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Camron Page 5

by Veronica Scott

  While grateful to be spared any further unpleasantries, the mention of the Khagrish in charge and the idea he’d been pondering her fate specifically was terrifying. Gemma did her best to detach herself from the grim reality during the flight time and focus on a calming mental vision of a peaceful vista from one of her favorite planets but the self-soothing technique failed her. Anxiety tightened her chest until she feared she couldn’t breathe and she dug deep to find courage for facing the next ordeal.

  She had no further glimpses of Camron until they arrived at the destination and were offloaded. The restraints at her ankles were removed and she was taken under heavy guard from the landing field into the building and down corridors leading to the office spaces of the installation. This wasn’t the lab where Gemma had been held prisoner so nothing was familiar, although the overall design of the building was in the same style. She had her nerves under better control and tried to take one thing at a time, not worry about possibilities beyond her control.

  True to the guards’ predictions, Camron appeared recovered from the beating he’d received. Gemma took quick looks as she was marched through the nondescript hallways and saw no bruises or evidence he was less than perfectly fit

  Camron looked her over once, his face blank of expression and then ignored her.

  His attitude stung a little, but she hoped he was trying to convince the Khagrish she couldn’t be used to influence or coerce him because he cared nothing about her. Mentally she hugged his final, desperate gesture of clasping her fingers as the stun rays took effect. He tried to give me comfort. She stifled the urge to cry and took deep breaths to tamp down the tremors in her body. This experience was all too reminiscent of things which had happened to her in the past, long before being kidnapped and brought to this planet of horrors. The old anxiety and stress was rising, threatening to choke her, along with the fresh terror.

  Eventually Gemma, Camron and their guards arrived at a cluster of offices and were shown into the presence of the security commander.

  Parryfilmunn was seated behind a modernistic black-and-silver desk as Camron and Gemma were brought by the guards to stand in front of him. Taller than usual for a Khagrish, even seated, he was muscular and fit, and his shock of hair was the reddest she’d ever seen. His spiky hairdo outshone even the scientist seated at his right hand. She was identifiable by all the many badges and pins festooning her lab coat, but clearly subordinate to him, at least for now. Parryfilmunn’s face was set in a sadistic smirk and Gemma shuddered at the way he studied her while the officer who’d captured them gave a summary of the recovery.

  When the man was done, the commander addressed her and Camron in an accusatory tone. “Which one of you crashed my flyer and killed my people? Dr. Yunnivannx in particular was a tremendous loss to our efforts on this planet. Brilliant woman, simply one of a kind.”

  “Your pilot was sick,” Gemma said. “He was coughing, and there was something wrong with him when he arrived to pick us up. I think pilot error due to illness caused the crash.”

  She was interested to note the distressed reaction of the Khagrish at her words. Parryfilmunn frowned and recoiled. Clearly, there was more to this illness issue. She remembered how Yunnivannx had changed attitude once the pilot started coughing although he’d tried to allay her concerns by pleading allergies and offering a vague remark about a vaccine. Intriguing but nothing we can use to our advantage right now.

  Camron stood silently, staring straight ahead. He flexed his arms from time to time as if testing the strength of the bonds but his face was set in an expressionless mask.

  “Nothing to say, 820?” Parryfilmunn’s tone was mocking. “I know you and Dr. Yunnivannx had a complicated history. I’ve read the records. I’m sure you were bereft to have her perish before she could renew her, uh, amusements.”

  When Camron maintained his grim silence, Parryfilmunn gestured to the guard and the neurocontroller buzzed as it was activated. The Badari fell to his knees then to the floor, biting his lip until it bled to avoid making a sound. Instinctively, Gemma tried to go to his aid despite her hands being bound behind her back but her guards yanked her away.

  “Get the animal on his feet,” Parryfilmunn said with a satisfied smile as he left his chair and paced in front of Gemma and Camron. “The two of you have no way to know this, but I’m an avid hunter. Back on the home world, my domicile is full of trophies, rare beasts taken from many worlds where I’ve served.” He pointed at Camron. “But I’ve never hunted one of you animals, nor a human, so we’re all in for a very interesting time.”

