Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity Page 26

by Tiffany Carby

  Twenty minutes later I am back at the frat house, and Matt Gillis’ mom is already cleaning. Matt joined the fraternity last month on his 21st birthday. We don’t do hazing, but his dad was a legacy, so he was in no matter what. He is supposed to be cleaning the whole house minus bedrooms, but he asked me if his mom could do it.

  He is pre-med and about to finish with his second year. He has more requirements than the rest of us do. I think today was something with a cadaver and I shuddered, while quickly losing interest. I told him fuck no, we’d get it done as a group. Yet here she is.

  “Mrs. G. Why are you doing this? We are grown men and should be able to clean up after ourselves.”

  “You should be Xander, but not one of you do.” She is cleaning the living room wearing those yellow rubber gloves I’ve seen my parent’s housekeeper do the dishes with. “Do you know how many used condoms I found in the living room? The living room! Twenty-six. Disgusting pigs. Every. Last. One of you. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. At least throw the damn things in the trash can.”

  “Mrs. G. I promise you not one of those is mine,” I say smiling.

  “Yeah right, boy. Make yourself useful and take this bag and the four others out to the dumpster.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I do as she asks and then make my way to my room to start getting ready.

  It’s already seven thirty. I spent longer at the store than I should have. I make sure my room is clean in case she wants to come up here. She has only been here a few times, since we mostly go to her house. She has an air of innocence about her, but I want to be the one to corrupt her.

  Since I haven’t really planned this out, I throw on a black suit and a hat from our Pimps and Ho’s ball last year. I am going for a bootlegger or gangster look from the twenties. I think I am pulling it off.

  Chapter Two


  I am slightly freaking out. My Xandy invited me to a party at his frat house, that I know wasn’t in the works as of today when I talked to Marcus, his vice-president. Is he throwing this party for me?

  I have got to stop thinking of him as My Xandy. Just because I am in love with him doesn’t mean he’s mine. I went to one of those pop-up costume stores in the mall and bought the accessories for a flapper. My sister Nicki made a black spaghetti-strapped dress that has fringes. It shimmers when I move, and I am going to wear it for the first time tonight.

  When I slide on my favorite fuck me heels, a plan formulates in my mind. With this outfit, I hope there is ab-so-freaking-lutely no way he can resist me. I have wanted him for six long years, but I never made a move because I am old school. In my mind I thought he should make the first move. Tonight, I am making it. I am going to give him the cherry I’ve been saving. Kyle, my boyfriend all through high school came out publicly. I was his beard and he was mine.

  We made the arrangement the summer before our eighth-grade year. He played football and did theatre with me. With me as his girlfriend, he could do whatever wanted and no one questioned him. Blue Arch, Texas doesn’t tolerate anything different and Kyle was the definition of different.

  When I get downstairs, my sisters Nicki, Eva, and Jenny are dressed in their costumes.

  “Where the hell are you guys going?” I demand with hands on my hips. They are dressed like the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus.

  “We are going to the Sigma Phi Alpha party. Marcus invited us.” Jenny says. She already bears an uncanny likeness to Mary Sanderson, so she dressed like her. She makes that witch look hot though.

  “Really?” I say.

  “Oh yea. You know how much he wants Miss Jenny here.” Nicki says.

  “Like Matt is any different for you Nicki.” Eva says.

  “And who are you all about, Eva?” I ask. I already know the answer, but it’s fun to watch her squirm.

  “No one, asshole.” She says through clenched teeth.

  “Not Jamie? The hot Scottish exchange student, who sings to you in Gaelic out under your bedroom window. Every fucking night!” I say. The guy has the voice of an angel, but he seriously messes with my sleep schedule.

  “He’s leaving soon. It’s not good to get hung up on someone, who will be out of your life before you know it.” She says sagely.

