Hammer (Heartlands Motorcycle Club Book 9)

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Hammer (Heartlands Motorcycle Club Book 9) Page 4

by Dani Wyatt

  “No, that’s my name…it’s Robin.”

  “For reals?” Her eyebrows raise.

  I nod.

  “Well, that could get confusing.” She says, her eyes searching my face. “How about, I call you Rammer then? Get it? Robin and Hammer?”

  The laugh she’s been holding back breaks free, and as fucking embarrassing as this moment should be, I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from joining her.

  In that moment, I know what I want. To hear her laugh like that for the rest of my life.

  “Jesus,” I manage, trying to regain some control over the situation. “Let’s compromise. You call me Rob, but not in front of anyone else. Only alone. I don’t like anyone knowing my name.” I leave it at that. I don’t want her to know it’s not that I’m all that embarrassed by my name, but I like my anonymity. Even more now that I’ve got her in my life.

  “Deal.” She nods, pinching her pink lips tight as she holds back another laugh.

  “We had another deal.” My voice lowers as I reach down and grab her ass in both hands, lifting her up on a yelp with zero effort and turning us around, setting her on a small table against the opposite wall. “Lift your ass,” I order, moving my hands down, unzipping her jeans, then jerking on the waistband as she locks her elbows and pushes herself up. Her ass rises just enough for me to strip the denim from her legs, down to her ankles.

  I pull harder and the black sparkly flip flops she was wearing fall to the linoleum floor, only to be immediately covered by her jeans when I drop them on top.

  “Rob,” she whispers, and it’s the sweetest fucking sound. The humor is gone from her voice and I like that she’s the only one that’s ever called me that. It’s ours alone, and I want to create a million other things that belong to just us.

  I kiss my way down her neck, pulling up her shirt, and make my way from one nipple to the other, sucking and glancing my teeth on the pebbled flesh before licking my way down her soft stomach as my cock leaks and my balls twitch.

  As I pause just below her belly button, an odd, unfamiliar sensation tightens its grip on my throat and I realize for the first time, when I do get inside her—and it may not be tonight—there will be nothing between us.

  No condoms.

  If she’s on something, that will be over because I want her bound to me. It’s hard for me to believe this is me thinking these things, but they are as clear as an oracle’s prophecy, and if it takes me the rest of my life, this girl will be mine in every way possible.

  With thoughts of how my bare cock will feel sliding into her hot cunt for the first time, I lower to my knees, my face at the perfect height, and I grip her knees, spreading her, and my eyes feast on the dark crotch of her red panties, decorated with what looks like miniature glow in the dark ghosts wearing red bow ties.

  The room is just dark enough that the little spooks give off that greenish-white glow, and as turned on as I am, I love that under all her armor and seriousness, she’s fucking wearing glow in the dark ghost underwear.

  The more I get to know her, the more fascinating she is, and it only serves to solidify in my mind that this is way more than some one-note sexual attraction.

  But, right now, my brain and my cock are hell bent on getting a taste of her, so I bury my face into the wet fabric and draw a deep breath of her scent.

  It roars through me, harder this time than when I kissed her pussy glossed lips. I know from this moment forward, she’ll be with me always. I’ll smell her on a breeze, in my dreams, when I need to be strong for us…she will always be there.

  I slip the red cotton down her legs and settle on my knees before this goddess. I take one last look up into her face. She’s watching me, her mouth open, golden brown eyes on fire, saying yes, please, god yes, hurry and I have every intention of giving her what she wants.

  I bring my hand up to her hips, jerking her down a few inches as she releases a small scream of surprise at the hard motion, but I’ve got her in the perfect position for what’s next.

  Her scream immediately shifts to a moan and I watch her face as my mouth engulfs her pussy. Her head falls back and the taste and scent of her arousal punches me in the gut, making stars dance in font of my eyes, and I want to feast here forever.