  “Leave her out of this,” Camron said urgently. “Hunt me at your peril—I’m a soldier, I’ll gladly take you on, but don’t include the woman.”

  “Protective of the female, eh?” Parryfilmunn grinned unpleasantly. “All the more reason to send her out into the range with you. A male fights harder when he has a mate or offspring at stake.”

  Camron lunged at him, but the guards swarmed him before he got close. Gemma flinched in sympathy as the neurocontroller buzzed into life again. How much punishment could Camron take? “Stop it! I’ll gladly go with him and your head will be the trophy, not ours.” She couldn’t believe she’d uttered the threat but anger was hot in her gut. If she’d had a pulse rifle or a blaster in her hand, Parryfilmunn would be burned to a crisp right now.

  The listening scientist left her chair and stepped closer to Camron, voice raised in protest. “He’s much too valuable to be wasted in a meaningless hunt.” Looking down her nose at Gemma, she made a casual hand gesture as if to shoo her away. “Take the human, we have more than enough of them, but the male is one of a dwindling population. There are countless experiments which could be done with him, his blood, his tissues—”

  “The research program is ended, need I remind you?” Taking his time, clearly savoring the woman’s angst, Parryfilmunn strolled behind the desk again and sat. Drumming his fingers on the desk, he said, “Since the customer cancelled the contract for the genetic constructs, the survivors are in limbo to be dealt with as I please. I’m in charge of security on this planet now and my mandate includes overruling any of you scientists when I deem it to be necessary.” He stared at her hair and sniffed. “No matter how high the caste. And I strongly suspect from the way you’ve been eyeing 820 and drooling since he arrived, your interest isn’t exactly one of the purest science.” He grinned and the effect was repellent. “Claiming my new trophy is of the highest priority. If I’m to be effective on this planet and restore order, I need to thoroughly understand the adversary. The best way to accomplish the goal is to hunt one and study the way he thinks, acts and reacts. How he dies.” He took his contemptuous stare away from the scientist and addressed the prisoners. “It’s settled then: at first light we’ll release you into the designated hunting ground together. I’ll even give you a head start,” Parryfilmunn said to Camron as if he was being incredibly generous.

  “No neurocontrollers,” Camron said, tightening his fists and standing as if ready for a fight. “Make this a fair hunt.”

  “No ultra-scanner either then,” Gemma added, determined to back him in whatever he was thinking. “Track us like the mighty hunter you claim to be, not like a butcher slaughtering tethered prey.”

  The security commander laughed and slammed his hand on the desk as if sealing the deal. “Agreed. I like an old fashioned hunt. Good thing I brought three of my best trackers with me, hoping for an opportunity just like this one. A Badari is a worthy animal to include in my collection of trophies.” Parryfilmunn jabbed his index finger at the guard officer. “Put them in separate cells for the night. No plotting in advance. All strategizing to be done on the run, in the field.” He beamed at the prisoners and puffed his chest out. “I’ll send you off properly in the morning.”

  As if he’s doing us a giant honor. Gemma allowed her disdain to show on her face but bit her lip to remain silent. No need to verbally antagonize the Khagrish bully.

  The guards hus

tled them away, rushing through a new set of corridors ending in the usual bleak cell block. Gemma was dragged to a small cell, her wrist restraints removed and then left alone. She sank onto the dilapidated cot and rubbed her forehead to ease the headache and forestall tears. Events had escalated so quickly since they were recaptured early in the day and she grappled with the idea of being hunted like an animal tomorrow. At least she’d be with Camron. She wished she was with him tonight. The soldier was so calm and capable – he might even be able to convince her she’d survive this travesty of a hunt. I could have hope for a few hours anyway.

  The guards brought her a large dinner about an hour later and a lab tech stood over her with a neurocontroller to make sure she ate.

  “Parryfilmunn wants you to be well fed,” the tech said.

  “Why does he care? He’s planning to kill us.” Gemma had to concentrate not to throw up what she was eating. Her nerves were making her head spin. Her gut clenched and the food was like sawdust to her.

