, Gianna. Almost as hot as I do.”

  She rolled her eyes, smiling. “You are so full of yourself, Caleb.”

  “And by the end of the night, you’ll be so full of me, too.”

  Gianna let out a sound that sounded like a mix between a laugh and a cough. She recovered and quickly changed the subject. “Number eight is only half completed. Let’s go find a cool club and then I think we can officially call it accomplished.”

  I let her change of topic slide. “Okay. Let’s go, party girl.”


  “Love is a game that two can play and both win.”

  -Eva Gabor


  Caleb and I took a taxi over to the Palms casino to check out one of the clubs there. Caleb had heard of a club called Rain was supposed to be pretty cool. Even though it was a weeknight, the place was packed. Vegas probably never had a slow night.

  I planned on not getting too drunk tonight. Caleb wasn’t the type to have sex with a girl who was wasted. We got our drinks first and found an empty booth for some privacy. Caleb waited patiently for me to finish my drink then we headed out to the dance floor.

  Caleb was so cute and protective, pushing his way through the crowd of people while holding my hand and dragging me along behind him. I was a little tipsy from the rush of alcohol and giggled. Part of me suspected he wanted to make sure no guys bumped into me while trying to cop a feel.

  I hadn’t forgotten the whole disagreement about who would be begging who by the end of the night. Caleb may have been the expert on sexual relationships, but I was still the female here. Virgin or not, I still held most of the power.

  Although, Caleb seemed like the type of guy who could made a girl hooked. I burst out in laughter and Caleb shook his head at me, making me abruptly stop as he grabbed my ass.

  I was tired of him being so hesitant to have sex with me because I was a virgin. He’d given me enough innuendos about what he wanted to do to me, but hadn’t followed through with any of them yet. I still remembered when he found out my v-card had yet to be punched and treated me like I carried a freaking disease.

  When dancing to a sexy hip hop song, I made sure to rub against him a lot. My hand accidentally brushed against his crotch area.

  My bad.

  Caleb pulled my body even tighter against his own. I could almost see the hormones in the air, floating with the sensual beats of the music.

  After dancing a few songs, we got more drinks and leaned against a railing since our former table was now occupied, along with all the others. The club was even more packed now than when we’d arrived. Sucking down the last of the alcohol at the bottom of my glass, I handed my drink to a passing waitress and shouted in Caleb’s ear, “Don’t get too drunk! I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you later tonight!”

  With him looking at me from the corner of his eye while tipping his drink back, I got the impression he was thinking some very naughty thoughts. The tight feeling low in my stomach was accompanied by heat in my cheeks. I was glad the club was dark so he couldn’t laugh at my blush. Crap, I should’ve kept in mind what a big manwhore Caleb was. He was batting in the big leagues when playing this game while I was still benched in little league.

  Deciding to quit while I was not exactly ahead, but neck and neck, I dragged him back to the dance floor. The DJ started a Black Eyed Peas track and I could totally relate to the song. I had a feeling tonight would be a good night, also.

  The last drink began to hit me and I got my nerve back enough to tease Caleb some more on the dance floor. With my back to him, I rubbed against his front. Kind of like a bear scratching his back against a tree but with more hip movement. Hopefully this bear wouldn’t bite too hard. Caleb’s body began responding to mine and it was a good thing my back was to him otherwise he’d have seen my satisfaction.

  Using his forearm to pull me back, he held me tightly against his chest. I could feel his breath against my ear as he shouted, “What are you doing, bad girl?”

  I turned my head to the side against his shoulder to shout back in his ear, “Dancing!”

  Then, right there on the dance floor, Caleb slipped his hands underneath the hem of my flimsy dress. The warmth of his palms rested on the front of my upper thighs, his index fingers teased my panty line. I scowled at him in accusation. His What, who me? innocent look wasn’t fooling me.

  I decided to call his bluff and outdo him. Flipping around, I pressed my hand firmly against the hard-on in his pants. Now it was his turn to look surprised. The shock quickly morphed into a heavy-lidded expression.

  His hands were now gliding up the back of my thighs and over my butt cheeks left bare by my g-string. Even though his actions were making me hotter for him, I managed to keep a straight face. My flirtatious smile let him know I wasn’t scared or backing down.

  Not getting the scandalized reaction he wanted from me, he moved one hand between our bodies to cup me between my legs. Then the rubbing commenced. Holy crap. I closed my eyes at the sensations running through me. Upon opening my eyes, it was to see Caleb’s smug smile.

  Oh, hell no! The battle had just begun. Licking my lips, I yelled over the music while running a finger over his erection, “I want to taste you!”

