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Birthright Page 19

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Cynthia sniffed and wiped her face on her sleeve. “I love you, too.”

  Nickie wanted to leave. This was getting too deep—and too close to her own issues. “Listen, can we wrap this up? It’s great that you two are talking now, but maybe you could do it at a more suitable time and place? Like not in a shipyard in the middle of the night?”

  The sisters chuckled and let go of one another.

  Jolie stepped back and nodded. “If you really want to leave, I won’t stop you.” She narrowed her eyes at John. “But if you hurt my sister then I will bring everything I have down on your head. Do you understand?”

  John gave Jolie a cheeky salute. “I promise to treat her like the queen she is for as long as she chooses to be with me. Does that satisfy you?”

  Jolie nodded again. “I suppose it will have to.”

  “Hey,” Keen interjected, “if you two are getting married, does that mean the feud between your families is over?”

  Jolie snickered. “Seeing as neither family remembered we were feuding in the first place, I think it’s safe to say relations between Vietania and Zuifra will improve.”

  Cynthia glanced up the ramp. “I would love that! But we should go.”

  John nodded his agreement, and the two turned to climb the ramp.

  Cynthia turned back as they were about to board the Briar Rose and waved to her sister. “Jolie! Goodbye for now. Take care of the people, and good luck!”

  With that, she and John went inside, and as soon as Briar had retracted the ramp, they were gone.

  Nickie and the others watched the ship fly into the night. Jolie was still crying, although Nickie didn’t think the new queen noticed.

  Jolie turned to Nickie once the light of the ship had receded into a pinprick in the blanket of stars above. “Now what?”

  “What do you mean?” Nickie patted her on the back. “You get crowned, then you rule this planet like you always should have. My work here is done. The conflict is resolved, and the Six can join the Federation.”

  Jolie looked at her skeptically. “I should still arrest you for interfering.”

  Nickie smirked. “Well, you could try, but you probably want to stay on my good side. You know, since I just did you the biggest favor?”

  With that, she turned and headed across the shipyard to the Penitent Granddaughter’s dock.

  Chapter Twenty

  System of the Six, Leaving Vietania, Aboard the Penitent Granddaughter, Bridge

  Adelaide, Durq, and Grim listened openmouthed as Nickie and Keen recounted the night’s adventures.

  “So he just ran off with her?” Addie’s face was a picture of shock. “After he spent all that time chasing you?”

  Nickie shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I wasn’t too attached to him anyway. Maybe I’ll get a dog when we get back to High Tortuga. Or a cat. Cats are low maintenance, right?”

  “A dog would definitely be more loyal than John,” Grim grumped. “I thought he was a nice guy.”

  Nickie snickered. “He is, which is exactly why he’s not for me. Can you imagine if I had to put up with him all the time?”

  Grim chuckled. “I only spent one afternoon alone with him, and I wanted to go AWOL just to get away. I agree—nice, but too much.”

  “I could have seen you in a crown.” Adelaide burst out laughing as she spoke. “Oh, who am I kidding? You’re a fighter, not a wifey-type. We don’t need any princes to ride to the rescue when we have you around to kick ass.”

  Nickie didn’t know what to say to that. She bent over the console to input the coordinates for High Tortuga.

  I could do that.

  Not now, Meredith.

  Grim sat up suddenly. “Did you just say that we’re going back to High Tortuga?”


  The crew looked at each other in stunned silence.

  Nickie looked up and frowned. “What?”

  Grim was first to recover. “You’re going there of your own free will?”

  Nickie glared at him. “Yeah, what’s the problem?”

  “I have to say I’m surprised,” Addie admitted.

  Even Durq put his two credits in. “I think it’s good. We are a family, but Nickie has a blood family too, and she needs them.”

  Nickie gazed blankly at the little Skaine. “You’re a shrink now?”

  Durq tilted his head. “I hope not, Nickie. I’m already very small.”

