Shadow Prophet (Scythe Grove Academy Book 2)

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Shadow Prophet (Scythe Grove Academy Book 2) Page 4

by Laura Greenwood

  "The two reaper move is for those cases where the ghost is too powerful and out of control for one reaper to port them. It's rare, but it does happen and it's better that you know how to deal with it. We're only going to be focusing on the solo move today."

  She nods, clearly satisfied with his answer.

  "All right, why don't you watch me for the solo move, then I want you all to try it while I take a walk around the grove and give you pointers," he says as he pulls his scythe off his back and gets himself into a stance I've seen him use several other times when teaching scythe work.

  He sweeps his scythe towards the ground in one smooth motion, not unlike the gesture I've seen Mathias do in order to create a portal for the ghosts we've dealt with. But Mr Denzel's blade cuts lower, almost sweeping along the ground. I guess it makes sense, that's where the ghost's tether must be.

  "All right, why don't you try?" he instructs after demonstrating a few more times.

  My mouth is dry with nerves as I take my position. My scythe is suddenly heavier than it's ever been, despite the lack of ghosts in the area. If I get this wrong, all that happens is that I need to try again. I don't need to be perfect. No one is relying on this.

  I take a deep breath and sweep my scythe in a downward arc.

  A misjudgement in the amount of space I need sends my blade crashing into the ground. Pain lances through my arm and I cry out, dropping my scythe in the process. It falls to the floor with a gentle thud while I cradle my arm in my other hand.

  Mathias sets his scythe aside and rushes over to me. "Are you okay, Syxe?" He reaches out as if he's going to touch me.

  I pull back. "I'm fine. Just a shock," I mutter.

  I bend down to pick up my scythe, the pain already subsiding.

  An odd expression pulls at his features, as if he's realised I'm not best pleased with him.

  I get back into position, ignoring the hurt glances Mathias is sending my way and trying not to feel too guilty about them. He's the one that started all of this, I'm just trying to protect myself from ending up even more hurt.

  I try the move again, this time managing to bring the blade closer to the ground. Relief floods through me. I'm not completely incompetent at least. Just to be sure it isn't some kind of beginner's luck, I repeat it a few more times. I know I can't be sure whether or not I've got it completely right until I have to use it in real life. Though from what Mr Denzel says about it, I hope that's never. I don't want to be the reaper who forcibly splits a ghost from the world, even if that's the best thing for it.

  "You've got good form, Miss Weston," the teacher says as he stops by the two of us. "But you need to put a little less swing into your movements. Watch Mr Carey for a moment." He directs my attention to Mathias.


  Mathias tries to smile at me, but I can see the uneasiness beneath it. He isn't sure of what's happening between us anymore. At least that makes two of us.

  "All right, Mr Carey, please do the move again," Mr Denzel instructs.

  Mathias nods and spreads his feet ready to bring down the scythe. I don't need anyone pointing out the difference between what the two of us did, I can see it.

  Mr Denzel nods knowingly. "I'd hazard a guess that Mr Carey is the porter in your team," he says.

  "Don't you know that from the files?" I ask, more curious than anything.

  "If I looked at that part, yes," our teacher responds. "But I prefer not to know. It ensures I don't overlook someone who is struggling just because I assume they'll find it easier because of their role as a porter, or overlook those who do well despite being seers."

  "Why are seers worse at this?" I try not to be hurt by his statement, especially when I have no control over which kind of reaper I am. I'm a seer because that's what I was born as. At least, that's my understanding of how it works.

  "It's not always the case," Mr Denzel assures me. "But for the most part, porters are more used to using their scythes like this. It's not that they're better in the end, it's just that they already use more of the skills in their day to day reaping."

  "Oh." That actually makes sense, but for some reason, I'm a little disappointed by that.

  "But you're heading in the right direction," he tells me. "Just focus on less of a swing, and you'll get there. You're doing a great job so far."