  As a shudder vibrated through his body, I could almost hear his groan. After closing his eyes for a moment, probably to imagine me at his knees, he recovered enough to say, “I want to hear you beg for it with that sweet little mouth of yours.”

  Wow, that was hot. His words almost had me wanting that exact scenario.

  Pushing my immense lust for him aside, I focused on the ultimate goal. “You’ll be the one begging before the night is over!”

  His knowing smile made me nervous.

  Like a light bulb, or maybe a strobe light, turning on above my head, an idea came to me. After all, this was Vegas, baby.

  “Hey, Caleb!”

  “Hey, Gianna!” he mocked me.

  “Do you want a lap dance?”

He gave me a dirty look. “You’re not playing nice!”

  My arms tightened around his neck. “I can make it real nice for you.” With my lips to his neck, I ran kisses up to the back of his ear. “Your own personal stripper.”

  Caleb was practically squeezing my body at that point. My guy liked my bright idea. I giggled against his neck. “You are so asking for it, princess.”

  “Promises, promises!” I teased him.

  Without warning, he pivoted us and guided me off the dance floor toward the exit. Okay, I guess we were leaving. Maybe I was about to be punished for testing him.

  Once out in front of the hotel, Caleb guided me into a cab. He told the driver to take us to the nearest convenience store and pulled me onto his lap as the driver took off. I laughed at his eagerness.

  “What’s so funny, Gianna?”

  “You are. I almost have you begging for it.”

  Caleb nuzzled my neck. “The night isn’t over yet, sexy girl.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means, when we get back to the hotel room, I’m going to have you begging me.” Caleb did an impression of my voice for his next words. “Harder, Caleb! Please, Caleb, make me come again!”

  Dammit, I’d never even had sex and he was making me want to beg for it already. Stay strong, Gianna.

  “Lap dance,” I taunted him.

  “My mouth between your legs,” he taunted me back.

  I cocked my head to the side, not able to hold back my curiosity. “Will I like that?”

  “You will when I do it.” As if to give me a preview, his kissed me, stroking my tongue with his in a way that had me squirming on his lap.

  The cab driver coughed and I remembered our audience of one. Whatever, he worked in Las Vegas, he could deal with a makeout session in the back of his dirty cab. We stopped at a gas station and Caleb asked the driver to wait for us.

  He ushered me through the sliding doors of the gas station with a hand at my back. The place seemed a little skeevy, but busy. Every gas pump outside was being put to use and there was a line in front of both cash registers.

  “What are we here for?”

  “Supplies,” Caleb replied vaguely.

  Holding my hand, he dragged me over to the condoms. I glanced around, thinking this was a position I’d never really thought of being in. The speed at which he immediately grabbed a box had me thinking about how many times he’d likely bought that particular brand. At the coolers in the back of the store he handed me a four pack of wine coolers and picked a six pack of beer for himself. Girly wine coolers for me and manly beer for him, typical guy.

  Standing in line to pay, I was sure we’d get busted at any moment and I’d end up in a jail cell with a hooker. We climbed back into the cab and I breathed a sigh of relief. No hooker roommate tonight. Caleb asked the driver to take us to the Bellagio. I was back in Caleb’s lap as we cruised down the strip, having to stop at red lights occasionally for pedestrians to cross the street.

  “Hey, Caleb?” I got his attention while running my hands through his silky dark hair.


  “How do you have so much money?” I asked him, voicing the question for the first time after wondering for awhile.

  The cautious look in his eyes had me pressing on. “Well, this whole trip is costing a lot of money. Where did you get it from? Did you work a summer job or something? I was just wondering why you always seem to have money.”

  He shifted uncomfortably at my questioning and, instead of answering, directed a question back at me. “Why do you always have money?”

  Hmm, I’d let it go for now. “We’ve never talked about it, but my dad is a plastic surgeon in Houston. Besides paying child support to my mom each month, he deposits a hefty allowance into my bank account. He knows how controlling my mom can be, so he wants me to have that freedom.”

  Caleb looked amused. “So you’re a daddy’s girl?”

  “Yes,” I answered, unashamed. “My dad is always trying to get me to move with him to Houston. He wants Chance with him, also, but knows my mom has more free time to spend with him. I wouldn’t want to ever leave my friends in the crew, anyways.”

  “Why doesn’t he move here, then?”

  I gave him a skeptical look. “Would you? I mean, you’ve met my mom. He talked about moving back to Denver years ago after he finished his residency in Houston, but I’m sure my mom’s psychotic behavior was what made him rethink it.”

  Caleb laughed and kissed my nose. “I see your point. Don’t worry, she won’t be able to drive me away.”

  I playfully yanked on his shirt. “You better not let her, or I’ll come after you.”

