I.N.E.T 4

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I.N.E.T 4 Page 8

by Brenda Cothern

  Knight would’ve recognized the man from the Satan’s Blades’ op even if he hadn’t been shot. He’d been given the FBI agents’ information in the case file, after all. However, the bald man with the crazy intimidating tattoos on his head now had hair. Knight thought if he squinted hard enough he could see the man’s ink on his scalp. Still, had he not already known the tattoos were there under the hair that was almost as dark as his own he wouldn’t have known they were there at all.

  “Good evening, sir,” Knight greeted with a smile while he filled the water glass on the table. After he set the glass back down, Knight stood and recited the evening special and recommended wine to complement it. “I’ll give you a moment to look over the menu and make your choice.”

  “Thank you,” FBI Agent Chris Harrison replied.

  “You’re most welcome, sir.” Knight went to turn and stopped when Chris spoke again.

  “I am waiting for another,” Chris steadily met Knight’s gaze. “I am sure we will only need minimal service once my associate arrives.”

  There was clear recognition in the man’s eyes and Knight was relieved to be remembered from the Satan Blades’ op. He picked up the second water glass and filled it with ice water.

  “I’m sure all the service you require will be provided at this table, sir.”

  Knight loved the hell out of this part of undercover work. The doubletalk. The exchange of information that was so benign to those who had no idea what the real messages were that were actually being relayed.

  “I am sure your service will be excellent, then,” Chris commented politely.

  “Yes sir. My family ensured I was raised to provide excellent service,” Knight replied and knew Chris got the message.

  “Oh? Do you have family close?” The question was friendly and sounded harmless. It wasn’t. Chris was inquiring about the INET team.

  “I have a few brothers that live in town, sir.” Knight continued to smile as if he were just indulging a customer’s curiosity. “One actually works in the same business even though he is relegated to the kitchen.”

  Chris nodded and Knight knew the man understood that his real message was that he had backup of at least two INET agents inside Midnight’s. Before Chris could reply, another man approached the table. Knight moved to pull out the chair for the man to take a seat. The associate that Chris had informed him would be arriving was a portly man. That was the only description Knight could apply. Charles Harn’s picture in the case file looked nothing like the man. It must’ve been taken years ago because the man was heavier in the face. Still recognizable, but the guy had definitely put on some weight.

  I guess money launderers eat extremely well, especially if they are eating in restaurants like Midnight’s, Knight thought briefly before he repeated the evening special and accompanying wine.

  “I’ll give you gentlemen a moment, then,” Knight said politely and smoothly backed away from the table before turning and checking on his other diners.

  Knight treated Chris and Harn as if they were any other customers though he was dying to know what was actually being said in their meeting. They were enjoying an expensive cognac after their meal when Keith Gowdy joined them at the table. The owner of Midnight’s greeted both men with a handshake and smile before he pulled out a chair and sat between them. Gowdy’s ass had barely hit his chair before Knight stood between him and Chris.

  “Mr. Gowdy, sir,” Knight greeted the man he’d only seen coming and going from his office a dozen times since he started this op. “May I get you something?”

  “I’ll have what they are having, thank you.” Gowdy smiled at Knight politely when he spoke, but clearly dismissed him once he finished speaking.

  “Yes, sir.” Knight stepped away and walked to the bar.

  Knight looked his boss over while he was waiting for the bartender to bring another expensive cognac. His boss was impeccably dressed in a suit that was likely worth several of Knight’s INET paychecks. Flaming red hair that looked as if it would be a nightmare of curls if it weren’t for the cut and hair product covered the man’s head. The green eyes were light and confirmed Knight’s suspicion of Irish heritage. Knight worked with an Irishman although Keith Gowdy was nothing like Hunt. He was only an inch or so taller than his coworker, but the man had more bulk and that made him look solid.

  Knight returned to the table with his boss’ drink and disappeared to the server station the moment he was dismissed. It was late, almost closing time, so he delivered the last two bills to his customers. He kept an eye on the threesome, but no more than a new employee would because his boss sat at a table in his section.

  Knight would eventually get an update on the conversation that was currently taking place, so he refocused on his plan where the chef was concerned. He couldn’t afford ninety-nine percent of the entrées on the menu, but he could afford a dessert. So, he punched in an order for chocolate Pâte à Choux. Instead of a table number, he typed ‘to go’ in the pickup time for thirty minutes after they closed.

  In the three weeks he been undercover at Midnight’s he had only handled barely a half dozen orders to go. They were rare and usually ordered much earlier in the evening and with entire meals compared to what he had just put into the system. Knight’s name would come up as the server so he could only hope that Matt made the connection that the order was for him.

  It was twelve forty-five and Matt was following his routine. He barked out orders to ensure his kitchen would be spotless when they returned to work the following shift. He understood that his staff knew exactly what he expected from them before he would let them go home for the night, but that didn’t stop him from riding them hard to meet his expectations.


  Matt stopped midsentence, mid order, and faced the digital order screen. The sound was programmed into his subconscious like Pavlov’s dog reacting to a bell. He stepped closer to the screen with a frown fully marring his attractive features.

