The Crimes of Alice: An Underground Prequel

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The Crimes of Alice: An Underground Prequel Page 12


  The sound of a door opening pulled my attention away from the surprisingly brighter bedroom. Hatter stood in the doorway, a mixture of concern and relief on his face.

  “Oh, Alice dear, there you are.” Hatter rushed to my side and helped me stand to my feet. “When you didn’t come through the mirror with us, we were worried sick.”

  Coby waited by the door as we walked over to it. “How in the Underground did you end up in the queen’s bedroom, Ally?”

  I shook my head, not giving away what had happened. “I don’t know. One minute I was in Cheshire’s house, and then the next, I’m here.”

  “Well, let’s get you down to the party. You’re missing quite a bit of fun.” Hatter grinned, pressing his lips to the side of my head.

  Nodding, I leaned into his embrace as my eyes trailed back to the room I’d been in and the offer the shadows had given me. Whatever was I going to do?

  COBY AND HATTER LED me through the palace and down into a gorgeous garden. This one was much different than the Seelie Queen's. Roses decorated every inch of the place with other kinds of flowers blended in to match.

  In the center of the garden stood a large tree, a man and woman embraced beneath the tree while a third woman watched them before behind it. I had a moment to wonder about the significance to the portrayal before we approached a table full of food.

  The others were already at the table, eating their fill. Cheshire lounged lazily on a chair, licking frosting from a spoon in an obscene manner which drew the eyes of many of the table's occupants. When he saw me looking, his lips pulled at the edges, and he dipped the whole spoon into his mouth and pulled it out slowly, never losing eye contact with me.

  My body warmed, and for a second, I forgot about what had just happened to me. "This looks lovely." I took the seat Hatter held open for me next to Carban who spun a knife around on the top of the table.

  "Where did you find her?" He glanced up from his plate to look me over as if making sure I was really there and safe.

  "In the Queen's room," Coby answered, popping a grape into his mouth as he plopped down in a chair across from his brother and next to Cheshire.

  "I see, I was right," a smooth and sultry voice answered as a tall, pale woman clothed in black came around a green hedge, the prince at her side. "I thought I felt someone come through my mirror." Her dark blue eyes landed on me, and she gave a knowing smile. "I am glad to see you are all right, Alice Liddell."

  I stared at the woman for a moment. I knew her. I felt it nagging at the back of my head. Blood red lips and long nails, silky black hair that fell around her shoulders like a waterfall. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she and the prince were siblings, but the way the others stiffened at her presence and some even bowed told me differently.

  The prince kissed his mother on the cheek and took his place at the table. "Mother, please. We don't have long before they arrive. You can play your games later."

  The dark queen moved around the table as if she were gliding through the air. The long sleeves of her black gown draped over her hands and made her seem as if she might be a specter rather than the Unseelie Queen.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." Hatter knelt at her side, taking her hand between his own as she sat in her chair. "I am forever grateful to find my Alice."

  "Of course, you are." The queen smiled not at Hatter, but at me, like she knew I had been doing something naughty in her room, but she wouldn't tell. Arching a dark brow, she mused, "Let's not lose her again, shall we?"

  "Never." Hatter tipped his hat and stood before taking his place by my side. He filled my plate with different foods, some I recognized while others I didn't, but I wasn't hungry. I should be after all the time I'd been there, but all I could think about was the shadows and their offer.

  What was I going to do? The shadows had practically given me my dream on a silver platter.

  If I did as they said, it would solve everything. I wouldn't have to go back to the human world and marry Lewis. I could stay here with Hatter and the others. Also, from the way the shadows had implied it, I would have magic as well, so no more being the victim. No more being the weakest of them.

  I could finally take care of them.

  "What's in your head?" Hatter asked, tapping my forehead with a finger.

  I shook my head and offered him a small smile. "Nothing. Just savoring this moment." I placed my hand on his and squeezed it. "I never want to forget it."

  "And you won't," Carban said from my other side. "You may have to go back, but you will visit, won't you?"

