Hating the Bratva

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Hating the Bratva Page 12

by K. D Clark

  I pull on a pair of socks to cover my bare feet but don’t bother with shoe’s. When I come back down the steps, Alek is standing next to V. They’re talking in hushed voices, so I can’t hear. Alek turns when I hit the bottom. His face is so soft. I can’t remember a time when I’ve seen him so completely soft and gentle. A lump forms in my throat, and I have no fucking idea why. I should be yelling at him and demanding he tells me what’s going on. But instead, tears well up in my eyes. I thought he left me. I should have listened to him. I should have trusted that he’d never leave me. He says something to V before V leaves us alone in the foyer.

  “Delaney,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. I cross the space between us so fast I don’t even remember doing it and fall into his arms. He holds me as I let my tears stain his nice shirt. His hand runs over my hair.

  “Shhh,” he coos into my ear. His spicy cologne surrounds me. The warmth I feel by just being in his arms is enough to comfort the turmoil inside me. I’m not sure how much time passes before we finally pull away.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as he wipes a tear from my cheek.

  “I told you that you’re mine. This is the only way I knew how to keep that promise.”

  “But, Ivan...”

  He looks away from me. “It had to happen. Your marriage wouldn’t have saved him. Miami would have gotten to him in the end anyway.”

  “If Gavill finds out you set up one of your own...”

  He shakes his head. “Let me handle that. I need something from you tonight.”

  He looks back and forth as if searching my eyes for a reaction.

  “You want me to marry you?” I say the words as I realize them myself. Alek set up Ivan to be killed so he could marry me. He risked his own life so I can be free.

  “You want to work as a nurse? I can give you that. You hate the Bratva and never want to come to Boston again? Fine. I’ll get you an apartment in another state. Don’t want kids? We won’t have them. But we will never get divorced. This is the only way I know how to give you freedom. I couldn’t stand by and watch you sign your life away like that. It’s not fair, and as long as I’m alive, no one will make you do a damn thing. If we don’t get married, they’ll find someone else, and I’m not willing to take that chance.”

  I let his words sink into my skin. Freedom. The term is almost foreign for someone who has been told her whole life that she has no choice in her future.

  “Talk to me,” he begs.

  I run a hand over his shoulders, then down to his hands where I interlock our fingers.

  “I will marry you, Alex Vasiliev, and I will never leave you. I don’t want to move to another state and get a place away from you,” I say. A smile pulls at his lips. “This is the freedom I want. The freedom to be with you. The man I love.”

  He bends down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. The sound of a cough breaks us apart.

  V stands back in the foyer. “The priest does have a bedtime.”

  “Outside?” Alek asks me.

  I shake my head. “Right here. In our foyer.”

  V leaves to get the priest. When he comes back inside, Alek lets go of one of my hands, and we turn to face the priest.


  Alek raises an eyebrow at me.

  I nod. “We’re ready.”


  I slip the previous ring off Delaney’s finger and set it down on the foyer table. She looks down at her finger with unshed tears. I wonder if she’s sad for him? Or if these are happy tears for her newfound freedom. I reach in my pocket and open the black velvet box. She gasps as she sees the large diamond. I asked for the band to be left plain so that all the attention would fall to the fifteen carat diamond on top. Once it’s in place, she flexes her hand as if trying to get used to the weight. This ceremony, the rings, and the piece of paper we’re about to sign are all necessary so that she can never be married off to some scumbag. But I don’t need any of it to claim her as mine. I never did, but now everyone else will know, and once I’m Pakhan, she will be treated like a queen just as she deserves. The priest clears his throat.

  “Mr.Vasiliev, you may kiss your bride.”

  Her eyes widen before I tangle my hand in her hair and bring her lips to mine. She giggles against my lips. Vladimir claps loud enough for the sound to ricochet off the walls. When we come up for air, Father Tom, who I paid a hefty amount of money to pull this off, has the marriage certificate laid on the foyer table.

  “If you will just sign here, we can all get some sleep tonight.”

  Delaney picks up the pen first and signs it before handing it to me. I don’t take my eyes off her as I scribble my next to her perfect cursive. V signs next. Father Tom grabs the paper and pen before tucking them away in his jacket pocket.

  “You two have a good night.”

  He leaves out the front door. V comes over and slaps a hand on my shoulder.

  “Congratulations, you two. I’m happy for you, but I should probably get some sleep.”

  I finally take my eyes off my wife and look to V. “I need you to stay here tonight and keep watch.”

  His lips flatten into a straight line before he nods. “I’ll get my stuff from the car.”

