Fanged Love

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Fanged Love Page 21

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  I pull away so that I may gaze at my bride. Her rosy cheeks are the epitome of a blushing bride. Her beautiful brown eyes are filled with joy. Her skin carries the sweet aroma of roses and fills the air with it. It pleased me to discover that I had been wrong about her selling her maidenhead for a plane ticket—something I discovered the first night I nibbled on her neck after our return from France. She still tastes amazing. So virginal. I shall miss it, but I will enjoy bedding her more.

  “Why aren’t you kissing me?” she asks. “We only have forty minutes until sunrise.”

  “Because when you have lived as long as I, you do not want to rush moments like these. You want to savor them.”

  “Okay, but…can’t you savor me in the bed? For thirty-nine minutes?” She smiles, and I cannot help melting on the inside. I can deny my bride nothing. She will be the most spoiled wife to ever walk the earth.

  “I will savor you, worship you, and do anything you wish, my love. I am yours to command.”

  “Oh. I like that. Then I wish you to remove my dress, throw me on that bed, and make love to me. Hard. Well, not so hard that you break anything, but I’ve got a lot of frustration built up.”

  I bow my head and place a lingering kiss on her warm, sweet lips. My heart glows from the inside out, pumping heat through my cold veins and down to my straining manhood.

  I break the kiss and take another look at my bride. Tonight marks the beginning of a new life. “I think I should be gentle with you the first time, Stella. I know from extensive research reading Cosmo that losing your virginity to such a well-endowed man might cause extreme discomfort.”

  “Virginity? But, Boz, I’m not—”

  “Not ashamed. I know. You are a modern woman who embraces her decisions.” I bow my head and kiss her hard, this time with intent. This time unleashing my passion. I pick her up and take her to the bed, where I rip off her hideous red dress. Neli is a prankster, that one. She knows the proper dress for any vampire bride is black leather. But I will let it slide. After all, I have my mate. I have the sexiest woman on the planet. And tonight, I will make love to her until her head explodes.

  Or at least for the next thirty-seven minutes.


  If Boz doesn’t want to hear that I’m not a virgin, then okay. I’m way too wrapped up in him and our now naked bodies pressed tightly together on his huge four-poster bed. I know he’s wrapped up too, because he didn’t even notice the lingerie. He tore it away with the hideous poofy red dress and then removed his tux.

  He’s warmer than I remember last time, and maybe that’s because his heart is beating as fast as mine.

  His kiss is hungry, and I run my tongue over his teeth, curious about his fangs. I find a small sharp point, but they must be retracted. I personally can’t wait for them to come out and play.

  God, I hope he bites my neck when I’m climaxing. I can’t imagine how good it will feel.

  I run my hands down his smooth, muscular back and cup my hands over his hard ass as he grinds his cock against me. He’s big. He’s thick. And he’s hard. I could definitely see it being a challenge if this were my first time.

  I raise my hips, silently urging him to enter me, but he likes to tease me, pressing the head of his erection against my entrance, but pulling back each time I rock forward.

  My nipples are hard, my skin is tingling, and the ache inside me is so intense. I’ve never wanted anyone like I do him. My husband. Boz. I love how that sounds.

  He breaks our kiss and runs a strong hand down my breast, over my hip, and slides it beneath my knee. Meanwhile, his mouth finds that spot on my neck he likes.

  “Yes. Do it,” I pant.

  “Patience, Stella. We have some time before sunrise. I must see to your proper fulfillment.”

  “No. No more patience. You said you would do anything for me.” Basically.

  He bites down, and I feel the climax already starting. Each pull of his mouth sends a spike of pre-orgasmic shockwaves through my entire body.

  With my knee still in his grasp, he positions himself against my wet, heated entrance and then begins to slide in. One inch at a time.

  I suck in a breath and close my eyes, savoring the sensation of him biting me and working himself in.

  I love it. I love the friction of his cock, stretching me, pushing me.

