Vyken's Mate

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Vyken's Mate Page 3

by Shea Malloy

  Jorgan’s hands move down my back making me shiver as he cups my behind. His kiss is rough and hot, better than the chaste peck I shared with one boy when I was younger. He drags his lips down my neck as his hands move up to cup my breasts and play with my nipples. He pushes me back against the edge of the bath, rocking his hips against me so I can feel his thick flesh between my legs.

  “I want you,” he growls. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, Willa.”

  “I want you too, Jorgan,” I say. “I want you to be the first and only one to have me.”

  He looks at me with satisfaction. Then he kisses me again, slow and deep, holding me tight against him. My body is hot, trembling with need and excitement.

  As Jorgan rises out of the pool, I wrap my legs around him. He lays me down on our clothes, our wet bodies sliding together as he lays on top of me.

  And then our intimate moment is disturbed when someone pounds on the bath’s door.

  “My King,” comes a man’s voice through the door, a frantic note in his tone. “There are humans outside our gates. They want the human female.”



  * * *

  Anger courses through me as Willa and I make our way to the gates.

  After speaking with the guard who knocked on the door, we learned it is her father who has come for her. Not only was I interrupted from claiming her, it’s possible I will never have a chance now that her father has come to collect her.

  She will leave and I will never see her again.

  I look at her. Her beautiful face is marred with worry. Her hair is still damp from our bath and her dress clings to her wet skin. Just moments ago, I had her exquisite naked body under me. And in that brief moment, everything felt right. I felt no misery, only immense joy and need for her.

  I want moments like that again.

  I want her to be mine.

  Would she stay if I asked her to?

  And even if she agreed, would it be wise? Although many of my people appreciated her help today, would they accept her as my mate? Asara encouraged it earlier but she has always been one to defy the rules.

  As if to confirm my worry, I see Cano waiting at the gate. He is scowling and I know why. I sent the guard with explicit orders not to attack or hurt the humans. Of course, it goes against Cano’s vengeful nature toward humans.

  Six human men stand gathered at the gate. The man at the front with white hair and a nervous appearance rushes forward when he sees us.

  “Willa!” he cries. He reaches for her, enveloping her in a tight hug that makes me bristle. “My dear girl. Thank god. You are safe!”

  “Yes, Father. I’m safe.” Willa embraces him then pulls away. “How did you find me?”

  “Your horse,” he says “We found it returning during our search for you. I assumed since you had forgotten your map, you took the wrong route. My assumptions were correct when I found your glove nearby.” He looks down her front and frowns. “But why are you wet?”

  She darts a gaze at me, a blush on her face. “I was having a bath.”

  “A bath?” he frowns. Then shakes his head. “None of that matters. My only concern is you, my dear. When I found you gone from your bed I was so afraid.” He takes a deep breath and looks around, his gaze lingers on me before he darts it away in fear. He lowers his voice. “We must leave while we are in their good graces, child.”

  “Not before you make me a promise, Father,” Willa says, her features resolute. “The Vykens need our help. They need medical assistance and training. Promise me you will help.”


  “Promise me, Father. Please.” She reaches for her father’s hand. “If you promise me, then I will marry Archibald as you wish.”

  I grow tense, displeased by her promise. More so when one of the other men comes forward.

  “You are in no position to bargain with your father, girl,” says the man and it reminds me I’d said something similar to her when we first met. “You will be my wife whether or not he concedes to your ridiculous wish.”

  Willa drops her father’s hand and glares at the man.

  “This is a conversation between my father and I, Archibald. Your opinion on the matter is unnecessary.”

  His nostrils flare. Then he steps forward and raises hand, his intention to hurt her clear. Without thinking, I dart forward and strike him in the face first before he can hit her.

  He crumples to the floor. The other four men behind him rush over, swords drawn. My guards rush forward too, including Cano, ready to attack. I raise my hand, stalling them.

  The man named Archibald groans on the floor, but his guards look at me, visibly fearful of attacking. They know that I alone can kill them all if I wish it.

  “What are you just standing there for?” yells Archibald. “Attack the bastards!”

  “Do so and you will all die,” I tell them coldly. “Instead, keep your lives and take this pest away from here.”

  Without hesitation, they scrabble to pull Archibald on his feet. He struggles out of their hold, blood leaking from his nose and smearing his lips. He shifts a glare between me and Willa. He spits and points at her father.

  “I rescind my proposal to marry your bitch of a daughter,” he says. Then he sneers, looking around. “She’s probably already been used like a common whore by these animals anyway.”

  “You bastard,” yells Willa’s father, shaking with rage.

  Furious and fully intending to rip his tongue from his mouth, I charge after him but Willa grabs my arm.

  “No, Jorgan. Let him go,” she says quietly.

  With a parting sneer, Archibald turns and leaves with his men. I meet Willa’s gaze. A somber expression is on her face and she gives me a gentle squeeze where her hand is still on my arm.

  “I have to leave with my father,” she says softly.

  I nod once. “I will have horses ready for you.”

  “Thank you for striking that fool,” says her father, coming forward. He extends his hand to me and I take it, shaking his hand once.

