Forever Ventured

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Forever Ventured Page 23

by Kathleen Brooks

  Bud approached them with Gent. “Sorry to interrupt, but do you want to stick to the regular schedule? You know he loves his baths.”

  Camila knew the time had come. Her father and mother were looking at Bud, then her, and then over to Wyatt. “Yes, let’s make my winner shine.”

  “Camila!” Carter called out as he and Blitz’s groom walked over with big smiles on their faces. “Today’s the day! As you know, Blitz doesn’t like baths. What would you like us to do?”

  Camila didn’t look at her father as Carter and his groom joined them. “Bring Blitz out so I can examine him and then trot him around. Then let’s dry brush him and run a damp cloth over him to make him shine.”

  “Got it,” the groom said, taking off for Blitz’s stall.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Carter smiled at her parents and then held out his hand. “Carter Ashton, Ashton Farms.”

  “Cami, what the hell is going on?” her father demanded.

  Camila took a deep breath and straightened her spine to her fullest height. “Da, Mum, I am not an assistant to Wyatt at the farm. I am his trainer. I am C.C. Callahan. I not only have Ruth’s Gentleman racing today but I am also the trainer for Ashton Farm’s Blitz, along with quite a few others.”

  Her parents were quiet as her father’s head swiveled back and forth among the three of them. As she looked at Carter, he mouthed, “Sorry.”

  “You are the trainer?” her mother finally asked. “Not the assistant?”

  “That’s right. I’ve trained them both and gotten them both qualified for the Derby.”

  “How did that happen? When did that happen?” her father finally sputtered.

  “Wyatt placed an ad for a trainer, and I answered it. Then, once people over here saw what I was doing with his horses, they hired me as well. I have thirteen horses I’m training right now with a waiting list of some of the top farms wanting to hire me,” Camila said proudly.

  “Oh lovey!” her mother was shocked, but she hugged her in a way that Camila knew meant her mom was proud of her.

  “Ashton Farms. You had the Derby winner, Naked Bootleg,” her father said, holding out his hand to Carter.

  “That’s right. The horse Camila is training for me is from his line,” Carter said, reaching for her father’s hand.

  “Sean Callahan. And this is my wife, Triana.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Carter said, shaking his hand and then her mother’s.

  “Ah, here’s another one of Camila’s clients,” Wyatt said as he grinned and slipped his arm around her waist.

  Her parents turned and her father spun back around with wide eyes. “He’s one of your clients?” he hissed in amazement.

  Camila nodded and smiled to herself as her father was awestruck.

  “Camila, dear. As much as I love you and hope you train many more of my horses, and know I wish you luck today, I do hope we beat you,” Mo said with a laugh as he and Dani joined their group.

  “It’s a Keeneston showdown,” Camila teased before turning to her parents. “Mo, these are my parents, Sean and Triana Callahan. Mom, Da, meet Mo and Dani Ali Rahman.”

  “Oh! You’re Camila’s parents!” Dani wrapped Camila’s mom in a hug. “You both must be so proud of her.”

  “However, we won’t give her back,” Mo joked as he shook her father’s hand. “She’s an incredible trainer.”

  “Your Highnesses,” her father said, used to dealing with British royalty. After all, the horse he was racing here belonged to a duke.

  Dani made a dismissive noise. “Please. With friends and family we’re just Mo and Dani. We’ve all adopted Camila as one of our own, and that makes you part of Keeneston, too. You have a wonderful daughter.”

  Her father looked at her and smiled. She could have sworn she saw a tear in his eye as he reached out and took her hand in his. “Yes, we do. But I’m still going to beat all of you today.”

  Wyatt was the first to laugh and soon they were all ribbing each other about who was going to win.

  “I am sorry to leave, but like Camila, I have some work to get done before the race,” her father finally said.

  “We will see you in the grandstand. I believe the duke’s box is near all of ours,” Mo told him, shaking his hand again. “Let us know if you ever decide to join your daughter in Keeneston. I have a few horses you’d love.”

  “Thank you,” her father said as Mo and Dani headed to see Sandstorm.

