ANGEL: Fallen Angel Series #3

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ANGEL: Fallen Angel Series #3 Page 1

by Frank, Ella


  Fallen Angel Series #3

  Ella Frank

  Brooke Blaine

  Copyright © 2019 by Brooke Blaine & Ella Frank

  Edited by Arran McNicol

  Cover Design: By Hang Le

  Cover Photography: Eric Battershell Photography

  Cover Model: Carlus Tyler Reed

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Also by Ella Frank

  Also by Brooke Blaine

  1. Halo

  2. Viper

  3. Halo

  4. Viper

  5. Halo

  6. Viper

  7. Halo

  8. Viper

  9. Halo

  10. Halo

  11. Viper

  12. Halo

  13. Viper

  14. Halo

  15. Viper

  16. Halo

  17. Viper

  18. Halo

  19. Viper

  20. Halo

  21. Viper

  22. Halo

  23. Viper

  24. Halo

  25. Viper

  26. Halo

  27. Viper

  28. Halo

  29. Viper

  30. Halo

  31. Viper

  32. Halo

  33. Viper

  34. Halo

  35. Viper

  36. Halo


  Thank You

  Special Thanks

  Excerpt from Trent’s Story

  About Ella Frank

  About Brooke Blaine


  USA TODAY bestselling authors Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine conclude the story of sexy Fallen Angel rockers Viper and Halo in ANGEL.

  As Fallen Angel embarks on their worldwide Corruption tour, frontman Halo is forced to deal with his newfound fame, as well as his intense feelings for his bandmate, Viper.

  Because now Halo has everything he ever dreamed of and one surprise he never expected: a boyfriend.

  And Viper has the one thing he never thought he wanted but found himself chasing down: a relationship.

  From the very beginning, they were drawn to each other, but can these polar opposites find lasting love, or will their flame burn out?

  ANGEL is the third book of the Fallen Angel Series and should be read following HALO and VIPER. Halo and Viper’s story concludes in ANGEL.

  Also by Ella Frank

  The Exquisite Series




  The Temptation Series







  Confessions Series

  Confessions: Robbie

  Confessions: Julien

  Confessions: Priest

  Confessions: The Princess, The Prick & The Priest

  Sunset Cove Series


  Devil’s Kiss

  Masters Among Monsters Series





  Blind Obsession

  Veiled Innocence

  PresLocke Series

  Co-Authored with Brooke Blaine




  Fallen Angel Series

  Co-Authored with Brooke Blaine




  Co-Authored with Brooke Blaine

  Sex Addict


  Wrapped Up in You

  All I Want for Christmas…Is My Sister’s Boyfriend

  Also by Brooke Blaine

  South Haven Series

  A Little Bit Like Love

  A Little Bit Like Desire

  The Unforgettable Duet

  Forget Me Not

  Remember Me When

  L.A. Liaisons Series




  Romantic Suspense

  Flash Point

  PresLocke Series

  Co-Authored with Ella Frank




  Fallen Angel Series

  Co-Authored with Ella Frank




  Standalone Novels

  Co-Authored with Ella Frank

  Sex Addict


  Wrapped Up in You

  All I Want for Christmas…Is My Sister’s Boyfriend



  I’D GOTTEN SO wrapped up in Viper’s kiss and the way he held me so tight against his body that at first I didn’t recognize the sound. With the way my head was buzzing, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was simply the roar of blood in my ears, but as the sound grew louder, I realized it was the outside world intruding on our moment.

  Clapping. That was what I was hearing, along with shouts and whoops that I would’ve bet good money came from one of our bandmates.

  I smiled against Viper’s mouth, and he took that as permission to angle his head for a deeper kiss, stealing my breath. He didn’t seem to notice or care that the entire party was watching us right now, which was so unlike him that I could hardly believe this was really happening.

  “Viper,” I murmured when I came up for air.

  He didn’t respond, crashing his mouth back on mine, one of his hands moving up my back to keep me right where he wanted me. But while the last thing I wanted to do was pull away from Viper’s lips—the same lips that had just said he loved me—we needed to take this somewhere more private. Especially judging by the way his arousal grew against my hip.

  “Viper,” I said again, chuckling slightly at the way he refused to let go of me. “We’re not alone.”

  “So? They can leave.” He started for me again, and I moved my hands to his chest, my smile widening.

  “You’re crazy.”

  Viper shrugged, squeezing my waist. “You knew this about me and still came around. You’re stuck now.”

