I.N.E.T 4

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I.N.E.T 4 Page 12

by Brenda Cothern

  “Don’t blame Payne, Hunt,” Slade said calmly in an effort to mitigate some of the damage, though he didn’t feel calm. “It’s nobody’s fault but mine that I am here and Knight is beyond livid. I’ll take care of it and make sure the blame stays on me.”

  “Yeah? Just how the fuck are you going to manage that?” Hunt turned his anger on Slade.

  “The bio trackers.” Slade met Hunt’s furious glare. “I’ll tell him I tracked him and the team.”

  “From where? Huh? You’re suspended asshole or did you forget?” Hunt’s anger was still going full throttle.

  “Suspended doesn’t mean I can’t log into the office from home,” Slade replied and returned his gaze to the monitor.

  “You’re going to lie to him?” Zep asked incredulously.

  “It’s what we do,” Slade began, but Zep interrupted.

  “Yeah, but he’s not just your work partner, Slade. As if it that wasn’t bad enough he’s…”

  It was Slade’s turn to interrupt. “Look, if telling Knight one little white lie keeps him pissed off only at me where the blame should be, then it’s worth it. Not only worth it, but my problem.”

  Zep frowned and Hunt stormed away. A moment later, they heard the bedroom door slam shut. Their teammate was pissed. A glance at Payne showed the man looking worried and indecisive over following his lover. This whole shit storm was Slade’s fault and he knew it. Whereas before he didn’t really feel guilty about any problems Payne would have with Hunt, now he felt beyond guilty.

  “I’m sorry, Payne,” Slade offered and knew it wasn’t enough.

  “It’s all right,” Payne replied but didn’t sound believable at all.

  “It’s not,” Slade countered. “I shouldn’t have put you in this position.”

  “I owed you, so don’t worry about it.” Payne still hadn’t looked away from the hall that his lover had stormed down.

  “Yeah, but…”

  Payne cut Slade off. “Just drop it, Slade.”

  Slade wasn’t about to until Payne turned an angry glare at him. “Okay.”

  Payne just nodded at Slade before he walked away. He disappeared down the hall and a moment later the sound of the bedroom door closing could barely be heard under the noise coming out of the speakers. Slade dared a glance at Zep who still stood beside him. His teammate was looking down the hallway with the frown on his face. Zep must’ve felt Slade’s gaze because he turned back to meet his team leader’s dark blue eyes.

  “You fucked up this time, Slade, big time,” Zep pointed out the obvious.

  “Yeah, I did.” Slade rubbed his hands over his face.

  “I can’t really blame you, though. I’m sure any one of us would have done the same,” Zep offered neutrally. “I’m sure once the others admit that to themselves things will get back on track.” Zep squeezed Slade’s shoulder.

  “God, I hope so,” Slade agreed. “You better catch Spider up to speed on this shit. He’ll need to know so he’s not blindsided by the fallout from my fuck up.”

  “I plan to call…” Zep started to reply, but choked on his words at the sight of Knight on the monitor standing in the middle of his living room. “Oh, shit.” Zep mumbled and Slade groaned.

  Knight stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips and looked like he wanted to tear the place apart. They thought they had seen Knight pissed off before, but they were wrong. Slade could practically feel the rage radiating off his lover and he would bet Zep could, too.

  It was clear that Knight didn’t know exactly where the camera was located in the living room by the way he glared his anger in several directions. Slade and Zep held their breath and waited for Knight to explode. However, their obviously furious teammate didn’t. Instead, they watched Knight disappear down his hallway.

  “What is he doing?” Zep asked because Knight’s current behavior wasn’t what he expected.

  “I don’t know,” Slade admitted, but Zep’s question was answered a moment later.

  Knight returned to the living room with his laptop. He held the device open and started to slowly turn around. Knight would pause for a moment then look at the laptop.

  “Why is he looking at Lita’s place then his own?” Zep frowned with confusion over Knight’s behavior.

  “Shit,” Slade cursed on a breath and continued to watch his angry lover on the monitor.


