The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

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The Sins of the Cities of the Plain Page 7

by Jack Saul

  "I don't mean to say that this was done every day, but perhaps once or twice a week, when they knew the governor was gone out. He used to come round first, and then as soon as he was gone the spree was started."

  A few days ago George Brown, when a little under the influence of Bacchus, let me partially into another secret of his, which affords a partial clue to how so many unaccountable mysterious disappearances are always being mentioned in the papers.

  "Do you know, Jack," he said, "what I do when things are a bit slack? I can always earn a poney (twenty-five pounds) if I take a little girl of about fifteen to a certain house in Paris; in fact, they will give me an extra fiver for every year she is under that age, so that a girl between eleven and twelve is worth forty pounds and all expenses paid. Now and then I get them a boy for a change, as they are in great demand for the rich visitors to Paris, especially for the Americans, who are nearly all sodomites. You heard of the case of General Ney, who shot himself the other day? Well, he was a regular customer to a certain Mme. R—— that I know, but they were too greedy, she and her ponce; always wanting money, and threatening the General to tell his wife and mother-in-law if he didn't shell out, so at last the poor fellow blew his brains out. If the boys or girls turn out obstinate, they are outraged with brutal violence, and then disappear no one knows how, but I have nothing to do with that.

  "A fortnight ago I went down Whitechapel way, and dropped on to such a nice, pretty boy. He was a shoeblack, and, although only about thirteen years of age, beautifully formed and well hung with fine light golden hair, blue eyes and cherry lips. I fell in love with him myself. Whilst he was blacking my boots I asked a lot of questions about what he earned, etc., and soon found that he lived in a refuge, where they kept nearly all he brought in every night to pay for his schooling and board, etc., as he had no parents or relatives of any kind.

  "Here was a chance for G. B., so I soon got him to promise to meet me near Moses' shop in Aldgate in the evening, and the result was I bought him a rig-out as a page, had his ragged-school livery made up into a parcel and sent back to the refuge, and took him off in triumph to my lodgings, a fresh place I engaged for that purpose that very afternoon. He was my page, and had a little bed made up in an anteroom next my own bedroom.

  "I had four rooms en suite at three guineas a week in a nice street in Camden Town.

  "Next day I bought him some more clothes, shirts, hose, etc., and had him well bathed; in fact, he made a handsome little gentleman when dressed in mufti.

  "He seemed delighted at the change in his prospects, and the jolly blow-out of good things at every meal; so in the evening, after supper, I asked him how he would like to go back to the Ragged School Refuge again, as I did not think I should keep him very long.

  "You should have seen the tears come into his beautiful eyes, as he threw himself on his knees and begged I would keep him, that he would die for me, and do anything he could to please me.

  "It was some time before I would appear at all moved by his appeal; then I said: 'Well, Joe, will you promise never, never, to let out any of my secrets or what games I may play with you? Now swear it, sir, on the Bible!'

  "So I made him take a fearful oath, which I felt sure had a great effect on him after his Sunday School teaching.

  "'Bring me that small bottle of liqueur off the sideboard, Joe,' I said, as soon as he had taken the oath. I had a little of it in some water myself, and gave him some. You know, Jack, the stuff it is, and what an exciting effect it has upon everyone.

  "'Now I want to examine your figure,' I said, 'because I won't keep a boy unless he is well formed everywhere; so just strip yourself, my lad.'

  "I should not have thought he had so much sense of decency; but he blushed as scarlet as the most delicately bred youth could have done, and the sight perfectly delighted me, as it was a proof of his being a real virgin as yet.

  "However, he did not hesitate, although the wavy blushes kept flushing across his pretty face as he threw aside his clothes, and presently stood quite naked before me, whilst the liqueur had such an effect that his fine little cock, quite six inches long, was as stiff as a ramrod, and evidently caused him considerable embarrassment.

  "'Come to me, Joe. You look all right; but I must feel you all over, to see if you have any blemishes. How's this?' I exclaimed, touching his prick with my hand. 'Is it always sticking up like that? Put your hand into my trousers. You won't find me so. It's awfully rude, sir!'

