Blackstone Ranger Hero

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Blackstone Ranger Hero Page 14

by Alicia Montgomery

  “A what?”

  The two women looked at each other. J.D. spoke up first. “You know, like—”

  “Here you go,” Gabriel interrupted as he put plates of pies down. “Just a couple of slices to start with. Temperance wants your opinion about what you think of these new flavors, though I already think they’re fantastic. If you wanna order dinner now, let me know, otherwise, we’ll wait for Daniel and Damon.”

  “Thank you,” Sarah said.

  “I’ll wait,” Anna Victoria said.

  “All right, I’ll be over there if you need me.” Gabriel grabbed the empty tray and headed back to Temperance.

  J.D. cleared her throat. “So, Sarah, I hope you don’t think I’m too nosy, but you and Daniel—”

  She sighed. “What do you guys know?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” J.D. said quickly. “Only that you guys got married over that weekend. I was there because it was Damon’s bachelor party, and we’ve been best friends forever.”

  “And Damon is my husband and Daniel’s boss,” Anna Victoria added. “And he told me about you being married, but that’s about it. Mostly it. I mean, Daniel’s not the kind of guy who gives out details about his life.”

  “I know it’s none of our business,” J.D began. “But we’re just … curious, you know.”

  “And if you need anything, you can ask us,” Anna Victoria offered.

  Sarah knew she shouldn’t be discussing her private business with them. They were practically strangers. But so much had happened since she came here, and she had no one else to talk to. “It’s not what you think.” She told them what happened that night, that both she and Daniel had been under the influence and couldn’t remember anything, as well as their original plan of pretending to be married to avoid any scandal, and then quietly get an annulment once all the attention died down.

  “Oh, wow,” Anna Victoria said. “I had no idea.”

  “So … you and Daniel … you’re just pretending? Like, nothing’s happened between the two of you yet?”

  “I—” She was going to deny it, then her face flushed when she remembered yesterday’s encounter in the bathroom. The two women looked at each other and smiled. Damn, she wished her brain wouldn’t short circuit each time she thought of Daniel Rogers’s mouth between her thighs.

  “Oh. My. God.” J.D. exclaimed. “Something’s happened! I knew it!”

  Sarah buried her face in her hands. “It’s not … it’s not that. Not that serious, I mean. Besides, we were just, uh, messing around. Caught in the moment.”

  “I don’t know Daniel too well,” Anna Victoria said. “But he doesn’t seem like the type to just mess around with a girl if he’s not serious.”

  “Sarah, he’s seriously a good guy,” J.D. added. “I mean, why not just see what happens?”

  “What do you mean—”

  The door that led into the dining room opened, and of course it was Daniel who walked in. “Hello?” he called. “Rosie said—” Immediately his silvery blue gaze landed on hers and a lazy smile spread across his lips. Those lips that were on her last night.

  Heat spread from her belly to the rest of her body. Was he thinking of last night too? This morning, before Thoralf interrupted them in the hallway, she could have sworn there was a spark of something there.

  “Holy shit,” J.D. whispered. “Someone call the Blackstone Fire Department, because I’m about to spontaneously combust just being next to you two.”

  Oh God, am I that obvious?

  Thankfully, before she could say anything else, Daniel—with Adam behind him—was already at their table. He introduced her brother to everyone and sat down on the empty chair beside her, pulling out the stool beside him so Adam could wheel in. “How was the class?”

  “It was great.” Tentatively, she leaned over toward Adam. “And the hike? Was it nice out there?”

  His eyes lit up. “Oh, yeah,” he said, nodding his head vigorously. “It was awesome! The trails went up so high and had these amazing views. Then we went to the station, and Daniel gave me a tour and told me all about the mountains! Did you know there are dragons around here?”

  “I heard.” She sent Daniel a knowing glance. “Did you see any?”

  “Not today,” Adam said. “But Daniel says he could find out when one of them is going to be out there and he’ll take me to see them.”

