The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

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The Sins of the Cities of the Plain Page 5

by Jack Saul

"She had got to the object of her desires by the time she ceased speaking, and at once commenced to kiss and caress it; the idea that perhaps I might be a real man never seemed to occur to her mind.

  "'Oh, do have me, Miss Murray. I should so like you to ravish me; my blood is on fire; I'm not in my right senses; the sight of such a darling fills me with such a longing that I can't restrain myself. If you don't do it for me, you shall never love my little fanny again!'

  "She had it in her mouth directly and sucked it so lusciously that I felt I should spend in her mouth if I did not have her properly at once, so I jumped up and asked her to lie on her back on the sofa and open her legs well.

  "She did so at once, and turning up both our dresses we were soon belly to belly; her hand kept hold of my prick and directed it to the mouth of her cunt herself.

  "By heavens! she was a virgin, and so tight! but I clasped her round the waist, and pushed furiously; so much so that she fairly screamed with the pain and tried to shove me away; but the crisis came, I shot a warm flood of sperm into her tight sheath, which, besides easing it a little, so excited the dear girl that she heaved up her bottom to meet me, and as I happened to push hard at the same moment, John Thomas fairly crashed through all the defences of her unbroken hymen, leaving nothing but a bloody wreck behind, as he went in up to the hilt.

  "She did not scream, but giving one long, deep-drawn sigh, fairly swooned away under me.

  "I did not withdraw, but lay as lightly as possible on her, making my prick throb in the tight-fitting sheath which imprisoned it so deliciously. I could feel the folds of her cunt contract on my shaft of love with a most delightful spasmodic twitching, such as I had never enjoyed before, and in about five minutes she opened her eyes and, with a smile, whispered: 'Oh, dearest, what a dream! I dreamt I was smashed to atoms; then my soul soared away to heaven, and I have been in Paradise, tasting such exquisite sweets, such thrills of love, and now I wake up to find it is you, darling, and that dear thing of yours that gives me such pleasure. How I feel it deliciously filling every part of my womb! But you are not a man, are you, darling? you can't do me any harm, can you? Do tell me that, love, and I shall be happy; otherwise I should tear myself from your arms and burst into tears!'

  "How beautiful she looked! such a lovely flush of excitement on her pretty face! how could I undeceive her, so I glued my lips to hers, as I murmured: 'No, darling; I'm not a man. I can't hurt my love!'

  "'Then, darling, give me all the pleasure you are capable of with it,' she said, smiling and heaving up her buttocks at the same time as a challenge for me to go on.

  "My God! what a fuck we had! She kept me in position till I had come four times. You would think my prick would have wrinkled up from exhaustion, instead of which I was so unnaturally excited that it swelled bigger than ever, and, although I did not spend again, we kept on ding-dong till I had fairly used her up and she had to beg I would let her go, as she had no more strength.

  "How many times I made her spend it would be impossible to say.

  "You won't be surprised to hear that that dress did not easily fit. She came so many times to try it on, and fucked me so dry, that at last I had fairly to run away from Richmond, and she will be very lucky if she does not get a big belly."

  "Have you had many adventures of that kind?" I asked.

  "Yes; plenty of them. I can tell you a lot of amusing adventures; but now, Eveline, Selina and I want a bit of fun with you, all alone by ourselves. It will be real love; not the mercenary, paid love we give our customers. I have got quite fond of you, and Selina won't be jealous. She will assist to make me happy; won't you, my darling?"

  He rose from the breakfast-table, and opening the piano, ran his fingers over the keys; then motioning me to come to him, gave me a luscious kiss. "You darling Eveline, I'm sure your prick stands," he said, groping under my dress and finding it was as he said. "Now I will play you a nice piece, only I have a fancy to have you in me, and you must both fuck and frig me as I play to you," he said, as he made me sit on the music-stool, then raised my dress, and turning his bottom to me, lifted his own clothes and gradually sat down in my lap; as my stiff prick went up his bottom, my hands went round his waist, and I clasped that glorious cock of his, and he began to play and sing "Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?" from a parody in the Pearl Magazine , which he had set to music.

