Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 2

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Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 2 Page 6

by Barbara G. Tarn

  They reached the unpaved road across the forest and stopped on the side. Signs of wagon and cart wheels showed it was well traveled. Donkeys, oxes and horses also left their tracks in the dust, along with some human feet. The birds were quiet here, as if they felt they were too close to the Humans' realm – not the safest place for them, Nerian knew.

  Alech looked left and right along the empty road.

  "That way is Ker Daragon." He pointed to the right. "And that way is Ker Garenn." He pointed to the left. "We could come with you, but we'd rather not. Maybe you should follow the road to Ker Garenn and ask King Riander to have you escorted back."

  "Or you could boldly go back to your father's castle and claim your father's throne," Temai said, shaking his battle-axe. "It is your rightful place!"

  "I doubt anyone would recognize me," Nerian grumbled. "Kariel kept me locked in a tower..." He thought about the huntsman who has spared his life. And the servant who brought him meals, always the same man. "Although maybe someone does know me..." He pursed his lips. "I don't know what to do!" he complained. "Why can't I stay with you guys a little longer? Maybe King Riander will come back to the cave and take me with him!"

  The dwarves exchanged glances and smirks. Alech cleared his throat.

  "Nerian, we made an exception for you. We don't like Humans. We don't want Humans around. You were in need, and we helped you. Now you can stand on your own. You're nineteen, Nerian. If you think you can't make it, Ker Garenn is that way. I'm sure King Riander will keep you under his wing until you're more self-confident."

  Nerian sighed. One part of him really wanted to see his hero again and let Riander take care of him until the end of time. But another part of him reminded him he was prince heir of Ker Daragon and he owed it to his people to go back. Even though nobody had done anything to try and free him from the tower.

  Someone appeared from the bend in the road on the side that led to Ker Garenn, making the dwarves grunt and prepare their weapons. Startled, Nerian looked that way as Yeni exclaimed, "It's Belfi!"

  Now the dwarves all sounded excited. They put down the weapons and waved at the approaching traveler who waved back. Nerian's keen eyes saw an androgynous young man with very long, wavy, dark-blond hair held still to cover the ears with a headband. The newcomer had traveling clothes, a walking stick and a sword by his side. His smile was very sweet, almost boyish as he approached with long strides of his lean legs.

  The dwarves rushed to greet and surround him, and Nerian watched with a little envy how friendly they were with the newcomer. And they said they didn't like Humans. And then Belfi's brown eyes fell on him, and the young man smiled openly.

  "Hello, Nerian," he said. "Riander told me you might need me. And Alech had sent out word for me a few days ago."

  "Who are you?" Nerian asked, a little wary.

  "I'm Belfi, the immortal half-blood." The other took out the headband and showed off pointed ears, much like Riander's faery godmother. "I'm a magic user."

  Nerian remembered the dwarves had mentioned him when talking about Nerian's education with swords.

  "So will you take me to Ker Daragon and keep me safe?" he asked.

  "Of course." Belfi came closer. "Can you ride?"

  "Not really," Nerian muttered, eyes low.

  Belfi mounted behind him and grabbed the reins from smiling Ikeli's hand. Again Nerian felt like when his father was alive and took him on his saddle for short rides around the courtyard.

  "Thank you, Alech," Belfi said. "See you around."

  "Thank you, Belfi," the dwarf captain replied. "Take care of our little prince."

  "I will take him back to his castle safe and sound. And if his castle is not safe, I shall whisk him back to Ker Garenn where Riander is expecting him," Belfi promised. And he spurred the horse, holding Nerian who almost fell off at the sudden movement.

  Nerian tried to look back to say good-bye to the dwarves, but Belfi had pushed the horse to a trot and he was sick already. "Bye, guys!" he shouted, leaning against Belfi's chest. A chorus of replies made him grin and relax in Belfi's embrace.


  "Belfi is taking Nerian home," Wild Rose said, sitting on the corner of Riander's desk in the king's small office. "Don't worry, the prince will be fine."

