The Hidden Rose

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The Hidden Rose Page 48

by Jayne Amanda Maynes


  “Captain?” Eddie said when I sat up.

  “What time is it, I asked.

  “We were going to wake you at the next change, about another hour,” Eddie said.

  “How long was I asleep?” I asked.

  “Nine hours sir. It looked like you were having a rough night so Mac said to let you sleep and if you weren't up when it was time for the change of guards to wake you then,” he said.

  “At the change see everyone is up and ready to go. I want to know what the enemy has in place and if possible when they intend to strike. I want this camp to look like no one has been here recently as well. We'll meet back up where we have a clear view of the house, and anyone inside has the shortest distance to go to get to us. If possible I want everyone in that house evacuated. And moved to a safe location,” I said.

  I started going over the map I had of the area and what possible escape routes there were. I would have at least three civilians I would be taking to safety and the last thing I would need is to try taking them over terrain that was questionable even for my men.

  “Captain, from what we saw before Colonel Wright moved out they are massing for a strike mostly from the other side, with smaller contingents on both the north and south sides. Our side is clear for the most part and if what I saw yesterday is right it doesn't appear they have any intention of moving this way any time soon,” Mac said.

  “Mac what are the chances of say a couple men getting in the house and helping some of the people get out undetected?” I asked.

  “If we go in from the southwest I would say pretty good. From any other direction not good at all,” he said.

  “Pick three men and see what you can do about getting everyone out of there. Mac I want you with me so make sure they know they are to get in and get out, but there are three that will be coming out the front. An old woman and two kids, it's important they not know the rest are out if at all possible,” I said.

  “I'll see to it. Sam this has to do with where Major Jacobs disappeared to doesn't it?” he asked.

  “These people are the ones who nursed him back to health, other than that I haven't got a clue,” I said.

  “I think his men would love to have the job if you don't mind me letting them know that much,” he said.

  “You'd love the chance if I'd let you,” I said.

  “I have a lot of respect for Major Jacobs, but given the choice of serving under him or serving under you, there wouldn't be much of a choice. We've been together to long and I just can't imagine trying to work with anyone else,” he said.

  I set up my observation post in the same area we had been to watch the house the previous day. It seemed so quiet, like there wasn't anything that could possibly go wrong. I waited for the reports from my men and frowned as they started coming in. Our exit was narrowed down from five possibles to two, and one of them would be iffy at best. I had my escape route all but confirmed when the last report came in that only three people were left in the house. The old woman and two children and the old woman knew the importance of them coming out through the front.

  So the men had accomplished what I hadn't seen in the dream. When the house was destroyed it was an empty house everyone was either already gone or running for safety toward me.

  “Mac I want the men scattered along this line and I want every round of ammo we have distributed evenly. It's time to put away the crossbows and use the preferred weapons of the army,” I said.

  “You understand if we're forced to fire our rifles and handguns we're going to be telling the enemy where we are,” he said.

  “It's not going to matter. By the time they adjust from the house to us we'll be long gone and they'll end up chasing ghosts,” I said.

  “You just love getting them chasing us. I guess you have a surprise or two you haven't divulged?” he asked.

  “No, I haven't got any tricks I'm aware of this time, only that we're a small force moving fast and light. We need to meet up with Colonel Wright tomorrow, or he'll come looking for us and I can't have that, since we're supposed to be here to rescue him,” I said.

  “That isn't why you don't want him coming after us though is it? Admit it Sam you're afraid if he comes after us he'll get us all in a trap you're not sure you can get us out of,” he said.

  “Mac what if the enemy found out who I am?” I asked.

  “They wouldn't torture you, at least I don't think they would, at least not physically,” he said.

  “Why do you say that?” I asked.

  “I say that simply because if they ever found out who you really are they would be terrified of what you might do, or I guess I should say what you could do,” he said.

  “Don't start in on that White Rose bullshit again Mac. You know I don't believe in magic and hate whenever anyone says something about me being the most magical person they've ever met,” I said.

  I looked out over the clearing and saw the old woman standing there with the two children.

  “It's time, make sure everyone understands only on my orders and no one is to make themselves visible to the enemy. When and if we need to shoot I want the enemy to wonder who we are and how many of us there are. We have to become ghosts once those three join us,” I said.

  He looked at the house and nodded his understanding.

  The girl took off at a dead run straight toward me. Her speed was surprising for someone so small and her agility and balance on the uneven terrain rivaled that of anyone I had ever seen. Within a short time she was half way across the field and showed no sign of slowing. The old woman and the boy still hadn't moved.

  The enemy hadn't seemed to see them yet, but if they didn't start soon they would.