  It had such an exciting effect on me that I shot my sperm at once, and I felt him spend all over my hands at the same time.

  "Now, wasn't that nice, dear Eveline? Do you love your Laura a little bit?" he said, stopping and twisting his head round to give me a long sucking kiss on my mouth.

  We kept our places, and he played several more pieces before we came again; then we adjourned to the bedroom, and he rang for the breakfast things to be cleared away.

  The door was at once bolted, and then Laura asked me if I had ever been birched.

  "Oh, yes," I replied; "and it's delicious when properly applied."

  "Well then, Selina has not had any fun yet, and I don't think you will be any too ready to oblige her, so we intend to tie you up to the bedstead and see how soon the twigs will reinvigorate you, my darling. You know you were naughty and rude to me while I sat on your lap just now, so you must be punished for it at once."

  It was useless for me to remonstrate against being tied up, as they were too strong for me, and I was soon secured by both wrists to the foot of the bed; then my skirts were pinned up and my drawers opened and let down to my knees.

  "Ha, we have her now, the rude little slut!" exclaimed Laura. "Let me just pick out a proper little swishtail, and I'll take all that out of her naughty, impudent bum!"

  I had never had a very severe birching, and rather dreaded they were going to be too hard on me. My poor prick had fairly shrunk up into his skin.

  "Just look at that shrivelled-up thing, Selina. Did you ever see such a useless looking bit in your life? Stand clear and let me apply the reviver!"

  Laura had got a long, thin bunch of birch, consisting of only three or four twigs, elegantly tied up with ribbons. Swish!—I heard it cut through the air, and if I had not been tied as I was I should fairly have jumped, such a stinging cut did I get.

  "Ah! oh!! oh!!! Good God! not so hard, or you'll draw the blood!" I almost screamed out, as I winced under the pain.

  "Ha! that was a beautifully practical illustration of how the birch should be applied. But perhaps you will like that better—and that—and that——?"

  Three stinging cuts followed in rapid succession, and almost took my breath away.

  It was no use calling out, so I fairly bit my lips to repress any cry of pain. It was not so much the weight of the blows but their smart, stinging severity. It soon made my bum all of a glow, and I began to experience a decided feeling of pleasure, my prick standing as hard as possible once more.

  "Hold; hold; don't draw the blood, Laura dear!" cried Selina. "You've raised him finely. Now let me enjoy my turn; I long for him in my bottom at once. I can't wait while you play with him any longer; but you can touch him up when he is in me, to keep him to his work."

  She was untying my wrists as she said this, and in less time than it takes to tell I was into her bottom and Laura's prick was in mine.

  Never shall I forget the excess of lubricity of this triune fuck; we seemed all so excited; we fairly spent again and again, till nature was so exhausted that we lay in a confused heap on the bed, as our pricks soaked in each other's well-lubricated bumholes.

  At last we thought we had had enough for one day and a night, so after taking a most loving farewell and promising to visit them often, I had a cab called and drove to my lodgings, where I can assure you I stopped two days to thoroughly rest and recruit my strength before venturing upon any further use of either bottom or prick.

  Soon after this introduction to Boulton and Park, I had a funny adventure in the Temple. A note came from a barrister—in fact, a leading Q.C.—to say that Mr. Inslip had mentioned
my name to him as likely to oblige him in a certain way, and would I be so good as to give him a call at his chambers at 4.30 p.m. next day.

  Of course I went, and was shown into the private room of Mr. Horner, who I found had a lady with him.

  He at once dismissed his clerk, with the observation "that he should not want him again to-day," and then, as soon as the door was closed, turning to me, said:—

  "Mr. Saul, I am much obliged that you answered my note so promptly. It is not that I require your services myself, but this lady here wants a good fucking."

  "Awful! the man's mad! Pray let me out!" almost screamed the lady in affright, as she made a rush to the door.

  "Stop her! Don't be a fool, woman!" shouted Mr. Horner. "Didn't you come here to be fucked?—now just answer that question—yes or no—as we say in court. Tell Mr. Saul the truth."

  The lady covered her blushing face with her handkerchief, and began to sob.