  “I’ll get Blitz and meet you in a minute,” Carter said before turning to her parents. “Same goes for me if you’re ever decide to move stateside. It was great meeting you, and I am sure we’ll be seeing you after the race.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” her father asked once it was just Camila and Wyatt remaining.

  “Because you always told me I couldn’t become a trainer. I wanted to see if I could. And then I wanted to show you what I accomplished.”

  “Well show me, you did. I’m sorry that I held you back. I misjudged everything about your abilities. I thought you would end up heartbroken after all the rejections and I didn’t want that for you.”

  “You never gave me a chance to be rejected. You could have put in a word for me and someone would have hired me, but you wouldn’t do that either,” Camila said as years of anger came flowing out.

  Sean swallowed hard and pursed his lips. “You’re right. I didn’t give you a chance. I did talk to the lads though when you first began talking about helping with the training. There was backlash so I ignored your dreams and tried to get you on a path where you wouldn’t be hurt. I didn’t think anyone in the UK would give you a chance as a trainer, but you could work in the farm offices.”

  Camila nodded. “And they probably wouldn’t have given me a chance in the UK since over there I was just your daughter. But here I’ve made a name for myself, by myself.”

  Sean shook his head, his eyes turning glassy with unshed tears. “I was wrong. I am so sorry, Cami. Can you ever forgive this old gobshite?”

  Camila gave a wobbly smile and nodded at him. She loved her family and nothing would be better than being together without the tension between them.

  “One thing bothers me,” her father said, and Camila felt her stomach fall. “C.C.? I want everyone to know my daughter has two horses racing today. Change that name to Camila Callahan so everyone knows how special you are.”

  “Yes, Da,” Camila said with tears in her eyes as she flung her arms around her dad. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” her father whispered against her hair as he hugged her tight.

  “Mr. Callahan!” the sports reporter called out as he and a cameraman walked toward them. “You know Wyatt Davies? Are there bets being placed against your horse Cobalt, one of today’s favorites, and Ruth’s Gentleman who is currently going off at 12-1 odds?”

  “No bets here. I’m just seeing my daughter before we both have to get to work,” her father said with the complete ease of a trainer who had been interviewed countless times.

  “Is your daughter helping you with Cobalt?” the reporter asked.

  Her father smiled with such pride and Camila wanted to cry again. “No. Today we are competitors. My daughter, Camila Callahan, is the trainer of both Ruth’s Gentleman and Blitz.”

  “You’re C.C. Callahan?” The reporter shoved the microphone into her face. One second ago she was invisible, but now it was time to step from the shadows.

  “Yes, I am C.C. Callahan, but you can call me Camila.”

  Camila took a deep breath as the questions flew at her. She answered them easily as she and her father took over the interview. She hadn’t noticed, but Wyatt had stepped out of the frame and was standing by the cameraman, watching their banter.

  “Well, the Callahan family has invaded the States! Best of luck to you both, back to you in the booth.”

  Wyatt joined them as the crew moved on to Mo and Carter.

  “Good luck today, lovey. I am so proud of you. Don’t tell
the duke, but I’ll be cheering you on, too.”

  “Thanks, Da. I’ll see you in the stands. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Camila watched her parents walk away and then turned to Blitz. It was time to get to work.


  Wyatt fidgeted with the item in his pocket. It was nearly time for the race and the horses were about to be saddled. Camila was finishing up with Blitz, and he waited for her to join him. The media had been a circus since the interview with her father, but she’d used her mysterious reputation to her advantage and denied all media requests for access until after the race.

  “I am so nervous,” Camila whispered as she joined him in front of Gent’s stall.

  “For luck,” Wyatt said, pulling the item from his pocket. As soon as Camila saw it, she laughed and Gent happily tossed his head. “Nana Ruth wanted me to save this for a special woman and I know I’ve found her. Will you do me the honor?”

  “I will,” she said with a smile before puckering her lips.

  Wyatt opened the tube of red lipstick and traced Camila’s lips with it.

  “Oh no. You too,” she laughed.

  Wyatt looked behind him at the row of cameras and shrugged. This was for Nana Ruth. He handed the lipstick to Camila who applied it to his lips.

  “Race well, my little dear,” Camila told Gent.

  “What did you call him?” Wyatt asked as the breath froze in his chest.