  “I wasn’t complaining,” I said with a wink, as a hand clapped down on my shoulder. I looked up to see Killian do the same thing to Viper, and then he shook his head, but he was grinning.

  “V, man, you always did know how to make a statement, even if your timing is shit.”

  As if he was just realizing other people existed other than the two of us, Viper blinked and looked at Killian.

  “It’s Angel’s fault. He thought it’d be a good idea to run away from me.”

  “What?” I said.

  A smirk lifted Viper’s mouth. “I did what I had to do.”

  As I opened my mouth to respond, a flash went off in my face, momentarily stunning me, and before I knew what was happening, the wall of partygoers closed in on us, reporters pushing to the front and shoving microphones and cameras in our faces. Questions and shouts came from all sides, and Killian brought his fingers up to his mouth and blew an ear-piercing whistle that had everyone freezing in their tracks.

  “All right,” he said. “I know this is a huge surprise for you all, but let’s give these guys some room, huh?” Then he pointed at the reporters. “No questions, no interviews, no photos.” As they began to protest, Killian shook his
head firmly. “This is a private party, and we have the right to have security check your cameras on the way out.”

  “Look at you, hardass,” Viper said.

  “Yeah, well, not too much of a hardass, because the execs over there aren’t looking too fuckin’ happy.” Killian lowered his voice. “You two should probably head out before everyone loses their minds. I’ll take care of things.”

  Viper clapped Killian on the back. “I owe you one.”

  “Damn right you do.”

  As Viper turned his gaze back to me, he held his hand out. “You okay missing the rest of the party, Angel?”

  Hell yes, I was. But… Shit. I looked around, trying to find my sister, because I couldn’t leave her. As if she knew I was looking for her, Imogen waved her hands to catch my attention as she pushed through the crowd toward me.

  “Im,” I called out, and when she couldn’t get by a couple of stubborn reporters, I reached for her hand and pulled her through.

  “Oh my God, this is nuts.” With her eyes bright and shining, she looked between me and Viper, and all I could think was thank fuck I’d told her about us, because otherwise this would’ve been awkward. “You,” she said to Viper. “You and I are gonna talk. Don’t even think about getting out of it.”

  Viper raised his eyebrows and leaned into me. “Shit, she’s kinda scary. Should I be worried?”

  “With Imogen?” I eyed my feisty sister and shot her a wink. “Definitely.”

  She grinned and rose on her toes to kiss my cheek. Before she pulled away, she whispered, “I’m so happy for you. Now get out of here and don’t worry about me.”

  I frowned. “Are you sure?”

  “Duh. I think I can manage to find my own way home.” Imogen stumbled forward into me as someone pushed her from behind, but before I could do anything, Killian turned around, shoving the crowd back from us with a defensiveness I’d never seen from him before. He was always the cool, calm peacemaker, but it was obvious he wasn’t about to put up with anyone’s shit either.

  “I think that’s our cue,” Viper said, taking hold of my hand just as a pair of security guards made their way to us and inclined their heads for us to follow. It felt like a million miles to the exit, and by the time we made it to the car, I collapsed into the back seat beside Viper.

  The dead silence was a welcome respite from the chaos inside the party, and as the seconds passed and Viper took my hand again, the enormity of what had just happened hit me.

  Holy shit, I thought, as I looked down at our intertwined fingers. Had Viper really just told me he loved me? And in front of everyone?

  “You look a little stunned, Angel,” Viper said, brushing his thumb over mine.

  “I’m trying to figure out if I’m dreaming.”

  As the car took off, Viper tugged on my hand. “Come here.”

  We were already sitting as close as we could be, but apparently that wasn’t close enough. I straddled Viper’s lap, and he cradled my face.

  “Having second thoughts?” he asked.

  “About what? You?” The idea was so absurd that I almost laughed. “Fuck no.”

  Even in the dark, I could see the smile that slowly lit Viper’s face, and it made my heart skip a couple of beats. God, the man was too gorgeous to be mine, but that was what he was now, wasn’t it? Mine. Mine.

  “This is what you want?” I said, locking my hands behind his neck. “And you’re sure? Because if you’re not sure, you should tell me now—”

  Viper shut me up by bringing my lips down on his before I could finish my sentence. I opened my mouth for his immediately, continuing the kiss that we’d started before the wolf whistles and cheers had interrupted us. His tongue moved in sync with mine, the taste of him causing a moan to escape my throat. Four days had been too long to be away from him, from his captivating mouth. I’d never expected to want someone so much, but more than that, I never expected Viper to want me back. I believed all his protests about not wanting a relationship would win in the end, even though I could see how he felt about me. He never even had to say it—I could feel it.

