Finding Anna (Hidden Duet Book 1)

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Finding Anna (Hidden Duet Book 1) Page 24

by LM Terry

  I take in the room, broken glass on the floor, a lamp tipped over, then my gaze lands on the bed. I stare at the bloody sheets and the handcuffs hanging open around the headboard. I saw the bruise on her face, the swollen lip, the haunt in her eyes…we were too late. I fall to my knees. I want to murder Oliver all over again.

  “She will need you, man. I wanted you to see what we are dealing with before you go out there to her. I found her sitting in the corner,” Liam says pointing to where they had found her. “The other guy, the one you shot, he was in here with her. He was in the bathroom.”

  I picture her curled up, hiding from that asshole. Fuck, I wish I would have known he had hurt her. I would have made his death slower, more painful. My Anna, he touched my Anna. I yell out frustrated that there is not a damn thing I can do about it now.

  Liam places a hand on my shoulder. “Get this shit out now Dylan, then when you are ready, we will be waiting in the car. She needs medical attention. I think she may be in shock, so get it together quick.” He turns to leave but stops at the door. “If you aren’t out there in fifteen, I’m taking her to the closest hospital.”

  I stare at the sheets. Fuck. I need to get out there to her. I need her in my arms. How am I going to help her? I have saved so many girls. We find them and return them to their families. That is where it always ends for me. I don’t know what to do after. Liam is right, first off I need to just make sure she is physically okay. She didn’t look well.

  I pull my phone out to make a few calls. I’m taking my girl home. I’m not taking her to a hospital in an unfamiliar country, she has been through enough. She needs to be home, if I admit it to myself I need to be there too. She is alive, I can do this, I love her and nothing else matters.

  I stop on the way-out and grab one of my guys, Mark. He is a medic. I trust him. We are all trained in basic medical, but Mark stayed, learning more than the rest of us. He is smart.

  “Hey Dylan, everything is secure. The guys are pulling all the computers, files, anything we might use to take down any others. I can handle this why don’t you head out.”

  “Actually, I need your help. Liam told me Anna is in bad shape. They hurt her…” my voice breaks as I speak. How did I let this happen?

  Mark gives me a strange look. I am sure my emotion to the situation is foreign to him. “Dylan, hey man it’s okay. I’ll just go tell the others and meet you outside. Do you want to take her to the hospital?”

  “No, I’m taking her home. A plane is waiting as we speak,” I say wearily. He nods and turns to find the others to let them know our plans.

  I steel myself at the front door. When I leave this house, I need to be one hundred percent focused on Anna and Anna alone. I will help her, I will love her, and I will never let her go ever again.

  Anthony is standing by the SUV leaning inside. Anna is sitting with her legs curled up into her chest, her head buried. Liam is beside her not touching her, his hand rests protectively on the back of the seat.

  Anthony spots me and comes over before I reach the vehicle. “Where are we going Dylan?”

  “To the airport, we are going home,” I say. He gives me a small smile and pats me on the arm.

  I walk over to the open door. “Baby?”

  She doesn’t look at me, but she leans her tightly wrapped body into mine. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest, resting my head on top of hers. I glance at Anthony. He looks concerned. “Baby, everything will be okay. Our friend Mark is going to ride with us, he is medically trained. He will make sure you are okay to fly. If you are, then we are flying home. If he thinks you need to be in a hospital, then we will find one close by.”

  She feverishly shakes her head no at the mention of the hospital but doesn’t look up.

  Liam speaks to her and reaches out to touch her back tenderly. “Anna, if Mark says you are healthy enough we will go home but we have to do what he thinks is best. No one will leave you, we are all here.”

  She makes no movement or protest this time. I push her lightly to the center to get in beside her, keeping her tucked into my chest. Liam stays in the other seat next to her until Mark runs out with his medical bag. He lets Mark have his seat and moves to the front with Anthony.

  “Anna, Mark is here now. We are going to drive to the airport, but we need to let him look so we can get an idea of how you are doing,” I say in quiet gentle tones.