  "Thank you."

  He moves on to the next team, leaving us to practise some more. I keep sneaking glances at Mathias in the guise of copying what he's doing, but in reality, I just want to look at him. Whether I want to or not, I'm missing him.

  But I need to keep my distance or I'm going to end up getting myself hurt. He doesn't feel the same way about me as I do about him, that much is abundantly clear. I can't let myself fall any further for him. It's not worth the broken heart.


  Exhaustion fills every part of me as I return to my room, it's almost enough to make me collapse completely. The special lesson in the grove earlier took it out of me, and that's without the lessons I've had since.

  I slide my key into the lock and push my bedroom door open, wincing in pain as my arm is jolted again. It hasn't stopped aching ever since my scythe hit the ground. Hopefully, a hot shower and a good night's sleep will be enough to put it back to rights.

  I enter the room and do my normal checks to make sure there hasn't been anyone unexpected in here.

  Unlike normal, this time I spot a folded up piece of paper on the floor waiting for me. I frown. No one has mentioned having received a notice from the academy, but this is how they're normally delivered. It's probably nothing to worry about.

  I lean down to pick it up, being careful to use my non-aching arm. I flip it open and scan the words scrawled on the page, horror flooding through me as the meaning sink in.

  The Shadow Association has summoned me. I'm not sure what for, but given that last time they wanted me to make an oath that gave them control over me and any children I might have in the future, it probably isn't good.

  My whole body shakes as the true meaning sinks in. Someone from the Association has been in the academy. I know they're capable of it, but being confronted with the knowledge makes it a lot more difficult to deal with that when it's just an abstract thing.

  Without thinking twice about it, I grab my keys and run down the hall to Juliet's room. I don't want to be alone right now, even if it's only for long enough to calm down and start looking at things rationally again. There isn't anyone here now, and they're not threatening to me. It's just a request.

  I don't knock and just enter without thinking twice about it.

  "Hey Syxe," Tobias says as I step into the room. He's lounging on the bed, looking completely at home in the other reaper's room.

  "Oh, sorry, I..."

  "Juliet isn't here." He swings his feet around and sits up on the bed. "She'll be back soon though, she just had to go sort out a problem with one of the other students."

  "I'll come back," I say, but I don't actually move.

  He frowns. "Is everything all right?"

  I bite my bottom lip, unsure what to say. I don't know Tobias as well as Juliet or Mathias, but the former isn't here, and the other isn't someone I want to seek comfort from right now. And not just because I'm a little scared of what I'm going to find if I go to his room.

  "I got a note from the Shadow Association," I say. "It freaked me out." I pull out Juliet's desk chair and plop myself down into it.

  "And you didn't want to be alone."


  "Understandable. Want a coffee?" He gestures to Juliet's machine.

  I nod.

  "Why not go to Mathias? I thought the two of you were close?" He pops a mug under the spout and presses a series of buttons until the machine whirrs into life. "Not that Jules would mind you being here..."

  I sigh. "I'm avoiding him."

  "Ah, so he isn't imagining it," Tobias mutters.


  He sighs and pulls out the mug, offering it to me. "Mathia
s is worried you're mad at him."

  "Oh." I take it from him, grateful for something to do.

  "Are you?" He searches my face for the answer, though I'm pretty sure he can see it already.


  "What did he do?" There's a hint of exasperation in his voice. One that reminds me I'm talking to Mathias' twin and not just Juliet's boyfriend.

  "Did Juliet tell you about sending off my DNA to a site to help find my family?"

  "She tells me a lot of things," he hedges masterfully.

  "When we got the results, she burst into the room and Mathias said it wasn't what it looked like." Now I'm saying it out loud, it seems like a little bit of a pathetic reason to be annoyed at him, but I can't help it.


  "It just made me feel as if I've been reading the whole situation wrong. I'm trying to work out how to just be friends with him, but..."