  “He’s locating the camera based on where they are placed in Lita’s apartment.” Slade groaned, but couldn’t help being impressed with his lover’s system to locate the surveillance in his apartment.

  “Okay, but why?” Zep asked at the same time Knight faced them on the monitor.

  Knight glanced down at the laptop then back up at them before taking a step closer. Gently enough to be scary, Knight closed the laptop. He stared directly at the camera as if he could actually see the mini cam that was no larger than a pencil eraser.

  “Oh.” Zep’s tone was full of dread.

  The expression on Knight’s face was one of controlled fury. However, when he spoke it was with a deadly calm that sent chills down both Zep and Slade’s spines.

  “One hour, Aaron. Be here in one hour.”

  “Shit,” Slade cursed again and stood.

  He and Knight only used their first names when shit was serious. This was serious, but more disturbing than his lover using his given name was the calmness in which he issued the order. Slade had never witnessed Knight so absolutely furious, but using such a calm tone.

  “You going to be okay?” Zep asked with serious concern.

  “I hope so,” Slade replied before he stepped out of the front door to the house. “God, I hope so.”


  It was no surprise and didn’t bode well that the door to Knight’s apartment flew open before Slade even had a chance to knock. The look on his lover’s face was still one of cold fury and barely restrained rage. Slade had never witnessed this type of anger from Knight, so he wasn’t sure what to expect.

  He knew how to deal with Knight when his lover was yelling at him and tossing him around. Hell, he was even turned on by it and instigated Knight’s anger all the time. Slade wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with the Knight who currently stepped aside to let him enter the apartment.

  Knight quietly closed his apartment door and waited until Slade started to turn around before he let his fist fly. The sound of Slade’s nose breaking was loud, but Knight paid it no mind. Just like he didn’t pay any mind to the blood from Slade’s broken nose as it splattered on his apartment wall.

  “Fuck!” Slade ground out and instinctively raised both hands to his nose.

  Knight would’ve been surprised that his lover would make such a mistake that left his body wide open for attack if he’d been thinking of anything other than beating the hell out of Slade. He landed three more hits, two to Slade’s ribs and one to his kidneys before Slade started to defend himself.

  Slade had expected them to fight. However, he expected some yelling first. He never would’ve expected his lover to blindside him and break his fucking nose. Slade knew he was in the wrong for following Knight when his lover asked him not to, so all he did was defend himself from Knight’s blows. He tucked his arms close and only moved them to block the shots to his face.

  Of course, every time he had to protect his face, it left his flank open for another punch. All Slade could do when that happened was try to take the hit on his tightened abs in order to protect his ribs. He needed to protect his ribs, too, because he was sure one was already cracked if not broken. His lover’s calm while he threw punch after punch was beyond scary, but Slade really didn’t want to fight back and hurt him.

  Knight’s sole focus was on beating some sense into Slade. He had tunnel vision, but he still realized Slade wasn’t fighting back. Somehow, this revelation made Knight’s calm focus shatter. Anger that Slade wasn’t even trying to retaliate, that he just continued to defend against his blows, rose to the surface.
/>   “I asked you to stay fucking away from this op. Fucking asked you!” Knight yelled and threw another punch.

  “Knight, I…” Slade tried to reply and was rewarded with a left hook to his jaw that made him stagger.

  That loss of balance opened up his body defense and his lover took full advantage. A fist connected with his ribs and he was sure that hit did more than crack it. Feeling his rib break snapped something inside Slade. His training took over and as his lover approached to hit him again, Slade went on the offensive. His first punch landed on Knight’s eyebrow and almost split the skin. It was Knight’s turn to stagger and Slade’s next punch hit his lover square in the mouth.

  Knight ignored the throbbing around his right eye and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. His lover was finally fighting back which was exactly what he needed to deal with the rage and hurt he felt over Slade’s lack of trust in him. Thoughts of the damage his lover could do to his body that might affect his ability to complete his undercover assignment never crossed his mind. Instead, his rage induced tunnel vision returned.

