I.N.E.T 4

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I.N.E.T 4 Page 10

by Brenda Cothern

  Slade had only received a handful of text messages from Knight, but now that Slade could actually watch Knight, the desire to text him or call him to hear his voice was stronger. However, it was a desire he resisted.

  Movement on the monitor that covered the hallway outside Knight’s apartment caught his eye. It was the twinkish blonde and he carried two large thermal bags; one of which he had to set down in order to knock on Knight’s door. The guy was dressed similar to the glimpse Slade caught of him at the café; black skinny jeans that looked like a second skin and a black shirt that had splashes of fishnet material.

  “Dressed for a date,” Slade mumbled but apparently not softly enough.

  “Do you want me to take over?” Zep offered when he walked over to stand next to Slade.

  Slade just frowned and raised a brow. “No,” he said a little sharper than he intended.

  Zep raised his hands in defense. “I was just offering,” he replied sincerely before returning to watch TV with Hunt in the living room.

  Slade paid him no mind when he picked up the headphones and put them on. A few clicks of the mouse were all it took to tune into the audio for Knight’s apartment. The twink, Slade knew the guy’s name was Matt Curo and that he was Midnight’s chef, but in his mind he had already labeled the potential suspect ‘the twink’, still hadn’t knocked on Knight’s apartment door. In fact, the guy looked nervous. Slade suspected he was either nervous because this was obviously a date or because the guy was guilty of something. He finally knocked on the door and on another monitor, Slade watched Knight come out of his bedroom.

  His lover was dressed casually. Knight wore one of Slade’s favorite pair of jeans and a snug T-shirt. Just seeing those jeans reminded Slade of the last time he peeled Knight out of them and that memory made his dick fill and twitch. A man would have to be blind not to find Knight sexy as hell on a regular day, but in those jeans… Well, hell.

  Slade settled in to watch his lover’s date with the chef. He’d never witnessed Knight undercover or watched him seduce someone. Slade suspected he was about to see a mild version of porn and once more his dick twitched.

  “Hey,” Knight greeted when he open the door.

  “Hi.” Matt smiled and picked up his second bag from where he had leaned it against the wall.

  Matt was slightly nervous over this date since it was the first one he’d been on in more years then he cared to count. He looked over his coworker and his mouth watered. If he thought Mark was sexy as hell in his Midnight’s uniform, he didn’t have a description for how the man currently looked dressed casually. The blue jeans Mark wore had several rips in them, but fit him like a glove. Matt had to force himself not to pause his head to toe inspection on the prominent bulge that left nothing to his imagination. Mark was barefoot, too, and somehow that just added to his sex appeal.

  “Let me take one of those from you,” Knight offered after watching Matt look him over.

  Matt blushed slightly and it was adorable. Knight didn’t hide the fact that he’d caught Matt checking him out and he made a point of brushing his fingers across Matt’s when he took the bag the man held out. Matt’s blush deepened and Knight smiled. This was going to be almost too easy, but Knight didn’t feel a shred of guilt.

  “Um, thanks.” Matt returned Mark’s smile.

  “Wow, this is heavier than I expected,” Knight commented and stepped back. “Come on in,” he invited.

  Matt’s nerves spiked again at Mark’s comment. He tried not to go overboard with the dinner he’d made them, but like every time he started cooking, he just fell into his Zen-like state. Before he knew it, he had a full five course meal prepared. Matt hoped he hadn’t over done it, but now it just was what it was and he was sure he had.

  “I may have gone a bit overboard,” Matt admitted with more confidence than he actually felt. “I tend to lose track of time when I’m cooking.”

  “Well, I’m sure it’s all going to taste delicious if that dessert you made for me is anything to go by.” Knight grinned and set the bag on the breakfast bar in his kitchen. “Do we need to heat anything up?”

  The look of horror on Matt’s face at his suggestion made Knight laugh. It reminded him of the look the man gave him when he admitted to Matt that all he could cook was pulled pork.