  "Thanks," Riander said, relaxing in his seat. "You never cease to amaze me. How you respond to my calls, how you communicate with other members of the Magical Races..."

  "It's through our minds and our intrinsic magic." She smiled. "You'll need something physical." She offered him a crystal. "As soon as Belfi takes Nerian home, he'll give him something similar, so you'll be able to talk without leaving your respective castles."

  "Thank you!" Riander took the crystal and looked at it more closely. "How does this work?"

  "It's a magic transmitter. It's small, but you'll be able to see and hear Nerian." She shrugged. "That's all I can do for you, since you're so worried for the prince of Ker Daragon."

  Riander thanked her again and put down the crystal.

  "I'm worried for him because he wasn't trained to be king," he said, thoughtful. "If I find it hard, it must be much worse for him! If he were a woman, I'd marry her and unite the kingdoms, but..."

  "You don't want even more people under your rule." She grinned. "You have enough trouble as is."

  "True." He smiled sheepishly. "How do you do it? Without a king, I mean?"

  He knew the Genn had lost their kingdoms centuries ago and wondered how they managed their hidden underground towns.

  "A council of elders if there's some decision-making, otherwise we just live in harmony," she replied, amused. "But then, we were never violently possessive like Humans."

  Riander sighed. "So do you think I should get married and breed?"

  "It would help make your subjects feel more secure. Not that your neighbors seem to want your lands, but you never know."

  "What if I give the power to someone more suited than me?"

  "Your poor father will come back and haunt you," Wild Rose teased. "He raised you to be king, not to give up your inheritance."

  "I know, but..." Another sigh.

  In spite of meeting the Sorcerer King and fighting him, he still didn't feel like he deserved his throne. He wished he could leave and look for the Magical Races – see the underground Genn towns, the Sila nests, the Waiora underwater dwellings...

  Except none of them wanted a Human in their midst. Not even the Genn. Wild Rose visited him, but never suggested he come and live with her.

  "You're finding excuses because you don't want the intimacy of sex," Wild Rose said, serious now. "It should come naturally to you, but you're one of the rare Humans who can't be bothered. Which should make you a better king, since you're not obsessed with fucking everything that moves."

  "Wild Rose!" he protested, blushing. That wasn't how he saw himself. He'd rather stay in his little office or in the castle library all day instead of dealing with people and royal matters. His council had scolded him for spending the night at Ker Daragon, and the death of poor Danhin, and now a bodyguard stood outside his every door at all hours.

  She chuckled and caressed his cheek. "You're a fine king, Riander. Don't worry, you'll be all right."

  A knock on the door startled him. Wild Rose blew him a kiss and vanished with an instant transfer spell that made him gasp, in spite of the fact that he was used to seeing her come and go that way.

  "Yes?" He looked at the door and the guard let in a beautiful young woman with a brown braid of hair and an elegant light blue gown that matched her sapphire earrings and necklace. "Lady Viona," Riander greeted with a nod.

  She smiled and curtsied before approaching his desk. "Your majesty, I was wondering if you'd like to see what we prepared for the homecoming banquet. It is almost dinnertime and I believe you've spent too much time working too hard to catch up for the few days you've been away."

  "Well, it's true that I was starting to be hungry," he replied, standing and walking ar
ound the desk to join her. Lady Viona was the sister of Duke Arias, the youngest of his counselors who was only two years older than him but had a wife and four children. Other members of the council had suggested the king consider marrying Lady Viona, but he was still trying to find another princess outside of Ker Garenn.

  He offered his arm to her and they left his office to go back to the great hall, where everybody was gathered. He'd been back the day before, but having arrived unannounced, there had been no time to set up a homecoming banquet.

  His nobles and servants cheered him, especially seeing him next to Lady Viona, who smiled proudly. Riander left her with her brother and took his seat at the head of the table, nodding at everyone as he passed by them.

  "Thank you all for this warm welcome," he said. "I'm sorry I worried you and I promise I'll do my best to fulfill my duties as soon as possible. I will choose a bride before the winter comes."

