Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15)

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Awakened Animals (A Shifter Novel Book 15) Page 3

by Jaden Sinclair

  Mika hung his head but didn’t take his eyes from the town. He had always been close to Stray. They were like brothers for a time. Each seemed to know when the other was hurting. Mika thought he was past the pain, thought it was gone. Funny how a small amount of it still clings to you after so many years.

  “There’s nothing more you need to know, Stray. She died. That’s it.” Mika forced himself to turn away from the town. “I’m going to try to get some sleep. Pretty sure we’re safe up here. We’ll stay a couple of days then leave. That should give her enough time to get some of her strength back.”

  Mika left Stray and walked back to camp. He made sure the fire was okay and that it wouldn’t spread, then he crawled into his own tent, stretching out on his own blow-up bed. He didn’t bother getting undressed or taking his shoes off. He just laid on top of the covers, arms up over his head and stared into the darkness.

  “Rain can be romantic I guess.” Lora giggled as she rubbed her wet hair with the towel. Rain beat over the tent, and Mika just lay on the bed, watching her with a smile. “What are you smiling about?”

  “You’re very sexy when you’re wet,” he said, his smile even bigger, showing off his teeth.

  “You are blind then,” she said as she smiled back. “I look like hell when my hair is a mess.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” He squirmed, reaching down and rubbing at his fast-swelling cock. “Think something’s coming up just for you.”

  She looked down, mouth dropped open in shock, and the towel went flying right into his face. “You are terrible!”

  “Yes, and don’t forget very horny.” She slumped back, away from him like she always did when anything hinted toward sex between them. And that withdrawal from her had his hard-on going away as fast as it came. He sighed and sat up. “I’m sorry.”

  “You always do that,” she said, looking away from him.

  Mika took hold of her chin, forcing her gently to look him in the eye. “I’m sorry. It happens. I can’t help it. I want to be with you so bad it hurts. You know that. I want to make you mine, Lora. Now, not later, but now. Right this very minute as the rain pounds on our tent.”

  She touched his face, and he closed his eyes in pleasure. “You know I’m not ready for that yet.” She kissed him softly and went into his arms. “But I will be soon. I promise.”

  A promise never to be fulfilled.

  Mika woke before the sun rose. He guessed that he might’ve gotten only a couple of hours sleep. That damn dream came back. Always that one when his mind went back to her and Haven. And it pissed him off each time he dreamed it.

  He should’ve known! Mika didn’t see the signs right before him. And they were all there. But he was blind, thinking she was the one for him. Not having the raw need, the control to mate and mark taken from him was his sign, but he’d ignored it. Just like he ignored the simple fact that she knew it also.

  They were just playing a game with each other. Enjoying the company, the teasing, and the small amount of contact. He still felt this desire to be around her and her family. Hell, her father treated Mika like a son. All the signals were there—weren’t they?

  Then everything came crashing down around him, around the family. That dream—gone. Lies and secrets all out. And Mika feeling so crushed he just had to leave Haven and never look back.

  Leaving the tent Mika quickly went to work at building up the fire again, then putting a pot of coffee on a rack. A large cast iron pan went on next, and then he started to work on something to eat. He placed sausages on and was beating some eggs when the scream rang out. Mika just about dropped the bowl when he stood up, but stilled once it dawned on him that the scream came from inside Stray’s tent.

  “Stray,” he called out.

  “We’re fine,” Stray yelled back.

  Stray didn’t move a muscle. He stayed at the end of the bed, knelt down, staring at Vesper and waiting for her next move. Ready even if she might try to bolt. Waking up, seeing him and screaming wasn’t what he thought would happen, but at least she woke up.

  “Vesper,” he said her name as slow and as soft as he could.

  She had awakened, saw him, and jumped back to the far corner where he’d sat in the bed, curling herself up in a ball staring with wide eyes at him. She held her legs up to her chest and rocked herself, but that damned scared look in her eyes bothered him. He didn’t want her to be scared of him.