  "He was afraid of displeasing me, or I should never have got him to unbutton my trousers and put his hand on my prick; but he did, and pulled it out to view, as I ordered him to do. It was limp, but I knew his touch would have the magic effect very soon.

  "'There, sir,' I said, 'why are you different to me? See if you can make me the same. Take the head in your mouth, and draw back the skin.'

  "I could see he did not like it, but did it to please me. The touch of his warm lips and the soft pressure of his hand brought me up in a moment. It quite filled his small mouth; but I placed my hands on his head, and ordering him to suck it, and tickle it with his tongue, kept him to his task till the crisis came, and I almost choked the pretty fellow with my spendings.

  "'Ah, oh, delightful! It's heavenly, Joe. If you please me like that I'll never part with you, my dear boy!' I exclaimed, carried away by my feelings. 'Here; kiss me, my dear boy!' as I raised him on my lap, and glued my lips to his, sucking my own spendings out of his mouth. 'It was so awfully delicious, Jack!'

  "'Did that give you such pleasure, sir?' he asked in a kind of whisper.

  "'Yes, Joe, my darling. I'll make you feel the same for yourself presently,' was my reply. 'You shall sleep with me, and we will now go to bed as soon as I am undressed. Take your clothes into your own room, and come back to me naked, just as you are.'

  "We both got on to my bed in a state of beauty unadorned, and I sucked his little cock till I felt sure he must come soon, then, kneeling up on all fours, I ordered him to shove it into my bottom. He was too excited not to be ready to do anything I told him at once, and besides, there was no difficulty about his getting into me, as I could take a much bigger affair than his. Still, my fancy was awfully excited at the idea of having his virginity, and to think that his maiden spend would be in my arse.

  "The little fellow came quite naturally to the business, and fucked me so beautifully that I spent in his hands as they clasped round my body and held my prick as I had directed him to do; then presently his shoves became more rapid and eager, and I felt his warm sperm shoot right up into me in a delicious jet of love juice, as he almost fainted on my back from the excess of emotion it caused him.

  "'Oh! oh! what is it? How funny, how nice to feel so!' he ejaculated, between laughing and sighing. 'Oh! I suppose that it's the same kind of pleasure that you felt when I sucked you.'

  "'Now, Joe,' I replied, 'you know what it is like, you will let me do it to you. Isn't it beautiful?'

  "He kissed me, and told me I might do anything I liked with him, he loved me so; only he feared my big affair could never be got into his small bottom, and I could see he was rather afraid of the attempt. But I soon reassured him, and got him to kneel up for me as I had done for him; then, anointing the delicious looking pink hole with some cold cream, I brought Mr. Pego to the charge. At first I could make no impression; but having got my finger in, and opened up the way a little, I succeeded in getting a slight lodgment, which made him scream with pain and apprehension, especially when I began to push on a little further.

  "'Ah! oh! dear sir! Oh! oh! pray don't; you'll split me! Oh! oh!' etc.

  "Being afraid his cries would be heard, I reached a pocket handkerchief, and before he knew what I was about, had him effectually gagged.

  "It was managed without losing my place, then with one hand putting a little more of the cold cream on the shaft of my prick, I gave a tremendous shove, and got a little further in. It must have been awfully painful, for he writhed and struggled to free himself from
me, and went flat on the bed with a deep sigh, which would have been a scream but for the gag.

  "The fact that I was inflicting awful pain only added to my lust, and regardless of consequences I pushed on till his virgin bottom had been completely ravished, and I could see little drops of blood ooze from him at every motion of my prick, which was also stained with blood, sperm, etc.

  "I had spent; but the idea was so exciting that I kept on till I had done it three times, and the tight aperture became quite easy, and I felt the gag might be removed with safety.

  "From what I could see of his face he was both crying and laughing in an hysterical state, so I thought I had better stop for that night at least, and it was a long time before I could bring him round to perfect sensibility.

  "I had him again the next night, but it was awfully painful to poor Joe; then I took him to Paris and sold him for a hundred pounds—he was so handsome I wouldn't take less.