  I eat her until she’s shaking and I swallow everything she offers. With my mouth attacking her clit, her fingers twine in my hair, pulling, gripping, until her orgasm takes her hard and she’s a screaming, quivering mess—and I love every moment.

  Her delicious release fills my mouth, but I want more. I center my lips on her swollen, sensitive clit.

  “No, wait—” She’s whimpering, pushing my head back. “Just…Jesus, I need a second, it’s too much…”

  I ease up, lapping at her slowly, then bring a finger down and slide it inside.

  “Fuck, you’re on fire.” I mumble into her perfect pink softness and shift my lips. Kissing her inner thighs as they quiver, pumping my finger in and out faster until I see her eyes flutter back and I plant my mouth on her again.

  She goes off almost immediately, more violently this time. Her screams shake the small room, her body twisting and bucking as I ride out the motions, driving her climax higher and harder until her thighs grip my face and I look up to see her fall back against the wall, panting.

  “Damn,” I hear her mutter as she tries to get control of her head. Her eyes are glazed as I get to my feet, and the way she’s looking at me, a voice in my head is saying something I’ve never felt before.

  I love her.

  What the fuck? I barely know her. She has some magic pussy potion that’s put a spell on me or some shit.

  I’ve heard of guys getting whacked when they hit that just-right pussy, and they are never the same. I didn’t believe that, but the way I’m feeling right now I’ve either had a stroke or she’s using some voodoo on me, because I’m seeing fucking rainbows and unicorns and picket fences and a mini-van.

  Her hands dart out to grab my vest and she tugs me into her. Our bodies connect at the same time as our lips and she’s a needy girl, kissing me hard as I give it back to her in spades.

  That’s something else: I’ve never liked kissing before. In fact, I always avoided it, being called some pretty choice names in the process.

  But Robin? Jesus, I could kiss her forever. Her tongue feels perfect twining with mine. Her lips are soft, just open enough, and it’s like we’ve been choreographing this dance for centuries.

  I pull back for a breath, but more because I miss looking at her face. When I do, there’s something in her eyes. It’s lust, but it’s more.

  Her hands drift down to my belt and there is a mischievous grin that curls her swollen lips.

  “You said we weren’t going to fuck in here. If you set that beast free, there will be fucking. Fair warning.” I do what I can to keep my words steady because I want nothing more than to sink inside her and fill her with what feels like ten pounds of cum weighting my balls right now.

  “Well, maybe things have changed—”

  Her fingers loop into the leather of my belt. I watch as she slips it through the buckle, then it’s a quick pop of the top button and the other five basically do the work themselves, just from the pressure of my cock behind.

  Her eyes turn to saucers and fixate on the length of erection standing high and tight like it’s saluting her.

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph…” She looks down, then at me. “Do you carry a concealed weapon permit for that thing?”

  Her fingers move forward, opening to take hold, when I hear it.


  The door knob turns, clicks again, Robin yelps and we’re busted.

  Chapter 7


  Rob is rubbing his temples as he stands by the steel table where the bottle of tequila sits next to my empty laundry basket.

  The lady that walked in on us can’t seem to get the smile from her face and keeps glancing my way. She looks at me with some odd joy, nothing that makes
me feel worse about being discovered in the back room of a laundromat with my legs wide and a guy I barely know’s cock ready to take all I was offering.

  But, oh my God, for real.

  That cock.

  When this dust settles, I will need to find out who this lady is and send her a thank you note, because she probably just saved me from being destroyed by that horse cock Hammer was hiding.

  I was serious when I said it was a concealed weapon. He needs a permit to carry around something like that.

  Rob turns my way, his face hard but not angry, as the raven haired lady smacks his shoulder on a throaty laugh and they both move my way.

  My cheeks are about a thousand degrees as they approach and I can see in the older woman’s eyes a kindness; playful, but not cruel.

  “Robin.” Rob extends his hand toward me, then bends his elbow and his finger point toward the woman. “This is Luann. Luann, this is Robin.”