  "Well I never; there's no understanding women at all. No wonder I never got married," exclaimed the Q.C. "Would you believe it? She came here to be fucked; I tell you the plain truth. I wanted a nice housekeeper, a free-and-easy one, that would humour me in anything I might fancy, and Miss Wilson here answered my advertisement. We were some time beating about the bush, till at last I plainly told her she would have to stand fucking, and must come to my chambers one afternoon on trial. She should have fifty pounds if I did not engage her, and two hundred a-year as lady-housekeeper if she pleased me. My God, I sent for you to fuck her. I didn't mean to do it myself; the fact is I require a very peculiar kind of excitement before I can get a cockstand. Now, Miss Wilson, you understand this is a nice young fellow, far nicer than myself, and I'm damn'd if I don't see him fuck you! We'll have a glass of fizz first, and then to business."

  We had the champagne, then opening a door into another room I saw a bed. He gave me a sign, and I helped him to strip the frightened young lady.

  She was powerless in our hands, and I noticed he took quite a particular pleasure in humiliating her and acting as rudely as possible in every way he could think of.

  When she was stripped I commenced to throw off all my clothes, while he was amusing himself, kissing and tickling her cunt and clitoris till the poor young lady was almost dead with shame, besides being so excited that she could hardly contain herself.

  "Now jump up," he exclaimed, "and don't spare the randy bitch. She's spent all over my fingers!"

  Miss Wilson was too much overcome to attempt any resistance to my attack. She was not a virgin, so I soon got into possession of all she had and began to fire her blood still more by a good rapid fuck, Mr. Horner all the while slapping my arse with his heavy hand, as he laughed and almost screamed with delight.

  This excited me immensely, so that you may be sure I did not spare our victim, especially as she was so beside herself with real erotic emotion that she heaved, wriggled, and squirmed about beneath me, and when the spending crisis came she was so carried away by her lubricity that her arms held me almost like a vice, and she actually made her teeth meet in the fleshy part of my shoulder.

  Mr. Horner now joined in by putting one finger up my bottom, and then in a minute or two more I felt his prick take the place of his digit.

  Mine was a most delightful position. I never enjoyed anything more than I did being sandwiched between him and Miss Wilson. Not one of the three seemed anxious to bring such a delightful conjunction to a close, and I am sure Mr. H. was all half-an-hour fucking my bottom, whilst I continued to make Miss W. respond in the most amorous manner possible to the motions of my excited pego.

  She so far forgot herself as to say soft endearing things, and would every now and then ejaculate:—

  "Ah! oh! how delicious! You make me come again; I can't help myself. I'm in heaven. Push, push now, there's a darling!"

  Whilst the barrister was so carried away that he fairly screamed with delight.

  I was handsomely rewarded for my services, and he took Miss Wilson for his housekeeper, and I afterwards often went through the same performance with them at his residence in Palace Gardens, Kensington.

  The next adventure I can think of was at a garden party given in honour of the Prince of Wales; I will not say exactly where, but it was in the grounds of a noble mansion on the banks of the Thames, not a hundred miles from Richmond.

  Lord Arthur took me with him, dressed as a midshipman, and I was presented to his Royal Highness as the Hon. Mr. Somebody, I can't exactly remember the name now.

  After promenading for some time we met an elderly gentleman to whom he introduced me as a member of Inslip's Club.

  "Eveline," whispered Lord Arthur, "this is Lord H——, who has heard of your attractions; let me introduce and leave you with him."

  Lord H—— expressed the great pleasure he had in making my acquaintance, adding to Lord Arthur, "that he hoped his young friend was not too shy or mock modest."

  Being reassured upon this point, he took me for a walk into some of the most shady parts of the grounds.

  At last we came to a very retired arbour with a seat behind some rock-work and a small fountain playing in front.

  "Just the spot for us," said his lordship. "Let me sit down here and make a better acquaintance, my dear!"

  He was as loving as if I had been a young girl all at once, and then as I blushed at his observations about my appearance, and the promising bunch in the fork of my trousers, he proceeded to handle me, and pressed his lips to mine in a long breath-sucking kiss.