  “No, God no,” Matt replied and knew his tone was one that was more appalled at the thought than upset or offended over Mark’s question. “Everything is ready to be plated.”

  “Then I guess I should get us some plates.” Knight chuckled with a wink and turned to his cabinets.

  “And bowls,” Matt added.

  “Okay,” Knight agreed without asking why they needed bowls.

  “Two bowls and plates each.”

  Matt knew he was blushing again when Mark turned to look at him. It was the smile that was sexier than sin that made him blush. So, Matt forced himself to focus on the dishes he prepared for them instead of his heated cheeks and rapidly filling dick. Thankfully, he was standing on the other side of the breakfast bar from Mark or there would be no hiding how Mark’s smile alone was arousing the hell out of him.

  Knight had no doubt why Matt stepped closer to the breakfast bar and it had nothing to do with him setting out the requested plates and bowls. Knowing Matt was not only attracted to him, but wanted him as well, made Knight smile and think about his plans for the evening.

  “What can I do to help with that?” Knight purposely asked the question that could be taken either way.

  It was clear where his question sent Matt’s mind since his cheeks started to twinge pink again even though he was focused on the bags of food he had brought. Just seeing Matt’s cheeks blush brought images of how low Knight could make that pinkness go on Matt’s pale skin.

  “Nothing right now,” Matt dared to reply with a similar innuendo even though his cheeks felt on fire and he prayed for his dick to go down so he could serve them dinner. “Just have a seat and I’ll take care the rest.”

  Visions of how Matt could take care of him once he was seated almost made Knight groan. Thankfully, Matt was concentrating on removing containers from the bags when Knight rounded the end of his breakfast bar because it gave him a chance to palm his suddenly aching prick before he took his seat at the small kitchen table.

  The sexual tension between Knight and the chef was practically palpable to Slade even though he was only watching their interaction on a surveillance monitor. He wasn’t sure if it was his lover’s flirting and the look on Knight’s face that Slade recognized meant a ‘fuck incoming’ or if it was the twinkish chef’s want that was shining through his shyness that had Slade’s cock pressing against the zipper of his jeans.

  Thankfully, once Knight and the chef sat down to eat their verbal flirting disappeared even if the promise of where the night was likely going to end didn’t leave from their gazes. Slade listened to the conversation closely and made notes on the pad Hunt always kept next to his set up. Knight expertly pumped the chef on information. He smoothly bounced between digging into the chef’s personal life and background and what he knew about Midnight’s.

  The twink, Matt, Slade corrected himself, knew surprisingly little about the restaurant he worked at unless it had to do with the kitchen. The guy knew next to nothing about his boss, Keith Gowdy. Hell, he didn’t even know what hours his boss worked and easily admitted that he had rarely seen the man. That made Slade frown. Not because he thought Matt was lying, but because he just couldn’t imagine being employed somewhere and not knowing shit about his employer.

  “Finally,” Slade sighed out after watching Knight make what were seemingly innocent touches while they washed dishes, his lover made his move on the chef.

  Matt was placing his clean travel containers back into the thermal bags when Knight stepped up behind him. Knight reached around the side of the chef and Slade knew his lover purposely pressed his body along Matt’s. Knight had done the same thing to him every time Slade put dishes away in their ca
binets. Slade could almost feel the move, feel Knight’s muscular body and hard cock pressing against his back and ass. He had to stifle a moan while he watched his lover do the same to the smaller blonde man.

  “Need help with that?”

  Knight had to lower his head to ask the question Slade had heard dozens of times before; the question that was always breathed against his ear so closely that Knight’s lips practically touched. Slade shivered as if his lover’s mouth was asking him instead of the chef. He wasn’t surprised to see Matt have the same reaction.

  “Um,” Matt started and Slade watched Knight place his other hand on the chef’s hip. “I think I have it.”