  Willa and I share one more glance before I turn away, giving orders to one of the guards to ready horses for Willa and her father. I return to my home and retrieve her cloak and bag and send it along with a servant to give it to her.

  I can’t watch her leave because I might not let her.

  There’s a short knock on my door before Cano pushes open the door uninvited.


  “My King, my apologies for my abrupt entry but I feel I must speak my mind.”

  I exhale. “Go ahead.”

  “I am disappointed about the way you handled the situation tonight,” he says. “You let humans into our territory. They challenged you and disrespected us. And yet you let them leave with their lives.”

  “And what purpose would it have served if I killed them?”

  “They would have learned to fear us!”

  “And that is the problem. That is why we cannot find peace. They already fear our presence. They consider us a threat to their existence and so they will always fight to be rid of us. But if we work toward building a relationship—”

  “Unlike you, my King, I do not wish for any relationship with humans,” he sneers.

  I draw closer. “Remember your place and mind the way you speak to me.”

  Cano glares. “I do not regret what I have said. Humans stole my family. I will never forgive or forget their actions.”

  “You have exacted revenge on the humans who killed your wife and son, Cano. Isn’t that enough?”

  “It is not!” Cano yells, breathing hard. His eyes glitter with rage. “It will never be enough until every last human is dead!”

  I stare at him, speechless. Then I shake my head.

  “It is clear we will never agree on this issue, Cano.”

  “Yes, it is clear that the human female has so turned your head you forget about what her people has done to ours.” He takes a step back t
oward the door. “I can no longer in good conscience serve as your First General. I will take the men who follow me and leave immediately.”



  * * *

  In the morning, I lie awake in my bed thinking about the past day’s events.

  It feels surreal that I’m home and in my own bed. It’s as though I dreamt the whole experience of being among the Vykens.

  And yet, the moments I spent with Jorgan live on in my memory with startling clarity. I remember his handsome face, his voice, his touch, his kisses on my skin. My body warms from the memory of last night.

  I was ready to give myself to him. To let him be my first and perhaps my only if he’d wished it.

  But of course I couldn’t stay even though I wanted to. If I wanted to make sure Father helped them, I had to do as he wished.

  A knock sounds on my door and Father’s voice follows.

  “Willa, are you awake yet?”

  “Yes, Father,” I say, sitting up. “You can come in.”

  The door swings open and he enters the room. He comes to sit on the bed and gives me a nervous smile.

  “You should pack,” he says. “We are going on a trip today.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the Vyken territory you visited,” he says. “Last night, you told me they needed our help and I want to offer it.”

  “Oh, Father. Thank you!” I move closer and embrace him. He returns my hug and then we part.

  “My dear girl, I have been foolish.” He clasps my hands between his. “You mean so much to me. When I fell sick, I was afraid. Not of death, but of leaving you behind all on your own. I wanted to make sure that never happened and so I pushed you to marry.” He sighs. “But when you left, I had to face what my actions had done. I pushed you away and put you in more danger. Reading your note gave me the chance to hear you at last. Were your mother alive, she would have been so ashamed of my behaviour.”

  Unshed tears sparkle in his eyes. Guilt for causing him worry and my love for him softens my heart.

  “I am sorry for running away, Father.”

  He shakes his head. “No, Willa, as much as I feared for your life, I am glad you did. Had you not, I would have been adamant Archibald Dwyer was a good man for you. Last night showed he was a foul swine. He would have mistreated you had he become your husband.”

  I smile. “I would have made myself a widow the first moment he laid hands on me.”

  He chuckles. “I am glad it will never come to that.” He pauses, hesitating before he speaks. “The Vyken man who struck Archibald—he looked upset when you told him you had to leave. Does he care for you?”

  I blush. “I think so, Father. And I care for him.”

  He nods and then stands. He pats my head, a smile on his face.

  “Well, hurry up and get ready, my dear. We have a journey ahead of us.”

  Once we have packed what we needed, Father and I set out for the Vyken territory. It is early afternoon when we arrive at a towering stone wall and large iron gates. Lining the tops of the wall and standing by the gates are Vyken guards. I’m amazed I didn’t see this fortress the night before.

  As we draw closer, two of the guards step forward.

  “What is your business here?” one of them demands.

  Father and I climb off our horses.

  “Tell your leader that Willa is here,” I say.

  They exchange a look before the one who spoke nods and turns, striding through the iron gates. A short moment later, Jorgan walks toward us. The sight of him sends tingles of excitement up my spine. His gaze locks with mine, never wavering as he approaches. When he stops before me, I bow my head in respect.

  “Jorgan,” I say softly. “I have returned.”

  He cups my chin and tilts my face up so our gazes meet again.

  “I am delighted you came back to me, little one.”

  Then I remember where we are. Jorgan does too, dropping his hand to his side. Heat warms my face when I notice his guards and my father watching us intently.

  Jorgan moves to extend a hand to Father who takes it.

  “Thank you for returning to help us,” he says to Father.

  “It is my hope that this small act can help mend the relationship between humans and Vykens,” says Father.

  Jorgan nods in agreement and then indicates we follow him through the gates. He leads us to the hospital. At our arrival, Asara comes forward and greets me with a tight hug.