  More cheers and applause welcomed his short speech. He nodded with a smile and waved so the servants could start bringing in the food. Chatter filled the great hall, making him feel slightly uneasy, but he managed to keep a smiling face.

  Crowds would always make him uneasy. But his people were so happy to have him back, he couldn't avoid the festivities. He imagined his wedding banquet would be almost like this. If he found a proper bride.

  His eyes met Lady Viona's and she smiled mischievously at him. He'd known her for years, even kissed her very awkwardly a summer of many years ago, but neither had liked it at the time. Was it possible she wanted to give him another chance? Did she really think he had changed?

  Maybe she had changed and now had the experience they'd both lacked in their teens... Somehow the thought was comforting. She wasn't a stranger and maybe being intimate with her wouldn't be too bad...


  Nerian felt his heart beat faster when the tower he'd been locked in for ten years came into view. He shifted uncomfortably on the saddle, looking forward to getting off the damn horse. He hoped he wouldn't have to do too much riding as a king.

  And then the road bent and the castle appeared in full view, with its five narrow, round towers connected by tall, vast walls. The tallest of the five had been Nerian's prison and it still held the castle flag with his father's coat-of-arms.

  The moderate gate with massive wooden doors was wide open and offered a safe home to all those in need at the base of the mountains, but it was not the only way in when you knew the castle's secret passages.

  "My father showed me once the entrance of the emergency escape, but I'm not sure I can find it again," Nerian said as Belfi slowed the horse to a slower gait after trotting from the place where they'd left the dwarves.

  "Alech knows the way in from the other side, but he thought you should go back from the main entrance," the half-blood replied. "The dwarves have expanded that single tunnel and the Genn know it too. They never use it, of course, not the part under the castle, at least..."

  Nerian turned to look at Belfi, puzzled. The half-blood grinned.

  "The castle is very old, Nerian, and the secret passage hasn't been used in more than a century, what did you expect?"

  "Nothing," Nerian muttered as the horse reached the drawbridge. The guards stared at him with a mix of curiosity and boredom. He wondered if any of them had been posted behind his door on the tower.

  Belfi stopped the horse in the courtyard and dismounted nimbly while Nerian struggled to get off the saddle. His thighs and ass hurt after only a couple of hours of riding. He really had to work out a lot to stop aching for any new movement he made.

  Nerian looked around the courtyard, frowning with worry. But then he saw the huntsman who had dragged him out of the tower staring at him and gaping. He smiled weakly at the man and made a tentative greeting wave with his hand. What was his name again? Roddyn, yes. That was it.

  Roddyn came forward and he wondered if he should head for the great hall.

  "Prince Nerian!" The huntsman bowed and kept staring at him with wide eyes. "You promised not to come back!"

  "Don't worry, Roddyn, the Sorcerer King will not punish you this time," Nerian answered, his voice shaky at first.

  "You don't know how wicked he is..."

  "He can't punish you, Roddyn, he's dead," Nerian assured, looking the man in the eyes. "King Riander killed him."

  "Oh." The huntsman exhaled in relief and smiled. "Welcome back, Prince Nerian." He waved at the castle main door and the great hall. "Please take your father's seat. We are happy to have you back."

  Nerian nodded, still frowning with worry, and headed for the castle and the great hall. The servant that used to bring him his meals gasped at the sight of him and bowed deeply. Nerian heard Roddyn gathering everyone as he reached the great hall and headed straight to his father's wooden throne, now empty.

  "Wait, what do you think you're doing?" The captain of the guard stopped him before he climbed on the dais.

  "I am Prince Nerian, rightful heir to Ker Daragon," Nerian replied proudly.

  The man scoffed. "Prince Nerian is dead. The Sorcerer King will come back soon and I'd run away now if I were you." A gloved hand caressed Nerian's cheek. "I believe he'll find you to his tastes and take you to his bed as soon as he sees you."

  "He can't," Nerian snapped, glaring at the oblivious captain. "Kariel is dead. He's not coming back. You better bow to me before I find myself another captain of the guard."

  "He is Prince Nerian," Roddyn said, entering the great hall, followed by a crowd of castle workers. The servant that had had access to the tower nodded.