  “You’re leaving?” Delaney asks once we’re alone.

  “I have to clean up the mess I made.”

  Her face falls, and I grab the bottom of her chin between my fingers and lift her head. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Until then, V will be here. You can trust him. I’ve known him my whole life.”

  “Ok,” she says quietly. I kiss her again before leaving.


  The air in the clubhouse seems thicker as I walk the halls to Gavrill’s office. I’ve been up all night pretending that I don’t know what is going on. Miami owned up to the hit on Ivan just like we’d talked about. Now I just have to see what Gavrill has to say. The clubhouse is empty since all the Vory are busy guarding central locations in case of another attack that will never come. I rap my knuckles against the wooden door to find that it’s cracked open. Gavrill sits behind his desk with a glass of amber liquid in his hand. His tired eyes watch as I step into the room and close the door. He knows. That can be the only reason he’s looking at me like this.


  “You know I’ve been up all night trying to rationalize it.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. “You’re supposed to take my place, no? So can you tell me why you’d risk your life to kill another member of your own brotherhood?”

  My heartbeat pounds in my ears, but I don’t show any reaction. If he expects me to deny it, he has another thing coming. Ivan deserved what he got. I did what Gavrill was too weak to do. When I don’t immediately respond, he takes another swig of his drink.

  “If you’re going to kill me, you’re dragging it out.” I shouldn’t provoke him, but Gavrill’s inability to do what needs to be done in the organization is why we’re sitting here in the first place.

  His eyes cut to me. “I should do more than kill you. I should tie you to a chair and let each man take their grief out on you.”

  “Then, why aren’t you?” I challenge him.

  He runs a hand over his stubble jawline. “Because you were right. I’m too old for this shit.”

  “I didn’t-”

  He holds up a hand. “You didn’t have to say it. I know I’ve gotten soft over the years. I can’t go to war again. If the men find out what you did, it will be a war within our organization. Most of the men are loyal to you. They won’t challenge you, but the older Vory wouldn’t take that news so lightly. Most of them are already looking to go head to head with Miami.”

  “So, what are you saying?” I ask.

  He takes a final gulp of his drink. “I’m stepping down. We’ll start the transition process soon.”

  I let my shoulder relax a fraction. “And where will you go?”

  “Nina’s had her eyes set on Florida, but it doesn’t look like that’s happening anymore,” he says with a
light chuckle. “I’m thinking somewhere quiet but with a beach. Maybe Carolina.”

  It’s hard for me to imagine Gavrill sitting on a beach relaxing with an umbrella drink in his hand.

  “You’re going to miss it, no?”

  He nods. “I will, but it’s time. I’ve made it out alive. That’s more than most people can say about the life we live. I think it’s time I finally enjoy it. I guess I can’t talk you into staying here at the clubhouse, considering that big ass house you just bought?”

  “That would be right.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s dangerous, you know? To live out there on your own.”

  “My wife wants distance from this life we live...I’m going to give her that.”

  Gavrill freezes, and I can tell by the expression on his face he didn’t miss my confession. “Your wife? Alek, don’t tell me-”

  “I did.”

  He lets out a laugh-filled with complete disbelief.

  “She’s mine always has been.”

  “I see. Well, I can’t say I blame you. Love makes a man do crazy things.”

  “That it does.”

  One week later


  I walk down the steps, my bare feet cold against the new hardwood. I haven’t left the house since marrying Alek. He’s straightening things out with the brotherhood, so until that’s over with, I can’t leave. It still doesn’t feel real that he’s my husband, this is my house, and the sinking fear I’ve had in my stomach since being told I was supposed to marry Ivan has disappeared.

  A second knock sounds at the big wooden front door.

  “Coming,” I yell out. I open the door to see my mom standing on the porch. Her make-up is perfectly applied, and her hair is twisted up in a neat bun. She’s not wearing that fake smile that’s usually plastered on her face.

  I clear my throat. “Um...hi.”

  Her eyes flicker to the diamond on my finger, and it suddenly feels heavier. The only person I’ve told about the marriage is Robin, but everyone knows by now. Word travels fast.

  “Can I come in?” she asks. I open the door wider so she can step inside. She’s dressed down in flats today, so I don’t hear the familiar click of her heels that usually follows her steps as she walks into the foyer.

  “This is nice,” she says, looking around at the newly finished room as I close the door.

  “The construction is mostly done in this part of the house. Do you want something to drink?” I walk into the kitchen before she can answer. The awkwardness between us is so thick I can barely breathe. She follows behind me and takes a seat at the island.