  "Did you ever hear there is a small and very select club in Paris, where they practise every kind of cruelty, and even sometimes kill their victims. That's where, I believe, the refractory victims are finished off, but I don't know much for certain."

  There are many more like young Wilson and George Brown, who have particular specialities for turning the pederastic vice to account, but I will now go on with my own experiences:—

  Not long ago I had a rather mysterious note, asking me to call upon a gentleman at his chambers in Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. I soon found out that he was a young nobleman of great wealth, so made up my mind to wait upon him. He went by the name of Mr. Carton, and received me so graciously, and without the least ostentation, so that I was perfectly at ease with him from the very first moment.

  "I heard of you, Mr. Saul, from a friend of mine who is a member of a certain club you visit. They call you Eveline, do they not?" he remarked, as soon as I had taken a seat.

  Receiving my affirmative reply, he went on: "Then we perfectly understand each other. I require your assistance in a little delicate business, which I would not mention had I not been very well assured of your discretion. Of course, you know, I shall pay handsomely. The fact is I come of a very curious family. Both my father and mother (whom I need not mention) had most peculiarly erotic fancies, so I suppose that it is born in us. I am the youngest—not yet attained my majority—and have two sisters, one twenty-two and the other twenty-three years of age, and as beautiful as they are amiable, yet as lustful devils as angels can by any possibility be. The eldest seduced me, her brother, before I was sixteen, and soon let her sister into the secret.

  "They are too wise to be fucked in the regular way. (God only knows how they came to know so much, but I suspect our French master, as he taught me a thing or two besides my lessons.)

  "Well, as soon as they had made me their own, I had to bugger them, or let them gamahuche me, whilst I did the same to them. It has gone on for a long time. They are both considerable heiresses, and determined never to marry and lose their liberty, but they find me quite insufficient to keep pace with their lustful ideas, so I want you to give me your assistance.

  "We have got the most beautiful dildoes possible to be obtained in Paris, with which they fuck my bottom, whilst I do the same to either Emma or Eliza, as the case may be; but we are all of opinion that the real living instrument is so much to be preferred. By the bye, did you ever fit on a dildoe just above your own prick, and fuck a girl with it in her cunt, whilst at the same time you bugger her bum-hole with your pego? That is what I often do for them, and I think it must be awfully delicious, to judge from the state of excitement it throws them into; and besides, I myself, by stretching the imagination a little, fancy it is a real man's prick which I can feel rubbing against mine, with only the thin membrane (almost as fine as a French letter, which you know is the sole division between the two holes), between the two pricks. It's so delicious!

  "You make up as a beautiful girl, and let them find out your male furniture as the game developes itself, and let the direction of affairs take its chance. They have a fancy for indulging in a little flagellation this evening if I can procure them a subject. They have read so much about it in books, especially in the "Birchen Bouquet," that they think it will add materially to their lustful appetites if they can flay a girl's bum by way of a prelude. You will catch it smartly, but the guerdon shall be equal to the pain. Are you agreable? If so, go home and dress; then be here about 10 p.m. You will be shown up at once. Take the name of Miss Eveline Birch if you like."

  He gave me a fifty-pound note, and said he hoped I would be punctual to the time named, which I assured him I would be.

  I had enjoyed the thrilling effects of the rod too well when administered by Boulton at his apartments, so I now readily agreed to Mr. Carton's proposal, who, when I returned at the appointed time, I found with two beautiful young ladies.

  "Allow me to introduce you, Miss Birch," he said, placing a chair for me, "to my two sisters, Lady Emma and Lady Eliza Carton. My dears, this is Miss Eveline Birch, the naughty girl who has come to be punished. Her papa and mamma have given me carte blanche to whip her till she confesses her liaison with a young officer in the Guards and promises never to speak to him again. Won't it be fun, dears? But not for her. I rather guess it will be a serious business for her delicate etceteras; you understand what I mean."

  "Then don't give her time to think about it," said Lady Emma, as she and her sister rose in a very stately manner from their seats. "We are going into the next room, and shall be ready for her in two or three minutes. You had better give her a glass of wine to keep up her spirits."

