The Raven Queen

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The Raven Queen Page 14

by Emma Jayne Mills

  Melaina snorted and continued to put circles on the map.

  “I take it you’ve met my brother?” Jax asked.

  “Any man who would sell his mate for his own gain is no man in my eyes,” she snarled.

  “Did she guess your animal?” Jax wondered out loud.

  Melaina smiled a half smile before looking up at Jax. “Within about thirty seconds. How does she do that?”

  “I don’t know. She claims anyone could do it if they look closely enough.” Jax shrugged, paying more attention to the map than to the female shifter.

  “Well, the only reason I know you’re wolves, is because this is a wolf pack. I’m used to being the odd one out,” Melaina added, a shrug of her own.

  “We’re not all wolves,” Cole grinned at her.

  “And we’re not part of this pack,” Marco murmured.

  “No?” she asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “Only Jax and Marco are wolves, both came from this pack, but left to become badasses, like me,” Hunter charmed. “You’re not as out of place here as you might think, sweetheart.”

  Melaina looked away from him and hunched over the map, signalling she was done with that conversation. She went back to marking out the camera positions. “I don’t want to worry you, but Caspian will recognise me. I was in the room several times when he met with Lykos and Axel. If you’re planning on sending him back to Lykos, do you trust him not to spill his guts about my being here?”

  “Nope. That’s why we’re going to have to keep you out of sight,” Zane told her.

  She nodded before announcing, “I want to go with you.”


  “Absolutely not.”

  “Out of the question.”

  “Not happening.”

  “No way!”

  The men all answered in unison and she slowly lifted her head to glare at each one of them in turn. “I owe her. She put herself out for me when she had no reason to. I will see Aurora out of that place safely if it’s the last thing I do. If that means I go back alone, I’ll do exactly that. Now, I’m thinking some rogue, vigilante heroine is going to be a headache you don’t need. I know you have no intention of bringing her back here, which means waiting around like a good little girl isn’t an option. So, whatever your plan is, I suggest you include me, because I can make things exceedingly difficult if you don’t.”

  Silence reigned while the men exchanged looks, she had them over a barrel and she knew it. Finally, Zane spoke. “You stay on the chopper with me.”

  “I can do that.” She sat back and held the pen out to Jax. “That’s all of them.”

  “Why are you so loyal to her? You wanted away from your mate, Aurora gave you that, but you would risk going back there for her,” Marco questioned.

  “Like I said, I owe her,” she said.

  “I don’t buy that,” Marco pushed. Like many shifters, he didn’t trust easily and wasn’t afraid to let anyone know.

  There was more to this woman than she was letting on. She claimed she wanted to help, yet she was openly evasive and had deliberately avoided giving them information about herself. Granted, shifters were naturally protective of themselves. But she was a female, running from her true mate, it didn’t make sense that she would be willing to go straight back to where he was.

  “She’s got bigger balls than any man I’ve ever met.” The mysterious female once again made it clear she was done talking. Marco would have to make do with her answer, for now. However, he had no intention of letting the subject go until she had convinced him she was trustworthy. His natural need to question made him the team’s first choice for interrogations and he wouldn’t hesitate to use those skills to get answers from this woman. A slamming of doors and footsteps in the corridor alerted the group to another presence. Cole was at the door in a split second.

  “It’s Caspian,” he said. “Thirty seconds before he sees her.”

  Marco grabbed Melaina by the hand. She stood without argument and he led her to the window; they were on the ground floor so height wasn’t a problem. She was instantly on board with the unspoken plan and gracefully climbed out onto the grass below. Marco leaned out and spoke to her quietly, before closing the window and turning to face the room, just as Caspian hurtled through the door.

  “He wants me to go tonight,” he announced, a smug grin on his face. “I reeled him in, hook, line and sinker.”

