The Hidden Rose

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The Hidden Rose Page 44

by Jayne Amanda Maynes


  “Sorry Sam, but I still don't see what it is you're talking about in regard to Captain Martinez. If you want Rose company he'll be in command since he has rank on you,” Jason said walking back in the situation tent.

  “He wouldn't out rank me if you'd put me in for a promotion like you said you would. It doesn't matter Jason I've chosen the two men I need for this mission and both from Rose company. I dare you to tell me no after telling me I could get them from anywhere I wanted,” I said.

  “I'm not going to say no, but I am going to ask that when you get back you look for someone else to fill those spots,” he said.

  “I don't have a problem with that. My men will be ready to go in an hour and a half including those two men. I took the liberty since you had already given me permission, but to insure they're ready so we don't have to wait you might want to let Captain Martinez know that until they get back they are my men. I doubt he'd be willing to take my word for it,” I said.

  I stared at the maps for another twenty minutes even though I had chosen my route. The dream, or vision, or whatever it was kept playing through my mind and didn't make a lot of sense. I risked my mens lives for two children and an old woman I didn't know, and for what? To have the old woman confirm me as what I had been trying to deny? No she hadn't called me the White Rose, she called me the sister of the Lotus. I knew my sisters, one married and claiming to be a witch, the other trapped in a marriage she didn't want, but couldn't find a way out of. I doubted either of them had ever seen a Lotus, or for that matter even knew what one was, aside from a car.

  I met the men outside the barracks and noticed the two new men and smiled. These two men were two of Chris' best and both knew me and how I worked.

  “I see we're all here. I wish I could tell you I know what our objective is, but I'm not sure what everyone thinks it is will prove to be the end objective. I saw the look of confusion in everyones faces, but mostly in the faces of Chris' men. For those of you who haven't served with me long, you should understand I try to let my men know what we're going into. I don't feel it's right to ask you to risk your lives without having any idea just what it is you're risking your life for,” I said.

  The puzzled look faded as each of the men knew if I had no idea what we were headed into chances were no one did.

  There was no farewell no we'll see you when you get back, just me and my men heading out on a mission I knew I had to go on, but didn't have a clue why.

  We were far enough away from the base we couldn't hear any of the sounds within an hour and Curtis said he had a message from command.

  “Sir, command said if you want to wait we can have the rest of Rose company. They're awaiting your reply,” Curtis said.

  “They have my reply Sargent. If they had allowed me Rose company when I asked for it I would have gladly accepted, we haven't got time to wait for them now,” I said.

  “You want me to tell them sir?” he asked.

  “No, Curtis I don't want you to tell them anything. We're on radio silence from now until we meet up with Colonel Wright. I don't even want you acknowledging their transmissions,” I said.

  “But you do want me to monitor the radio?” he asked.

  “I want a summary of anything you hear on that radio every time we stop. But I don't want you communicating with anyone without my express authorization. I do want you to make one call and that to Colonel Wright. The message is the chicks have left the coop it'll take two hours to get them gathered again. I don't want you to say anymore or any less than that, but Curtis I do want you to be sure it's Colonel Wright on a secure frequency,” I said.

  Mac came alongside me and didn't say anything, but the look on his face told me everything he wanted to know.

  “It's the dreams Mac. Everything on the maps showed I could have gotten him out over the radio, but the dreams give me the feeling I have to be there,” I said.

  “It wouldn't be a good idea to go against the dreams,” he replied.

  “Do you remember that house we came across when everyone thought Major Jacobs was lost to us?” I asked.

  “That was almost a year ago sir,” he said,

  “Yes it was. The enemy movements show them moving into position to hit that house with so much over kill if anything is left of it I'd be surprised. The dream showed me an old woman and two children that I need to protect,” I said.

  “And I take it Colonel Wright has no real part in it other than to get us in there. Sam, I trust your dreams you know that, but this one doesn't make a lot of sense,” he said.

  “Tell me about it Mac. For the life of me I can't figure this one out. The strangest part was the old woman called me the daughter of the Lotus in almost the same way so many have called me The White Rose,” I said.

  “You do know that the Lotus and the Rose are symbols of strength and innocence,” Mac said.

  “Mac so help me if you start calling me The White Rose... there should be a good place to take a break coming up any minute,” I said.

  We set a hard pace to where we were to rendezvous with Colonel Wright and got there a half a day before they thought we would. I had Mac set lookouts and wanted to know where Colonel Wright was since he wasn't where he said he was.

  “Captain you're early,” Chuck said when he showed up.

  “We didn't run into any trouble on the way. Have you been watching the house like you said you would for me?” I asked.

  “The best we've come up with are five people in that house, an old woman I wouldn't even begin to guess the age of, and it looks like a mother father and two kids,” he said.

  “There are more than that, I can feel it, but I haven't got any idea how many there are,” I said.

  “I'll take your word for it, but that's all we've seen for sure. If you want I'll take you to where we've been watching from. Sam I don't see any reason the enemy would be so focused on this family. They seem like an ordinary family to me,” he said.

  “Trust me Chuck it's them the enemy wants not you, and since they don't even know I'm here yet it sure isn't me they're after,” I said.

  “If they find out you're here they'll likely forget all about that family. Sam you're still the one person they fear more than anyone else,” he said.

  “Mac have you got that flag I hate so much still?” I asked.

  “I never leave home without it,” Mac said.

  “Let me guess most of the men have one now as well?” I asked.

  “I think you're the only one other than the new guys who don't have one sir,” he said.

  “Do you think you could get the men to display them well away from that house and our camp? I want to see if I can change the target of the enemy and make them try chasing us instead,” I said.

  “I don't see a problem sir. If we do it right we should be able to have them chasing shadows for days,” Mac said almost laughing.

  I didn't think this would work, but if it did I just might be able to save everyone in that house instead of just the old woman and the two children. Chuck gave me a funny look not understanding what I meant by a flag I hated. I didn't see any point explaining, if he hadn't heard the stories, I sure as hell wasn't going to tell them.

  “The Lotus and the Rose combined, it will soon be when the time of the blossom is near. Let those whose safety is mine to assure, know salvation is ever near,” I said.

  “What was that Sam?” Chuck asked.

  “What was what?” I asked.

  The old woman stepped out on the porch and looked directly at me with a smile that said she knew safety was there for her. Each of the children stepped up beside her and she put a hand on each continuing to look straight at me. The thought that these children would play an important part in my future hit me as I stared at them these three people were the only ones who would make it out of this house alive, and if they didn't things in the future might not be the same.

  “You said something, a poem or something, I've never heard anything l
ike it before,” Chuck said.

  “Chuck I have no idea what you're talking about, I didn't say anything,” I said.

  Everyone one in earshot looked at me as though I had lost my mind, it seemed they all heard me say something that I knew nothing about.

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