  The words were clearly panted out to Slade’s experienced ear. Slade scooted down in the dining room chair and palmed his throbbing cock. Just the thought of seeing Knight with the little blonde had him aroused all to hell. They had never brought, or even talked about a third joining them so Slade hadn’t even given any thought about the possibility of whether it was something he’d be into. Well, he didn’t have to think about it at all now. No, all he was currently thinking about was seeing his lover fuck the shit out of the little blonde and what it would feel like to have the twink sandwiched between them.

  “Do you?” Knight asked almost too softly to hear and Slade watched his lover use his grip on Matt’s hip to pull the chef back into him.

  Slade fought back another moan and glanced toward the living room where his two teammates had been watching TV. Surprisingly, the room was empty. He had no idea where Hunt and Zep had disappeared to and quite frankly couldn’t care. Turning back to the monitor, Slade caught sight of a bright pink Post-it note on the notebook he’d been using to document Knight’s conversation with Matt.

  We’ll be back in a few hours.

  Slade recognized Hunt’s blocky print and couldn’t help but grin at the paper he’d been too distracted to realize was set next to him. Either his teammates thought he was going to explode into a jealous rage or they didn’t want to be around if he went in the totally opposite direction. They were giving him his privacy, so he could deal with whichever direction his emotions might swing.

  “God, I love my team,” Slade said to the empty house and didn’t resist palming his aching cock again. Slade refocused his attention on the monitor and what he saw actually made him moan aloud.

  The chef’s hands gripped Knight’s thighs while his lover’s mouth was kissing and licking down Matt’s neck. The noises the man made while Knight applied his talented mouth to his neck were porn worthy. The little blonde was vocal and not in a fake way. The moan that escaped his throat when Knight leaned around and kissed his lips almost brutally was loud in the headset Slade wore.

  Knight expertly started to turn Matt around and Slade was well acquainted with the move. He knew and experienced the steps of the dance Knight was applying to the chef. That made Slade’s anticipation ratchet up another notch. In fact, Slade wasn’t sure when he’d undone his jeans and started caressing his cock over his boxer briefs. Watching his lover with the chef was the best porn ever. The only way it could be better was if Slade was there with his lover, enjoying the twink as well. In the back of his mind, Slade knew for damn sure he’d get a copy of this surveillance before Hunt deleted it from the op record.

  Slade always looked forward to his lover turning him around so he was surprised when the chef stopped Knight from doing so. He was even more surprised at the man’s words.

  “I wish you were still a cop,” the chef panted out breathlessly.

  It seemed Matt’s comment threw his lover off as well. If he hadn’t known Knight as well as he knew himself, Slade never would have noticed the minute pause in his lover’s seduction. How Matt knew Knight was, or used to be a cop, Slade had no idea, but Knight didn’t seemed alarmed.

  “Oh, why is that?” Knight asked and Slade was just as curious of the chef’s answer.

  “Then you could handcuff me, so I could offer you… Things… So I wouldn’t end up in jail,” Matt whispered out at the same time his face flushed bright pink and he pushed back into Knight.

  Slade’s breath caught in his throat at the same time he heard Knight’s intake of breath a moment before he watched his lover’s hands caress down Matt’s arms until he grasped the chef’s wrists. Knight expertly pulled Matt’s hands behind his back into the position they used to cuff a suspect. He held them there in one hand and used his chest to force Matt to lean over the counter. The man willingly laid his chest on the breakfast bar and spread his legs like a suspect waiting to be searched.

  “Shit, role-playing,” Slade said to no one and slipped his hand into his boxer briefs.

  “You’re busted,” Knight informed him seriously when he leaned over the chef. “I’m taking your ass to jail.”

  “I didn’t do it, officer,” Matt replied in a voice that was just scared enough to believe he’d been caught by the police.

  “Oh, you did it.”

  Knight pushed his hips against Matt’s until Slade had no doubt how aroused his lover was over falling into the fantasy the chef wanted. His lover’s free hand started patting down Matt as if he was really expecting Matt to be concealing a weapon or drugs in his pocket.

  “What is this?” Knight’s voice was harder than Slade expected. “You got a weapon?”