  "I- I want to, but the seer…" I drew out, not sure how to explain what he had said any better than what I'd heard. "I'm not sure if I can come back."

  "Nonsense." Coby waved his fork at me. "That old coot isn't all-knowing. You can't take everything he says as gospel."

  "Quite right," the prince agreed, his eyes locking onto his mother. I had a feeling they weren't talking about the same thing as us. The prince then angled his head toward me. "Alice, do you remember how to get home? I know you were having issues remembering."

  "Um. I think so. It's in the Orchard, correct?"

  I avoided the curious look Cheshire gave me, one that said he thought there was something I wasn't telling. Did I smell like I was lying? I didn't have the same kind of senses as them. I couldn't smell the difference between one emotion to another. Keeping their individual smells separate was hard enough.

  "If you're done eating, I can show you where it is," the prince offered, taking a drink from his own glass. "My princess will be here soon, and we won't have time after that to get away."

  "Oh, Your Highness, you don't have to do that," Hatter insisted. "I can show her. Why don't you enjoy your meal?"

  "Nonsense." The prince shook his head, his long red earring swaying from side to side. "You rest. When the princess gets here, she'll be needing you and the Tweedles to get her things sorted. Let me play tour guide for once. I may not get another chance." He gave me a grin and a wink.

  "Yes, the life of a married man is quite droll." Cheshire rolled his head in the prince's direction. "I suppose I will be slotted for one before long if the other one gets her way."

  "My cousin is quite insistent," the dark queen murmured, looking up from beneath her lashes. They were talking about things I didn't know, things I had been meaning to ask about but hadn't had the chance.

  I glanced back to Cheshire and opened my mouth, but he licked his thumb and stopped me. "Not now, love. Later."

  Sighing, I leaned back in my chair. I picked at my food, taking a few bites, but then sat my fork down. I couldn't eat. Not now.

  "Are you ready?" The prince appeared at my shoulder, holding a hand out to me.

  Nodding, I placed my napkin on the table and then stood. Hatter's arm shot out and pulled me to him. His mouth brushed along the seam of mine, and he held me tight. "Don't tarry long, Alice dear. I wish to make you remember me for a lifetime."

  My toes curled at his words, and I grinned up at him before taking the prince's hand and leaving the table.

  We moved through the hedges at the back of the garden, a maze on its own that I would have had difficulty maneuvering by myself. I held tight to the prince's hand, not wanting to get lost like I'd done in the woods.

  "Do you love the princess?" I asked out of nowhere. I hadn't even been thinking about what the shadows had said, but apparently, I hadn't forgotten about it.

  The prince frowned at me. "Of course, I do. Why would you think otherwise?"

  I lifted a shoulder and dropped it. "Just wondering. I wasn't sure if your marriage was one of convenience like what waited for me at home."

  Before the prince could answer, we exited the hedge maze and stood at the entrance to a large Orchard. Rows and rows of trees stood tall and silent, waiting to be harvested. I didn't see the door or the tree that the shadows had spoken of though.

  "Where is it?" I asked, turning to the prince.

  "Where's what?" The prince arched h
is brows turning from the view.

  "The door, the one the key goes to." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the key I had stolen from Type and Gripe.

  The prince clucked his tongue. "You shouldn't have taken that. Those two bird heads are going to have a fit."

  "How else was I going to get in then? The door was locked."

  Sighing and flipping his hair over his shoulder, the prince started down the small hill before us. "There is a reason for that, a warning you should have heeded."

  I followed him, trying to keep pace with his long legs. "The shadows, you mean?"

  "Yes,” he murmured. “I fear this world will be at war before long, and that is no place for a human. You are better off going home and staying there."

  I gaped at him. "I can't. I can't just leave."

  Pausing in mid-step, the prince turned to me and pursed his lips. "I suppose not. You have quite the group of admirers. I've never seen the cat so enamored by someone before, not to mention the Tweedles." He shook his head. "Those two will fuck anything that walks, and most would willingly do so, but you seem to be immune to their advances." He chuckled at my shocked expression. "Do not look so surprised. That is probably what appeals to them so much."