  That brought a laugh from the whole crew, Meredith included.

  Durq looked around in puzzlement. “What? What did I say?”

  Nickie smiled and got back to plotting their route. “Nothing, it’s fine.”

  Grim and Addie whispered to each other.

  “You know I can hear you, right?” Nickie pointed to her ear. “Super hearing, remember?”

  “You can’t blame us for speculating, boss,” Grim told her. “This is the biggest thing that’s happened since we joined up.”

  Nickie raised an eyebrow. It actually was. The enormity of the decision she’d just made without even thinking about it hit her, and she realized she could do with a little time alone to process it all. “Yeah, well, if you all want to gossip like housewives, you can go do it in the galley.” She winced at her tone. “Sorry. I’m not mad at you, but I could use some time alone.”

  Grim nodded. “That’s okay. We have dinner to prepare, don’t we, Durq?”

  Adelaide and Keen got up too.

  “We’ll see you in the mess later?” Addie asked Nickie hopefully.

  Nickie nodded, too choked up to speak.

  Nickie sat back in her captain’s chair and closed her eyes with a huge sigh.

  Would you like to talk about it? Meredith asked.

  What’s with everyone wanting to talk all the damn time? Nickie huffed. I just want to think, Meredith. When I know how I feel, maybe I’ll talk.

  Okay, then I’ll leave you to it.

  Nickie realized she’d been short with Meredith too. Sorry, Mere. It’s been a long week, and my head is up my ass trying to come to terms with it all.

  I’m proud of you for knowing that you need to take time for your own emotional maintenance.

  Stop trying to butter me up, Meredith.

  Just call if you change your mind about talking.

  I will.

  It wasn’t so much the twist of John’s elopement with Cynthia. She had pushed the two of them together, after all. She wondered if she’d done it accidentally-on-purpose. She’d had plenty of chances to start something with John, and instead, she’d flipped into bitch mode and pushed him away as soon as any possibility of intimacy occurred.

  She knew she wasn’t ready for a relationship, not the kind someone like John was looking for. She hadn’t even mourned her lost love properly. That would be too hard. She couldn’t even name him in her memory because it cut her too deeply to even think about it, let alone picture his face.

  Maybe a lover would come along in time, but it would be when she was ready. The next thought hit her like a freight liner.

  What bothered her was that she felt so alone. She missed her mom, dammit. She missed all of her family, and she just wanted to go home.

  Shit. No, she wasn’t ready to go home yet, but maybe she was getting a little closer.

  Nickie closed the door to her quarters and headed for the shower to wash the stress of the last week away. Grim and Durq had outdone themselves with dinner, and the crew had all enjoyed sharing the meal and the bottle of Yollin whiskey that Grim had been saving for a special occasion.

  Now, all Nickie wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep.

  She rolled her eyes at the helmet on her vanity and took it into the bedroom before stripping for her shower.

  She emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later feeling like a new woman.

  How are you feeling now? Meredith asked.

  I’m okay. Mostly tired, she replied. Who knew all this self-acceptance shit could be so fucking exhausting?

it isn’t light work you’re doing. Would you like to read your aunt’s diary entry before you sleep?

  There’s a new one?

  There is, Meredith confirmed fondly.

  Nickie moved her helmet to the dresser and dived under the covers. What are you waiting for? she asked. Load it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds, Rangers’ Offices

  Tabitha dragged her feet down the corridor past the Rangers’ training area and into her office. She sat at her desk and opened her computer to begin the reports for the assignments in Arista and Omidian.

  Are you sure you don’t want to do this for me, Achronyx?

  Absolutely, one-hundred-percent certain, Tabitha.

  She looked at the blank page for a long moment before typing the date. Then she resumed staring. Her hands hovered over the keyboard while she searched for the words to explain the chain of events leading to her decision to blow up the drug den with the gang still inside it.

  Finally, she let out a long, drawn-out sigh and started to type.

  What’s the problem?