  “Vesper,” he spoke again, hands going up. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Wh—where am I?” she asked the question with a shaking voice.

  “Safe,” he answered.

  “Wh—where’s Hayden?”

  “Is he the one who hurt you?” Her eyes closed and tears fell down her face as she nodded. “He won’t hurt you again.”

  “He’ll find me,” she breathed out. “He always finds me.”

  “Not this time,” he said and she opened her eyes and stared at him. “Do you remember me?” She shook her head. “We met a few years ago. In the woods.” She shook her head again, and he decided to move a little closer. She didn’t miss that movement. She saw it and tried to squeeze herself further into the corner. It told him so much. Meant that she was on guard always, which also explained why she looked so bad. You couldn’t get the proper rest if you were on guard all the damned time. “Hey, you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you. Could never hurt you.”

  “Who are you?” she whispered.

  He moved a bit closer, then sat down on the bed, Indian style. “Stray.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My name.”

  “Your name?”

  He smiled. “Yeah. I was a surprise to my mother. Said it was either call me that, or runt.” She didn’t smile but did relax a little. “I know you don’t think so, but you are safe here. My cousin and I won’t let him hurt you again. I swear it upon my life.”

  “What can you do to him?” She sounded so broken. “He hurts people and he likes it.”

  “Well, I’m not any kind of people, Vesper. I’m different.”

  “Won’t matter.” Again, she shook her head and started to rock. “He’s got someone behind him. Someone as cruel as him.”

  “Hey, I got some breakfast if you two want to eat,” Mika called out.

  “Are you hungry?” Stray asked. Her eyes lit up. “I bet it’s been a while since you’ve eaten anything filling.” He heard her stomach growl. “Here, I got some of your clothes. You can put something else on, some shoes, and we can go by the fire and eat.”

  “You have my clothes?” She frowned at him. “Real clothes?”

  Stray smiled, turned, and reached for one of the bags he put in the other corner of the tent. He pushed it toward her and waited as she stared at it, then slowly reached for it. Stray didn’t move or say anything. He had the patience for her. Always would.

  She brought out a shirt, then some yoga pants. It looked like she was in a trance of sorts. Vesper just ran her fingers over the pants slowly, then brought the shirt up and took a deep breath.

  “Hayden only gave me new jeans after my other pair fell off,” she whispered. “I lost so much weight. He didn’t want to feed me.” A tear fell and he wanted to wipe it away and pull her into his arms, but he didn’t. He stayed put and just let her talk. “Didn’t want to look at me like his sister, but something with a disease.” The clothes dropped and one hand shook as she put it over her mouth, eyes closing. “Said I’m infected with something.”

  “You’re not infected.”

  “How do you know?” Her voice not only broke but shook. “There is this mark on my shoulder.”

  “I know about the mark, Vesper.” She stilled, looked right at him, and fresh tears fell. “Take a moment and change, then come out. We’ll talk more about it.”

  Stray turned and left the tent. He had to. He needed to distance himself from her before he ended up doing something very stupid.

  He felt different, felt strange even. He knew
he should feel right and normal, yet he didn’t at the same time. Stray wanted to touch her, to hold her. He also wanted to run away from her and not let her touch him either, and that wasn’t sitting well with him.

  Stray zipped it up to give her privacy and forgot for a moment that Mika was outside.

  “She okay?” Mika sat in front of the fire, a plate in his hand. He had the fork halfway up to his mouth and stilled when Stray came out.

  “Think she will be in time,” Stray answered. He walked over to the fire and sat down on a log, not looking at Mika. “Can’t imagine what she went through.”

  “What about the shit you went through?” Stray looked at Mika then. “It’s in your eyes, it’s on your shoulders. Hell, it’s properly fucked you up even.” Stray said nothing, only sighed and hung his head down. “I’m worried about you, man.”