  The camera angle didn’t allow Slade to see where Knight had ‘discovered a weapon,’ but Slade had no doubt it was Matt’s cock his lover was indicating. Knight’s free arm was wrapped around the side of the chef and the moan that escaped Matt only confirmed what Slade knew his lover found as a weapon.

  “Concealed weapons mean jail time,” Knight informed harshly.

  His lover stood up and brought Matt with him. He pulled Matt back against his chest and turned him toward the living room. Seeing Knight in the role of the vice cop arresting someone had Slade so close to blowing his load that he had to grasp the base of his cock so tightly that the ensuing twinge of pain was welcome. There was no way in hell that he wanted to bust a nut before he was finished watching how this played out.

  “Please, officer,” Matt begged so believably Slade would have thought this wasn’t the first time the chef begged not to be taken off to jail. “I’ll do anything. Don’t take me to jail.”

  “Really?” Knight’s voice was doubtful when he stopped them in front of his couch.

  Knight still stood behind the chef and held his wrists in one hand. Slade was sure Knight’s grip wasn’t gentle if his lover was falling into his role of arresting officer. From what Slade was watching on the monitor, Knight was definitely falling into the role and enjoying the hell out of it.

  “Really, please officer,” Matt begged again. “Anything you want. Just don’t take me to jail.”

  Knight spun Matt around so fast that had he not maintained his grip on the chef’s wrists the guy would have fallen onto the couch. The considering look his lover gave Matt made Slade’s cock leak even more and his already tight balls threatened to dump his load all over his stomach.

  “Those cuffs are staying on,” Knight informed and Matt’s head nodded so much he momentarily looked like a bobble head.

  Slade watched Knight release his grasp on Matt’s wrists, but the chef kept his hands behind his back as if he was actually handcuffed. It was clear Knight approved. Slade did, too. His lover blatantly palmed his erection and Slade moaned unabashedly into the empty house where he was stuck being just a distant observer of the scene he watched play out in front of him. Knight slowly popped the button on his jeans and lowered his zipper to reveal black boxer briefs. Of course, the briefs weren’t the only revelation that Slade witnessed Matt totally focus on.

  No, Knight’s hard cock was outlined just as clearly as the damp spot where the material soaked up his leaking dick’s pre-cum. It was a sight Slade was intimately familiar with and one that always made his mouth water in anticipation of how his lover tasted. Not being able to taste right now only made him slightly jealous of the chef beca
use the last few weeks of not having a taste of his lover were almost too much.

  Knight pushed Matt down to his knees and the chef looked up at him. Slade mentally thanked Hunt for the placement of the camera that covered Knight’s living room or there was no way in hell he’d have the view that he did. He had a side view of both his lover and Midnight’s chef. Not only could he see both of their bodies, but he could easily read the expressions on their faces.

  His lover still wore the stern expression of a cop dealing with a lowlife even if his eyes betrayed how much he was enjoying the role-playing; enjoying the building anticipation of having the smaller man and having total control over him.

  Knight was a natural Dom and for that Slade was grateful. Slade may pimp out his own Dom skills, but he’d never wanted a submissive lover. Knight sure as hell wasn’t a submissive and Slade totally enjoyed when they took turns taking the dominant role when they occasionally played that way. However, seeing his lover take such a dominant role with another was something else. Slade never expected to be so fucking turned on by witnessing his lover’s dominance when it wasn’t directed at him. Once more, Slade painfully encircled the base of his shaft because the threat of blowing his load was almost overwhelming.

  Knight pulled his cock out of his boxer briefs and tucked the material under his balls. He held his brief’s there while he leisurely stroked himself. Matt’s eyes were glued to his lover’s erection and if Slade’s hadn’t been watching Matt, he would have missed the chef lick his lips. The man looked like he was starving for a taste. Slade knew the feeling.

  “Will this keep me out of jail, officer?” Matt’s voice was soft and Slade watched the guy glance up to meet his lover’s eyes.


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