  We walked for a few more moments before we stopped before a door. This door, much like all the others I'd come across, seemed out of place along the wall that surrounded the Orchard. The key in my pocket warmed against my thigh as if knowing I would need to use it.

  My eyes searched for the tree the shadows had told me would grant me my wish but didn't see it. I didn't want to ask the prince in case he got suspicious. I'd have to come back to find it later after everyone went to sleep.

  "What do you say? Shall we head back?" the prince asked, glancing around the Orchard. He seemed anxious to get moving.

  "Hoping your princess has arrived?" I teased, poking him on the arm.

  The prince beamed down at me. "I am that easy to read, am I?"

  I threw my head back and laughed. "No easier than if your heart were sown onto your sleeve." I placed a hand on his arm and squeezed. "No worries, I know how you feel. I—" My eyes caught sight of a beautiful white head of hair coming our way.

  The prince turned from me, and the expression of pure admiration told me this was his bride to be, the Seelie princess and the daughter of the icy queen who'd threatened our lives. Was she like her mother, or had this one taken after her father?

  “My peach,” the prince's voice dropped an octave, and he moved from me to embrace the woman. They held each other so tightly that I thought maybe they had forgotten I was even there, but then the woman's eyes peeked out from his shoulder to zero in on me.

  She did not like me. Not one bit.

  Instead of commenting, she turned back to her prince. “Hello.” She held him tight, joy in her eyes. “I couldn’t find you at the palace. Your mother brought me here.”

  I didn’t know what the shadows were talking about. The two of them clearly loved each other. There's nothing I could do here to make them love each other more than they did. So what if they haven't said the words?

  “Of course, she would.” The prince pulled back from the hug and brushed the princess’s hair behind her ear with such tenderness that I felt like I was an interloper on their private moment. The prince continued to speak to her as if I weren't there. “I am happy you arrived safely. I meant to be there when you arrived, but something came up.”

  “Something?” The princess's eyes shot to me, and I shifted in place.

  The prince gestured toward me and urged me to come to meet his princess. I was hesitant to do as he bid but didn't want to be rude. Moving closer to him, I tried to keep my distance so as not to make the princess feel even more threatened by me.

  “This is Ms. Liddell. She is visiting from the human world.”

  I dipped down in a curtsy, amused by the two of them. For two people who claimed to love one another, they were awfully stiff now that I was near. The princess clearly saw me as something to fear, and that, at least, meant she cared for the prince. Maybe I wouldn't have to do much to get these two to admit their feelings for one another.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet the one who has captured our dark prince’s heart.” I beamed at her, laughter coloring my voice as she blushed at my words. This one was even worse than me. If any of the two weren't voicing their feelings, it had to be her.

  “That’s enough out of you.” The prince scowled at me and waved an arm. “The Hatter is no doubt waiting for you.”

  I huffed and stomped a foot, annoyed that he would dismiss me so easily. “Fine, but don’t blame me when you mess it all up.” I marched away, leaving the two royals to hash out their own issues. I just hoped it was enough to pay the shadows back.

  THE PRINCE DIDN'T COME back with his princess until just after sunset. They had their heads down together and were whispering, smiles on their faces.

  "Ally?" Coby pressed his thumbs harder into the heel of my foot drawing my attention back to him. "I'm feeling a bit neglected. Here I am rubbing your poor feet, and you only have eyes for the prince." Coby dipped his head and pouted, his dark hair falling over his eyes.

  Shifting my weight on the blanket they'd set out for us in the garden to rest on, I gave Coby my full attention. "I'm sorry, I promise. No more distractions. I'm all yours."

  "Only his?" Carban asked, surprising me.

  He had his back half to us, eating on some fruit left over from dinner. It had been his idea to take the leftovers and a bottle of wine to sleep beneath the stars, a curiously thoughtful suggestion on his part.