  “Don’t be. I’m fine.”

  “Bullshit.” Mika picked up a plate and loaded it with food. “I see anything but fine when it comes to you. You’re on the edge about to fall off.”

  “And what about you?” Stray tossed back. “You bring us here and forget to tell me it’s right at the edge of the town you ran away from.”

  “I didn’t run away.”

  “The hell you didn’t,” Stray snapped. “Your body language tells me that you are just dying to get up and run again. What the hell are you running away from?”

  They both stilled when the sound of the zipper moved and Vesper came out.

  The clothes she put on looked two times too big on her. He could tell by her face that she wasn’t sure again, so Stray stood up and went to her, taking her hand and pulling her toward the fire. Once she sat down he began to fill up a plate of food, which he put in her hands. She just stared down at it, as if she was afraid to touch it.

  “I feel like I interrupted something,” she said, looking at Stray then at Mika.

  “Nothing important,” Stray said.

  “Nope, nothing that can’t wait,” Mika said and gave her a short smile. “Would you like some juice or coffee?”

  “I, um, I’m not sure.” She looked up at him, eyes wide open. “It’s been so long since I’ve had either really. Think I sort of forgot what they taste like.”

  “Then have both.” Stray took over, pouring some coffee into a cup. “How did you use to drink it?”

  “Um, with some cream.”

  “Done.” Mika handed the little carton of cream to Stray. He then turned to the cooler next to him and brought out a container of orange juice. He poured a glass and handed it to her.

  Vesper stared at the drink, then slowly brought it to her lips. When she took her first drink she closed her eyes and let out a deep, loud sigh. Then she downed the whole glass before taking the coffee from Stray.

  Nothing more was said as they all ate. She finished first, and when Stray hinted at more, she nodded and he filled her plate again. She ate two plates full, then drank one cup of coffee and another glass of juice before saying she had enough.

  “So who was that guy?” Mika broke the ice and asked the question that was on Stray’s mind. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

  Stray put his plate down and gave Mika a dirty look. “Mika, I think we can hold off on the questions for now.”

  “It’s all right,” Vesper said. “Hayden sold me to him I think. I don’t know who he is.”

  “And who is this Hayden guy?” Mika asked again.

  She looked down and Stray wanted nothing more than to reach out and take her hand. But he couldn’t. When she looked back up, a tear fell. “My brother,” she whispered.

  Now he wanted to kill the son of a bitch! Family didn’t turn on family. Period! Stray worked hard at keeping his temper in check, but it was not easy. He wanted to yell, change, go kill something and tear it apart with his bare hands and shifter teeth. Blood did not turn on blood, no matter what. It must’ve shown, because Mika raised his hand up at Stray.

  “Chill,” Mika told Stray.

  “What’s wrong?” Vesper whispered.

  “It’s a male thing,” Mika said, taking her plate and putting his and hers on top of Stray’s. “When someone hurts our women, we tend to want to draw blood.”

  She frowned. “I—I don’t understand.”

  “Hard to explain.” Mika stood, with the stack in hand, and shoved the dirty dishes at Stray. “How about you take a walk down to the creek and wash them. Help you to cool down.”

  Stray looked down and shook his head. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure about that?” Mika asked with one eyebrow raised. “She’s been through enough. You lose your shit and she’s going to lose it also.”

  “I said I’m fine!” Stray raised his voice and let loose a small growl.

  “Um, where…where are we?” Vesper asked with a shaky voice.

  For a few tense moments the two just stood, slightly glaring at each other. Stray was the first to back down. He rolled his shoulders and head, trying to get the tension to subside. “Haven. Mika used to live here.”

  Stray looked at Mika. “You don’t live there anymore?” He shook his head. “Why not?”

  “How about we talk about you and not me?” Mika said.

  “What’d you want to know?” she asked low.

  “How about you tell us more about this brother of yours,” Stray said.

