The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

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The Sins of the Cities of the Plain Page 3

by Jack Saul

  I fairly shook with emotion, but with trembling hands I began to undo his breeches, and pulled them down to his knees.

  Heavens! what a lovely prick stood before my starting eyes!

  I nervously grasped it in my hand, and kneeling down printed hot and luscious kisses on its fiery head as I pulled back the foreskin. I could eat such a delicious morsel, and longed to swallow every drop of the pearly juice I knew my caresses would soon cause to spurt from his lovely cock. I took it fairly in my mouth, sucking quite ravenously, and rolling my tongue around it in the most wanton manner, whilst my hands were busy caressing a splendid pair of balls, contained in a tightly drawn up round purse, richly ornamented with almost black hair, which hung below the root of his white and bursting shaft.

  Almost with a scream, he spent at once, as he shouted in extasy, "I'm coming; oh! oh!! oh-!!! you darling Jack," shoving his prick so fiercely into my mouth as almost to choke me as the hot juice spurted down my throat, to my infinite delight.

  Presently he recovered a little, and changing the teats, went on milking into the delighted Sarah's cunt. She afterwards told me that the sight of Joe fucking me in my mouth seemed to double her pleasure.

  Rising from my knees, I now let down my own trousers, and presented my own glowing prick to Joe's arsehole behind (for I was quite as tall as he was). He stooped a little so as to thrust out his bottom and facilitate my attack, so wetting my fingers in a pail of milk, I applied them to his fundament, moistening the head of my prick at the same time. He was evidently a maiden behind, and I had great difficulty in getting well in, but I had my arms round him, frigging his fine prick in front, and both were so excited that although I made him wince, as well as hurting myself, at last it was done.

  "Ah! it's feeling nice now; push on, Master Jack. Fuck me well, frig away; I'm coming again. Oh! oh! I can't stop; do spend in me!" he cried.

  Believe me, I did spend. I never had had such an emission before. It seemed to keep throbbing and shooting for ever so long and my prick grew both in size and length that day. It had never seemed so big and inflamed in any previous encounter with boys or Sally.

  Whenever my mother was away we repeated these amusements, and I often also found chances of having Joe's tight arsehole on the sly, and he also obliged me the same way, but we never told Sarah for fear she should prove jealous. In fact now and then she expressed her suspicions of my love for Joe, as naturally it made me slightly remiss in my attentions to herself.

  Soon after reaching the age of sixteen my mother succeeded in getting me placed at Messrs. Cygnet and Ego's, a large West End linendrapery house, which had a most aristocratic connection.

  Here morals were very strictly looked after, and it was quite impossible for the youths to indulge in any sensual amusements in the dormitories.

  In a few weeks my prick became so awfully troublesome for want of employment that I often had to retire to the closet to frig myself on the sly. The sight of the many handsome girls and young fellows had a perfectly maddening effect upon me, especially as they were all forbidden fruit, and I verily believe I should have ventured to risk it with some one, if chance had not favoured me with an adventure which afforded the necessary relief.

  Early one afternoon, as I was busy behind the counter, I heard some one speaking to our principal shopwalker.

  "Send a good variety of patterns, Mr. Gooser, let him bring them about four o'clock; my sister will then be at liberty to look them over."

  Something seemed to strike me that I was indicated; so looking up I saw a very handsome young lady with an equally handsome man of about thirty, who was evidently her brother, speaking to the shopwalker.

  "Certainly, my lord; he shall wait upon her ladyship without fail," I heard him say as he bowed them out of the shop.

  Directly they were gone I received orders to go to Churton House, Piccadilly, the mansion of the Marquis of Churton, with quite a cab-load of rolls of silk for selection by the lovely lady, who I now found to be the Hon. Lady Diana Furbelow, his sister.

  The portly flunkeys who ushered me up to her ladyship's boudoir were most obsequious in their attentions to me, and carried all my parcels up as well. In fact I was quite at a loss to account for such respect being shown to one who I knew in their hearts they merely regarded as a young counter-jumper.