  “Risk versus reward.” Jesus. Nicki is doing her undergrad in business management before going for her MBA. She is always going on about the stuff she learns. I was going to school to be a teacher, because I had no idea what I wanted to do, and it seemed like a good option. One conversation with Xander, and I accidentally followed him to his Introduction to Architecture class. There, I found my passion. Not wanting to seem like the stage five clinger I am, I didn’t tell him I switched majors because of that day.

  “What about Xandy?” Jenny asks.

  “Don’t call him that. What about him?” Does she want him too? Oh God. I should have said something sooner. I haven’t told anyone about my feelings.

  “We all know you are in love with him.” Nicki says, going back to putting on her makeup in the mirror by the front door.

  “What?” I demand.

  “Yeah. Everyone knows. Our parents, his parents, Nan, and Gran. He loves you too. It’s so obvious.” Eva chimes in.

  “Does he know?” I am slightly mortified. “Oh. My. God. I need to sit down.” I take a seat on the edge of the couch.

  “No. You both need to get your heads out of your asses. Sack up, maybe.” Jenny shrugs.

  I need to take several calming breaths before standing back up. None of them know I am already planning to “sack up” as my sister so eloquently put it. Now, I can’t chicken out.

  We all get into my 2018 Mercedes Benz G-Class. The others have smaller cars, but I love the fact that it looks like a safari vehicle. The drive to the frat takes twenty minutes. But since I never drink and my youngest sister Jenny, is barely old enough, I figure we will be fine.

  At twenty-four, I am the oldest. Next is Nicki who is twenty-three, Eva is twenty-two, and Jenny turned twenty-one only eight days ago. This is her first party at the frat house. They are all graduating in May, so I talked them into moving to Atlanta where Nikki will be getting her MBA at Georgia Tech. Our little brother Zeb is only six and a surprise baby for my parents. But my mom is only forty-four, so I guess it wasn’t that bad.

  On the way, we stop to pick up Jamie from his host house. Eva can lie all she wants, but I know she loves him and is more than evident that he loves her too. But, that is a different story.

  I park on the street in front the house and hop out.

  Walking up the driveway and into the house, I see him. My Xandy is with some girl dressed as a sexy nurse who is currently draped all over him. Granted, he is trying to extricate himself from her, but I don’t like her touching him one bit. It’s not like I can waltz up to her and kick her skanky ass for touching him. Instead, I turn on my heel and walk back out the door. I walk right into where my sisters have formed a human chain.

  “Oh no you don’t. You march right on in there and get yo’ man.” Jenny says, somehow already having a beer in her hand.

  “I can’t. He looks busy.” I say.

  “Nope. He’s free as a bird. He hucked that broad out of his bubble.” Eva says looking around me.

  “He’s coming for ya.” Jaime says. His Scottish brogue is very thick. Is it any wonder Eva likes him?

  God, I hope he is ready for me and all the crazy ass baggage I bring with me.

  Chapter Three


  I saw her as soon as she walked in the front door. Too bad that Clara, a vapid cheerleader, decided to use me as a cane. All the while, she whispered filthy things in my ear I have no desire to hear from anyone but Kasey. I saw the momentary confusion, which was swiftly followed by anger cross Kasey’s beautiful face.

  She turns away from me and backs out on the porch. Her crazy as
s sisters’ block her path and whatever they are saying has her turning back around, but I am already on my way to her.

  Her fucking dress is sexy as hell. We dressed alike, without even discussing it.

  “Hey Duchess. You look fantastic.”

  “Thanks, Xandy. You look handsome.”

  “You want me to grab you a drink?”

  “I’ll just have a cherry coke if you have it.”

  “You know I do. Just for you, Duchess.” She smiles at me. In her crazy sexy heels, we are the same height.

  We walk into the kitchen together, side by side. I reach for her hand and she doesn’t pull away. The softness of her hand in mine sends a feeling of pride, that makes me stand as if I twenty feet tall and the luckiest man in the world. When I stop at the counter, she is right next to me. Her perfume is intoxicating and sends a hungry need for her body through mine. It takes everything in me not to claim her, right here in this kitchen and on every counter space available.