  “That sounds, er, nice,” she answered. While she didn’t want to tell Adam they might not be around here for long, she didn’t want to disappoint him, especially now that there was no more tension or animosity between them. Again, she looked at Daniel and gave him a grateful smile.

  “Are those pies?” Adam’s eyes went huge.

  “Freshly-baked,” she said, pushing a slice at him. “You guys must be hungry after that hike.” She didn’t need to encourage him as Adam began to demolish the piece of chocolate ganache pie.

  “Hey, how about we order dinner?” J.D. suggested. “I’m starving. Hey, Gabe, stop smooching with our baker and take our dinner order! You’re going to run Rosie’s to the ground if you keep ignoring your customers.”

  “Hold your horses, McNamara,” Gabriel called as he released Temperance, whom he had pinned up against the counter. He kissed her on the cheek.

  Gabriel took their order, and soon they were served up some heavenly savory dinner pies. Damon joined them in the middle of dinner, apologizing for being late as he had come from visiting a friend who lived far away.

  “Are you all right?”

  Daniel’s voice made her shiver, his mouth so near her ear, she could feel his warm breath. She swallowed the pastry in her mouth. “Uh, yeah. Why?”

  “You seem quiet, that’s all.” He put a hand on her knee. “Everything okay with you?”

  “Of course.” His hand was practically burning a brand on her skin, but she didn’t want to push it away. “I just … thanks. For whatever you said to Adam.”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t say anything. I just took him up the trails and showed him around. No big deal.”

  But it was a big deal. She could see that the hike up the mountains had done Adam some good. She hadn’t seen him laughing and chatting so easily in the last few months as he did now. And from the fact that every other word from his mouth was “Daniel said this” and “Daniel did that,” she knew who to thank for that.

  “But still …” She placed a hand over his. “Thank you.”

  The gesture made something spark in his eyes, and she could have sworn she saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “I—”

  “Hey, is there a bathroom around here?” Adam asked.

  Daniel quickly pulled his hand from under hers, a gesture that for some reason, made her stomach plummet. “Yeah, but it’s in the main room, and that door swings in. Here,” he said, standing up. “Let me get that for you. I need to go anyway.”

  Adam pushed himself away from the table with Daniel standing by, but not hovering over him nor trying to push his chair for him. Even when they approached the door, Daniel held it open, but allowed Adam to wheel himself out. Her heart skipped a beat watching the way he just seemed to genuinely care for her brother.

  Something jabbed her in her side. “Huh?” She looked at J.D., who was grinning up at her maniacally.

  “Oh, man,” the other woman chuckled. “Don’t tell me you don’t want any of that.” Her head cocked toward the door. “That’s dinner, a movie, dessert, and breakfast the next day.”

  “I—” She covered her eyes with her hand. “It’s complicated.”

  J.D. harrumphed. “Doesn’t look like it to me. He wants you; you want him. You’re already married. Would it be so bad?”

  Excitement thrummed in her veins. Would it?

  After dinner, they all lingered for a bit, staying to chit-chat—not to mention, J.D. told some embarrassing stories about Gabriel and Damon—but it was getting late, and Rosie needed to close up, so they all decided to go home.

  “That was a good dinner,�
� Sarah said to Daniel as they walked out into the parking lot of Rosie’s. “Thank you for suggesting this.”

  “Well, we had to eat, right? And I don’t think we can rely on Thoralf’s kitchen skills for anything more complicated than pizza,” he said with a chuckle. “Where’s our friend by the way?”

  “He said he had stuff to do, but he’d be back at the house. Oh, where’s the SUV?” There were only a few vehicles left in the lot, and she didn’t see the loaner from The Agency.

  “Actually, I left it at home and brought this instead.” He stopped in front of a red minivan. Taking a key-fob out from his pocket, he clicked on a button and the van’s door slid open, then a ramp came out from inside.

  “Thanks, Dan,” Adam said as he rolled by them and into the vehicle. The ramp automatically slid inside, and the door shut.

  She looked at him, her mouth dropping open. “Where did you get this?”

  “I uh, borrowed it.”