  “Talk,” Jax demanded and sat on the edge of the table, obscuring Caspian’s view of the newly marked scrolls. Noticing the move, Hunter began rolling them up and moving them out of sight. Caspian remained clueless, only interested in the part he played, as usual.

  “He’s sending his private helicopter for me. I’ll be leaving within the hour. So, the plan hasn’t changed, right? I get Aurora to the helipad tomorrow night and you pick us up.”

  “We pick Aurora up. You get yourself out of there,” Jax told him, without emotion. His feelings towards his younger brother should not have been coldness and disinterest. Regardless, Jax couldn’t bring himself to care what happened to Caspian once he’d served his purpose. They planned on relocating to a safe house once Aurora was safely with them, Caspian was not invited.

  “Seriously, bro? The second he realises she’s gone he’ll know it was me. You’re really going to leave me there?”

  “Are you going back on your word, Caspian? You already agreed to this,” Jax reminded him. “Find a way that you aren’t on the roof when she leaves and I’m sure you can bluff your case. You’ve been doing this double agent thing for long enough now, you must you have a few tricks up your sleeve.”

  “Fine. But you can explain to mam when I don’t come out of there safely.” His attempt at blackmail bore no consequence to his brother.

  “I have no doubt you’ll find your way out,” Jax told him. “Is Connell up to date on this development?”

  “No, I came straight to you.”

  “I’ll talk to him. You go and prepare whatever you need,” Jax dismissed his brother.

  “I’m going to prove you wrong about me, Jax.” Caspian flung over his shoulder, as he pushed open the double doors and left them swinging in his wake. He always was a drama queen.

  Marco turned and opened the window again, whistling to signal to Melaina that the coast was clear. “Hurry, he’ll be coming this way in about twenty seconds.”

  She was back through the window, with it closed behind her in half that time. Jax shared a look with Zane. He could see the commander was thinking the same thing he was; this woman, if she proved thrust worthy, could be an asset.

  “Who the fuck put grass in my food?” Hunter exclaimed loudly, grimacing down at the container he’d taken from the bag he’d brought in.

  “They’re herbs, dog dick,” Marco shot back, reaching into the bag, and pulling out more containers.

  “That’s fucking grass, who does that? You only do that to someone you hate.” Hunter continued to grumble while picking through the food with his fork.

  “Shut up and eat!” Zane told him, taking a seat, and offering a container of what appeared to be stew to Melaina.

  The team ate while they brainstormed ideas for the following night. Only Jax sat silently, mulling over the prophecy. The Morrigan prophecy stated that The Raven Queen’s true mate was to assemble six warriors for her. Jax had five, himself included. They had found nothing to say all six had to be male. He pushed the thought aside for the time being, getting Aurora back was priority. If Melaina decided to stick around after that he could go back to it then.

  Lunch at the castle was an intimate affair, with more Greek food, cooked by Lykos. He made lamb kebabs, called souvlaki, and Greek salad. Aurora kicked herself for revealing to him that feta cheese was one of her favourite things to eat. To give him credit, if she overlooked the fact that he’d blown up her pack’s territory and taken her against her will, he was doing a pretty convincing job of courting his intended mate.

  “Mel got away without a
hitch, I take it?” Lykos joined her on the sofa, handing her a glass of red wine.

  “She did.” Aurora accepted the delicately cut crystal glass and lifted it to her lips.

  Lykos had kept his word, keeping Axel busy and out of the way while Melaina packed her things. He’d given her enough cash to get out of Ireland and a credit card for when the cash ran out. She also had a mobile phone; in case she needed his help and he’d even provided a car. If she kept her word and made good time, she should have arrived at Shadow Fen late that morning. Of course, Aurora withheld that piece of information.

  “Regrets, Koraki?” He interrupted her thoughts, assuming her silence to be one of sadness, caused by the loss of her only female companion.

  “None. She was good to me in the brief time I knew her and she deserves her freedom. What about Axel? Does he know she’s gone yet?” She reached up and began to rub away the tightness in her shoulders she hadn’t realised was there.

