“Son of a bitch,” MacDuff said. “Did you … get them?”
“Not yet. I’ve been busy.”
“Just as well. I want to do it myself…”
“You might have to wait a bit. How do you feel?”
“Sore.” He thought about it. “A bad headache. The blast?”
“Yes. You have a couple broken bones. I don’t know about internal injuries. We need to get you to a doctor to check you out.”
“I’ll be fine.” His glance fell on Cara. “What are you … doing here?”
“Praying.” She smiled. “Jock said I shouldn’t be allowed to drink with him. I’m glad you’re back with us, sir.”
“So am I. I guess that nonsense is supposed … to mean something. But I’m too tired to decode it at the moment.” He closed his eyes. “Is everything okay, Jock? We can get out of here?”
“Everything is okay,” Jock said. “We’ve got it under control. Quinn will be here any minute. We’ve just been waiting for you to come around so that we can start moving. But you can take a nap until we’re ready.”
“That sounds a little … condescending.” His eyes were closing. “I’ll have a word to say to you later…”
“You do that.” Jock swallowed hard. “Later.”
A moment later, Jock sat back in his chair as MacDuff’s breathing steadied, then deepened.
“He’s safe?” Cara whispered.
“I believe so. We’ll have to see.” He smiled down at her, that radiant smile that lit up his entire face. “He’s complaining and trying to order me about. That’s a good sign.”
“Is it?” she asked eagerly. She was so happy to see that smile. “But he’ll be angry when he wakes up and finds you’ve lied to him.”
“Maybe when he wakes up, it won’t be a lie.” He reached down and helped her to her feet. “Now go and tell Jane that MacDuff has regained consciousness and everything that’s happened. She’ll want to know and come to check him out for herself.”
Cara nodded. “I’ll go right away.” She flew toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”
“I know you will. You’re very determined, Cara. And what a blessed quality that can be.” He added gently, “Sometimes a mixed blessing, but in you it’s pure gold.”
* * *
Joe had said to call before she left the slope to go on the road, Eve thought. Well, he hadn’t actually been referring to her, but she was here, and he’d have to deal with it. With the fog still as thick as it was, the fact that she had come instead of Caleb should be the least of his worries. Not that he would look at it that way.
She dialed Joe’s number. “I’m on the slope about one yard down and closest to the west approach to the road. Can you get me safely on the road?”
Silence. “Eve?” Then he was swearing. “Get the hell back down to that camp.”
“Get me safely on the road,” she repeated. “You needed someone to watch your back. I’ve been doing that job for years. Things are dicey down there at the camp. I’m the only one really available.”
“Then I can do it alone. All I wanted was—”
“Someone to keep anyone from shooting you while you concentrated on disarming those IEDs. I can watch. I can shoot. And no one cares more than I do that you come out of this alive.”
“Eve, for God’s sake, you’re going to have a baby. If you won’t be careful of yourself, think of the child.”
“Do you think that I’m not thinking of my baby? I haven’t been thinking of anything else since I started up here.” Her voice was shaking. “No, that’s not true. I was also thinking about you. I was thinking that you have to live. My child needs a father, and it has to be you. Because you’ll always be there, you’ll always protect and keep our baby safe. Just as you’re going to do in the next couple hours. You’ll keep us all safe. Because that’s what you do.” She started to move up the slope. “I’m coming, Joe. Tell me where to go, where to step.”
Silence. “Hang up the damn phone. You’re so close I can hear you without it.” He drew a harsh breath. “I think you’re about ten feet to the left from me. I haven’t had a chance to disarm that far on the road yet.” He repeated. “Ten feet, Eve. Count those feet aloud to me so I can track your voice.”