  He breaks from my neck and gives the spot a little lick. “Are you all right.”

  “Yes. Don’t stop. Keep going.”

  He plants his hands on either side of my head, and I open my legs wider for him, wanting him to go deeper.

  He takes the cue and thrusts hard, filling me completely. I am lost in the moment, in the sensations of our bodies joined. The ecstasy is unlike anything I could have imagined, as if I feel everything he feels alongside my own bursts of pleasure.

  I want it to last. I want it to never stop. But I feel the build happening and I need it. I need him.

  “Bite me,” I say. “I’m coming.”

  He doesn’t do it. I don’t know why. Instead, he quickens the pace, sliding almost completely out and then pounding his way home again. I cry out in ecstasy with each penetration.

  “Why won’t you bite my neck?” I ask, my words sounding almost foreign. I never imagined myself begging for something like that.

  “I am too afraid I will lose control. You are so delicious. So sexy.” His mouth is back on mine. Suddenly, I’m remembering the story Neli told me, of how she and Boz bonded. I break from our kiss again. “If I drink from you, I’ll be immortal, right?”

  Boz stops moving, and those dark eyes focus intensely on mine. “Is that what you want?”

  “For now. Yes. At least until I decide about turning.”

  “But it cannot be undone. And if you were to die, you would become like me.”

  I don’t know if it’s because I’m in the throes of passion and he’s inside me, our two hearts beating as one, or because I’m so in love with him that I can’t imagine ever living without him, but I nod anyway. “Yes. I want to do it.”

  He takes his finger, pushes it against his fang, and then gives it a quick suck. He returns his mouth to my lips and kisses me, his tongue dancing against mine. All I taste are roses. Red roses. Not at all what I expected.

  I swallow and continue kissing him, more passionately than ever. He slams his cock into me, moving faster. I can feel he’s about to come.

  His mouth slides back down to my neck.

  “Is it done?” I whisper.

  “Yes. You are immortal now.”

  I expected something different. Like my body to go through some sort of painful werewolf-like transformation or a bolt of lightning to crack through the sky like in the Frankenstein movies. But this was nothing like they show in horror films. My fears were all in my mind, and Boz kept his promise. He said he would never hurt me.

  I smile in anticipation. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  He bites down, and I gasp with pleasure and explode. An orgasm rips through me, hitting my every nerve, rippling through every inch of my body.

  I cry out Boz’s name as he releases my neck and groans. It’s deep, animalistic, and pure male.

  He holds himself inside me for several seconds, and I feel my inner walls tightening around his shaft. Each contraction sends my mind spinning into the atmosphere. And he’s right there with me.

  After several long moments, my mind drifts back down to my weightless body. Everything in the room looks brighter and clearer, and I feel more alive than ever.

  “That was amazing,” I pant, with him still inside me.

  “Yes. Well, I am a vampire. The strongest, deadliest, most sexy vampire ever to live.”

  “No. You’re my vampire.”

  He raises his head and gazes into my eyes. “And you are my Stella. Forever.”



  One year later.

  “Happy anniversary, my love.” I show up to my bedchamber just after sundown with a do
zen red roses in my hand. Stella is already waiting for me, naked on the bed, her warm brown eyes glowing with the deepest happiness she’s ever known. I can feel it.

  “Hello there, husband of one year.” She smiles. “Are you ready to take my virginity again?” She chuckles.

  “Very funny.” Yes, I did realize she wasn’t a virgin on our wedding night, but I didn’t care. Not one little bit. The fact that she gave herself to me completely and we bonded was far more important than some maidenhead. Besides, as I read in Cosmo, a more experienced woman is better in bed and more willing to try new things. Stella is quite the adventurous lover. Just last night, we made love while riding a horse.

  “I still wonder, though, why I taste like roses to you,” she asks.

  I shrug and begin removing my clothes. “Neli believes it is a mate thing—a way for us to identify one another.”

  “Guess it doesn’t matter. I would love you even if your blood smelled like yucky coppery stuff. Oh. Speaking of Neli, have you heard from her?”