  "You're already in too deep," he finishes for me. "Don't worry, I've been there."

  "How did it end?"

  A small smile lifts the corners of his mouth. "Well, I'm sitting in her room waiting for her to come back from an errand, so I'd say good."

  Ah, he's talking about Juliet. I should have guessed.

  "Look, my brother is an idiot sometimes. Scrap that, all people are idiots sometimes. I don't know exactly what he meant when he reacted like that, but I can assure you that he likes you a lot."

  "He isn't acting that way," I mutter. I take a sip of coffee, enjoying the rich taste.

  "It's been four days of you giving him a slightly cold shoulder and he's already moping about it. Trust me, he's acting that way," Tobias assures me.

  "How did Juliet get the wise one of the two of you?" I mutter.

  Tobias lets out a loud laugh. "Believe me, she probably doesn't feel the same way. I can be an idiot too. It's part of the Carey charm."

  I let out a small laugh, somewhat reassured by his words. "How do I fix this?" I ask.

  "Talk to him."

  "Aren't you supposed to say making out or something like that?" I counter.

  He shrugs. "I mean, it'd probably work, but if you want to really fix it, you're better just having a conversation about the problem. I've met a lot of host's whose problems stemmed from relationship drama, I've picked up a few things from them. One of which is talking about things really does help."

  "Ah, so reapers are more mature," I mumble to myself, glad I could confirm what I'd been thinking.

  Tobias frowns. "What?"

  "Sorry, it was just something I was thinking the other day while Juliet and I were at the Agency. She seemed older than nineteen and I wondered if reapers tended to be more mature because they're around death all the time."

  "Hmm. Interesting theory, I've never really thought about it. Ghosts and death have just been part of my life forever, they aren't something I really spend much time thinking about how that affects me. But there are probably some psychology papers on it if it's something that interests you. And if there isn't, perhaps you should become the psychologist who does the study."

  "You mean not join the Reaper Guard and do something different?" I wiggle back and forth on the desk chair.

  He shrugs. "Why not? You don't have to do this. There are lots of different career paths you can go down. You don't have to settle on the first one you find, especially when you're only just figuring out that you're a reaper."


  "There's a career adviser at the academy. Maybe you should make yourself an appointment?" he suggests.

  I nod. It sounds like it might be a good idea. I clearly don't know enough about the way the reaper world works. It will be interesting to find out what other options are open to me. "Thanks, I will do."

  My nerves have settled down now I've seen someone else and talked about something other than the Shadow Association. Hopefully, I'll be able to relax when I go back to my room.

  I finish my coffee and get to my feet to go rinse the cup in the sink in the bathroom.

  "Thanks for the talk, Tobias," I say.

  "You're welcome. Message us if you need some company," he says, a serious note in his voice. "Jules or I will come."

  A grateful smile stretches over my face. What did I do to have these kinds of people around me? I'm lucky, I know that much. "I will do."

  I leave Juliet's room feeling a bit better than when I arrived, both about the Shadow Association, and Mathias. Though I guess this means I now have to have a potentially awkward conversation with him.

  That's a problem for another day. Probably tomorrow. It'll be better to get it over with quickly, even if it isn't something I want to do.

  But first, some time to recoup from the stresses of the day.

  And to obsess about the coming conversation.


  I dump my bag on my desk and flop into my desk chair. I've got about twenty minutes before I need to be at my next lesson. I'm not sure why the teachers are trying to cram as much as this into my schedule, but it's becoming exhausting. I wonder if there's someone I can talk to about it. Not necessarily so they can pull me out of classes, but just to help me manage things a little better. I don't want to burn out.

  I wiggle my mouse to wake up my laptop so I can check my emails. One from Mathias sits at the top unopened. I frown. That's odd. I saw him in the class before last and he didn't say anything about an email. Of course, that's probably because he's still wary of annoying me more. I haven't managed to get a moment alone with him since I talked to Tobias last night.