  “Sorry about this,” I start, but she waves me off. Her fingers are crooked, skin is thin, but she’s pretty. I can imagine she was a killer back in her day.

  “Don’t fret one second. Us girls gotta get what we need. No shame.” She smiles and her teeth are crooked, yellow from nicotine, but I feel a genuine warmth.

  My adrenaline and the tequila is still pushing my needle into the red. I’m still reeling from the orgasm Rob pulled out of me. I mean, I know how to work a vibrator and I’ve had orgasms before, but nothing—I mean nothing—like what just happened in that back room.

  I’m still vibrating inside and I really should thank her for interrupting when she did. I wasn’t thinking straight. I told myself no fucking and I was about to throw that right out the window when she intervened.

  Nothing but sex. That’s what this was. Is. Whatever.

  It was fun, now it’s done.

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  “A little lust and tequila at three AM in an empty laundromat. Sounds like a good romance book to me.”

  “Okay,” Rob interrupts. “Let’s just forget this ever happened.”

  His voice is hard and my heart sinks.

  I’m the one that said it’s nothing but sex, but to hear him dismiss what just happened so quickly, I don’t understand why it feels like there’s a strap crushing my heart.

  “I knew it was him.” Luann nods towards the copy of Pride & Prejudice. “Who else would be here in the middle of the night? I also know he’s been known to use the back room on occasion.” She bobs her eyebrows at Rob and the sinking feeling turns to a stabbing pain in my chest.

  “Well, I should be going.” I shuffle around them to the washing machines that hold my clothes. Thank God they are all done, and I start opening each one, stuffing the damp clothes into my basket.

  “You need to dry them.” Rob comes up next to me, but I shift away.

  I hate that I can smell my scent on him. I hate him right now.

  “No,” I snap. “I hang them out to dry. I need to get home and get them on the line before they start to smell.”

  “Robin.” He grabs my arm as I lift my basket and try to head to the door. “I want to take you to dinner. Tonight.”

  “I can’t.” I twist my arm from his hand. “I have research for a case. Thanks for the drinks. I really need to go.”

  “No,” he barks, and I shoot him a glare.

  “I told you what this was. You also said you would never force me. Well, I want to go and I’m going.”

  I spin and march toward the door. My heart is hammering in my chest and I do everything I can to get to the door without turning around.

  This is not for you. This is not what you want. He is not what you want. You have plans, he probably has an arrest record.

  I hate that in such a short time he made me feel something. I should have known. Why else would he know he could get into that back room? He’s used it before, and he had no problem saying we should just forget it ever happened.

  Stay the course, Robin. Seneca—and certainly Rob, Robin, Hammer, whatever his name is—are just brief distractions on your way to where you want to be.

  Don’t fuck it up.

  Chapter 8


  “Robin’s not here, I’m afraid.” Her uncle looks me up and down like he’s wondering how I know her name, and I don’t blame him. As far as I’m concerned, the fact he’s cautious about me is a good thing. I respect him for looking out for her. “Can I help with anything?”

  I shake my head. “Robin was recommended to me. I don’t really want anyone else to deal with this. Besides,” I add, “she’s already started taking a look into things for me, sort of got a head start.”

  He frowns. “Haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “No. We know each other outside work.”

  “And what sort of work is it that you do, Mister…?”

  “Just Hammer...stein. I’m an engineer.”

  It’s not really even a lie. After all, I do take on engineering work and fixing all kinds of shit for cash in hand. I wouldn’t exactly call it a job, since I don’t pay taxes or have any permits or anything, but it is work.

  “Hammerstein? Like the musicals?”

  I nod. “Exactly. Everyone calls me Hammer.”

  He seems to buy the lie easily. “Well, I can tell Robin you stopped by when she gets here. But she has court this morning, so I’m not sure when that will be.”

  “Fuck, of course, those trumped up fucking charges against Leonard Graves.” That explains why she wasn’t at her house when I stopped by before I came here.