  “I knew you would come back,” she says, pulling away to give me a secretive smile.

  I introduce her to Father and Asara’s eyes gleam with joy. She clasps his hand between hers and Father’s cheeks turn pink.

  “Asara, take Willa’s father inside,” Jorgan says. Then he looks at me. “I need to discuss something with Willa.”

  I nod and follow Jorgan as he leads the way. I look about me, smiling at those who offer nods in greeting.

  “Where is Cano?” I say. “I haven’t seen him at all.”

  “He is no longer a part of this territory,” Jorgan says. “He left after you last night.”

  “Why did he leave?” I ask, although I am relieved he’s no longer around to give me baleful looks.

  “I wish to make peace with humans, but he does not.”

  “Perhaps he will change his mind some day,” I say, my voice lacking conviction.

  When we arrive at his home, he opens the door and lets me in first. As soon as he shuts the door, he grabs me and pins me against the door with his body. I let out a gasp of surprise but he stoppers it with a kiss that makes my body come alive with need for him.

  “I thought you said we had something to discuss,” I say breathlessly against his lips.

  He smiles, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “I apologize. I meant you and I have something to finish.”



  * * *

  He kisses me again. I wrap my arms around his neck, my body responding to him immediately. Jorgan holds me against his hard body but it feels as though our closeness isn’t enough.

  When our kiss deepens, the heat between my legs intensifies. Jorgan groans into my mouth as he cups my behind and squeezes me. His firm length presses against my stomach and my body aches for it.

  “I can’t wait to be inside you,” Jorgan growls against my lips.

  “I want you too,” I sigh.

  He trails kisses along my jaw and neck then pulls away. He undoes the ties on my cloak as well as my dress. As the material slides free from my body, my excitement and my fear mix together. My heart beats fast with the realization that soon, I will lay with a man for the first time.

  His gaze is appreciative as he regards me. Then he lifts me up in his strong arms and takes me to his bedroom. He lays me on the bed then climbs over me. He drags his gaze over my body before lowering his head to kiss me deeply.

  I moan as Jorgan’s hand rove my skin. He cups my right breast and squeezes it, breaking our kiss to lower his head and suck my flesh. I squirm under him as the wet, warmth of his mouth and his slick tongue glides over my nipple.

  “So perfect,” Jorgan says softly as he presses a kiss between my breasts. I cup the back of his head and arch into his mouth’s caress on my skin. “You were made for me.”

  He kisses me again, his tongue coiling with mine as he presses his hardness against me. He breaks our kiss to trail his lips down between my breasts and my stomach. My skin tingles where his lips touch.

  A blush rises to my cheeks when he parts my legs, baring me to his greedy gaze. I fight the urge to close my legs, eager to experience his touch where I want it the most.

  But to my surprise, he lowers his head and licks me.

  “Jorgan,” I gasp, my hips lifting from the sinful pleasure. He smiles and licks me again, slow and insistent.

  His tongue parts me then flicks over my sensitive bud. My hips lift with the motion as I whimper. He lets out a low sound of satisfaction that rumbles through
me and I grind against his face, greedy for more of his delicious attention.

  “You taste delicious,” Jorgan growls against me.

  My fingers twist in his hair as he sucks and laps me. His tongue slides lower, invading my channel. I buck my hips and cry out, my back arching. My legs tremble as my pleasure builds.

  I never knew I could experience this much pleasure from a man’s lips and tongue. And to add to my amazement, Jorgan slides a finger into me, stroking my channel as he continues to suck and lick me.

  My breathing deepens, my body tightening. The sweet pleasure hits its highest point, and I climax on Jorgan’s mouth and fingers. I moan as heat sweeps through my trembling body.

  Jorgan rises up to capture my lips in another hungry kiss. Then he breaks our kiss and climbs off the bed. His amber eyes shine with desire as he removes his clothing.

  The sight of Jorgan’s bare, muscular body strengthens my arousal for him. My gaze lowers to his hard length jutting out between his thighs. When he climbs on to the bed again, I bravely reach out to grasp him.

  He groans in pleasure as I stroke him. His firm flesh is so thick, I worry if I would be able to take him inside me. He lays on top of me, his warmth surrounding me.

  Jorgan rocks his hips forward, his length sliding against me. He reaches between us and guides himself at my entrance. Trembling, I cling to him as he pushes into me.

  He kisses me, swallowing my cry as he enters me. I feel so stretched and full. There’s no yield when I squeeze my inner walls around his hardness.

  Jorgan slides out of me then slowly sinks into me again. He groans and kisses my face.

  “At last, you are mine,” he says softly against my lips.

  His claim on me fills me with immense pleasure. He shivers as he thrusts into me. I sense he wants to quicken his pace, but he takes his time with me. When the pain eases, I raise my hips.

  “Jorgan… harder,” I pant.

  His gentle thrusts turn harder, his kisses and his touch hungry. He raises up a little and drives into me.

  My body stiffens, my fingers dragging down his back as I climax again on Jorgan’s flesh thrusting into me. I gasp as the pleasure sends heat through me and makes my heart beat faster.


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