  “Where? How? Why?” The questions zinged in her mind, the words blurring together.

  He shrugged. “Adam needed it, so I got it.”

  Damn you, Rogers. Did he have to be so … so … she couldn’t even find the words for it. She wanted to shake his shoulders in frustration. Wanted to kick him in the shins. Wanted to knee him in the balls for making her feel this way. “Gah!”


  Her body had taken over, that was the only explanation as to why she threw herself at him and pressed her mouth to his. He stood there, frozen for half a second before he responded. His lips were warm, and she could still taste the traces of sugar, butter pastry, and coffee from their meal. When his hands came around her waist, she stepped away, pushing her palms against his chest. The look on his face was inscrutable. “I’ll see you at home,” she said. And like a coward, she scurried away to her car, quickly unlocking the door and hurrying inside.

  Deep breaths, deep breaths. Her hands still shook as she stuck the key into the ignition. Lights flashed in the rearview mirror as she realized Daniel must be waiting for her.

  How she even managed to pull out of the spot and drive all the way home, she wasn’t sure. That kiss—the one she initiated—was still burning in her mind.

  Would it be so bad?

  The words repeated in her mind over and over again. He had responded to her kiss, but was he just being polite? I shouldn’t have done it. But God help her, she didn’t regret it at all.

  She parked in the driveway and switched off the engine. As Daniel parked, she waited for them to come out first. Adam exited the van, then Daniel rushed to the front door to unlock it. She followed, watching as Adam went in first, rolling his chair up the ramp and into the house while Daniel held the door open. As she passed by to follow her brother in, a hand landed on her arm.


  She let out a breath. “Hey.”

  “Listen, can we—”

  “Talk?” she finished. “Just, uh, come to my room later, okay?” Her heart thumped in her chest. “Let me go see to Adam first.”

  “All right. I should take a shower anyway.”

  “Okay.” When he released her arm, she headed to the room Adam was staying in. The door was ajar, but she knocked first. “Adam?”

  “Come in.”

  Pushing inside, she saw her brother coming out of the bathroom. “How are you?” she asked.

  He rolled over to the bed. “I’m fine.”

  Padding over to him, she sat on the mattress so they could be at eye level. “Listen, Adam. I’m sorry you had to find out from the news and from those kids at school about me … and Daniel.”

  He stared up at her with those soulful eyes, looking so much older than his sixteen years. “So, him and you …”

  “It’s complicated,” she admitted. “But you deserve the truth. Daniel and I aren’t really married. I mean, legally we are, but we didn’t mean to get married. We hadn’t even met before that night.” With a deep breath, she confessed to him about getting drunk and discovering her marriage to Daniel when applying for a loan.

  “Yeah, I figured that was the case.”

  What? “You did?”

  He nodded. “I saw the date of the wedding. Traced it back to the night you went out for Stephanie’s bachelorette party. And, uh … hacked the security cameras at the chapel. Man, you guys were trashed,” he snickered.

  “Yeah, we were. And it’s embarrassing for me to admit that to you. That’s why I couldn’t explain it right away. And I didn’t want you finding out.”

  “Really?” Genuine shock crossed his face. “You were embarrassed? But why?”

  “Because I’m your older sister,” she admitted. “And I have to be the adult you can depend on. Rely on. The one who you can trust will make the right decisions and protect you.”

  “You’ve been doing that for me and Darcey since we were kids. You don’t have to do it forever. You shouldn’t have to. And, well … you deserve to be happy too.”

  “I am happy, Adam. With you guys. I don’t regret any single moment we’ve all been together.”

  He flashed her a lopsided smile that made his dimples deepen. “I know. But, well … you need to live your life too. And maybe you can find something of your own, you know?” He snorted as the tough, teen facade slipped back in. “That way you can stop hoverin’ over me and Darcey.”

  “I do not—right.” She pressed her lips together. “Anyway, you must be tired after the long day you’ve had. Do you need help getting to bed?”

  “Ugh, hovering,” he rolled his eyes. “But … maybe you could just … help me with the covers … and stuff.”