  I reached my hand out and placed it on his back. His eyes were down as he shifted toward me, almost afraid to look me in the eye. "You know what I mean."

  "Do I?"

  I removed my foot from Coby's hand and scooched closer to the other twin until my front pressed against his side, my head on his shoulder. "What do you want me to say, Carban? No games."

  Carban didn't even hesitate before he locked eyes with me. "I don’t want words. I want you."

  The amount of need in his voice seeped into me, making my blood race in response. Licking my lips, I leaned my head back so that our noses brushed. "And what will you do with me once you have me? Will you push me away the moment you think I'm being influenced by your Fae magic like before?"

  I took a large breath, inhaling his scent. Things low inside of me tightened and moistened ready for something I had yet to have.

  "Just sitting here like this with you," I panted, my mouth dry and wanting, "makes my skin tight and the need to take my clothing off almost insufferable. Would you deny me?"

  Carban opened his mouth to answer, but Cheshire interrupted, "For the love of my sanity, please think before you speak. Her arousal already tinges the air, and I do not think it is fair to the rest of us if you cast her aside. Think of your brother! Would you deny him the pleasure of her love simply because you fear she might not be completely in control of her desire?"

  "It's not right," Carban muttered but didn't push me away. "We do not play fair."

  "And how is that our fault?" Hatter sat up from where he lay curled around Cheshire. "We were born with it. Should we punish ourselves and the one we love because we cannot control it? She has not run screaming into the night the entire time our dear Alice has been with us. I would think that would be answer enough, don't you?" He arched a brow and picked up his hat where he had discarded it, placing it back on his head before laying back down on Cheshire's tail.

  Coby, who had been quiet until now, watched his brother with a knowing intensity. "Ally has to leave soon. You and I know she might not be able to come back. Do not regret today for the sake of tomorrow."

  The reminder of my limited lifespan here only made me more eager to know what I didn't before. If I went home and never came back, I'd regret not knowing what they tasted like. What it felt like to be at the mercy of their love. Lewis sure wouldn't be providing it.

  "Please," I
begged, curling my fingers into Carban's vest to pull him closer. "Kiss me."

  The Tweedle seemed to think about it, and when he moved, I almost thought he was going to leave me again, but he only shifted so he could face me. His hands found the sides of my face, and he dragged me close, pulling me into his lap.

  I straddled him, holding onto his vest as if my life depended on it, and in this moment, it felt like it. His mouth clashed with mine, and something inside of me broke. Desperation filled me, and I didn't care where we were or who watched. I needed him. I needed them all. Right now.

  My fingers found the edges of his vest and pulled it away, shoving it down his arms and to the ground. Someone came up behind me and unlaced the corset of my dress. I released Carban long enough to let them take the contraption off me, and then their hands were cupping my breasts, kneading them until the peaks ached.

  Gasping, I released Carban's mouth, and my head fell back, landing on Coby's shoulder. Peering up at him as his hands molded my breasts through my dress and his brother's hips rolled against my core, I felt truly trapped. I loved every moment of it.

  Carban's lips found my neck, while his brother captured my mouth. My arms reached around and held onto Coby's neck, pulling him closer to me. One of them found the edge of my skirt and pushed it up, their fingers dipping between my thighs to caress my heat.

  With a moan, I broke free of Coby's mouth. I had a moment to see Hatter move closer to us before my eyes fluttered shut in the wake of the onslaught of their ministrations. The sleeves of my dress were pushed down, and there was a rip. For a moment, I thought they had destroyed my dress, but then the fingers between my thighs plunged inside of me, causing me to cry out.

  "That's it, Alice dear," Hatter murmured along my skin as he pulled the fabric away from my breasts and bared me to the garden. "Let us hear you," he urged me to call out as I rode the hand, Coby's hand, driving in and out of me.

  The cool air pebbled my nipples, and I had a moment to wonder who was watching us. My eyes snapped open, and I searched the garden, but the sun had set, and only small lights from the bushes lit the area, leaving us in the shadows.


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