  "What is your name, sir?" said her ladyship, looking up from a book which she was reading as she reclined on an ottoman in a kind of loose dressing-gown, having evidently discarded her dress after her morning drive.

  "Mr. Saul, at your ladyship's service, with a lot of silks for selection from Cygnet and Ego's. Will your ladyship be pleased to have them brought up?"

  "Bring them up, James, and tell William I want some wine and biscuits, as I may keep this gentleman some time making the selection. When there are so many beautiful patterns it is so difficult to make up one's mind. Pray be seated, sir, for I'm sure they keep you on your legs long enough in those nigger-driving shops."

  There was an indefinable something, besides the kindness of her manners, which at once put me at my ease with this beautiful lady, and my prick was so mannerless as to stand at once under the influence of her soft, loving eyes, eyes of an etherean blue, set under a lovely pair of dark eyebrows and ornamented with a fringe of dark lashes, through which she seemed to look at you.

  There was just a slight perceptible flush on her pale cheeks, and to add to the charm of her exceeding beauty, she had a splendid chevelure of really golden hair, small pearly teeth, and cherry lips, which almost made me beside myself to contemplate.

  "Help yourself to a glass of wine, Mr. Saul," she said. "You must need it; besides, I am so difficult to please, you will have no easy time of it in unrolling and rolling up again all those silks you have brought. No ceremony; help yourself."

  "What; not pledge me?" she said, with an arch smile. "Pour me out a glass if you please, and hand the biscuits."

  The blood rushed to my face, as I stammered out my excuse that I feared to take such a liberty.

  "You will very likely have to come here pretty often, so pray make yourself quite at home. Here, I wish you every success in your business. Now, sir, drink, to me!" she said, raising the glass to her lips.

  I did the same, wishing her ladyship every future happiness.

  She pressed me to take a second glass, and then I proceeded to open out the rolls of silk for her inspection, and at the same time I felt a most extraordinary glow pervade my whole system, as if the wine had contained some very potent stimulant.

  She seemed quite absorbed in the business of selection. Her pretty hands every now and then seemed to touch me quite inadvertently; yet there was quite a magnetic influence in them—such a thrill would shoot through my frame at the slightest contact.

  Very few minutes had elapsed ere she appeared to become suddenly very faint, and sank back on the ottoman.

  "Oh, sprinkle my temple with water, Mr. Saul. Don't call for assistance; it will soon pass off,"—as she saw me about to ring the bell. "Oh! oh! this dreadful cramp in my leg; it always comes when I feel faint. Do rub the right calf; chafe it as hard as you can," she cried out, in apparent great pain.

  I sank on my knees by the side of the ottoman, and taking up her tiny right foot (I had never seen one so small before), chafed the calf as hard as I could.

  I cannot describe how I felt at that moment, as my hands played over the smooth pink silk stocking which encased that delicate, but beautifully-moulded leg.

  Looking up in her face, her head had sunk back on a cushion; the eyes were closed, but quite an expression of pain pervaded the lovely features.

  She was insensible; what a chance! How could I resist pushing aside the slight coverings which so lightly veiled the seat of love. Heavens! she had no drawers on!

  My hand stole up her lovely thigh, and was about to touch the spot itself, which I could see nestled in a little grove of auburn curls, between her closely-compressed thighs, when she seemed to awake with a s
igh and a start.

  "My God, what have you seen, Mr. Saul?" she said, drawing herself up and wrapping the dressing-gown closely round her.

  My blood was in a boil, as I threw myself upon her, saying, in a deep husky kind of whisper, "My lovely lady, you have indeed permitted me to see too much of your charms to resist their ravishing influence. I must, I will have you, if I die for it!"

  One of my legs was between hers, and I struggled to open them still more. She seemed to resist me with all her strength; we panted; we struggled; slowly but surely my superior strength seemed to prevail, the fiery head of my prick almost touched the lips of that delicious quim. I pressed my mouth to those pouting cherry lips of hers; I inhaled and sucked in luscious draughts of her fragrant breath.