“One. Two. Three. Four.” She was moving slowly, trying to be precise. How could she be exact when she could barely see where she was going? And how had Joe managed to disarm any of those explosives? He must have had to be painstakingly careful. No wonder he’d needed someone else to keep watch for Salazar’s men when he’d had to concentrate on just keeping from being blown up. “Five. Six. Seven.” She could smell the burned grass on the side of the road from the explosion Salazar had ignited to show her how helpless they all were. Screw you, Salazar. Joe wasn’t helpless, and neither was she. They’d get through this. “Eight. Nine—”
“That’s far enough.” Joe was suddenly in front of her, grabbing her wrist and jerking her up on the road. “Keep still for a minute. Get your balance. This isn’t time for a misstep.” He held her close, burying his face in her hair. “Damn you, Eve,” he said hoarsely. “You shouldn’t have done—”
“Hush.” She held him closer. She could feel his heart pounding against her, the scent of him, the warmth of him. “And you shouldn’t swear at me when you’re so scared I’m going to die. Think how you’d regret it if I did.” Then she pushed him away. She had needed that moment. But they needed to get off this road more than she needed comfort. “Now let’s get to it.” She took a step back away from him. “You said no sign of Salazar’s men up here yet?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean he won’t send a man up to check to make sure that someone isn’t trying to destroy his booby traps. And that’s why I can’t just explode the IEDs. I had to have Burbank send one of his men to meet my helicopter with a military Stingray water-blade device so I could scramble the IEDs’ firepower.”
Eve nodded. “Whatever. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. But Salazar’s more likely to think that he has us cowed down at the camp. He has to know that he injured MacDuff and that Caleb has been scouting the hill area. He doesn’t know about you. He believes he has us all contained. His focus will probably be on attack and conquer.” She looked down the road. “And does he have us contained? Do you have any idea how far these explosives are planted on the road?”
“I’d have to have a crystal ball to know that. All I can do is try to clear enough of the road to make it safe for us to get two vehicles up from your base camp and safely on the way out of the Gaelkar area. We’ll need at least two since MacDuff is injured.” His lips twisted. “And it’s not going very quickly, Eve. It might take at least another couple hours.”
“I can see how it might.”
“Of course, we could wait for the fog to lift and just take the fight to Salazar. But I’d rather get you, Jane, and Cara out of here and somewhere safe. I’ll be as fast as I can.”
“As fast as it’s safe,” she corrected. “No hurry.” She tried to smile. “Take your time. You have a great backup.”
“Yes, I do.” He turned away. “Keep behind me and close. If I say jump, you don’t question, you dive for the side of the road and roll down the slope. Promise me.”
“I promise. What else?”
“Primarily, I need you to listen since you can’t see a damn thing.”
“How can you see the IEDs?”
“Very carefully.” He took out a LED penlight. “I shaded the beam, and I’m focusing only on the ground and also blocking the light with my body. Hopefully, the fog is doing the rest.”
“You said we might be grateful to this fog.”
“At the moment. Up to now, it’s been a royal pain in the ass.”
He was crouching low, his gaze fixed intently on the ground, moving with extreme care. He was on task, fully focused on the job ahead.
Do your part, Eve told herself.
Keep close.
Listen, he had said.
p; Concentrate on everything around them so that Joe would not be forced to do it.
Listen …
* * *
“MacDuff’s awake!” Cara burst into Jane’s tent, her eyes shining with excitement. “Just now. He woke up and spoke to Jock. Well, me, too. But I think I just confused him, but he knew me, and he—”
“Slow down.” Jane jumped to her feet. “What are you trying to tell me.” She hoped it was what she thought Cara was trying to say. “MacDuff is better?”
“That’s what I said.” Cara drew a deep breath. “He woke up, and he spoke to Jock. He asked about Colin, and when Jock told him that he was dead, he asked if Jock had taken care of Salazar. He said he was glad Jock hadn’t had the time because he wanted to do it himself.”
“That sounds like MacDuff,” Jane said. “He is better.”
“Jock thinks he’s going to be okay.” Cara’s face was glowing. “But then he fell asleep again, and Jock told me to run and get you. He told me to tell you everything. He said he knew that you’d want to come and see for yourself.”
