The Highgrader

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The Highgrader Page 20

by William MacLeod Raine



  The morning after the seizing of the ore Verinder came to breakfast in amood so jubilant that he could not long keep to himself the cause of hisexultation. Kilmeny and Farquhar were away on a hunting trip, and noneof the ladies except Moya was yet up. He was especially eager to tellhis news to her, because she had always been such an open defender ofthe highgrader. She gave him his opening very promptly, for she wasanxious to know what had occurred.

  "Has some distant connection passed away and left you a fortune, Mr.Verinder? Or have you merely found a new gold mine since I saw youlast?" she asked.

  "By Jove, you're a good guesser, Miss Dwight. I found a gold mine lastnight. Wonder if you could think where."

  Her heart beat faster. "You're so pleased about it I fancy the quartzmust have been sacked up for you ready for the smelter," she saidcarelessly.

  Verinder flashed a quick look at her. "Eh, what? How's that?"

  Moya opened her lips to confess what she had done, but the arrival of awaiter delayed this. Before he had left, Lady Farquhar entered and thegirl's chance was temporarily gone.

  "I was just telling Miss Dwight that we've found another gold mine, LadyFarquhar--and of all places in the world located in the bed of a wagon."

  "In the bed of a wagon! How could that be?"

  "Fact, 'pon my word! High-grade ore too, we fancy; but we'll know moreabout that when we hear from the assayer."

  The matron intercepted the look of triumph--it was almost a jeer--thatthe mine owner flung toward Miss Dwight. She did not understand what hewas talking about, but she saw that Moya did.

  "If you'd tell us just what happened we'd be able to congratulate youmore intelligently," the latter suggested, masking her anxiety.

  "Jove, I wish I could--like to tell you the whole story. We pulled off aripping surprise on one of your friends. But--the deuce of it is I'msworn to secrecy. We played the highgraders' game and stepped a bitoutside the law for once. Let it go at this, that the fellow had toswallow a big dose of his own medicine."

  Moya pushed one more question home. "Nobody hurt, I suppose?"

  "Only his feelings and his pocketbook. But I fancy one highgrader haslearned that Dobyans Verinder knows his way about a bit, you know."

  The subject filled Moya's thoughts all day. Had Kilmeny after all failedto take advantage of her warning? Or had his opponents proved too shrewdfor him? From what Verinder had told her she surmised that Jack hadtried to reach the railroad with his ore and been intercepted. But whyhad he not changed his plans after her talk with him? Surely he was notthe kind of man to walk like a lamb into a trap baited for him.

  Late in the afternoon Moya, dressed in riding costume, was waiting onthe hotel porch for India and her brother when she saw Verinder comingdown the street. That he was in a sulky ill humor was apparent.

  "Lord Farquhar and Captain Kilmeny came back a couple of hours ago," shesaid by way of engaging him in talk.

  "Any luck?" he asked morosely and with obvious indifference.

  "A deer apiece and a bear for the captain."

  "That fellow Kilmeny outwitted us, after all," he broke out abruptly."We've been had, by Jove! Must have been what Bleyer calls a plant."

  "I don't understand."

  "The rock we took from him was refuse stuff--not worth a dollar."

  The girl's eyes gleamed. "Your gold mine was salted, then."

  "Not even salted. He had gathered the stuff from some old dump."

  "He must have profited by my warning, after all," Moya said quietly.

  The little man's eyes narrowed. "Eh? How's that? Did you say yourwarning?"

  In spite of herself she felt a sense of error at having played thetraitor to her host. "Sorry. I didn't like to do it, but----"

  "What is it you did?" he asked bluntly.

  "I told Mr. Kilmeny that his plan was discovered."

  "You--told him." He subdued his anger for the moment. "If it isn'tasking too much--how did you know anything about it?"

  She felt herself flushing with shame, but she answered lightly enough."You shouldn't discuss secrets so near the breakfast-room, Mr.Verinder."

  "I see. You listened ... and then you ran to your friend, thehighgrader, with the news. That was good of you, Miss Dwight. Iappreciate it--under the circumstances."

  She knew he referred to the fact that she was his guest. To hear him putinto words his interpretation of the thing she had done, withimplications of voice and manner that were hateful, moved her to adisgust that included both him and herself.

  "Thank you, Mr. Verinder--for all the kind things you mean and can'tsay."

  She turned on her heel and walked to the end of the veranda. After amoment's thought he followed her.

  "Have I said a word too much, Miss Dwight? You did listen to a privateconversation you weren't meant to hear, didn't you? And you ran to yourfriend with it? If I'm wrong, please correct me."

  "I daresay you're right. We'll let it go at that, if you please."

  Verinder was irritated. Clearly in the right, he had allowed her to puthim in the wrong.

  "I'll withdraw listened, Miss Dwight. Shall we substitute overheard?"

  Her angry eyes flashed into his cold, hard ones. "What would you expectme to do? You know what he did for Joyce and me. And he is CaptainKilmeny's cousin. Could I let him go to prison without giving even awarning?"

  "Evidently not. So you sacrifice me for him."

  "You think I wasn't justified?"

  "You'll have to settle that with your conscience," he said coldly."Don't think _I_ would have been justified in your place."

  "You would have let him go to prison--the man who had fought for youagainst odds?"

  "Does that alter the fact that he is a thief?" Verinder demandedangrily.

  "It alters my relation to the fact--and it ought to alter yours. He dida great service to the woman you are engaged to marry. Does that meannothing to you?"

  "The fellow was playing off his own bat, wasn't he? I don't see I owehim anything," the mine owner sulkily answered. "Truth is, I'm about fedup with him. He's a bad lot. That's the long and short of him. I don'tdeny he's a well-plucked daredevil. What of it? This town is full ofthem. There was no question of his going to prison. I intended only toget back some of the ore he and his friends have stolen from me."

  "I didn't know that."

  "Would it have made any difference if you had?"

  She considered. "I'm not sure."

  Captain Kilmeny and India emerged from the hotel and bore down uponthem.

  "All ready, Moya," cried India.

  "Ready here." Moya knew that it must be plain to both Captain Kilmenyand his sister that they had interrupted a disagreement of some sort.Characteristically, she took the bull by the horns. "Mr. Verinder and Iare through quarreling. At least I'm through. Are you?" she asked themine owner with a laugh.

  "Didn't know I'd been quarreling, Miss Dwight," Verinder repliedstiffly.

  "You haven't. I've been doing it all." She turned lightly to herbetrothed. "They didn't send up the pinto, Ned. Hope he hasn't reallygone lame."

  Verinder had been put out of the picture. He turned and walked into thelobby of the hotel, suddenly resolved to make a complaint to LadyFarquhar about the way Moya Dwight had interfered with his plans. Hewould show that young lady whether she could treat him so outrageouslywithout getting the wigging she deserved.

  Lady Farquhar listened with a contempt she was careful to veil. It wasnot according to the code that a man should run with the tale of hisinjuries to a young woman's chaperon. Yet she sympathized with him evenwhile she defended Moya. No doubt if Captain Kilmeny had been at handhis fiancee would have taken the matter to him for decision. In hisabsence she had probably felt that it was incumbent on her to save hiscousin from trouble.

  The mine owner received Lady Farquhar's explanations in skepticalsilence. In his opinion, Moya's interest in Jack Kilmeny had nothing t
odo with the relationship between that scamp and the captain. He wouldhave liked to say so flatly, but he felt it safer to let his mannerconvey the innuendo. In her heart Lady Farquhar was of the same belief.She resolved to have a serious talk with Moya before night.


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