  Getting out of the cab in front of our hotel, I remembered Caleb never answered my question about where he got his money from. I’d have to grill him on it later. We managed to get an elevator all to ourselves after a group of girls in tiny dresses unloaded from it. Caleb pulled me into his body as the doors shut.

  Kissing me long and hard, he finally let me up for air. “Now, about that lap dance. . . .”

  I purposely acted unsure. “I don’t know, Caleb. How bad do you want it? Bad enough to beg?”

  Caleb glared at me. “Woman, you will take off that dress and dance on my lap while rubbing your hot little body all over me.”

  We exited the elevator on the tenth floor and walked down the long carpeted hallway to our room. Outside our door, I pretended to think about it. “Um, no thanks.”

  Once inside the room he backed me against the wall, his body leaning into mine. “Come on, Gianna. You’re killing me.”

  I tried to hold back a grin. “Do I hear begging coming on?”

  Caleb groaned and dropped his head in defeat. When he raised it again, the evil look in his eyes was alarming. “Okay, I’ll beg. For now.” I had a feeling my win would be a short one. He ran his hands all over my body in a way that had me thinking being the loser wouldn’t be so bad after all. His sexy voice drew me back from my erotic thoughts. “Gianna, you’re making me so hot. Will you please, I’m begging you, please give me a lap dance?”

  Hmm. Not the way I’d pictured his begging in my mind. It wasn’t supposed to have me wanting to beg for more of that bedroom voice. But now it was time for me to follow through with my part of our deal.

  “Alright,” I said with heavy reluctance, like I was about to do a chore I detested. “Go sit in that chair over there, the one without the armrests.”

  The anticipation on his handsome face was funny. Like a little kid on Christmas morning. Caleb moved the chair to an open space and leaned back, waiting for the show to begin.

  It suddenly hit me that I was no stripper and I could very possibly make a fool of myself. “One minute,” I requested, practically running into the bathroom.

  Gripping the counter, I mouthed, “Holy shit!” to myself in the mirror. Cece and I had signed up for a pole dancing class when we were fourteen but were forced to drop it before it started because of Jared’s big mouth. Her mom had freaked and called the dance studio, telling them off for letting two “little girls” enroll. Therefore, I had no real stripper skills.

  The thought suddenly hit me that my boyfriend had probably been to a strip club. Knowing him, he’d probably had at least one lap dance from some nasty skank. That meant he had something to compare me to, that I had competition. Some nameless, well her name had likely been something like Candy or Cherry, had rubbed her ass and tits all over my man and I needed to erase her from his memory.

  My nervousness didn’t matter anymore. Grabbing my makeup bag, I dug through it for my red lipstick. As I carefully applied it to my lips, I channeled my inner sex kitten. It took some digging, but she was there. Coming awake, she stretched her limbs seductively and smirked, awaiting my direction.

  Okay, I could do this.

  Opening the bathroom door, I heard the music Caleb had playing on his phone. Rihanna, perfect. The room was lit by a single lamp but the curtains were open to l
et in the lights from the strip. His eyes rested on me as I moved closer. In my head, I was choreographing the performance ahead.

  Walking to where he sat, instead of stopping in front of him as expected, I circled around the chair, running my fingers through his hair. I gave his hair a little tug before letting go as I stopped in front of Caleb with my back to him at the exact spot the glow of Vegas coming through the window.

  I slowly unzipped the side of my dress, letting it fall down my arms and over my hips as they swayed to the music. The dress dropped to the floor, leaving me in only my bra and panties. Nothing he hadn’t seen before.

  The song changed to one of Usher’s and I spun around while running my hands up my neck and lifting my hair. Caleb eyed my lace panties like he was wishing for x-ray vision. Not that they left a lot to the imagination.

  I gave him a stern look. “No touching the talent.”

  He raised his eyebrows, not exactly agreeing to the rule. Straddling him, I started moving my hips, dancing seductively while grinding my crotch against his. Why had I been freaking out earlier? I loved this!

  Caleb lifted his hands in the air like he was about to grab my waist, but I slapped them away. Maybe I should’ve had mercy on him, but this was too much fun. I ran my hands over his shirt from his chest to his stomach, stopping short of where he wanted them most.

  Turning around, with my legs spread out on either side of his, I continued to grind on his lap. Caleb cleared his throat. “Usually strippers only wear panties. Time to lose the bra.”

  I looked back at him with a scowl. “Had many lap dances, have you?”

  Caleb suddenly found the ceiling more interesting than the half-naked chick on his lap. “A few.”

  I sighed, already guessing but not liking having it confirmed. “I guess I won’t be your first anything, will I?”

  Caleb smiled and leaned his face into my hair. “No, but you can be my best.” Whether that was true or not, it was a sweet thing to say.


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