  I slide into bed, leaving on my leather pants. I know that Stella enjoys her first fuck of the evening when I have them on. She likes peeling them down and cupping my ass as I ride her. Later, after I’ve eaten, I enjoy taking her on long walks through the vineyard and making love to her there, surrounded by all the smells of the earth and vines. I am a very romantic man, according to the online Facebook quizzes. I’ve also learned that if I were a potato, I would be a French fry. Facebook quizzes are so very informative.

  “I have not heard from our dear Neli, but I assume she is out exploring all of the facets of her new body and freedom.”

  Stella sighs as I lay myself next to her. “Do you think she’ll ever find someone and be as happy as we are?”

  “No. I do not. No one can possibly be as happy as we are, yet I do hope she will be.”

  “Me too. I hope she finds her mate.” Stella pauses. “Because I seriously want to plan her wedding. I’m thinking lime green and a seahorse theme.”

  I laugh. “Our red wedding was quite the spectacle, and the fireworks, mimes and pickpockets were very original. I cannot claim to have ever been to a wedding like ours.” I kiss my wife, feeling her contented heart seep into mine. For now, she has everything she’s ever wanted. Her family is happy. The wineries are thriving. Her sisters are on their way to New York and Paris as we speak, to learn the culinary arts. Tomorrow, her parents will go on their first vacation in years—to some resort in the Bahamas, where they do this whole fantasy thing. It was very expensive, but they can afford it now.

  I just hope they don’t run into any mermen. Yuck.

  “I wouldn’t change a thing,” Stella says. “But payback will be glorious.”

  “Enough talk about Neli,” I say. “Tell me what you desire tonight. A good spanking? A candlelit dinner?”

  Stella smiles. “I think…I would like to start a family.”

  “So soon? We just married. How about we wait a few hundred years?” I want her all to myself.

  “Yeah, but I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I want to become a vampire. After I have kids, and they’re all grown.”

  I am not one hundred percent certain we can have children. The old legends say we can, but I’ve yet to see such a child.

  I crinkle my nose. “As I mentioned, I am uncertain we can have children.”

  “Why don’t we just try?”

  “Are you certain? Wait! Did you say you want to become a vampire?”

  Stella nods. “I really want to learn how to levitate. It looks so cool.”

  “I am unsure if that’s a reason.”

  “Well, I have plenty of time to think it over. And if we can’t have kids, well, then, I have you. Maybe my sisters will have kids, and I can spoil the hell out of them.”

  I love that Stella always finds the good in every situation. “I love you, wife.”

  “I love you too. Happy anniversary.” She leans in to kiss me, but stops. “Oh, and tonight, I want to do the levitation lovemaking.”

  I knew she’d say that. “Then give me your neck. I will need my energy.”


  (But keep reading for free signed bookmarks, an interview with Kylie and Mimi, and other random stuff!)


  Hello to all our Winos, Bats, Vamps, and Girls Next Door!

  We really hope you enjoyed Fanged Love as much as we did! No joke, we had an insanely good time trying to make each other laugh. Did you like our vampire names? Or how we snuck our husbands into the book? How about the little Librarian’s Vampire Assistant Easter eggs?

  For those who picked up this story and are unfamiliar with The Librarian’s Vampire Assistant series, here’s a brief little background:

  In February 2018, I released Book #1 of my vampire mystery series, The Librarian’s Vampire Assistant. It’s the story of a vampire who must solve a murder! There are lots of fun twists and crazy characters, but no one tops Mr. Nice, a very old, very mean, insane vampire.

  Anyway, he becomes obsessed with a vampire romance series. That series is, you guessed it, Fanged Love. It was a totally fictitious story I never intended to write.

  Fast-forward to last year, 2019. I had just released book #4 of the LVA series, and after so many requests for Fanged Love, I decided to give it a go. I asked Kylie if she wanted to join in and help bring her special Kylie sparkly goodness to the story, and she said yes!