  She doesn’t move. My heart is breaking off in chunks as I sit here with her. I glance around wanting to burn the entire place to the ground, erase all of it. I run my hand down her hair, unable to control the tears that stream down my face.

  Chapter Thirty-Two



  I sense Dylan’s pity as he sits next to me. I want them to all leave me alone. The last thing I need is pity. I want nothing but to be alone. I can’t look at him. Liam told him, I hear it in his voice, feel it in his movements. He wants Mark to examine me. I don’t want anyone to touch me. I could fight them but I’m tired. Maybe I will let Mark do his thing, then we can home. I’m not sure what he means by that, back to Colorado, to San Diego? It doesn’t matter. I need to go somewhere where I can be by myself.

  Mark gently places his hand on my arm. “Anna, I’m going to take your blood pressure and inspect any wounds you have. Can you tell me where you are hurt?”

  He sounds nice. They are all nice, nothing like the dead men inside the house. I try to speak, to make words come out but I can’t. I shake my head no as I peak out at him from the cocoon I made for myself between my knees and chest.

  He smiles at me. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk right now.” He pulls his blood pressure cuff out of a bag. “I’m just going to pull your arm out a little,” he says.

  I keep my head turned towards him, I can’t face Dylan. Dylan lets go of me but keeps a hand on my back. The car is moving now, Anthony is driving, but it is not his usual fast pace throw you around sort of driving. I can tell he is taking extra caution, turning corners at a slow speed. No one makes a move to buckle me in.

  Mark reaches out and gently pushes the blanket off me. I notice him glance down at my bloody, tore up wrist. He wraps the cuff around my upper arm placing the stethoscope over my beating pulse.

  For the first time since they arrived I realize how lucky I am to be alive. Last night at supper I thought I had hit the end of the road. Do I want to be alive? I ponder the question as I focus on the warmth of Dylan’s hand on my back. Yes, I think so. I just don’t know how at this moment.

  Mark rips the cuff off. “Very good Anna, it’s a little high, but that is to be expected. Your face and your wrists are hurt. I am just going to look you over quick to make sure nothing else needs immediate attention. If not, we can get on the plane.”

  I sit up and wince. I want this over with, I need to leave this place. I still don’t know where we are. He takes my hand and flips my wrist over, then the other one doing the same. He runs his fingers lightly over my cheekbone. “Can you point to where you are hurting?”

  I let my feet slowly fall to the floor. Dropping my eyes to my lap, I uncurl myself, a deep stiffness has set into my bones. I hold the blanket around me still but open it slightly to point to my ribs and then gesture towards my back.

  He cautiously reaches out and places his hand under the blanket to feel my ribs making me suck in a breath when he hits a tender spot. “I’m sorry Anna, you have bruised, possibly fractured ribs. As long as you’re not having any difficulty breathing I think it’s safe to get on the plane.” He looks over my shoulder, speaking more to Dylan than myself. “But, you will tell me if you have problems, won’t you?”

  I shake my head yes, anything to not have to go to a hospital. He smiles at me again and says, “Good girl.” This warms me. It is silly, but reality is coming into focus. I’m not with the bad guys anymore. I am in a car with the good guys, they will not let anyone hurt me. “Sit up a little, I want to take a peek at your back, I’m guessing it
is bruised.”

  I hesitate, if I allow him to look Dylan will also see.

  Mark leans down and captures my eyes with his. I silently plead with him. “Okay, enough for now.” He pats me on the leg. “I think she is good to fly. I’ll keep a close eye on her.”

  Dylan breathes a sigh of relief, as he pulls me gently to him. I pull my legs up to my chest and curl into him. He came for me. He said he would never leave me. He knows what happened, and he still hasn’t left me. He is taking me home. I don’t know where that is but if he stays with me…I may just survive.

  We reach the airport. A small private plane waits for us on the runway. We are in Belize I find out. They say it won’t take long to get home. I’m tired but they aren’t letting me sleep. Mark thinks I have a slight concussion. I’m sure I do, Derrick’s fist hit me so hard my head snapped, pinching a nerve in my neck, the pain still radiates through me.