  But this? Such a public declaration and putting himself, and us, out there on blast? It was the last thing I expected, and while it made my pulse race just thinking about it, a new thought crept in.

  I tore my mouth away, my breath coming fast and heavy. “Shit… Viper, did we just mess everything up?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Come the fuck again?”

  “You know, the party, our contract…the band. You always said we couldn’t be together because it would mess up Fallen Angel, but now everyone will know—”

  “Shh,” Viper said, putting his finger over my lips. “It doesn’t matter.”


  “Look, this might cause problems. I’m not gonna fuckin’ sugarcoat it. But you’re worth it. This thing we have…it’s worth it, Angel. Whatever happens.”

  I swallowed hard, feeling a sting behind my eyes. So there was a chance that being with Viper could change everything, and yet here we were. Choosing each other, regardless of the consequences.

  Holy fucking shit.



  AS I SAT in the back of the car with Halo’s hand in mine, I wondered if I’d ever felt surer about anything in my life as I did the man sitting by my side. I’d turned up at Corruption’s prerelease party tonight with one goal in mind: to find Halo and tell him how sorry I was. But the second I laid eyes on him, I’d known that wasn’t going to be enough. It didn’t convey half of the misery I’d felt over the past few days without him in my condo, my bed, my life, and when the words I love you had tumbled out of my mouth, I knew they’d been the exact right words to say.

  “You’re worth it too, you know,” Halo said as he pushed my hair back behind my ears and lowered his mouth to mine. “God. I can’t believe this is really happening.”

  I wound my arms around his waist and tugged him as close as I could get him, and Halo’s hair fell forward to curtain our faces from the rest of the world. “You and me both, Angel. Trust me.”

  Halo chuckled, and the grin that spread against my lips was contagious in its joy. “Oh, I know you shocked the shit out of yourself. Not to mention the guys.”

  I nipped at Halo’s lower lip, and when he groaned in response, I sucked it into my mouth. Halo bowed into me, a beautiful sound rumbling out of his throat, and when he finally pulled his lips free, he rested his forehead to mine and shut his eyes.

  As his breathing calmed and silence once again enveloped us, I stroked my hands up his back and whispered, “I’m so damn sorry I hurt you.”

  Halo’s eyes opened and locked on mine, and then he shook his head. “It’s okay. I—”

  “It’s not okay,” I said. “The way I acted? The things I said? None of that is okay, Angel. And none of it was true. I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing here. But I’m sorry I hurt you. That was—is—the last thing I ever want to do.”

  Halo shifted back a fraction to look down at me, his eyes narrowed, his lower lip swollen, and I couldn’t help but reach up and brush my thumb across it.

  “We both did and said things we shouldn’t have.” Halo took in a breath, and then let it out on a rush. “Things we didn’t mean. But you know what the best part about fighting with someone you love is?”

  “No—I’m new at this, remember? Don’t have a clue.”

  When Halo laughed, I tightened my hold on him. “The best part is, unless it’s about something really serious, I’ll still be there when you cool down. Once you’ve thought about things and realized you were wrong and that I’m the best fucking thing that ever happened to you.”

  A boom of laughter left me at that. “Ah, so that’s how this works, huh? I’m forever going to fuck up and you will forever forgive me.”

  Halo pursed his lips as though pretending to think it over, but before he could say a word, I shifted and tumbled him back into the seat beside me so I could hover over him.
/>   “I love you,” I said again, this time just for him, just to him, and because I wanted to.

  “I love you too.” Halo ran his fingers down my cheek to my jaw as I shook my head, still trying to understand the emotions bombarding me as I stared into those beautiful eyes of his. But before I could offer any kind of response, the car drew to a stop and I heard the driver announce our arrival.

  We reluctantly parted and climbed out of the car, and with our fingers still interlaced, we headed inside to my private elevator and took the trip upstairs in silence. Our I love yous in the back of the car surrounded us in a moment of contented bliss, but when the elevator reached the top floor, and the doors parted, Halo was back in my arms.

  His mouth fused with mine and his hands were in my hair, as I walked him out of the elevator and into the place that had felt so vast and empty these past few days without him. A moan left one of us, or maybe both, as fingers then went for each other’s jackets. We shoved them off one another, and as they hit the floor, we each went for the other’s shirt. We grappled with material and buttons in a clumsy attempt to get closer, and when several went flying and pinged on the hardwood floor, I chuckled against Halo’s lips and looked down at my ripped-open shirt.


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