  The words came tumbling from her fingers onto the page in rapid bursts with long pauses between as she worked her way through the report. I failed, Achronyx. There were children being exploited, and I didn’t know until it was too late for some of them.

  You can’t be omnipresent, Achronyx chided. What is it with humans taking responsibility for things that they couldn’t possibly have prevented?

  I could have gotten there sooner.

  You did your part, Tabitha. You saved a lot of lives on Omidian, and the people can move on knowing that their children are safe, thanks to you and Hirotoshi.

  I know. She sighed again, louder this time. But people still died. It’s messy out at the edges, Achronyx. I expect that. I didn’t think it could be like that so close to home.

  There was a knock at the door, and Barnabas came into her office. “I heard you sighing all the way from the break room. What’s up?”

  Tabitha pushed the keyboard away and dropped her head into her arms on the desk. “Everything, Barnabas. I’m trying to write my reports, but all I can see are the faces of the people who died.”

  Barnabas glided across the office and perched on the edge of her desk. “Ah. There isn’t really anything I can say to fix that, except that you should also remember the faces of those you saved. They will far outnumber the faces of the dead, and perhaps you will learn to find some solace in that.”

  Tabitha lifted her head and looked at Barnabas. “That’s…pretty clever, actually.”

  Barnabas rolled his eyes. “Well, accumulated wisdom is a thing.” He sighed and laid a hand on her shoulder. “You do not have to go through this in silence. I am here whenever you want to talk.”

  Tabitha waved off Barnabas’ concern. “I’m not going to pretend to be okay about it. Besides, when have you ever known me to stay quiet about anything? I’m talking about it right now,” she eyed him, “with you.”

  Barnabas got up from the desk, massaging the small of his back. “We can continue the conversation in my office. I at least have enough seats for us both.”

  Tabitha grinned. “I thought about decorating, but there’s probably not much point now, right?” She shrugged and got up to leave. “I’ll make the next place a bit homier.”

  “The next place?” Barnabas narrowed his eyes as he followed her into the corridor. “What on earth has Achronyx been telling you?”

  Tabitha wasn’t sure how much Barnabas knew. She held out for this being one of the incredibly rare occasions where she had more information than her mentor. “Have you been to Devon yet?”

  Barnabas frowned, then nodded when he finally caught her meaning. “Baba Yaga was very taken with the place, and that can only be because Bethany Anne has bigger plans in mind. Very astute, Tabitha. You and Achronyx have discussed this at length?”

  “We’ve talked about it.” Tabitha shrugged. “If Bethany Anne wants to leave, I’m going with her whether she wants me or not. She can’t just go off again. Not without me.” She stepped aside for Barnabas when they reached his office.

  “Bethany Anne wouldn’t do that to us again.” He frowned. “If only because we won’t allow it.”

  Tabitha nodded, looking down at her feet while Barnabas let them into his office. “Not everyone will choose to follow her. It’s going to be hard to say goodbye.”

  Barnabas went straight to the cubby where he kept a small water heater and a set of jars containing everything he needed to make tea. “That it will. I will also find it difficult, which is surprising to me. It appears that I have formed many relationships aboard the station without realizing it.”

  Tabitha headed straight for the most comfortable chair and draped herself across it with her legs over one arm. “Are you thinking about Johnny and his mom?”

  “Oh, no, I am aware of my fondness for those two.” Barnabas smiled. “Johnny has grown into quite the young man. I shall miss him if we are to part ways.” He filled the water heater with enough to make two cups and turned to lean on the counter and talk to Tabitha while he waited for it to boil. “What about you? Is there someone in particular on your mind?”

  Tabitha scrunched her nose as she was reminded of the situation that was still unresolved. “Well, yeah. But you already know about Tiera and Sebastian. I keep getting called away before I can find a solution to her problems.”

  Barnabas furrowed his brow in confusion. “I thought she was adamant that her job with station security was sufficient? You had decided not to interfere the last time we discussed it.”