  “It is the plan daughter of the Lotus, they must think we are no more, or you must use your magic to let them know they have no power over the Lotus,” I heard the old womans voice as though she were standing next to me.

  Who said that? I looked over at Mac who seemed to only be concerned with watching the girl running across the open space.

  Just before the girl reached the brush we were in I heard the first shots ring out and saw the dirt near the old woman and the boy explode at their feet. I looked down both sides of our line and knew no one among us had fired which left those shots the work of the enemy.

  The old woman and the boy started running toward us and I saw the ground around them being torn up as the bullets seemed to fall short or to one side or the other.

  “Mac I want cover fire for those two now,” I yelled.

  “Sam, if we start shooting now we'll never make it out of here. The enemy will be able to mark our position before that old woman and boy get here,” Mac said.

  “Mac I gave an order. You're the one who said I have magic no one knows anything about, if you really believe that please listen to me now and give those two cover fire,” I said.

  I heard the firing along our line and saw the only bullets hitting anywhere near the old woman and boy were coming from some other direction. There were screams in the distance as bullet after bullet hit a human and the firing from the enemy slowed.

  I heard the whistle and knew the house would soon be nothing but kindling. The first mortar round missed the house by only a few feet but still caused sever damage to the structure. The second round hit directly on the front porch making the house list ready to fall at any moment. The third and fourth were direct hits sending a fire ball into the air high enough Chuck should have been able to see it from where he was supposed to be.

  The old woman and boy went flying through the air and I lost sight of them when they landed. They weren't supposed to be hurt or killed, at least according to the dream, and the dreams had always been right, but this time it looked like the dreams might be wrong. I blamed myself, it was my lack that brought this about, and now two of the people that would become important were paying for my mistake.

  “Daughter of Lotus, you did not fail, they must think we are dead so you can beco
me who you are meant to be,” the old woman said.

  I turned and there stood the woman and two children.

  “Why do you call me daughter?” I asked.

  “The White Lotus is a woman in disguise, one who know the magic of the world yet denies herself and her magic. It is the magic that does this to protect her until she is strong enough to defend all who call on her,” the old woman said.

  “This mark you wear, it is the symbol of this White Lotus you speak of?” I asked.

  “Only she who is of the White Lotus can see what it is you speak of daughter, for it is her mark of protection,” the old woman said.

  “Captain, it might be a good idea if we get out of here,” Mac said.

  “You've right Sargent it's a long way to Colonel Wright's camp and we have just over a day to get there,” I replied.

  I looked back at the old woman and noticed neither her nor the children were breathing hard. They looked as fresh as if they had just had several hour to rest from the run they'd just made.

  “Do not worry yourself for us daughter, like your Sargent we are not like mortals who need rest often,” the old woman said.

  I set out the plan of escape trying to take into account everything I knew about the enemy and the men around me. I looked at the old woman and knew there was no way they could manage the terrain we'd need to pass through to avoid detection. This one time I wished I did believe in magic and that somehow I were able to use it to get us out of the situation we were in because I had felt the need to protect these people from sure death. I pictured Colonel Wright's camp and felt every man there, two were missing but they weren't far off.

  How did I know that. I felt their souls as though they were my own, and the image changed to our base and how good it would feel to be able to lay down without the constant worry of someone cutting my throat while I slept. Each of my men were part of who I am even the two men I had gotten from Chris' company. I saw them and Colonel Wright's men all sitting in the chow hall having dinner, talking as though this had all happened weeks before.

  “Captain, the General was hoping to talk with you,” Jason's Lieutenant said.

  “I'll be right there Lieutenant,” I said.

  What happened how did we get back to base. We had at least one day through extremely hostel terrain with the added burden of three civilians that needed our protection, then another week at least to get back to base. Yet I didn't remember any of it.

  “General, you wanted to see me?” I said on entering Jason's office.

  Jason was the only one in the room I could see, but he wasn't sitting at his desk and the chair was turned so I couldn't see if anyone was sitting in it.

  “Tell me what happened out there Captain,” Jason asked.

  “I'm not sure I understand sir. You sent my unit to help Colonel Wright get his company out of what could have been a bad situation. We did and now Colonel Wright's company and my men are back,” I said.

  “Tell me how you got back Captain. I want the details as best you can recall them,” he said.

  “I don't recall the details sir. After making sure Colonel Wright's company was safe I don't remember much of anything,” I said.

  “Captain you weren't expected for at least a week. It seems no one knows how it is you got back, and the interesting thing is no one on base remembers seeing any of you coming in, it's as though you all just appeared out of thin air,” he said.

  “Sir I wish I could help clear this mystery, but I don't have any idea how we got back,” I said.


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