  An elderly counselor came forward and turned Nerian towards the light of the windows. Nerian let the old man observe him, trying to stay calm. A glance at Belfi's smile was enough to make him feel safe. He was fine. It was fair that his people got to meet him anew. He'd been locked up for ten years after all.

  "Mm, I see Queen Nerina in you," the old man said with a smile. "Yes, you must be Prince Nerian. May the gods be blessed! You survived the wicked usurper!"

  "Thanks to Roddyn," Nerian replied. "I'm willing to give him the post of captain of the guard to reward him for sparing me."

  The captain pulled away and bowed submissively. "I'm sorry, your highness, I wasn't aware you were still among us."

  "I'm back and I hope you still want me as your king," Nerian said, climbing on the dais and addressing the audience.

  Cheers led by Roddyn confirmed his people's will to have him on his father's throne. Smiling, relieved, he nodded and sat on the throne. Soon he'd have to wear a golden crown and lead those people into the future.

  A hint of panic made him look at Belfi who nodded his approval.

  "Your highness, can you tell us how King Riander dispatched the usurper?" Roddyn asked.

  Nerian brightened as he excitedly recounted the final fight with Kariel. And then he had to tell them how he'd escaped the tower, and about the dwarves, and...

  Night fell on Ker Daragon and servants set up tables so they could eat and celebrate well into the night. The rightful king was back. Tomorrow Nerian would be crowned. Nobody seemed to notice the androgynous half-blood keeping an eye on the young prince.


  A couple of ravens' croaking calls awoke Riander from a dreamless sleep. He opened his eyes and saw the sun was up, but no servant had knocked on his door yet. He hadn't found a substitute for Danhin yet and he sighed, missing his faithful attendant's care.

  Then he realized he wasn't alone in his bed, and that was probably why no servant had dared disturb him. He remembered the banquet the night before and leaving the great hall with Viona holding his arm and...

  He hid his face in his hands. Much like at Ker Daragon, he hadn't been really drunk, but still willing to give sex another chance. Much like with Kariel, he had enjoyed the time with someone else, but the intimacy still made him uncomfortable. He didn't dare move for fear of waking her, still asleep by his side.

  At least Kariel had woken up before him, sparing hi
m this. He glanced at Viona's sleeping form and sighed again. Why couldn't he enjoy sex like everybody else? He'd had a couple of women in his life – his father had made sure he'd know what he was doing when he finally got married – but he still didn't like having them in his bed.

  Yes, Viona had learned a lot since their awkward first kiss. And she had probably enjoyed the night more than he did. Maybe he should just marry her and make his council happy. But the thought of losing the freedom of sleeping alone...

  She stirred and caressed his naked torso. "Morning, Riander," she grumbled, rubbing her naked body against his. "Thank you for not kicking me out last night."

  "You're welcome," he muttered in return, trying to disentangle himself from her.

  "You didn't like it." She stared at him, disappointed. "You don't like me."

  "It's not you, it's me," he said. "I didn't like it, but not because it's you, it's because I don't like it."

  "Do you prefer men?" She frowned in worry. "The council thinks so..."

  He rolled his eyes. "Just because I allowed Kariel in my bed..."

  "You what?" She jumped up, eyes wide in wonder. "Oh no!"

  "It was just one night! What's the big deal? I still function, don't I? And I ended up killing him. So, there you go. First and last male lover of my life!"

  Riander rose and put on a dressing gown. Of course he functioned, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it.

  "Can you pass me my dress?" she asked.

  He obeyed and saw she was frowning now.

  "Really, Riander, will you ever choose a bride?"

  "I don't know, Viona. Thank you for the night, but please, go now."

  She quickly pulled on her gown, barely covering her body without bothering with laces and buttons, and rushed out of the room, still frowning. As soon as she left, the barber came in, his face impassive as if he hadn't just met the lady who had spent the night with the king.

  At least the council would know. That he'd slept with Viona and Kariel. The pressure would probably get worse now. He glanced at the magic crystal on his bed table and wondered how Nerian was doing.



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