  “Water, please.”

  I pour us both a glass of water before joining her. I take the seat across so that I can see her face.


  “How’s dad?”

  We speak at the same time, and it’s quiet between us again before she says. “He’s...regretting everything. It’s part of the reason why I’m here.”

  I take a sip of my water because my throat is suddenly dry.

  “He regrets marrying me off to scum?”

  She doesn’t look away from me at the insult. “I never wanted this to happen. I didn’t come here to argue or justify anything. I came to apologize.”

  Well, that takes me by surprise.

  “I fought with your father tooth and nail about this. I knew you and Alek were meant to be. You might hate this world we live in, but when it came to him, it’s like you didn’t care as much. Like you could forget about all the awful things for a while because you knew you’d end up with him. So I knew that when your father and Gavrill decided Ivan would be your husband, it ruined you. I didn’t ask you to help with the wedding because I knew it would be like twisting the knife. I’m sorry, Delaney. I should have fought harder for you, but I convinced myself that maybe you’d be okay. That maybe you’d come around to enjoy your marriage to Ivan.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat as my mom stares at me with unshed tears.

  “Your father deeply regrets agreeing to the decision, but you know how he is. He’s stubborn and a rule-follower. It will take him a while to swallow his pride and say he’s sorry. I can understand if you aren’t ready to forgive me, but I want you to know that I did fight for you with all I could.”

  I hadn’t realized how much I needed her apology until she gave it to me. I figured my relationship with my parents was as good as dead, but there’s a part of me that missed them. Even though my mom and I couldn’t be more different, at the end of the day, she’s my mom, and I want a relationship with her.

  “I forgive you,” I say.

  Relief floods her face, and she crosses the island to engulf me in a hug. The smell of her sweet perfume surrounds us and gives me a little bit of comfort. When she pulls back, she wipes a tear from my cheek that I hadn’t realized slipped from my eye.

  “I still can’t believe he married you right after Ivan...” I can see the question lingering in her eyes. The question that everyone has on their mind. From what Alek’s told me, no one has asked him directly. That’s a good sign. It means they respect Alek enough to believe the Miami brotherhood acted on their own.

  I let out a soft laugh. “He wasn’t going to let me go.”

  She smiles and then looks around the kitchen. “Well, at least I know you’re well taken care of.”

  “Yeah, the house should be completely done soon.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  The front door slams causing both of us to jump.

  “Delaney!” Alek calls. I place a hand over my chest, and my mom lets out a short laugh.

  “In the kitchen.”

  He comes around the corner. His jaw is clenched, and his muscles are coiled so tight I can see the tension under his long sleeve shirt.

  When he sees my mom, he nods his head. “Mrs.Miller.”

  “Alek, it’s nice to see you. I should probably get going.”

  I hug her before walking her to the door. When I come back to the kitchen, Alek is ruffling through one of the kitchen drawers.

  “What’s going on?”

  He pulls out a small gun and tucks it in his pants. “Fucking, Xavier. I sent him to Detroit weeks ago to do a job, and it’s still not done.”

  Ah. I walk up to Alek and wrap my arms around his warm body. His breathing seems to slow at my touch before he rests his chin on top of my head.

  “Can’t you send somebody? You have to go yourself?”

  “Yeah, Bunny. I just took over. I have to show the men that I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty and dull out punishments if needed.”

  I shiver when he says punishments.

  “You know we haven’t had a proper honeymoon.”

  He pulls back to look down at me. “We will. Once everything is more settled.”

  I want to laugh at that statement. Now that Alek is Pakhan, we’d have to travel with an army to go anywhere. He already has this house guarded like a fortress. We both turn around at the sound of a light thud. We turn to see Harriet has climbed on to the counter.

  “Oh, come on, get down,” I say, waving at her. Alek chuckles as I struggle to get the cat down.

  When I’m done, he plants a kiss on my lips. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him kissing me whenever he wants to. I run a hand over the stubble across his jawline. He hasn’t been home much lately. He’s been dealing with the fall out of Ivan’s death. I haven’t asked many questions about it because, to be honest, it terrifies me. Alek set up a kill on one of his own. That’s punishable by death, but yet he stands here as the new Pakhan.

  “Let me come with you.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll make it a fast trip, promise.”

  I hate that I’ll be alone, but I take comfort in the fact that guards surround me, and Alek wouldn’t leave if he thought there was any kind of danger. He stares at me with those bright green eyes. The eyes that I always knew I would end up waking up to every single morning. We had a weird way of getting to
it, but we’re here, and that’s all that matters.

  The End

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