  “He feels the loss and is… detained. It’s funny you should bring up the subject of betas...” he drank from his glass, before taking hers and setting them both on the glass coffee table in front of them. She let this dominant act go by unchecked and raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue. “Your Caspian phoned me last night.”

  “He is not my anything!” Aurora snapped, fully aware that his words had been a test, her reaction the answer.

  “Glad to hear it. However, I feel the proposal he made is something we should at least discuss. It may be of benefit to our pack.” He didn’t miss her blink at his reference to our pack. “You, my Queen, are an alpha in her own right, are you not?”

  “I am.”

  “Born to rule a pack of your own? Prophesized to bring about peace among the races,” he continued and she nodded slowly. “You will be my equal on everything pack related, Aurora. I will discuss all issues and details with you and we will make the decisions together. Why would I choose an alpha mate if not to help me rule?”

  “I understand,” she acknowledged, playing the game.

  “Good. Caspian offered himself as beta for us. He knows Axel is unstable, an issue I have attempted to deal with in the past. Sadly, I no longer feel I’m getting through to him. You don’t have to tell me that what happened to Mel was deliberate and abuse among mates is not something I can tolerate. I witnessed my mother live with it from my father, I will not have it among my pack. Axel is a problem, but at present he is my only beta wolf,” Lykos explained.

  “So, you’re seriously considering Caspian’s offer?”

  “I would like us to discuss and consider his offer, Aurora.” There was the use of her full name, he wanted her to take him seriously. It was as though he used her actual name to differentiate between business and personal, perhaps he thought it would gain him more respect from her. “We could look to other packs for a suitable replacement, but that takes time and Caspian is available immediately, which suits our current situation.”

  “What did Caspian say, exactly?” She knew there had to be something in it for Caspian. He would never have made the offer otherwise.

  “He offered his services. I questioned his feelings for you, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “He replied that he accepts you are no longer his and would have no problem being beta to you. He said was born to take that role.”

  “Well, I can’t argue that, I suppose. Although, if my brother hadn’t left, Caspian wouldn’t have become the next beta. Marco outranks him.” She was unconcerned about sharing pack dynamics with him. It wasn’t information that could be used against the Shadow Pack in any way and he’d probably already figured most of it out himself.

  “How do you feel about him being here? I’m treading carefully here, because obviously I played my part in his betrayal- an issue I know we must address in due course. Would you be able to trust him, get along with him, work alongside him?”

  “What if I say no?”

  “Then his offer will be refused and we will seek a new beta among other packs. Assuming you agree with my decision to remove Axel?”

  “I do. I’m concerned that if you let him go, he’ll follow Melaina.”

  “I said nothing about letting him go. He will remain here, as a regular pack member.”

  “And you think he’ll accept that?”

  “He has little choice, a shamed beta wolf is unlikely to be accepted into another pack, particularly if he is thought to pose a threat to their females. I will ensure that this is known about him. He doesn’t have the intelligence to be a lone wolf. No, Axel will remain under my supervision. That will be my job and mine alone, you understand. I want him nowhere near you.”

  “Suits me. I don’t know about Caspian though. I mean, I don’t doubt his abilities as a beta, his bloodline is strong and he’s been trained by the best. I just don’t know if he’s capable of working for a pack, rather than for himself. Although, at least if he was here, I could keep an eye on him.”

  “In what way?”

  “As I said, I don’t trust him. Caspian has never made it a secret that he’s out for whatever he can get. For him, it’s simple, he wants out of Shadow Fen. After what he pulled, he’ll never be accepted as pack beta and my Father won’t allow him to take a position of authority or importance, he’ll just be a regular pack wolf. One among the ranks of many. If you...” she looked up into his eyes and corrected herself. “If we, accept his offer, he gets the power he craves and his ego stroked in the process, because in his eyes he’s got one over on my Father. At the same time, I get to make sure he doesn’t fuck anyone else over in his bid for world domination.”