  Ah, ha, ha, she yields; her rigid limbs relax. I gain ground; the head of my prick enters between the throbbing lips of that heavenly cunt. I shove; I push on; it is in to the roots. Ye gods! what a paradise to enter; it seems like taking heaven by storm. The crisis seizes me, and a perfect torrent of my long-pent-up sperm floods the very bottom of her womb, and we both almost faint from excess of pleasure, and as I lay supine upon her I had the ineffable enjoyment of feeling the soft hugging pressure of those ivory arms, which now clasped me to her bosom, whilst her lips repaid my previous attention by a profusion of loving, billing kisses.

  A chuckling laugh behind me recalled me to my senses, and turning round to see what it could be, to my horror I beheld the marquis himself standing frigging a very nice fine prick of his own, and evidently enjoying the sight of our conjunction.

  "There's a lewd little bitch for you!" he exclaimed. "To think of my sister, the aristocratic Lady Diana, having a linendraper's assistant; but I'll punish you. You shall commit incest with me, your brother, and you, Mister Counter-jumper, shall look on."

  His sudden appearance had in a moment reduced my cock to its normal state of limpness, and I withdrew quite abashed from the delicious cunt I had spent in.

  "Slap my arse; bugger me; shove your prick into me as I fuck her, and you shall be well paid!" he almost shouted, throwing himself on his sister, and beginning to fuck fast and furiously.

  "My pet, my love, my own Diana, no one shall ever marry you, you darling, although I must first be excited by seeing some beautiful boy have you. And you, sir, make haste to help me behind; it's the only way I can really enjoy my sister!"

  Prick was ready again in less time than I can write it; the sight of a brother fucking his sister so excited me that I began to slap his bottom with my open palm as hard as I could with one hand, whilst the other was busy feeling his balls and handling the shaft of his fine stiff penis as it worked in and out of that lovely cunt.

  "Fuck me! bugger me! or I can't spend!" he exclaimed, so nothing loth, I lubricated his fine hairy and wrinkled arsehole with spittle, and bringing the head of my cock to the tight-looking orifice I speedily effected an entrance.

  What a fuck that was! He was evidently rather slow, although awfully excited, and both his sister and myself having just emitted a profusion of our essence of life, we were not so quick in reaching the spending point.

  With both hands I frigged him, and tickled her clitoris, as he fucked away, whilst my prick was as lively as possible in his posterior aperture.

  At last we came, and all three almost at the same moment; our bodies fairly quivering again and again as the electric thrills shot through our excited frames.

  At last it was over, and both of them overwhelmed me with caresses till it was absolutely necessary for me to take my departure, when Lady Diana hastily selected several pieces of silk, whilst the marquis pressed a ten-pound note into my hand, and assured me I would very often have a chance of obliging both himself and sister again.

  For a period of two years I continued to be their favourite, till, Lady Diana's health failing, the marquis took her to Naples.

  It appeared, in explanation of this incident, that this brother and sister had always loved each other to excess since the age of puberty, and nothing would induce either of them to marry. Although the marquis at last became so blasé that he required the stimulating sight of seeing his sister fucked by a boy before he could enjoy her himself, she loved him as much as ever, and allowed herself to be used as a lure to seduce young fellows like myself, in order to pander to his depraved tastes.

  I never saw the Marquis of Churton or his beautiful sister again, but a month or two afterwards I had to wait upon a rich city gentleman, the principal of a large financial house, who I shall call Mr. Ferdinand, a rather handsome but exceedingly blasé gentleman, between thirty-five and forty years of age.

  Not to be too tedious with my story, I may say that I soon found out that his letch was to be frigged by a young fellow like myself, and many handsome presents did I receive from my generous patron for that and an occasional suck which I gave his prick sometimes by way of an extra treat.

  Once he induced me to stop out all night, and the next day Mr. Gooser gave me my dismissal. It was done very kindly, but he assured me that the rules of Messrs. Cygnet and Ego's house could not be infringed by himself or any of the highest employés.