  A lump grew in her throat, and she had to swallow it before she said, “Sure.” She watched him lift himself up and get on the mattress, then helped him under the covers. After arranging them the way he liked it and tucking the ends under him, she said, “’Night, Adam.”

  “’Night, Sarah,” he yawned.

  Chapter Ten

  As Sarah slipped out of the room, her first thought was, That went surprisingly well. It was like a heavy burden had lifted off her shoulders now that she knew Adam wasn’t mad at her anymore. He was growing up so fast, but it was nice that he still wanted her to do things like tuck him into bed, like she used to do when he was little.

  Looking up at the stairs, a different feeling came over her. Daniel. They were going to have a talk. The door was closed to his room, so she went into hers.

  This thing between them … it was like a powder keg waiting to explode. And, well, she wanted it. Wanted to feel the heat, be consumed by it, even for just one night.

  Because the truth was, she would rather have the memory of Daniel—a real one that her drunk brain wouldn’t erase—and have her heart broken than have nothing of him to remember. Like Adam said, she needed to live her life too.

  Would he want that? He wanted her; she knew that. But what if he’d changed his mind and decided he didn’t want any complications.

  As she mulled her options, she remembered that Daniel could come by any second now and the room was a disaster zone as she hadn’t cleaned up after getting all of the fall collection photographed. Various pieces of underwear were still spread out on the bed, and she quickly scooped them up to put away. However, an idea struck her as she remembered how Daniel reacted to seeing her in her creations last night. So, she headed into the bathroom, hands still full of silk and lace.

  Designing lingerie wasn’t just a job for her, but also a passion. She loved the feeling of wearing all those naughty things under her regular clothes, as they gave her a feeling of empowerment even while she walked around doing normal everyday stuff like going to the supermarket or to the bank. However, she’d never felt as powerful as she did yesterday when she literally brought Daniel to his knees. The thought of it made her knees weak again, but somehow, she managed to put on a silky blue bra with matching panties and stockings.

  “Sarah? Are you in here?”

  Her hearth thumped wildly in her che
st. But she squared her shoulders and marched out of the bathroom before she lost her nerve. “Yes,” she called out as she circled around the bed and sat on the edge, stretching one leg out in a pose that she knew would make her torso look longer. “Come in.” Anticipation thrummed in her veins as the door swung open.

  “Sarah, I wanted to—”

  “Wanted to what?” she asked.

  Daniel stood there, unmoving, his blue-gray stare practically burning a hole into her. “S-Sarah?” He muttered a curse under his breath.

  Since he didn’t make another move, she stood up and sauntered over to him, swaying her hips. “Yes, Daniel?” Though her hands shook, she managed to place them on his chest.

  “Sarah.” His eyes glittered and darkened with desire. “Do you really want this?”

  “Yes.” Her hands slid up to his shoulders. “I’m very sure.”

  A dark look passed over his face, making her shiver in delight. Before she knew what was happening, Daniel swooped her up into his arms and then deposited her on top of the bed reverently.

  Her head spun from the heat coursing through her as he covered her body with his. She threaded her fingers through the still-damp hair at his nape, the smell of fresh soap on his warm skin tickling her nostrils as his mouth devoured hers. His hands roamed all over her neck and head, his fingers threading through her hair. He paused every few seconds to pull away and just look at her, as if he couldn’t believe she was real and they were here, now.

  She clawed at his shirt, helping him take it off as they continued to kiss and taste each other. He reached down and popped her breasts out of her bra, his hands kneading them and teasing the nipples to hardness.

  He hauled her up so she sat on his lap, his cock straining against her. Reaching behind her, he unsnapped the bra and tossed it aside, his hands pushing her breasts together.

  “Oh!” She moaned when he pinched her nipples. “Damn,” she gasped when he bent down to suck one into his mouth. “Yes. Oh God.” His tongue teased the tip as his mouth pulled on her tender nipple. Her hips rolled up into him, cradling him as she felt his erection brushing up against her core.


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