Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity Page 6

by Tiffany Carby

  “Thank you, kind sir.” Taking the bag Trish thanked the owner of the shop as they went out the door. The day was winding down, Josh needed to get to his sound check. So, they headed back to Trish’s so he could use the basement entrance to appear to be sneaking out just on the off chance her sisters were keeping an eye out for anything wonky.

  Chapter Three

  Humming as she went down to the basement Trish bumped her head on the overhang rafter. Swearing under her breath, she stopped short as she smelt the scent of a familiar perfume. Turning into her basement she smiled. “Mom, how are you?”

  “Fine dear, I stopped by to see how you were.”

  “Mom, please…you came by to see if I turned that poor guy into something dreadful or managed on the half chance to send him back to where Freya and Lilith conjured him from.”

  “And did you send him back or turn him into this little book charm.” Trish wanted to snatch her charm from her mothers’ fingers, She knew making it important would only cause issues. Taking a breath she folded her arms over her chest, tapping her foot on the floor. Finally, her mother tossed it on the table.

  Her mother opened a jar and smelled it. “That’s stale.”

  “That worked” snapped Trish.

  Her mother laughed, shaking her head she laughed harder…”You fell for a fictional character. Literally.”

  Trish watched her mother walk out using the basement exit. And her laugh bounced around the room annoying Trish to no end. It was a spell her mother used often just to get under her skin. But, not her green skin she smiled. Walking back into her brewing area it was time to work on a few potions. She looked at the romance book laying on the sofa than back at the small book charm from the bookstore thinking how sweet the gesture had been.

  For a minute she thought about trying a romance spell but, thought better of it. Who knew what would happen. She really hated having a useless gift. It would be one thing if at least once just once a spell worked. Her thoughts went straight back to a sexy sweet warlock. Biting her thumbnail she cocked her head making a decision to fire up her laptop. What would it hurt to see if his band appeared on the website for the ball?


  Lilith walked into the Dragons den spotting Josh up on stage, licking her lips as she headed straight for him. She knew right away he spotted her by the wicked twinkle in his eye. Her little sister had no idea who he was. Lilith allowed a wicked grin to cross her face, she had always wanted Josh. He, on the other hand, had eluded her for years. Her plan was working just fine, soon Josh would be completely twisted up over her little sister and when he realized she wasn’t what he thought he would need a shoulder to cry on. Lilith would be waiting in the wings and Trish well she would be devasted keeping her magic off kilter.

  Lilith watched Josh jump from the stage heading straight for her. “What brings you in, Lilith? Checking to make sure Trish didn’t turn me into a frog?”

  Running her hands up his arms she purred. Josh took her hands off him and stepped back. “I’m doing what you asked. What do you want tonight?”

  “Just checking on you. Remember little sisters magic is not quite right.”

  Josh watched her walk away and out the door. One of his bandmates Jason asked him if he was nuts messing with Lilith Le’Frey. He was starting to wonder why he had gone along with her. His temper rose fast realizing she had cast on him. Soundcheck was finished and he had a few hours until their gig started, so josh headed straight to his mothers’ store. If Lilith had cast on him she was in deeper trouble than her mother could get her out of.


  Trish laid on her red comfy couch watching snippets of Josh’s band playing at different venue’s. Every post had been made by a fan. The name of the person posting nagged at her. Clicking on the next video Trish laid back keeping her laptop poised so she could view the videos. As she watched the video something from the background caught her attention. Sitting up so to look closer at the image playing on the screen Trish no longer paid attention to the band, but the person in the background videoing the band with their phone. OMG…it was Lilith!!!

  Trish kept watching she watched Lilith as she held her phone out as if she were videoing the band and Josh. Then she noticed her sister’s other hand. It was weaving a spell, a spell that eased across the staged camouflaged by the smoke from the dry ice. She’s casting on Josh… Jumping up Trish grabbed the book charm something told her she needed to get back to that store.

  What the hell had her sister been up to?

  Chapter Four

  Josh paced back and forth as his mother checked out her costumes. Why did she have to busy now? As the last patron walked out Josh pulled the shade down. Before he could lock the door it was pulled open abruptly. “What the hell?” he growled as a young woman stumbled into the shop all but being hit by the door. As she righted herself he realized it was Trish, winded and disheveled. “Trish, are you okay?”

  Shaking her head no, Trish desperately tried catching her breath. She had ran all the way there due to her keys disappearing. Just one more thing that aggravated her. “My sister…”

  “Trish, slow down. Which sister and what’s wrong?”

  “Lilith… has been … casting…on you.” Trish rested her hands on her knees breathing in and out deeply trying to get her breath to even out.

  “Young lady, do you have proof of this?”

  Looking over at the shop owner. Trish noticed this time the resemblance between the woman and Josh. “Mother and son?” she asked. Holding up her hand before they could answer she stopped them. She didn’t care. It didn’t matter. She was there simply to put an end to whatever Lilith was up too.