  Mr. Ferdinand seemed rather pleased than otherwise at my misfortune, and promised to introduce me to a secret club, the members of which he assured me would only be too glad of my services at their pederastic seances, and my fortune would be at once assured.

  This club was in a street out of Portland Place, and if you had looked in the London Directory you would simply have found it as the residence of a Mr. Inslip—a rather suggestive name, you will think, considering the practices of the members of his club.

  I afterwards found that no gentleman was admitted to the freedom of this establishment unless he first paid an admission fee of one hundred guineas, besides a handsome annual subscription and liberal payments for refreshments and the procuration of boys, soldiers or youths like myself.

  My financial friend duly introduced me to Mr. Inslip, who was soon very favourably impressed by my feminine appearance and well-furnished implements of love.

  The very same evening there was to be a club meeting, at least a dozen gentlemen being expected to be present, so after having subscribed my name to a very fearful oath of secrecy, I took my leave of the proprietor with a promise to look in and be introduced to his patrons about 10 p. m.

  Just as he was seeing me to the door there was a loud knock, and he opened it to a handsome, tall young fellow, with light auburn hair and deep blue eyes.

  "The very man I want," said Mr. Inslip. "Let me introduce you to a new friend. Mr. Saul, Mr. Fred Jones. Now Fred, you know we have a soirée to-night. Will you take care of Mr. Saul till then, and bring him back with you? You can let him into our ways a bit by that time, and then he will be quite au fait ."

  "All right, guv'nor," responded Fred. "I like the look of him. So come along, my dear, and have a chop and cigars at my rooms," he said, turning to me.

  Mr. Jones had been a soldier in the Foot Guards, and, bought out by Mr. Inslip as soon as the latter found what a useful youth he was, in great favour with the members of his club.

  "We all do it," said Fred to me, as we sat smoking and sipping brandy and water after the chops he had invited me to partake of in his rooms. "It's the commonest thing possible in the Army. As soon as (or before) I had learned the goose-step, I had learned to be goosed, and enjoyed it, my dear; don't you, Jack?" he said, slapping my thigh and passing his hand over my most interesting member. "Now I'll tell you all about it. We'll keep ourselves fresh for to-night; but another day I mean to both fuck you and have you fuck me. Is that a bargain, my dear?"

  Having assured him that I was perfectly agreable to be his wife or husband, whichever he preferred, at any time, he continued:—

  "I was saying how common sodomy is in the Army. Our old major was the first to introduce me to it. He made me drunk, and next morning I found myself in his bed with him. Money was everything with me then. It always has been. Why, I used to
be office lad to a solicitor at Liverpool, where I forged his cheque for a hundred pounds and ran away to London, had a damned spree for a week, lost or spent it all, then enlisted. It was the safest thing to do; the military rig-out so changes the appearance of a fellow.

  "Well, I was speaking about our old major. Two or three quid squared me at once, and I let him get into my arse again, as no doubt he had done whilst I was drunk. That was the first time I really felt what it was like, and enjoyed it. My stars! how the old buck afterwards sucked my prick and frigged me till I hadn't a drop of spend left in me.

  "In a very short time I got used to his ways, and used to abuse him, telling him what a beast he was, etc., which used to delight him, and he would give me an extra sov. for it.

  "I have had lots of women, but do not care for them, for they do not make half so much of us as gentlemen do, although of course they always pay us. You can easily imagine it is not so agreable to spend half-an-hour with a housemaid, when one has been caressed all night by a nobleman.

  "This is the experience of all the men of my regiment, and I know it is the same in the First, The Blues, and every regiment of Foot Guards.

  "When a young fellow joins, someone of us breaks him in and teaches him the trick; but there is very little need of that, for it seems to come naturally to almost every young man, so few have escaped the demoralization of schools or crowded homes. We then have no difficulty in passing him onto some gentleman, who always, pays us liberally for getting a fresh young thing for him.

  "Although of course we all do it for money, we also do it because we really like it, and if gentlemen gave us no money, I think we should do it all the same.

  "Many of us were married; but that makes no difference. All we have to do is not to let the gentlemen know it, because married men are not in request.


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