  I keep my eyes lowered not wanting to look at anyone. Once we are in the plane Dylan kneels to help buckle me in for takeoff. I try to turn away from him. He doesn’t let me. He places both hands on either side of my face and holds me tightly, forcing my eyes to his. “You are mine. Nothing and I mean nothing changes that Anna Velasquez. I’m never letting you go, never.”

  His words should frighten me, he is being demanding Dylan again, but they comfort me more than anything. More than being away from the house of terror, more than Oliver being dead, more than even being held in his arms. He is claiming me. I am still his.

  He doesn’t seem to expect a response from me which is good because I cannot find enough energy to speak. He buckles in beside me. I stare out the window, flying away from my nightmare once again. This time it will not come looking for me, he is gone. Relief suddenly engulfs me, I collapse in my seat from exhaustion.

  I wake up to an awful smell, shit. I push at the hands in front of me. It’s Mark, he is crouched down holding something under my nose. He smiles when I focus my eyes on him. “Good girl, you are awake. You scared us for a minute.”

  He looks around at the guys. “She is okay.”

  I glance at the other three. They are white as ghosts. I smile, to have someone worry over me is nice even though I’m not sure what to do with it right now. They are all here. They came for me. They didn’t leave me.

  “And a smile to boot,” Mark says.

  Dylan leans over and kisses my temple. “We are here baby, let’s get you home.”

  I keep my eyes focused on the road in front of us, the sun is up, I see where “home” is. We are going to my parent’s estate in Mexico. Everything looks familiar, yet it doesn’t. My nerves are getting the best of me. Everyone in the vehicle grows more anxious the closer we get.

  Liam keeps turning to peek at me, Anthony’s eyes check on me through the rear-view mirror and then there is Mark and Dylan in the back. I’m sandwiched between two mother hens. Why is he taking me here? I remembered I had asked him if we could go home when we were in Colorado, but I didn’t mean like this, not like this.

  We pull up to the wrought-iron fence and the gate magically opens. I turn and look at Dylan, so many questions but I cannot find any words. He looks down at me. “We are home, baby.”

  I watch as we continue down the long tree-lined driveway until we arrive at the circle in front of the main house…my house. I want to run up the stairs into my mother’s arms. She isn’t here though. Dylan squeezes me gently as if reading my mind.

  Anthony speaks up, being his usual self. “Damn it’s good to be home!”

  I forget that this is not only my home, we all grew up here. All because of the kind heart of Manuel Ramirez. So many things to deal with, so many memories flood my brain, it is all just too much.

  “We need to get Anna inside, so I can make sure she is okay. Then she needs to rest. I want to take her to the infirmary first to capture an image of her ribs,” Mark says.

  “I’ll visit Mrs. Cortez and see that she has everything ready for us,” Anthony adds as he jumps out and takes the steps two at a time.

  Liam mumbles a few choice curse words as he glides over to the driver’s seat. “I’ll pull us around, fucking Anthony, he is just worried about getting to the food first, he knows Mrs. Cortez will have a feast prepared.”

  I smile again and tuck myself in close to Dylan. I love these guys. I am so happy they didn’t abandon me, if they hadn’t come I would be in hell. I shiver as I think of Derrick.

  We pull up in front of the infirmary building. A gray-haired older gentleman comes down the stairs. Liam gets out first and goes to the man, giving him a big bear hug.

  “That is Liam’s father, Luis, he is a doctor. I called for him to meet us here,” Dylan says.

  I glance at Mark, he sees my discomfort and quickly adds, “He is a psychiatrist.”

  I stare at Dylan and shake my head no. I’m not talking to him, I’m not. I turn in my seat to look back to the house. I wonder if I can make it there before anyone catches me.

  Dylan turns my face towards him. “Anna, you don’t have to talk to him, I want him here for when you are ready. You have been through a lot, you will need to get it out at some point.”

  Mark opens his door letting the warm air in, he motions for me to go to him. He takes my hand and leads me up to the front of the building. Liam and his father stop talking as we pass. Liam doesn’t introduce me, thankfully. I follow as Mark leads, Dylan is close behind, his booted footsteps fall heavy.