“Yes, I do.” She felt as if an enormous burden had been lifted. MacDuff was going to live. “I’ll go right away.”
“I’ll go with you.” Cara was heading for the door. Then she stopped. “No, I’ll go to Eve’s tent and tell her. She’ll want to know.”
Jane suddenly remembered that Cara wasn’t aware that Eve had gone to help Joe. She wasn’t about to worry her about another potential danger when she was so happy about MacDuff. “No, come back with me. Joe showed up while you were with Jock, and Eve’s helping him find a way to get us out of here.”
“Joe’s here?” Cara smiled eagerly. “Everything’s going right, isn’t it, Jane?”
“It appears to be on the right path.” She took Cara’s arm. “Come on, let’s get back to Jock.”
They were out in the dark, and the fog closed in on them once more.
It was only when they were almost to MacDuff’s tent that a thought occurred to Jane that caused a chill to go through her that had nothing to do with the fog.
She hesitated, almost stopped.
No. It didn’t have to be true.
Cara had caught the hesitation and was staring at her.
“Coming.” Jane started forward again.
The next moment they were in MacDuff’s tent.
“I brought her, Jock,” Cara said. “You were right, she wants to see MacDuff for—” She stopped.
Jock was not in the tent.
MacDuff was sleeping peacefully on the cot, but Jock was nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Jock?” Cara whispered.
It’s what Jane wanted to know. But she didn’t want to alarm Cara. “Maybe he needed to take a break. He’s been cooped up in here since he brought MacDuff back. He’ll probably be back in a minute.”
“Jane.” MacDuff’s eyes were open. “All hell is breaking loose. You need to get Eve and the girl out of here.”
“Shh.” She went to him and took his hand. “We’re working on it. Joe is here. That will be a big help. You just relax and let us handle it.” She smiled. “This one time the Laird isn’t going to give the orders.”
“Then God help us.” His eyes started to close again. “Maybe you should take over. After all, you’re family. Cira might decide to give you a hand. It’s not beyond the…” He was asleep again.
And Jane’s hand tightened on his for a moment before she released it. God had already helped them, she thought gratefully. MacDuff was back with them. Like Jock, she was sure that he would be all right now.
The chill returned as she turned away from MacDuff. “I think I’ll go to Jock’s tent and see what’s keeping him, Cara. Will you stay with MacDuff while I’m—”
Cara was gone.
Jane ran out of the tent.
Fog. Darkness. Fear.
Smother the panic. Maybe she’d gone to Jock’s tent to look for him.
She ran down the row of tents.
Jock’s tent was dark.
No Jock.
No Cara.
Jane’s heart was beating hard, painfully.
But there was a note scrawled on a piece of paper pinned to the canvas beside the door.
It won’t take long, Jane.
“Damn, damn, damn.” She dialed Jock.
No answer.
She took a deep breath and phoned Caleb. “I need you to come back to the camp right away. Things are happening, and I need help.”
“I’m already on my way,” Caleb said. “Jock called me and told me that. I should be there soon.”
“Jock called you? When?”
“About ten minutes ago. He said MacDuff was better but that you were going to need me.”
“He must have called you right after he sent Cara to get me.” Her hand tightened on the phone. “I was so damn happy about MacDuff that it didn’t occur to me right away. Why would he have to send her to get me? Why not just phone me and tell me to come.”
“He wanted to get rid of her.” Caleb asked, “He’s gone, Jane?”
“You’re not surprised. Did he tell you?”
“No, but I knew it was bound to happen. Jock would have gone for Salazar after he found MacDuff if he hadn’t had to try to save him. He cares about MacDuff. He wasn’t going to let anyone who hurt him live. When he called to tell me that you’d need me, I thought that he judged it was time.” He paused. “I wouldn’t worry about him. From what I’ve heard about Jock, it’s Salazar who should worry.”