  Once, Trish, had her breathing back to normal she pulled up the videos of Josh’s band. She pointed out Lilith in almost every single one. “Watch her not her phone or the band. Just her and tell me what you see.”

  Video after video Josh and his mother watched. Trish sat off to the side just in case she was wrong. When they finished Josh’s mom stepped into her backroom leaving Josh and Trish alone. Trish didn’t know what to say. It didn’t matter because Josh wasn’t speaking to her he didn’t even look at her. Trish knew the signs. Quietly she got up from where she sat and slipped out the door leaving Josh to figure out what he should do about Lilith.

  She hadn’t gotten a half a block away when a hand snaked out snagging her arm pulling her into the alley. She didn’t think to scream. Turning ready to fight whoever had grabbed her she was stunned to see Josh. “You need to come back to the store.” He told her. When she asked why he told her they would talk in the shop. “Josh, I’m not feeling that well. Something feels weird when I’m in the shop.”

  Josh looked her over thinking she looked fine. “It’s just your nerves.” Dragging Trish back to his mothers’ shop Josh ignored Trish’s protest. He just wanted them off the streets until they could figure this out.


  Trish sat listening to Josh’s mom. Josh wasn’t just any warlock. His family was the ruling class over the covens. This made perfect sense to her. Lilith would want to align herself with a high warlock so she could have access to their power. She had been casting on Josh for years. His magic had begun to fail because she was pulling it from him. That was a big no, no.

  It seemed Lilith was in a lot of trouble. Trish wondered if Freya and their mother knew and were going along with Lilith’s plan. That’s when it dawned on her. Jumping up she asked Josh when exactly had his magic started failing. The fury that climbed up her spin and cascaded down her arms had sparks flickering from her fingers. It took a lot for Josh to calm her down.

  “Don’t you see! You’re not the only one being drained.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “My magic began to manifest at that time and it was wonky. That bitch has been screwing with my magic. I will kill her!”

  “No, you won�
��t dear.” Chimed in Josh’s mom. “You will gain your magic back as we remove your sisters.”

  “What about my sister Freya?”

  “Either she has gone along willingly or because she doesn’t want the same fate as you. Either way, it’s against our laws.”

  Trish chewed on her thumbnail, a habit she hated. She really didn’t want her family to be stripped of their magic. She did, however, want them to feel what she and Josh had felt for years. “Can we put them in their place, but not take their magic away permanently?”

  “Yes, if that’s what you two decide on. I will leave you to discuss it.”

  Trish and Josh came up with the perfect plan for her family. They wanted to tease her with a character from a romance book. Well, maybe they needed to be characters in a romance book for a while.


  Trish laid the romance book face down and open just as Josh’s mom had instructed her to do. She just hoped she could get her sisters downstairs. Josh was staying out of sight upstairs along with his mom. All Trish needed to do was get her sisters to try to reverse the spell trying to bring Josh out of the book. When they couldn’t achieve it they would call their mother. That’s when things would get dicey.

  Standing over the book Trish mumbled the chant she was to use on her sisters and her mother. She needed to make it fast if she wanted to finish all the shenanigans that her family had done to her. Going over the spell one more time she ran a finger down the spine of the book as she thought about how much she liked Josh and would miss him when the day ended.

  Trish needed one more thing, turning around she headed for her cabinet. She wanted a protection charm to help her calm her emotions. Her mother would be able to read her in a New York second.


  Freya and Lilith walked into the basement at Trish’s expecting to see their little sister. It seemed once again she had goofed when using magic. Freya looked for Trish, but she wasn’t downstairs. Shrugging at Lilith they headed upstairs to find Trish. They didn’t find her. They did run into Josh as he walked in the kitchen.

  “What are you doing here? Trish said she sent you into the book?”

  Josh smiled thinking fast. “She sent me alright, down the street, but thankfully not into that blasted book.

  Lilith smiled at him. Josh had no response for her. When Josh explained Trish wasn’t upstairs. Freya went upstairs to check for herself as Lilith followed Josh back downstairs.

  “She was down here a few minutes ago, Lilith.”

  “Well, she’s not down here now.”

  Josh stared at Lilith wondering what they might have done to Trish. So, he asked her point blank. Lilith adamantly denied doing anything to her sister. When the girls’ mother walked in Josh became suspicious until his mother walked in right behind her. Josh’s mom waved him over. Freya rushed downstairs calling for Lilith announcing Josh’s mother was there only to come face to face with the woman.

  “It seems we have a few things to discuss ladies.”

  “Mother, Trish is missing.”

  Josh’s mom looked at the three woman. “Where is Trish?”

  Neither Freya nor Lilith had a clue where Tris had gotten off too. Their mother had arrived at the same time as Josh’s mother so she wasn’t being questioned. Madame Le’Grange decided it was time to tell them the deal. Freya and Madame Le’Frey would be without their magic temporarily. Lilith, however, would be stripped until Trish decided she had been punished enough. Josh’s mother Madame Le’Grange suggested she find her sister and quickly.