  “He’s being fair,” the tech said, with a wink at the nearest guard. “He said he wants the prey not to be hungry, so you won’t be distracted from providing a satisfying chase for him.”

  When she’d finally eaten enough to pacify the Khagrish, the guards and the tech left her alone, and she fell onto the single bunk and lay staring at the ceiling. Gemma had the awful thought Camron might abandon her during this farce of a hunt but then reassured herself. He’d never even suggested the idea when they were on the run before until the point where he thought she might be able to escape without him and he tried to be self-sacrificing. “We’re a team,” she said in a whisper, wiping tears from her face.

  Camron worked his way through the dinner, storing up the extra calories with no comment for the lab tech then, after the Khagrish left him in peace, he ran through a short series of mental exercises and a few physical ones as well to center his mind and focus on the challenge ahead. At peace, he lay on the hard bunk and closed his eyes, seeking sleep. It would be important to be well rested tomorrow, and to have a clear head.

  But he kept returning to concern for Gemma and worrying how she was doing tonight. Probably scared to death. He berated himself for not thinking of something clever to persuade Parryfilmunn to let them stay together. He hated to think of her isolated and afraid. Sending a silent prayer to the goddess to watch over them both, and to especially take notice of the woman, he rolled onto his side and forced himself to sink into a peaceful, relaxed state. He couldn’t help Gemma survive this twisted hunt if he wasn’t at his best.

  In the morning when the Khagrish came to fetch him, the lab tech gave him a single ration bar and one bottle of nutrient drink.

  “Get these down and hurry up. Parryfilmunn wants you two released into the wild at dawn and the time is getting close.” The tech fidgeted.

  “Did you provide similar fare to Gemma?” he asked as he unwrapped the bar, moving as slowly as he dared, deriving amusement from frustrating the tech.

  “Yeah, my co-worker is handling her. He said she had to be forced to eat last night.” Pacing to the entry of the cell and back, the Khagrishi seemed afraid of lingering, but it was the security commander he obviously feared, not Camron.

  Camron didn’t like the sound of Gemma having been force-fed but there was nothing he could do about it. Soon enough he was escorted by a large contingent of guards to an antechamber which had a large portal opening directly onto the scrubland the lab sat in the middle of. Parryfilmunn, the female scientist, and a few other Khagrish were waiting.

  Parryfilmunn rubbed his hands as Camron entered the space. “The weather is co-operating nicely,” the commander said. “Forecast for today is hot, sunny, perfect for tracking big game in the wild.”

  Gemma was brought in by her guards and Camron assessed her with a quick glance. He was glad to see although she was pale she stood with her head held high. He admired her spirit.

  “All right,” Parryfilmunn said, “Strip.”

  Not surprised, Camron kicked off the prison flip-flops and shrugged off his shirt before removing his pants. He stood barefoot and naked in front of the small crowd and stared straight ahead. With his peripheral vision he could see the scientist looking her fill at him and shaking her head with a sour expression.

  “Such a waste of a valuable specimen,” the Khagrish woman said to the tech closest to her. “I should have been allowed at least one session with him.”

  Camron repressed his disdain and hatred. He wasn’t going to give them any satisfaction of seeing emotion from him. What he wanted was to get outside and do his damnedest to escape. The fact Parryfilmunn wasn’t doing his version of a hunt inside the lab’s preserve surrounded by force fields was a definite plus. The arrogant Khagrish didn’t know what he was in for.

  “What the seven hells—I’m not getting undressed for your benefit,” Gemma said. “You want to hunt us, you can do that while we’re wearing clothes.” She tried to back away, holding the fabric of her shirt front tight in one hand.

  The guard closest to her laughed and grabbed her as she sidled instinctively toward the door. “No problem, human. Glad to help you with the proper protocols.”

  Two of the guards began pawing at her clothes while the third man held her. The sound of fabric ripping and her screamed curse echoed in the room.

  “Stop.” Taking a calculated risk, infuriated she was being mistreated in this fashion, Camron flashed his talons and fangs and made his voice hard and commanding. “Allow her the dignity of preparing herself for the ordeal.”