“I do worry about him. I know very well what Jock is capable of. Do you think I want him to start killing again?” Her voice was shaking. “And what about Cara? I suppose I shouldn’t worry about her either?”
“I turned away for a moment to talk to MacDuff, and she was gone. I’m sure she went after Jock. She’s out there in the darkness and the fog looking for him. Hell, she wants to take care of him.”
“We’ll find her.”
“Before Salazar finds her? Before Franco finds her?”
“I’ll call Jock and tell him to locate her and bring her back.”
“I tried. He’s not answering. He obviously doesn’t want anyone to interfere with what he’s going to do. Which means Cara can’t reach him either. She’s alone out there.”
“She won’t be alone long. As soon as I assign some men to taking care of you and MacDuff, I’ll start tracking her.”
“I’m going with you. You assign men you can trust to care for MacDuff. I’m not going sit here and twiddle my thumbs while Cara is out there.”
“I can travel faster without you.”
“No, you can’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do. I promised Eve when she went to help Joe that I wouldn’t let anything happen to Cara. I promised her. I’m not going to break that promise.”
“Okay, calm down. We’ll make it work. We already have a start.”
“What start?”
“Jock took down a sniper on the scene where Colin was blown up. He told me he broke him but didn’t kill him. He sent me to get information from him while he tended to MacDuff.”
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“It wasn’t pleasant, and what I did to get that information wasn’t pleasant either. I didn’t want to shock your delicate sensibilities.”
“But you got the information? Will it help?”
“It will help.” He hung up.
* * *
He was close, Jock thought as he moved silently through the forest. He could hear Salazar’s men up ahead. No conversation, just breathing, and the sound of footsteps on the wet leaves. Salazar had probably told them to be quiet, so that the team Caleb had patrolling the perimeter wouldn’t spot them.
But they were amateurs, Jock thought. Even Salazar and Franco would have been disposed of in a matter of moments if they’d been designated as prey
by Reilly, the man who had trained Jock all those years ago.
He increased his pace. Get it over with. He didn’t know how many men Salazar had stationed around their camp. He might have to get back and help Caleb take them out.
He stopped and listened. At least six men moving single file through the forest.
Single file. That would make it easier.
Remove them one by one until he got to the head of the column.
And hope it was Salazar.
No, not six men. One stride was lighter, shorter-spanned, the rhythm different. Boots, but not like the others.
A woman.
Natalie Castino?
It didn’t matter. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t killed women before. And, according to what Quinn had told Eve, this woman might have tried to kill Cara.
So just block out the ingrained hesitance and concentrate on being the assassin that Reilly had created. It would be no problem. He could feel the past training slipping effortlessly into place.
No joy. There had never been joy. Just a steel-like intensity and determination that was focused on the prey.
No, there was something more that was involved. Because this was not the usual prey.
* * *
Joe turned to face Eve. “We’ve cleared enough of the road for the cars. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Eve breathed a sigh of relief. It hadn’t taken as long as she’d thought it would for Joe to disarm those IEDs, but every minute that had passed had been excruciating. “I’ll second the motion.” She looked down at the lake, and she could see a faint watery outline in the darkness. “And it appears to be just in time. Some of the fog is dispersing. It was going to be easier for them to see what we were doing soon.”
“But we’ll be able to see his men if they try to plant any more explosives, too.” He took her arm, led her across the road to the slope, then carefully helped her start down the slippery incline. “Now let’s get down to the camp and get you all packed and out of here.”
“We’ve already packed up most of it. It’s MacDuff we have to worry about. Lord, I hope we have to worry about him.” She took out her phone and dialed Jane. “When I left, I wasn’t sure if he was going to make it. I know Jane knew what we’re doing and wouldn’t have called and disturbed me, but I have to check on—” She broke off as Jane picked up. “Jane, we’re through up here. Joe got the job done. We’re coming down.”
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