  Vesper swallowed hard and looked at him. “Hayden. He turned out to be just like our father.” She looked away and mixed emotions hit him. He wanted to hold her and distance himself at the same time. The mixed feelings were really starting to piss him off.

  “So your father wasn’t a nice guy then,” Mika stated.

  “No,” she said and shook her head, not looking at either of them. “He’s in jail for killing my mother.” Slowly those eyes came up and landed right on Stray. “He beat her to death.”

  Another he wanted to kill with his bare hands. “Nice guy,” he stated dryly.

  “Hayden goes to see him once a month,” she said. “I didn’t know that for a while. Should have.”

  “Why?” Stray asked.

  “He started to change.” Her voice went down to a whisper and a tear fell. “The cruelness came out in him. Same kind that our father had. I never thought my brother would…” She trailed off.

  “I think we get the picture,” Mika said.

  Stray couldn’t handle himself and needed to walk away from her and Mika to get himself under control. Knowing now that not only did the brother beat her but a father did as well was enough to have him seeing red and hunger for blood.

  “Is he okay?” Vesper asked.

  Mika didn’t bother looking over his shoulder. “In time, he will be.”

  “What’d you mean?”

  “He was taken right after that one night with you. Doesn’t talk about it much, but I can come up with my own conclusion about what happened to him.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “You really want to know?” Vesper nodded and Mika took a deep breath and poured himself another cup of coffee. “I don’t have all the details. He doesn’t talk about it. There are some things one doesn’t talk about but buries deep.”

  “Is it that bad?” Her question barely came out, but he heard it.

  “How bad you think being a sex slave is?” She gasped and he nodded. “Yeah, me too. It took a lot for him to tell me just that, nothing else. He doesn’t talk about it and I don’t ask.”

  “Sh…shouldn’t he talk about it?”


  “To heal. If—if he was a sex slave then clearly he is a victim of some kind of rape, and rape victims also need to have counseling of some kind.”

  Mika gave a short laugh. “Shifters don’t need counseling.”

  “Shifters? What’s that?”

  “It’s what we are.” He took a drink then tossed the rest of the liquid into the fire. “No more questions for now, Vesper. Why don’t you go back to the tent and get some rest? You look like you’re about to dr

  “Okay, but can you tell me one more thing?”


  “This mark.” She pushed the shirt down from her shoulder. “He reacted to it, but I really don’t know what it means. He said he’d tell me later, but I would really like to know now what it means.”

  “It means that Stray has marked you as his mate. No other shifter around can touch you.”

  “And…”—she bit her lower lip before finishing—“he’s a shifter?”

  Mika had to smile. “One question turns into two?”

  “Mika, right?” He nodded. “I am, or was an accountant, so I know how to read people. Hayden went nuts when he saw it; so did the others that came around me. He…”—she motioned with a nod in Stray’s direction—“acts like it’s important, but I just don’t get the why of it. I know you said it’s his mark, but I’m not getting it.”

  “It’s something I think he should explain to you, not me.”

  “Okay, then I’ll go ask him.” She stood and started to walk in Stray’s direction.

  “Vesper, wait,” Mika called out and stood up. She turned and he rubbed the back of his neck and put a hand on his waist. “Trust me right this second when I say to give him a little space. Hearing that his mate has been mistreated by a brother and father has him seeing red I’m sure. He needs to calm down, so please let him do that. When he’s under control, he’ll come back and you can ask him all the questions you need to ask. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed in a low voice.

  Another nod, and Mika started to clean up. Vesper came up next to him and he stopped, bent over, and turned to look at her. “What’re you doing?”

  “Thought I might help you?”

  “You better go get some rest. You might think you feel good, but trust me when I tell you that you look like you are about to fall on your ass any second. Then I’ll have to deal with his shit all over again.”

  That had her grinning. “Fine. But when he comes back, will you please have him come into the tent so we can talk?”


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