  It was almost closing time. They rarely had last-minute requests for his creations since the dining room staff were unobtrusively encouraging the patrons to leave. Not that he hadn’t had last-minute late-night orders pop up on his screen before, but it was rare. Rare or not, he didn’t appreciate the disruption when he was trying to close down his kitchen and ensure it was spotlessly perfect for the next evening. Matt practically stomped over to the display with his hands on his hips. His frown shifted into a small smile when he read the screen.

  Server: Mark

  Order: chocolate Pâte à Choux

  Table: To Go

  Notes: pick up – 1:30

  So, Mark wants dessert to go, Matt thought as he turned to gather the ingredients to make the chocolate Pâte à Choux.

  For a moment, Matt thought to make it a double order so he could share with the man. That moment was fleeting since he still hadn’t grown the balls to actually ask Mark out.

  Maybe he will ask me, Matt pondered while he made the chocolate Pâte à Choux for Mark. He could only hope because his nerves hadn’t settled any at the thought of asking the sexy new waiter out and he sure as hell hadn’t decided on a plan to actually do so.


  Matt looked up from where he was cooking to acknowledge his sous chef that addressed him. “Yes Mary?”

  “We are finished.”

  Matt looked at her and his other sous chefs who were waiting to be dismissed for the night. His gaze swiftly did a sweep of his kitchen as if he really was checking that their clean up met his expectations when his mind was anywhere but on the cleanliness of his kitchen.

  Still, he said with a nod, “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

  Apparently his tone must’ve conveyed his distraction if the expression on Mary’s face was anything to go by. He physically dismissed her and the rest of his sous chefs by turning his attention back to finishing Mark’s dessert.

  It was one twenty-seven when Matt finished packaging up Mark’s dessert. He spared a moment to look
at the minimal mess he’d made and resigned himself to cleaning it up. It wasn’t that he didn’t clean up after himself during the night just as he trained his sous chefs to do, but he felt the urge to not be so distracted by cleaning when Mark came into the kitchen to retrieve his dessert.

  Matt was concerned that Mark would just pick up his to go container without a word if he happened to be busy. That was the last thing Matt wanted because if that was what Mark did, he wouldn’t have the opportunity to engage the man in conversation. Matt still wasn’t sure if he was comfortable enough to just ask the man for a date, but he was comfortable enough to want to talk to him. So, he started cleaning up and tried not to feel guilty about the last-minute work he was causing their new dishwasher while keeping an ear out for the kitchen door to open.

  At exactly one twenty-nine, Knight walked through the door that led to the kitchen. He tried to be quiet with his entrance, but apparently didn’t succeed when Midnight’s chef spun quickly toward him. The man’s movement wasn’t that of being startled. No, it was that of expectation even if Matt did look slightly indecisive.

  Knight only spared a quick look at Lita who appeared to be unhappy about having to manually clean extra dishes. If he hadn’t known the man, he wouldn’t have recognized the displeasure. Not for the first time did Knight not envy Lita’s position undercover on this op. Still, he only spared his fellow INET agent a glance that he was sure wasn’t even worthy of recognition and if it was, maybe Matt would think he was hesitant because another employee was around or something.

  “Early for pickup, as always.” Matt smiled as he approached his side of where entrées were created before they were put on the long side of the table where Knight usually picked up his orders.

  Knight returned Matt’s smile as the chef set his to go dessert on the pickup side. The chef appeared uncertain which struck Knight as odd. The few times they spoke, Matt hadn’t shown any hesitation or nervousness when speaking to him. He wasn’t sure what to make of the man’s current behavior, but that didn’t change his objective for ordering the dessert to get a chance to have the man alone.

  “I try to be good at my job.” Knight continued to smile as he stepped up to the pickup side of the long table.

  “Oh, you are very good at your job,” Matt complemented and took another step closer to his side of the table.

  “I appreciate you making this for me,” Knight began and picked up the to go container. He really was looking forward to tasting one of the desserts he delivered to patrons on several occasions and said as much.

  “I was happy to do it,” Matt replied and pulled on his professionalism so he wouldn’t blush like a teenager.

  Knight grinned and a few seconds of silence settled between them. The chef was definitely attracted to him and definitely interested, but seemed to Knight as if the guy was unsure what to do or how to go about doing something about it. It would be up to Knight to initiate any out of work connection and he was totally okay with that.

  “I was wondering…”

  “Would you like to…,” Knight said at the same time as Matt and they both chuckled.

  From the corner of his eye, Knight caught Lita’s shoulders shaking in what was sure to be laughter. He’d only ever experienced Lita’s amusement while they were stuck in the office since they never worked undercover together before, but he knew his fellow INET agent well enough to understand his amusement over the current interaction he was having with the chef.

  “You first,” Matt insisted and only glanced briefly away from Knight.

  That glance away was enough for Knight to realize the chef actually was shy when it came to men he was interested in. Knight mentally smiled. Shy guys were so much easier to deal with than those who were aggressive. They were not only easier to seduce, but easier to pull information out of once their trust was gained. Recognizing this just made Knight’s tactical plan to milk the chef for more information much easier.