  I wished he had been a nice young fellow, but his attentions soon aroused all my usually excitable feelings—my cock throbbed, and stood as stiffly as ever under the soft pressures of his hand, as he held it inside my trousers.

  "I must kiss this darling jewel!" he exclaimed. "I love to swallow all the spendings of a nice young fellow like you, Eveline."

  Then going on his knees before me, he put my prick in his mouth and sucked me most lusciously, whilst with one hand passed under my bottom he postillioned me in the most delightful manner possible, and when the crisis came in a few minutes he swallowed every drop with the greatest possible relish.

  His next proceeding was to lower his breeches and get me to bugger him, which seemed to afford him equally exquisite pleasure, as his old prick stood as stiffly as possible. And after I had spent in his arsehole, he made me toss him off for a finish.

  When we rejoined the company, one of the retinue of His Royal Highness begged for an introduction, and after some little conversation, assured me my fortune would be made if I would only consent to visit Berlin and Vienna, as he could introduce me to many of the highest personages in Germany.

  Not caring to leave good old England, I politely declined his overtures, assuring him at the same time that I had not the least objection to be introduced to any of his eminent countrymen, should they happen to visit London.

  On our return to town in the evening we found Boulton and Park waiting for us at his lordship's chambers. They wanted us to join in a special pederastic orgie, to take place the same night at the house of a certain young Earl, who had two young foreign pages just arrived, the one from France and the other from Italy, and their introduction into the mystic circle was to be the chief event of the night's programme.

  Lord Arthur had another engagement, which prevented him coming with us, and so I went with them.

  They had a private brougham in waiting, which took us to Grosvenor Square.

  A very sedate and elderly footman ushered us upstairs to a dressing-room, which formed part of the Earl's own special apartments, a suite of six or seven rooms, rigorously set apart from the rest of the house, where none but his confidential servants and pages were ever allowed to enter.

  At the time of our visit the Countess was out of town at Scarborough, assiduously carrying on an anything but innocent flirtation with a certain young Marquis; but the Earl, her husband, cared not a fig for that, so long as he enjoyed himself in his own way.

lordship will expect you in the billiard-room in half-an-hour. You will find your portmanteaus all right. They were placed here directly they arrived an hour or so ago," remarked the footman as he withdrew.

  "Then we must not lose any time, my dear Eveline. You will find I have brought a charming costume for you," said Boulton.

  Notwithstanding sundry loving jokes and liberties we were soon ready to see the Earl, and as we entered the billiard-room, found he had three other gentlemen with him, all young fellows like himself, under twenty-five or thereabouts.

  "How are you, my dears? Laura and Selina, how lovable you both look; and this, I suppose, is the charming Eveline I heard so much of the other night at Inslip's. These are my regular chums, who call themselves Mr. Wirein, Mr. Cold Cream, and the Hon. Mr. Comeagain. You will, of course, find their names and pedigrees in Debrett if you care to look them up. Now, don't be bashful, and I will also introduce you to my three pages who are in special attendance on us to-night."

  Saying which he opened the door of what looked like a large bookcase, and there stood three of the prettiest boys I had ever seen, each of them quite naked with his stiff prick in his hand.

  The eldest, apparently, was a fair young French fellow about seventeen; the second an olive-tinted, but very handsome Italian boy of fourteen; and the third an exquisitely formed little nigger boy of about thirteen, with a prick that any man might have been proud of.

  How I longed for the little black fellow!

  The billiard-room opened into another fine apartment, used as a smoking-room, but in reality most luxuriously fitted up with most seductive-looking couches and ottomans, the heavily-curtained windows being separated by mirrors which extended from floor to ceiling.

  His lordship conducted me to one of the sofas, whilst Laura and Selina took seats between the other three gentlemen.

  Refreshments were served by the pages on little tables in front of us; then, at a sign from their master, they commenced a gambol at leap-frog all round the room.

  This was a most exciting and beautiful sight—to see three such young Adonises flying over each other's backs, all their pricks as stiff as if carved out of stone; then what a study of graceful forms the ever-varying contour of their lovely figures presented to our fascinated gaze during the evolutions of their game.


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