  When she said I was a fucking creeper, she wasn’t off the mark at all. I know her schedule, I know her cases and I know where she’s supposed to be at every moment of every day. There I was, panicking that she wasn’t where she should be, and all the time it was me who was in the wrong place. Should have gone to the courthouse and found her before the case started, but it would be too fucking late now.


  Her uncle narrows his eyes at me. “You know Leonard?”

  No. I just make it my business to know everything about your niece. “Yeah, Leonard’s a good guy. That cop set him up.” That, at least, is true. I looked into the details after I found out she was going to be representing him. I’m no lawyer, but I know people who know people who can find out the truth about pretty much anything that goes on around here.

  “Well, that’s what we’re hoping to prove. Don’t worry, Robin’s good at her job and the evidence that fell in our laps about this case should be more than enough to convince a courtroom.”

  I know. Because I gave them the evidence.

  “I’ll let her know you stopped by, shall I?”

  “Sure. Here’s my number.” I scribble the name, Hammer, on a piece of paper on his desk, then add my cell number underneath. “I’ll be waiting for her to call.”

  He frowns at the paper as he picks it up. “Any first name?”

  I shake my head as I turn and head for the door. “Just Hammer. She knows who I am.”

  “Fuck off,” I say to Chain as he makes a lewd gesture with his beer bottle, taking a little longer to lick around the rim before knocking back a big gulp.

  They all know about what happened last night. And that means fucking Luann blabbed. I’d try to be mad at her, but there’s no point because I know it won’t last. She might be a thorn in my side right now, but she’s a sweet old lady and a friend.

  “Who would’a guessed that lawyer chick is a fucking sweetbutt?” Troy chuckles as he turns to the bar, and I see red.

  In a moment, I’m in his face, my fist twisted into the collar of his shirt as I growl low. “Don’t you call her that.”

  Troy’s face straightens in an instant, but his eyes still look like their smiling but he holds up his hands in surrender. In a straight fight, I don’t know which of us would come out on top, but right now I don’t care about that. I’ll defend her honor with my life if I have to.

  “All right, take it
easy. Just busting your balls. But I am the club president and if you don’t take your hands off me I’m going to have to do something neither of us will enjoy.” He narrows his eyes at me, and I let him go. “Good choice. Look, no harm no foul. She’s a sweet girl and I think I speak for all of us when I say I’m relieved you finally did more than just read your fucking romance novels in that back room.”

  “They’re not romance novels. They’re classic literature.”

  He chuckles. “Whatever you need to tell yourself. If they gave you the idea for what Luann saw you doing, good for you.”

  “Whatever.” I say, not convinced that his apology is genuine but not wanting to push things further.

  He claps me on the shoulder. “Just happy to know you’re human.”

  “Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.”


  “I want to use the cabin.”

  “What?” Killian is sitting on the other side of the room, but somehow he heard what I said. He’s shaking his head already. “That’s a fucking hideout for when we need it. No way.”

  Troy shoots him a look and he falls silent immediately.

  “No fucking way!” Saint stands up from the table in the corner, the legs of his chair squeaking against the polished floor as he pushes it back, his eyes darting to me and Troy. “Hammer, is that you?”

  I shrug my shoulders. He’s looking down at his phone, then up at me and Troy, then back at his phone. “Is what me?”

  “This video. It’s all over the fucking internet, dude. They’ve done that thing to it but…” He looks over at Wrath, who raises his eyebrows. “Filter. That’s it, some sort of fucking filter, made you look like the fucking hulk or some shit. Take a fucking look!”

  “What the fuck?” I stomp over to him and grab the phone. As I watch the video my heart sinks. “Jesus Christ. This is all over the internet?”

  Saint nods. “Gone viral.”

  The video shows me, very clearly, taking down three assholes as they disrespect the most beautiful woman in the world in the middle of a produce aisle. Those fucking girls with their phones must have shot it when I saved Robin from those fuckers.


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