  When Trish’s mother questioned why they were being punished Josh showed them the videos of Lilith casting on him and explained how they had figured out not only had he been a victim of Lilith’s. but the Trish had also been a victim. He also explained that the spell was an old one and only a seasoned witch would know the spell and be able to teach it. Josh looked at Freya. “You may want to check yourself. They may have been weakening your magic also.”

  Freya screamed jumping for Lilith. Their mother just turned to storm off, but not before her magic had been removed. Lilith tore away from Freya, running after her mother. Freya pulled herself together. “I will look for Trish. If I find her I will make sure she contacts you.”

  “Thank you.” Replied Josh.

  Josh stood in the basement wondering where Trish could have gotten off too. Looking at the romance novel laying on the table he picked it up closing it. No need for the magic his mother had placed on it to get loose. Laying it back on the table. He left the light on in the basement that way when Trish came in she wouldn’t trip on the steps.

  Chapter Five

  Trish sat on the park bench in the fictional town of Morgan Heights. How had she managed to end up in the romance book she didn’t know. After all, she had done exactly what Madame Le’Grange had told her to do.

  She could hear what was going on outside the book. She couldn’t see because the book lay open facing down. To her horror, Josh picked up the book closing it. She thought that was it then. Trish sat there in the stupid book thinking how she could get out of the story when she heard someone, someone talking to her. Looking up Trish saw the book open and Madame Le’Grange stood peering in. “I’m sorry Trish. Josh was falling for you and I can’t have that. I have plans for my son and he can’t be with the likes of you. So, I will put you on my shelf, with all the other girls I have removed from his life. If you’re wondering how this happened. Well, you made the mistake of getting a charm from my store. All I had to do was activate the magic. Which you did when you started practicing the spell earlier.”

  The book closed once again. Trish hung on as the fictional world shook and rocked as Josh’s mother carried the book away…


  “Mother, is that Trish’s romance novel on your shelf?”

  “Yes, I didn’t want it to get into the wrong hands. That would be terrible with it having a spell on it.”

  “True.” Josh waved goodbye as he left his moms shop. As Josh stepped out on to the busy street he looked down opening his palm. There he held the tiny book charm. He slipped in his pocket making no hasty movements so his mother would notice. He had figured it out a little too late to stop the magic from taking Trish away. Now once his own magic came back he would work on getting her out.

  Madame Le’Grange walked over to the shelf looking at all the trophy’s she had on her shelf. Each one held its own charm. Humming she closed the glass doors assuming she was locking Trish away from the world.


  Trish waited and listened…sooner or later the witch would give up a counterspell because she had gotten rid of the one thing that had kept Trish from being able to use her magic properly…her family.

  Something had changed with the magic, she could feel it. Also, she was on the move again. She could tell by the way the storybook world vibrated.

  Sitting on the stupid bench Trish thought about how she would have her day and get her man…it may take a little time, but she would get out and get even…

  The End

  Want to know more about the author?

  You can follow Roux Cantrell on the following social media networks:

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  A Griffin Gas Company Short

  Tiffany Carby


  To my favorite little black cat, you may drive me crazy sometimes, but I sure do love my Butters.

  Rory Griffin is the premier student in her culinary arts program. When she is faced with an internship that allows her to work with friendly faces in her hometown, she’s hopeful and excited. The smart girl takes on the task of creati
ng “tricky treats,” in which the consumer won’t know until they take a bite whether they’ve been tricked with something unexpected or surprised with a luscious dessert. What Rory doesn’t know is how an unexpected treat will trick her friends and her relationship at the culmination of her internship project.


  “How’s your semester going, sweetheart?” Raleigh asked his adopted niece.

  “It’s actually pretty amazing, Uncle Raleigh!” Rory sat down on the futon on the studio apartment in Louisville, Kentucky. “I can’t thank you enough for pushing me toward this dream; I’d never have taken the leap without your faith in me.”

  “Well, I may be the owner of a multi-million dollar gas station empire, but I can see that some people wouldn’t want to get in this business like I did,” Raleigh chuckled. “And while I know you probably won’t want a future at Griffin Gas, I’m sure you’re learning enough business on top of all your culinary stuff that if you wanted to come work for me when you finished your degree, you certainly could.”

  “You’re right about that,” she said, “I mean the not wanting to work for you part! Ha! I actually have something to fill you in on that’s going to happen pretty soon.”

  Even though Rory was adopted by Raleigh’s three sisters, Wanda, MaryAnne, and Dora, they were estranged for the better part of her life. After the Griffin family put aside their differences, Rory and her twin brother Mal were taken under Raleigh’s wing and provided for as if they were his own children.

  “Tell me more!” Raleigh asked her, always interested in what was happening in her life.

  “Well, part of my studies this semester include an internship portion, and get this...I’ve secured a spot at the Spring City Confectionary!” her voice was giddy.


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