Legends Lost Tesnayr

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Legends Lost Tesnayr Page 77

by Nova Rose

  Chapter X


  The night wore on as everyone waited for dawn and the order to attack Drynelle. Frayed nerves plagued everyone. The usual murmur of conversation had been silenced as men sharpened their weapons and checked their armor. Only the occasional clink of a hammer broke the quiet.

  Disturbed by the lack of boastfulness, King Edrei racked his brains for an idea. He needed something to feed his men’s bravery. Frightened soldiers were of little use in battle. He concentrated on the whetstone that sharpened the blade of his weapon. As he did so, he began to sing of Hemίl.

  Deep in rugged mountains old

  Dwell men of blood so bold.

  Sing ye, of the people of Hemίl.

  Sing ye, of men with iron will.

  Far up in mountains’ peak

  Is a kingdom of which all speak.

  Majestic lords of valor known;

  Horse lords of great renown.

  Dwelling deep in fair mist

  Bring peace to all in our midst.

  Protected by heavens on high.

  Protected as time draws nigh.

  King Telinin’s head perked up as King Edrei sang. Realizing the intent of the man, Telinin joined singing a song of Belyndril.

  O’er mountains ancient and tall

  Rests great Belyndril, lord of all.

  Great plains and forests deep;

  Great warriors with which to keep.

  Our fathers came long ago.

  Tired of travelling to and fro.

  Mighty kings of old have we.

  Great tales to share with thee.

  Long we’ve lived in grassy plains.

  Staying where freedom reigns.

  Proud and just are we;

  Standing erect for all to see.

  King Nalim joined the song followed by his dwarves.

  Far below in caverns dark

  Clang hammers strong. Hark!

  Royal courage flows thro’ our veins.

  Abundant honor do we gain.

  Tales are sung of MurDair

  To people far and near.

  Underground rests our city

  Of marbled stone, fair and pretty.

  Seekers of precious gems;

  From us does runic lore stem.

  Our courage burns like fire;

  A valiance that can mire.

  King Shealayr added:

  Deep within trees of oak

  Lies Belarnia in emerald cloak.

  Flowing rivers of white dew

  Sing to us old and new.

  Ancient and fair are we.

  Ne’er ye find truer loyalty.

  Possessors of inner strength

  We endure to any length.

  Pursuers of truth and light,

  Enlightenment is our might.

  Bound by earthly song;

  Sweet melody makes us strong.

  Not to be outdone, King Slyamal rose to his feet and joined:

  Sym’Dul, vast land of golden grass

  And blue seas of crystal glass.

  Sweeping gales of olden time

  Fill our hearts with their chime.

  Olden men of great valor,

  Blest with wisdom all o’er.

  Protectors of the small an’ weak;

  Guardians of all the meek.

  Great stories told by lyre

  Of courageous men with no ire.

  Greater still, to others do we endear.

  Long shall our men dwell here.

  After King Slyamal finished, the chorus of men singing slowly died. Only the single voice of Arnin broke it.

  Flames entrench five kingdoms old.

  Bonded by fate; a story told.

  Oaths sworn, of loyalties rare.

  An alliance led by Tesnayr.

  Together the five kings finished the song:

  Let old quarrels be gone.

  A past buried, as we move on.

  Sing all free people young and old.

  Sing, before the day grows cold.


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