  “My little dear, why?”

  Wyatt’s heart was full as he heard the term of endearment Nana Ruth used for her horses as he reached out to take a hold of her hand. “No reason. It’s perfect.”

  Gent pushed his head out of the stall and between them. “Run all out, Gent,” Wyatt told him before he and Camila leaned forward at the same time and kissed each side of his muzzle. Wyatt heard the clicks of the cameras as he pulled away and stepped back.

  He wiped the lipstick from his lips as Bud saddled up the big red horse. All too soon, they were walking Gent to the track. Wyatt looked up at Michaela. In front of her was her father. They hadn’t said a word to each other when they’d saddled up.

  “Mike,” Wyatt said quietly so only she could hear. Michaela looked down at him. “Have fun and kick ass.”

  Michaela smiled, and Wyatt knew it would be all right. “Dirt in the face is all they’ll see,” Mike said back as she trotted onto the track.

  All of the farms’ owners and training staff were walking together to their boxes. They knew the cameras were on them as they laughed and talked.

  They were taking their places when the duke and duchess, along with Sean and Triana, took their seats in the box one row forward and one box over to the right, directly in front of Mo’s box.

  All the owners and trainers shook hands and wished each other luck as the horses warmed up. “My Old Kentucky Home” was playing, and Wyatt had never felt Nana’s presence more as they sang. And then it was time.

  “I don’t know if I can stand this,” Camila whispered with a plastered-on smile as she grabbed his hand.

  “This is horrible,” Carter joked from his box to the left. He was sitting on the edge closest to Camila so she could be surrounded by both owners.

  “This is worst than when my hound dog battled a woodchuck,” Bud said from the other side of Wyatt.

  Wyatt wanted to laugh, but he felt the same way as the horses began to load into the starting gate. And then . . .

  “They’re off!”

  “Cobalt, the horse trained by Sean Callahan from the UK, takes the quick lead and is headed to the rail,” the announcer’s voice boomed throughout the track as over a hundred thousand people cheered for their picks. “And here comes Sandstorm in second as he and Cobalt battle for the lead.”

  “Where is he?” Bud asked.

  “Gent’s in fifth. Blitz is in sixth,” Wyatt said, his eyes never leaving Gent and Mike.

  The tight group of horses stormed past the front stretch and into the first turn. “Cobalt continues to lead the way. But here comes Blitz making a move!” the announcer called as Carter and his box cheered. “And on the outside Making Magic charges forward through the turn. It’s Cobalt, followed by Sandstorm in a battle for the lead, but Making Magic and Blitz are coming on strong as they approach the halfway mark with That’s Rad in fifth. Ruth’s Gentleman has fallen to sixth as the field stays close together.”

  Wyatt watched Mike give up the rail to move Gent to the outside and sit him directly behind Blitz. In front of him, the top five horses were clumped together with Cobalt in the lead at the rail, with Making Magic a half-length behind and to the outside of Cobalt and then Sandstorm almost even with Cobalt on the outside. That’s Rad at the rail behind Cobalt with Blitz right behind Sandstorm and racing close to even with That’s Rad.

  “Sandstorm has taken the lead as Cobalt is now left to fight a surging Making Magic as they approach the final turn!”

  Wyatt strained to see down the front stretch as the horses approached the final turn. Camila was gripping his hand so hard that he thought she might break it as suddenly Gent went wide once again.

  “And here comes Ruth’s Gentleman to the far outside as they approach the final turn toward home. It’s Sandstorm by a nose as Cobalt and Making Magic battle for second. And here comes Blitz pounding up the middle as they come out of the final turn!” the announcer was shouting, his voice growing louder and louder as the race tightened.

  And then Wyatt saw it. So did Camila because she squeezed his hand suddenly. He saw Mike give Gent a pat on the neck.

  There’s my little dear. Run! Wyatt heard Nana Ruth as if she were beside him.