  One night, when we’re studying, and I figured out her signature scent is a combination of essential oils. It is Rose, Lime, and Vetiver oils making it a combination that is all her. I inhale it now.

  “Are you okay?” She asks me.

  “Oh yea. Sorry.” I make her drink with lots of ice, exactly how she likes it.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” She asks, and I close my eyes.

  “Yeah, of course,” I say, handing her the cup. Taking her hand again, I lead her up the stairs towards my bedroom as my heart starts to pound wildly. The feel of her soft skin is against my rougher skin is a complete contrast of our bodies.

  Her boatload of crazy sisters starts whooping and clapping. Kasey’s cheeks are turning a bright pink and she looks like she wants the floor to swallow her whole, and I don’t blame her. What do they know that I don’t?

  “Sorry about them,” She says quietly, after I pull her into my room and shut the door. Instantly, we are plunged into silence and there is a slight feeling of awkwardness, but a larger feeling of rightness. The music is far enough away that the bass is the only part you hear in this part of the house.

  “Don’t worry about them Duchess. What did you want to talk about?”

  “Well, everything really.” She says as she kicks her shoes off, removes her headband, and sits down on my bed. She looks perfect in my bed and a place I want her in for all time. I take my jacket off, kick my shoes away, and sit across from her. Taking one of her feet in my hands, I start to massage it. The little moan makes has me hard as a rock, instantly.

  “Damn, Xandy. That feels so good.” She says as she leans back against the headboard.

  “I am glad, Duchess. Those shoes are sexy as fuck, but they look like murder.”

  “They really are, so I am just going to say this-”

  “I am going to stop you right there Kasey. Let me talk first, please.” When she nods, I continue. “I know just about everything there is to know about you. You are more than my best friend to me. I know it. And you know it.”

  “You know everything about me?” She says, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Everything,” I say confidently. “I love everything about you. The fact that the only soda you will drink is Cherry Coke, more ice than soda even if it is already cold. You prefer iced coffee and hot tea. Your favorite food is sandwiches. And your favorite movie is Willy Wonka. The old version, not the new one. You want to teach. You love babies, kittens, and you want tons of both. And then, I can’t forget your obsession with milk chocolate. You read all the damn time and your favorite book is Sense and Sensibility, which you read once a month when you are on your period. That’s also when I buy all the chocolate the dining room has for you. You snore when you sleep sitting up and I’d give anything to know if you do when you are laying in a bed. In fact, I love you Kasey Rae Porter. I am ‘in love’ with you.” I finish as I lay it all out there. She looks at me the whole time I am speaking and there are unshed tears in her eyes.

  “Stalker much?” She says laughing. “You are wrong about one thing though.”

  “What’s that?” I say, switching to her other foot.

  “I don’t want to be a teacher anymore. I am going to be an architect, but I am focused on interior and spatial design. I will be interning at Smyth and Aldridge in Atlanta starting March 1st.”

  “My uncle hired you too?” I say. “I always wondered why you were taking all the same classes as me. I thought you were going to teach calculus or something.”

  “It’s all your fault. I was so blinded by you, I followed you to class that morning. I was mortified at first, but as Professor Glary started talking about the majestic buildings and historical aspects we’d be learning, I fell in love. With more than just architecture.”

  “What exactly are you saying, Duchess?”

  “I know stalker-if-ic things about you too.”

  “Oh yeah?” I say as I start to move my massage up her calves.

  “Mm, hmmm.” She moans and my cock jumps. “Your favorite football team is the Falcons and for hockey it is Lightning. You only watch those two sports. You hate fish, gambling, hard liquor, and soda and coffee. You only like sweet tea, no lemon. I had to call your Granny Betty to get the recipe from her since no one serves it up here. You love cats, babies, and local beers. Your favorite food is pizza and my macaroni and cheese. You tolerate my siblings better than most people. You play football with my little brother when you come home with me for holidays. You help old ladies with their groceries at the store. You love hunting. You snore sleeping on the couch, so I assume you snore in bed too. You hate chocolate and your favorite movie is the Karate Kid, which you quote it more often than you think. I think it’s adorable. You are loyal to a fault and you really listen when I talk to you.” When she is finished, she lets out a deep breath. I am up on my knees and moving to her thighs, which are squeezed together.