  “Would you like to get a coffee?” Knight gave Matt his best encouraging smile while he didn’t tamp down the interest in his gaze.

  “Yes,” Matt practically panted out and Knight had no delusions about the want and desire he witnessed in Matt’s baby blue eyes. “When?”

  Knight heard the almost impatience in Matt’s voice and mentally smiled. It was easier to get the man alone then it should have been if Matt was involved with the drug smuggling. Most criminals were more cautious, but the chef was young and could be new to the business.

  “Tomorrow before work, if you want?” Knight offered.

  “Tomorrow works for me.”

  Knight heard what he thought was excitement in Matt’s voice. He’s either naïve or confident he won’t be caught, but eager just the same, Knight thought.

  “There’s a café close by,” Knight suggested the location he noticed the first week he started the op. “How does five before work, work for you?”

  “Five works fine.” Matt seem to level Knight with a blinding smile.

  “Then I’ll meet you there before work,” Knight returned the happy smile that Matt was beaming at him. “I’ll see you there,” he added.

  “Yes,” Matt agreed. “I’ll see you there.”


  Slade rounded the corner of the building, messenger bag slung over his shoulder, and almost tripped over his own two feet when he came to a screeching halt. Sitting at the outside table he’d been using a couple days a week to watch Midnight’s, sat Knight and a twinkish blonde.

  In the few seconds it took him to register his lover’s presence, he noticed that Knight was dressed for work. The blonde didn’t appear as formally dressed but it still wasn’t hard to deduce that he worked at Midnight’s as well because that is the only place Knight would’ve met anyone he could be currently meeting for coffee. They were sitting close together and drinking coffee. That was all Slade took in before he turned on his heel and walked back around the corner of the building.

  It was barely five thirty, so the last thing he expected was to see Knight at the café. His lover usually arrived at Midnight’s around six thirty, so Slade didn’t bother surveilling him until he arrived at work. He would have to find a new location to watch the café if Knight was going to start using it for the op.

  Slade was contemplating his options when the attack came. He was grabbed from behind and pulled into an alley barely a quarter of the way down the block. Slade only had seconds to escape the sleeper hold his attacker had on him. He started to counter the move when his assailant spoke.

  “Don’t you fucking do it, Slade.”

  Shit, Slade mentally cursed and didn’t doubt the asshole behind him would put his ass to sleep just because he could.

  Slade stumbled when he was shoved toward one of the brick walls of the alley. He was able to get his hands up in time not to kiss brick, but that didn’t stop his ball cap from hitting the wall and falling to the ground. Slowly, Slade turned around and leaned back against the wall at the same time he raised his shades to look at his asshole teammate.

  “It’s nice to see you too, Spider.” Slade smirked while Spider continued to glare at him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Slade? Are you trying to blow this op?” Spider crossed his large arms over his chest.

  “I can ask you the same.” Slade continued to smirk. “And you know damn well what I’m doing here and don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same if Zep went under and you were told to stay home.”

  Spider’s lips were pressed firmly together with anger before they spread into a grin. “Yeah, I would.”

  “So, how long have you been tailing me?” Slade frowned. “It couldn’t have been longer than this week and I should have spotted you regardless.”

  “Don’t worry, Slade, your ego is still intact.” Spider gave Slade a smirk of his own. “I’ve only been on your tail since last night after me and Zep checked into your hotel.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Slade grumbled and bent to pick up his ball cap. “F
ucking bio trackers.” Spider laughed. “So, the rest of the team knows I’m here?”

  “No.” Spider continued to grin and Slade tried not to feel relieved.

  “Fish?” Slade asked hesitantly.

  “No, he thinks you’re in Nashville.” Spider snickered.

  Slade was going to owe the guys’ big time for covering for him. Spider knew it, too, if his cocky grin was anything to go by. Slade was a hundred percent okay with that because that’s what teammates were for.

  “Let’s go.” Spider motioned toward the mouth of the alley.

  “I need to get eyes on Knight,” Slade informed.

  “No, you don’t,” Spider countered. “Payne has him and the boy-toy covered.”

  Slade chuckled at Spider’s description of the blonde twink. From the brief glance Slade had of the guy, he was cute. Cute in an almost innocent way, but just because he looked innocent didn’t mean he was.

  “Okay, where are we headed then?” Slade asked as they walked down the sidewalk toward where he parked.

  “To Hunt’s. I assume you know where they are holed up?” Spider raised a brow.

  “Yeah, I know where he and Payne set up,” Slade confirmed. “So, they know I’m here?” Slade asked again.

  Spider chuckled. “Nope.”

  “Shit,” Slade muttered because he was not looking forward to dealing with a pissed off Hunt even if the guy had lied to him about where the op was taking place.

  Slade wasn’t upset that Hunt lied to him. He totally understood why his teammate did. However, he didn’t envy Payne when Hunt found out he was here. Still, that wasn’t his problem even if he did feel bad for the hell Hunt was sure to rain down on his boyfriend.

  “They know you two are here, right?” Slade asked out of curiosity.

  “They knew we might be coming so Fish probably gave them the heads up. Just like they knew you weren’t supposed to be anywhere near this case.” Spider continued to grin.


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