  I'll try harder today.

  I click on the email and bring it up.


  We have news on Erica's case. I've attached a postcode. Come asap.


  Sure enough, an address is scrawled on the bottom complete with the postcode. It's weird that he's emailed me, but maybe it's because I've been cold to him and he doesn't want to have to get through all of that in order to communicate that we're needed. I hit the print icon, sending the email to the shared printer down the hall. I'll pick it up before I leave.

  I pull up a new email tab and send off an email to the teacher of my next class. We're allowed to not go if there's something that comes up in one of our cases, and I assume part of that system is automated, but I want to make sure I'm covered just in case.

  Satisfied I'm done, I slip my phone and purse into my jacket pocket and unhook my scythe from its holder. Within minutes, I'm ready to go.

  It's weird to be leaving the academy on a ghost mission without Mathias already by my side, but he asked me to meet him somewhere, so I have to assume he has a reason for it.

  No one pays any attention to me as I make my way down the corridor. The scythe over my shoulder lets them know I'm either heading into town to do the same job we all do, or I'm going to the grove for a scythe lesson. Neither of them are out of the ordinary. I like that about this place, I can't imagine being at a mixed academy instead.

  The portal room is unsurprisingly empty, so I don't waste any time stepping through. The familiar tingles assail my body as I step through and onto the same street as always.

  A quick scan of the street shows no one around. I'm a little surprised Mathias isn't waiting for me already, but I don't question it. He must have a reason for summoning me this way.

  I slip my hand into my pocket to pull out the email and my phone, but only come away with one of them.

  Ah. Damn. I forgot the printout of the email. That's annoying, I hate copy and pasting things on my phone, it always takes far longer than it should. One of the reasons I printed it off in the first place.

  I sigh. Oh well, at least I can still access the email. After a few tries, I manage to get the address plugged into my maps app.

  Fifteen minutes on foot.

  Not bad, but it could be better, especially when I'm alone and don't have someone to talk to while I'm on my way.

  But it's good weather, and it won't do me any harm to walk.

  No one pays me any
attention now I'm in town either. With the academy not so far away, and humans aware of the supernaturals among them, no one is particularly surprised to see a reaper wandering around. I'd probably draw more attention if I was wearing clown makeup. Not that I'm in any rush to try that one out.

  I follow the directions to the letter, surprised to find they're taking me to another built-up area. We already know where Erica's ghost lives, why am I going to a second place? Maybe Mathias found out where her baby is and that's who we're going to meet.

  An uneasy feeling settles in my gut and increases the closer I get to my destination. Something about this doesn't feel right. I've been putting it down to the fact I'm normally with Mathias already when I do this part, and it just feels different because I'm alone, but the longer I walk, the more uncertain I become about that.

  Should I call him?

  No. That's not necessary. He's probably in the middle of something or he'd have come to meet me.

  Despite that, I pause and pull up the email again. I don't know what makes me check it, but I want to make sure he's the one who actually sent it to me. Sure enough, his academy email address is the one in the from field.

  I'm being paranoid. This is the same feeling I get when I think there's someone watching me. It's just the part of me that's been overly sheltered for my entire life grabbing hold and refusing to let go. No one is out to hurt me. No one is watching me. The Shadow Association have no need to. They've made their summons but it's for next week, so I technically haven't ignored it yet. They aren't after me.

  After fourteen minutes of walking, I turn the corner and find myself down the street from my destination. It looks a bit worse for wear, but I've seen more rundown places during my ghost hunts, so not a red flag.

  Even so, I hesitate, not wanting to get any closer. There's something off about the building. Or the situation, I can't tell which.

  "Stop it, Syxe," I chide myself. This is my job, and I'm going to do it. Being paranoid is not a good enough excuse and I refuse to be scared of a collection of bricks.

  This is where Mathias asked me to come, so this is where I'm going. It's all going to be fine.


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