  “And they’re into the stretch! Ruth’s Gentleman is on the outside, moving up quickly to fifth. He’s passing That’s Rad who is dropping into sixth. Sandstorm with new jockey Felix Costas and Cobalt with jockey Conor Donahue are nose to nose for the lead, as Making Magic is fading into fourth! Blitz is coming on strong, taking third and here comes Ruth’s Gentleman charging up the outside with jockey Michaela Donahue. Ruth’s Gentleman is flying past Making Magic as he moves into fourth and he’s not stopping there! It’s Sandstorm and Cobalt one, two, and now Ruth’s Gentleman and Blitz a close third and fourth, but Ruth’s Gentlemen is surging forward to take third as they come into the final furlong!”

  Wyatt held his breath as they approached the grandstand. Mike moved her hand to take hold of Gent’s mane and Gent found yet another speed. It was as if Wyatt were watching a sports car eating up the gears as it accelerated down the highway.

  “That’s it!” Camila cried next to him as she gave up not cheering. “Let him fly, Mike!”

  And fly he did. “It’s Ruth’s Gentleman flying up the outside! Look at him go!” The announcer yelled, but he was now barely audible over the cheering of the crowd. “It’s three wide as they come down the homestretch. Father and daughter neck and neck along with Sandstorm. It’s Sandstorm, it’s Cobalt, it’s Ruth’s Gentleman battling it down to final half-furlong!”

  As they raced into the beginning of the grandstand, Wyatt saw a sight he’d never forget. Mike, crouched low over Gent’s neck smiling. Right then, he didn’t need to hear the announcer screaming that Ruth’s Gentleman was surging ahead to know the outcome of this race.

  “It’s Ruth’s Gentleman, by a nose, by a neck, by a head, it’s Ruth’s Gentleman charging into the lead and not looking back. Cobalt and Sandstorm are left battling for second as Ruth’s Gentleman is pulling a half-length ahead! Cobalt is battling, but can he hold on? They’re nose to nose for second as they come toward the finish. And the winner is Ruth’s Gentleman! And in a photo finish for second it appears to be Sandstorm by a whisker, Cobalt in third, and Blitz in fourth!”

  Camila was screaming and jumping up and down beside him as Wyatt dropped his head back and smiled up at the sky. He heard his nana’s laughter in the breeze as Camila launched herself into his arms. His mother was crying as she hugged them both and his father wrapped all of them u
p into a tight hug.

  Bud whooped and hollered as he pushed his way out of the box and ran for the track.

  “Congratulations!” Mo said, turning from his box to shake Wyatt’s hand. Dani, Zain, Mila, Gabe, Sloane, Ahmed, and Bridget all either shook his hand or hugged him as Carter and Reagan left their box to run into Wyatt’s. There was laughter, there were tears, and there was love.


  Wyatt looked up from where Carter was hugging him to see Sean Callahan leaping over chairs and climbing into the box. The second he was in the box, his arms were around his daughter. Camila burst into tears that did nothing to diminish the massive smile on her face.

  Down on the track, Gent had slowed down and was turning back toward the grandstand. As Mike turned, the TV reporter approached her on horseback. But before they could talk, there was a commotion nearby as the escort pony took Cobalt in hand and Conor Donahue leaped off his horse and ran down the track right for Michaela.

  One of the cameras picked up on it as he was broadcast on the screen. “Michaela! You did it!” he was yelling as tears filled Mike’s eyes.

  “Your father is obviously very proud of you,” the reporter said, trying to take control of the situation.

  Mike looked around and spotted Bud. “Bud!”

  Bud didn’t walk stately onto the track. He ran, hootin’ and hollerin’, as Gent tossed his head in amusement and pulled his way toward Bud. Bud grabbed onto Gent and kissed him right between the two red lipstick marks.

  “Get me down,” Mike yelled and Bud helped her down.

  Camila grabbed Wyatt’s hand again as Mike ran the last ten yards to meet her father at the finish line. Conor Donahue opened his arms and Mike ran right into them. The crowd went nuts as Conor spun his daughter around and Bud walked Gent toward them.

  “Go,” Sean ordered to Wyatt and Camila.

  “Come on,” Camila said, tugging his hand.

  “Everyone!” Wyatt motioned as security cleared a path for them.

  * * *

  Camila was floating. This was the best dream she’d ever had and somehow it was real. Sydney did a makeup touch-up while they ran down the stairs. Deacon and Marshall helped keep people from getting too close as they made their way onto the track.


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