  The guards looked to Parryfilmunn who waved one hand. “I don’t need the woman traumatized before we begin.” He addressed Gemma directly. “You’ve got one chance to do this for yourself, girl. Obey my order or else I’ll have my men proceed and they will enjoy themselves. Better for you if you follow 820’s example and comply. Save us all time and conserve your energy for making my hunt entertaining today.”

  Gemma tore herself away from the smirking guards and took a deep breath. Without another word, she undid her clothing, following Camron’s example. She didn’t look at anyone but didn’t attempt to hide herself either, merely standing tall when she was done, with as much dignity as if she was fully clothed. He approved.

  A lab tech moved in. “Bracelets off.” Using the neurocontroller to remove first Camron’s and then Gemma’s, the tech took an extra moment to ogle her chest. The furious color in her cheeks was like twin flames but she copied Camron’s stance and ignored the man.

  While guards with their pulse rifles locked and loaded surrounded Camron, Parryfilmunn moved closer. “I’ve decided to make this more interesting,” he said. “I want to hunt a matched set today, male and female, so I think it’s wise to ensure what I like to think of as a pair bonding.”

  Camron couldn’t imagine what the bastard had in mind but then another tech stepped forward holding a lightweight tether, with a metal band at either end.

  “There’s no glory in hunting a chained beast,” he said with contempt as the first bracelet was snapped onto his left wrist.

  “Normally I’d agree with you,” Parryfilmunn said with a genial air. “But I think you’ll find I’ve designed this with enough slack so you can move and fight freely. I want to ensure you have to defend the woman as well. Don’t leave her behind in the dust to give yourself a better chance.”

  Now Camron did lower his gaze, looking at Gemma for an instant and then staring Parryfilmunn in the face, revealing his fangs and laughing as the commander retreated a step. “I have more honor in my little toe than you have in your entire body. I’d never abandon her.”

  “I appreciate your spirit,” Parryfilmunn said, voice a bit weak, as the second bracelet encircled Gemma’s wrist. “But a little insurance goes a long way.”

  Camron longed to offer Gemma some comfort but now wasn’t the time, and she probably wouldn’t appreciate him touching her. He squared his shoulders and prepared to move out the instant the door was opened.

nbsp; “One more thing, never let it be said I’m not a sporting man.” Parryfilmunn spread his arms as if inviting the watching Khagrish to lavish praise on him.

  “You talk too much.” Camron couldn’t stop himself.

  “Insolence like that would get you whipped on an ordinary day but today I’ll overlook the backtalk. I’m giving you three hours’ head start and then I’ll be coming for you.” Regaining his bravado in front of his audience, Parryfilmunn poked Camron in the center of his chest, no doubt thinking the guards’ guns protected him. Camron could have killed him in a heartbeat, would have perhaps, if there wasn’t Gemma to consider. His death right now wouldn’t help her, and Camron found he was very invested in her survival. Parryfilmunn blathered on. “Get as far as you can, obscure your trail, do whatever an animal like you can come up with, but I’ll have my trophies by sunset.”


  The door clicked open and Camron walked outside without a backward glance. There was a small tug on his wrist as Gemma hesitated but then she stood beside him as the panel closed again behind them. Camron went about five feet away from the building, Gemma resisting for a second as the tether pulled taut but then joining him. He took deep breaths of the air, facing each major point of the compass as he did so.

  “Shouldn’t we be running?” Gemma asked. She eyed the hard packed dirt surface strewn with spiky plants in dismay. “Although my feet hurt already. Sadistic bastard, making us go naked.”

  “To flee aimlessly will ensure the bastard’s victory.” Keeping his eyes on her face, he said, “I’m sorry you got caught in this hunt.”

  “I wish he’d let us keep our clothing. I can’t imagine what difference those rags made.”

  “He wishes to embarrass us. To make me in particular feel like the cornered animal he wants me to be.” Camron took note of the sun’s location over the horizon so he could keep rough track of time. “The shame tactic won’t work.” Having identified the scent he’d been seeking, he was ready to move. “Will you trust me to carry you?”


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