  We penned the first chapters in October of 2019 and have been plugging away ever since! The holidays, several major operations of family members, graduations, a global pandemic, sending kids off to college, and FANGED LOVE finally got done. All the while we were writing our other books!

  Fanged Love, I think, was a lot of extra work at a time when we probably needed extra rest, but it brought a much-needed distraction and smiles. We HOPE it does the same for you!

  If you loved the story as much as we do, PLEASE leave a review and tell your friends about the book! We’d appreciate the word-of-mouth book love!

  In the meantime, if you’re looking for a FREE SIGNED BOOKMARK (international OK), you know what to do!

  STEP ONE: Email me at [email protected]

  STEP TWO: Provide your neat and complete shipping info.

  STEP THREE: If you wrote a review for FANGED LOVE because you loved it more than leather pants, wine, and fangs, be sure to provide a link or screenshot. I will do my very best to include extra goodies. I always warn readers that I do run out! It’s first ask, first get!

  STEP FOUR: Give me about 3–4 weeks.

  Okay! That’s all for now. Be sure to keep on scrolling and check our interview, new releases, and instructions for stalking us!


  P.S. Want to hear the music both Kylie and Mimi wrote to? Check out the FREE Fanged Love Playlist on Spotify! (Yes, they require you to have an account, but they have a free subscription option.)


  What was it like working with your co-author?

  Mimi: Kylie’s mind is a very dirty place. I kept having to rein her in because she wanted to put nooky in every chapter. Sex, sex, sex! That’s all she thinks about. I feel bad for her husband. Does he ever sleep? Also, I wasn’t aware that she knew so many words for “penis.”

  In addition, I will add that she’s a very disciplined writer, and I’m more of a spaghetti cook. I throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks. So working with Kylie was a great exercise. She kept me in check and made me think instead of just going with my whims. If it weren’t for her, this book would be filled with unicorns and a bunch of otherworldly crap that probably doesn’t belong.

  Kylie: Writing with Mimi is like ha-ha-ha-AAHHH! She’s very funny and then suddenly out of nowhere, BAM. Who knew that would happen? Not me. I got a peek inside her brain, and it is a scary place.

  The best part was trying to make her laugh, and then she’d try to make me laugh, and so on, and that is why we wrote the funniest bo
ok either of us have ever created in our lives.

  What did you find most challenging about the co-writing process?

  Mimi: That Kylie hardly ever has typos. Her first drafts are all sparkly and clean. My first draft looks like someone took a dirty pile of laundry and dumped it on the page. Also, Kylie has better writer snack food (chocolate). All I have in my office are stale crackers. It’s really unfair. Why doesn’t she share?

  Kylie: Mimi, I’m sorry you live in the scorching hot desert where vampires and chocolate go to die. I did send you lots of virtual chocolate! In all seriousness, the most challenging part was stepping into Mimi’s world of sexy, conceited but honorable vampires and learning when to let the fangs emerge as the romance commences. Eep! I still don’t know how a vampire got into my steamy romcom!

  What was fun and exciting about writing Fanged Love?

  Kylie: At first, I saw my writing and Mimi’s writing jump out as two distinct things, but as we got deeper into the story, things changed. That’s where the fun began. Our voices danced together, intertwined, and ultimately merged at the exciting climax. Wait, what? That sounded oddly sexual. Come on now, I’m a married woman! Fortunately, all of Mimi’s typos reminded me that while we are merged on the page, we are also one-who-can’t-help-but-correct-typos and one-who-is-oblivious.

  Mimi: After a while, I just started putting really huge typos in the manuscript on purpose. Just to fuck with Kylie. That was fun. The exciting part was when I got new chapters back from her. I was like a kid on Christmas morning and couldn’t wait to find out what happened next! Kylie never disappointed. Of course, then I would come up with yet another “brilliant” plot twist and mess all her chapters up. I’m fairly sure she’ll be buying a voodoo doll to get back at me!


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