  I had hardly time to swallow a second glass, as Mr. Carton said they meant real business and would be back in a jiffey, before they threw open the door and reappeared, each of them having discarded her dress. They had only on their white petticoats, set off by handsome corsets, which displayed all the glories of their splendid bosoms to the best effect; and when I add that they were both lovely brunettes, with blue-black hair, dark hazel eyes set under splendidly arched dark eyebrows; long, drooping eyelashes; cheeks like a mixture of milk and roses; and the whole set off by ruby lips and pearly teeth, you may imagine it was a sight to move St. Anthony himself, especially if he could have caught a glimpse as I did of fine knickerbocker drawers, trimmed with costly lace, and lovely legs and feet in white silk stockings and Parisian boots, high-heeled and sparkling with diamond buckles.

  Each had a lovely swishtail of birch in her right hand; not heavy rods, but just four or five pliant twigs of considerable length, elegantly tied together with blue velvet and magenta ribbons.

  Advancing to me, "Come, Miss Eveline," said Lady Emma, "allow us to conduct you to punishment. We have a nice ladder in the next room, and our brother here shall enjoy the sight of your humiliation and disgrace."

  "You shan't whip me! I didn't know what I was sent here for. No; indeed I won't, ladies! touch me if you dare!" I exclaimed. "Let me go! I've had enough of such nonsense!"

  "Here, Walter, help us," they appealed to their brother. "She shall soon change her tune, the impudent hussey! What a joke to think she didn't expect it!"

  Mr. Carton, who had placed himself before the door to prevent my attempted retreat, threw off his coat, and then all three seized and dragged me, in spite of my pretended resistance, as I cried and screamed by turns. Their excitement seemed to give them extraordinary strength, and I was soon fastened up by my hands to the ladder, and my dress, all in tatters from the struggle, was at once pinned up round my waist, then my drawers were opened behind, just as I found one ankle tied by some kind of cord to the bottom of the ladder.

  "That's right, Eliza," cried Lady Emma. "Leave the other foot loose. Now the wicked girl shall get her deserts—my arm shall ache before I give over whipping her! What a horribly fast girl she must be to flirt and go on with officers of the Guards! How do you like that, Miss Eveline? and that? and that?" giving my poor bum three terribly sharp cuts.

  I bit my lips to
restrain any cries.

  "Ha, you don't speak. Just let the naughty girl's drawers down to her knees, will you, Eliza dear?"

  "Why, she's a man!" almost screamed Lady Eliza, when the drawers were let loose. "Look, sister! look! Don't spare the horrid creature!"

  They both blushed deeply, especially when they saw that their brother had prepared a surprise, and was rather enjoying their confusion.

  Lady Emma muttered something about "Dirty wretch, I'll pay him out!" and then, suddenly recovering herself, rained a perfect shower of cuts on my poor rump, whilst Lady Eliza, also seemingly in a great rage, took up another rod and helped her sister to cut me up.

  How I screamed, and fairly yelled for mercy. "Oh, for heaven's sake, do, do forgive me, ladies! Your brother made me do it, and now sits there laughing at me! I beg your pardon. Oh! oh! oh! indeed I do!"

  Mr. Carton was almost beside himself with excitement, and had got out his prick to frig himself. It was a beautiful specimen, about eight inches long, with a fine ruby head.

  Their blows never relaxed; the small tips of the twigs cut round my buttocks till I was fairly excoriated and bleeding all over from the small of my back to the middle of my thighs, and the blood trickled down my legs, whilst neither prick nor balls escaped their merciless attack. Still, it was not so awful as one would imagine. The pain soon became dulled, and then was succeeded by a beautiful glow; such a lovely sensation—it is almost impossible to describe—pervaded my whole frame, and they must have seen it indicated in my face, for, throwing aside their rods, they let me loose, and embraced me with tears in their eyes.

  Mr. Carton threw off all his clothes, and tore off the petticoats and every rag of covering from his two beautiful sisters.

  Lady Emma was my mark at once, for she threw herself over a bed, projecting out her rump, which I considered an invitation to me to attack her lovely bottom. My cock was in such a furious state of lust and so distended, but I never gave that a thought.


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