  “That went out of the window.” Tabitha turned around in her seat to sit up. “Her situation is much like Lillian’s, except she hasn’t got a family around to help her through the hard times. I can’t not help.”

  He started preparing the tea. “Are you saying that you feel responsible?”

  Tabitha shook her head. “Not exactly. More like…she’s my people, you know? I want to do what I can to ease her burden, one human being to another. I don’t want her to work herself to death when there is another way.”

  “All you have to do is find it.” He brought both cups over. “I have faith that you will.”

  Tabitha smirked. “I don’t suppose you would be interested in ditching the robes and updating your look to help Ashley out?”

  Barnabas raised an eyebrow. “I most definitely would not.” He handed her one of the cups and sat in his chair with the other. “You are right, though. Not all of our family will find it so easy to tear up the roots they have put down here.

  Tabitha sipped her tea and contemplated Barnabas’ words. “I’m pretty sure that most of the family will choose to stay with Bethany Anne. Or at least, I hope so.” A thought hit her hard enough to hurt physically. She dropped her teacup and the hot tea spilled over her, unnoticed.

  Barnabas darted forward and caught the cup. “Are you all right?” He put the cup on the table and grabbed the nearest thing, his scarf, and pressed it into her hand. “Your legs, Tabitha.”

  Tabitha looked at the scarf for a moment before connecting the dots. She wiped up the mess she’d made and handed the scarf back to him. “Barnabas! What if Pete decides he wants to stay?”

  Barnabas tilted his head. “Highly unlikely, but what if he did?”

  “I… I don’t know.” Tabitha couldn’t even begin to unravel how she would deal with that choice.

  Their relationship was the happiest thing Tabitha had been part of. They gave each other zero stress since they’d skipped the awkward “getting to know you” phase and slipped straight into the easy comfort that only came of spending years together.

  He was still the same Peter she had known for almost her whole life, but she didn’t need to talk about it to know that they had grown into something more since that night they had turned to one another for comfort in their grief. They’d just been enjoying the moments so much that they hadn’t even discussed the future.

p; Who needed to when life was no longer restricted to a mad eighty-year rush?

  Facing the consideration that waking up next to him might become all but impossible was not something she felt equipped to deal with.

  Barnabas interrupted her chain of thought. “I am certain that Peter will choose to be wherever you are, since that will be where Bethany Anne is.”

  Tabitha resolved to find out one way or another when she saw Peter on Merry’s birthday. Life would go on, and if they were meant to be, they would make it wherever they ended up.

  “I know. Now all I need to do is help Tiera and Ashley find security before life as we know it gets forever rearranged into something that looks completely…different.” A slow smile spread across Tabitha’s face. “Oh, Barnabas! I might have figured out the solution to Tiera and Ashley’s problems!”

  Barnabas beamed and sat forward. “I knew you would. I always find that the solution to a tricky problem only occurs if you think about something else. Would you care to enlighten me?”

  Tabitha grinned. “Well, if the Empire is going to go through changes, you can bet that one of those will be a change of uniform for everyone. I wonder if the plans for that have been made yet?”

  “Knowing Bethany Anne, yes.” He patted Tabitha’s hand. “But I’m guessing it won’t be high on her list of priorities. I would bet she’s just waiting for the details to fall into place, and that she doesn’t know you have the people she needs to make it happen.”

  Tabitha squealed with happiness. “Barnabas, you’re a genius!” She leapt to her feet and pounded out of the office with her coat flying behind her.

  Barnabas wiggled a finger in his ear to try to stop the ringing. “Let me know how it turns out,” he said calmly to the closed door.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds, Tabitha’s Quarters

  Tabitha stood at the vanity in her bathroom with her hair scrunched in her hands. “Up or down. Hmmm…down.” She let it go and massaged her scalp with her fingertips to return the body to it. “I don’t know why I feel so nervous.”


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