  He guides me into an exam room and instructs me to sit up on the table. An exam room, I can’t hold it in any longer. The tears start, I can’t stop them. I want to go to my room, shower and crawl into bed. Dylan rushes towards me but Mark stops him. “Why don’t you wait outside.”

  “No, no one is touching her without me being here,” he says with finality.

  He pushes Mark away and comes to stand in front of me, pulling me into his arms, rocking me until my hiccupping sobs subside. Once I quiet down, he stares into my eyes, he is struggling. “Anna, let Mark do what he needs to do.” He kisses me on the forehead and steps back, leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. Tough love, I hate it.

  Mark had been busy getting everything set up while I was crying. He waits for me. “No hurry, we will take as long as you need,” he says as he passes me a tissue.

  I pathetically wipe my face and blow my nose. He seems satisfied I am ready. “First, I want to get that x-ray to make sure your ribs aren’t broken.” He hands me a gown and turns to Dylan. Bring her down as soon as she changes.

  He leaves, shutting the door. Dylan picks up the gown and holds it open for me. I let the blanket fall and pull Liam’s shirt over my head. I push my arms into it and tuck it behind me. Dylan leans around to tie the back. I stop him. He doesn’t argue and allows me to hold it together.

  Once we finish with the x-ray, Mark returns and clips the images in front of a light on the wall for his examination. “Well, I see a hairline fracture on the left side. It will be sore but will heal. Everything else looks good.” He clicks the light off making the images go black. “Can you tell me how that happened?” he asks as he turns to face me.

  I shake my head no in response.

  “Anna, you haven’t spoken since we found you, can you speak?”

  My voice would be hoarse if I spoke. I screamed and screamed while Derrick had me. My throat feels like sandpaper. I could talk, I just don’t want to.

  “Hmm.” He places a thermometer in my mouth, feeling my forehead as he does. “She isn’t in shock. She may just not be ready to talk,” Mark says, looking over his shoulder at Dylan.

  I turn my head to stare out the window. I can see the top of a tree. I watch a squirrel run along a branch until I can’t spot him any longer. When I return my gaze to him he pulls out the thermometer.

  He makes swift work of cleaning my wrists and the cuts on my face causing me to hiss. I lie down, and he presses gently on my abdomen, making quick assessments with his hands. “Okay, let’s have a look a
t your back. You can stand, roll to one side or on your stomach. Whatever causes you the least amount of pain.”

  He walks over to a cabinet and pulls out two syringes, filling them from little vials. I squirm on the table, but I don’t do as he asks, I don’t want to follow his direction. I peak over at Dylan still leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. I glance at Mark nervously.

  “This is an antibiotic, and this one is for pain.” He holds each of them up for my inspection. He brushes an alcohol pad over my arm, then quickly injects both. “The pain killer should help relax you. I know you are tired Anna. We are almost done.”

  “Can you roll over to your side?” He gently urges me over, I grimace more at the thought of Dylan seeing my back than the injury, both excruciating. The pain medicine tingles through my veins and gives me a little more courage than I had before. “Good girl,” he says.

  Dylan moves close as Mark pushes my gown aside.

  Dead silence.

  Mark begins to wash the wounds across my backside. I bite my lip and struggle to not make a sound, so they don’t discover how much pain I am in. I am thankful for the painkiller.

  I hear the door open and close. Mark’s hands are still on me. Dylan walked out, he left me. Sadness envelopes me. I turn my head to hide my face in the pillow.

  “He isn’t leaving you Anna, he just needs a minute. He is feeling guilty for not getting to you sooner,” Mark says above me.

  When I don’t respond he continues, “I am sorry that you had to go through this.” He pulls the gown closed and helps me back up to a sitting position. He pushes the hair out of my face and looks at me seriously. “Did they hurt you anywhere else? I think they did. But, if they didn’t I won’t check, I won’t put you through that.”

  My eyes flit to the door. I understand what he is getting at. Derrick did hurt me. I don’t want to face that. I want to forget.

  “Would you like to wait until Dylan comes back? Anna, I need to make sure you are okay,” he says.


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