  Lykos laughed. “I don’t think world domination is in his grasp, but I see your reasoning. You think we ought to accept?”

  “I think he’s the better of the two, when faced with him and Axel. Caspian can be controlled, I’m not sure Axel can.”

  “The lesser of two evils,” Lykos considered.

  “Precisely,” she replied.

  “Then answer something for me, Aurora,” he requested. She nodded her agreement and reached over to pick up her wine glass. “What are your feelings for him now?”

  “I want to beat the crap out of him,” she answered with honestly.

  “And then?”

  “If you’re asking am I still in love with him, the answer is I’m not sure I ever was. I loved him, yes, but I don’t think I was ever in love with him.” She sipped the wine. “Caspian was the only person I relied upon, aside from myself, for a long time. His betrayal hurt, but not in a way that makes me want to sit in a corner and cry over a broken heart. It hurts in a way that makes me angry and want to break things, preferably his bones.”

  “So, it’s possible I may need a backup plan, for when you kill the new beta,” Lykos laughed.

  “Let me train with him. I’ll work my anger out on him that way.” It was a tongue in cheek suggestion but one Aurora would readily see through.

  “Hmm, your training is something I hadn’t considered, you wish to continue?”

  “Absolutely,” she nodded. Some gym time might make this place less dull while she figured out her next move. Removing Caspian from the fen was a bonus she hadn’t counted on, but it was one she was happy with.

  “Perhaps you and I should spend some time in the gym together. I’d like to see what you can do,” he smirked, obviously of the mistaken opinion she was just a girl who couldn’t fight.

  “Happy to.” The thought of going one on one with him and showing him how hard a girl really hits excited her.

  “So, we are decided? We accept his offer?” Lykos reached for his phone and stood, walking towards the window.

  “We accept.”

  While Aurora didn’t know what Caspian was up to, she was certain it would only be for his own gain. It didn’t matter, she would be out of there herself soon enough, leaving Lykos to deal with Caspian. Even if Melaina wasn’t true to her word and hadn’t gone to Shadow Fen, it wasn’t something Aurora was
overly concerned about. If she couldn’t find a way out herself, Jax would still be coming. One way or another, this castle was not going to her jail for much longer. She openly listened in while Lykos spoke on the phone, although he made no attempt to conceal his conversation from her. He instructed Caspian to be ready to leave within the hour. After hanging up, he then put in a call to who she assumed was his pilot, before joining her on the sofa.

  “How would you like to spend the rest of our afternoon together, Koraki?” His arm stretched along the back of the sofa, pulling her into the wing of his embrace.

  “Haven’t you got work, or something, to get on with?”

  “The beauty of being the boss, delegation. Besides, you and I need time together, so I can win your heart. How can we do that if I am not present?”

  She looked at him thoughtfully for a while, trying to fathom this alpha wolf who came across as a perfectly reasonable man, most of the time. What had happened in his life to make him feel the need to resort to threats and violence to get what he wanted? He was certainly intelligent and powerful enough to gain favour without all of that.

  “Tell me your story, Lykos.” While she originally planned on asking him to tell her about his life, to further affirm she was going to allow this farce of a mating, she found herself meaning the words she spoke. “I want to know you.”

  “My story...” he made a sound that was part laugh, part sigh and pulled back his arm to rub the day old scruff on his chin. “My story is not a particulary happy one, it is dark and violent.”

  “I’m listening.” She locked her eyes to his and willed him to speak. He stared hard at her, for several minutes before he spoke again.

  “My life began on the island of Kriti, or Crete as you know it, the largest and arguably most beautiful of the islands in the Aegean sea. My father was alpha of our pack. He was a strong man, tall and dark. I look very much like him, a fact that doesn’t bring me pride. He was also a feared man, not someone I enjoy speaking of, but he is part of my story.”


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