  “Are you forgetting something, Duchess?” I ask, looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I am in love with you too, Xander Nathaniel Aldridge.” When she says those words, I close my eyes and let it sink in as the adrenaline from those words sink in. Fuck yes. I open my eyes to see her tears have fallen and use my thumbs to wipe them away.

  “Don’t cry, my beautiful Duchess.” I do the one thing I’ve been wanting to do for years. I lower my head to hers and when my lips find hers, I know that I will never love another woman in my entire life. She is it for me.

  Chapter Four


  His lips on mine feel like magic. I can’t help moaning as he pulls me up from the bed.

  “Tell me you want this. Tell me that you want me to make love to you, to claim you, fuck you.” He demands. His voice is sounding different and it sends tingles down my spine. He sounds like the hero in one of my books.

  “God, yes. I want this. Want us. Want to be yours. I don’t just want you, I need you.” He spins me, so my back is to his chest. His hand goes to the zipper hidden in the middle of the back of my dress and lowers it, agonizingly slow.

  He is driving me crazy. I slide the straps down my arms and the dress pools at my feet. He kisses my neck as he runs his calloused fingers down my sides.

  How are his hands so rough? God, I want him to touch me everywhere. I didn’t wear a bra and my G-string is no match for him as he grips the sides and pulls it from my body.

  I can feel his hard cock through his dress pants and I want it in my mouth, so I push away from him and drop to my knees. Opening his belt, I slide his pants and boxers to the floor. Fuck, he’s huge.

  “You don’t have to do this, Duchess.” His reassurances make me want to do it more. His voice is strained, like he is holding back.

  “I am doing it, Xander. Don’t make me bite you,” I say playfully.

  Before he has a chance to respond, I pull the head of his cock into my mouth. I am not able to take
it all because he is so big, so I use my hand too. I do this for a few minutes. His hands are on my shoulders, kind of pinning me to him. I love it.

  “Fuck, Kasey. Your mouth is so hot. I need to fuck you now,” he says as I pull my mouth from him with a loud pop.

  I jump up on his bed, waiting for him. He pulls my legs apart by the thighs, roughly. I moan as he stares at my pussy.

  “Xander, please,” I beg. I am wet, achy and I need something. Anything.

  “Your pussy is so wet, Duchess. I am going to clean it up a little, before I get it all messy again.” All I can do is whimper as he kisses me. His kiss trails down my neck, to my nipples, down my belly, and to my pussy. When his tongue touches my clit, I jump. It feels so good. He licks the length of my slit, then slides two fingers into my entrance. Not very far, but enough to stretch me.

  He puts his tongue on my clit again and his fingers in my pussy, shallowly thrusting in and out with his tongue, I scream crazily as I cum. While I am still coming, he leans up on his knees and slams his huge cock into me, ripping through my cherry. Fuck, that hurt. He slows and looks down at me. “Duchess?” He questions.

  “Sorry, I didn’t say anything. Keep going, please.” I start to move my hips, so that he knows he can move.

  “So tight, Kasey. So, fucking tight. Your little pussy is squeezing the fuck outta my cock.” He grits out. He pulls all the way out and we look down between us. His cock is glistening with a mixture of my blood and juices. “So obscene, Kasey. This looks so fucking obscene. It’s just making me harder.” He slams back into me and it doesn’t take very long before I am coming. He shouts my name as his warm seed fills me.

  “Oh, God. Xander, you are not wearing a condom.” I say. But at the same time, I wrap my legs around his waist, so that he can’t pull out of me. Rope after rope of his cum fills me. He looks down at me with a huge smile.


  “I am not on the pill.” I say, harshly.


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