  Slade knew he was left-handed, so Knight threw a feint with that fist toward his lover’s face. When Slade tried to deflect his punch, Knight lunged forward and wrapped both arms around Slade’s waist.

  Slade couldn’t believe he fell for Knight’s tactic, but that didn’t stop him from bringing both fists down hard on to his lover’s back in an effort to break Knight’s hold. The cracked rib on his left and the broken one on his right screamed with agonizing pain from Knight’s tight grasp. If he didn’t break free, his broken rib could easily puncture his lung. Knight’s head was tucked to his chest so a head butt wasn’t even an option. All he could do was bring his hands down onto his lover’s back again.

  Slade’s second hit on his back hurt like hell and almost caused Knight to loosen his hold around Slade’s chest. However, he was trained for this fucking shit. So, he spun around and lifted Slade at the same time before he slammed his lover down.

  Slade crashed down sideways on to the coffee table and the cheap piece of furniture broke under his weight. Knight was on him again and for the first time, Slade wasn’t so sure he’d survive his lover’s wrath without serious injury. His face throbbed with the rapid beat of his heart, his broken ribs shot pain through his sides and chest, but it was his kidneys that caused Slade the most pain.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Slade chanted over and over, but was sure his lover didn’t hear a word he said.

  Opening himself up to another painful kidney shot, Slade reached for his backup weapon that was strapped to his ankle. He was ninety-nine percent sure he wouldn’t shoot his lover and prayed he wouldn’t have to. In his current position, Knight could easily disarm him, but Slade hoped the sight of being on the other side of his gun would snap his lover out of his blind rage.

  The sight of Slade pointing a gun at him barely registered before an arm wrapped around Knight’s neck and lifted him off his lover. Knight’s first instinct was to break the sleeper hold around his neck, but the sound of his captor’s voice stopped him.

  “Stop, Knight,” Payne ordered and tightened his hold. “You’re going to fucking kill him and I’ll put you down before you do that.”

  “Shit, Slade.” Zep was leaning over their team leader.

  It took a minute before Knight went limp in Payne’s arms and for the first time since he let Slade into the apartment, he actually saw his lover. Slade was still curled up on his side atop the broken coffee table. He still pointed his gun at Knight. Slade’s hand was shaking and he continued to whisper while Zep removed the weapon from his hand.

  Knight didn’t need to hear his lover’s words. He long ago learned how to read Slade’s lips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Slade kept repeating and didn’t look away from Knight.

  “Oh, God,” Knight groaned and knew he deserved the glare Zep shot him.

  “Yeah,” Zep agreed angrily and turned back to Slade.

  “It’s not his fault,” Slade whispered quietly and Zep just grunted.

  Knight had to look away when Zep helped Slade sit up and his lover’s expression morphed into pain. His own body was starting to throb from the hits Slade landed, but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as his heart. Knight was fully aware that he had anger management issues, but he’d never lost control before and certainly never with his lover.

  He returned his gaze to his teammates, but kept his focus on Zep as he helped Slade to sit on the couch. It was easier to watch his younger teammate then to look at his lover. Knight was torn between going to Slade to beg for forgiveness that he didn’t deserve, and running from the realization that he could have actually killed the man he loved more than his own life. Of course, no matter how far he ran, he’d never be able to escape the guilt that was starting to suffocate him. He tapped Payne’s arm that was still wrapped around his throat. Payne didn’t release him.

  “Let him go, Payne,” Slade ordered in a pain filled tone.

  Slade could easily see the equally painful regret that shone in his lover’s eyes. He had no doubt whatsoever that Knight never intended for their fight to go so far and Knight was now beating himself up over how badly he’d injured him.

  However, Slade wasn’t upset with his lover. He knew he should be at least angry at Knight for hurting him so badly, but he wasn’t. His teammates were another matter. They were pissed off more than concerned about any injuries he or Knight obtained from their brawl. Slade didn’t care about how Zep and Payne currently felt, though. The look in Knight’s eyes was the only thing he cared about even though every breath he took shot a shooting pain throughout his body.

  Payne finally released him from the loose sleeper hold his teammate had on him. Knight took a step forward, a step toward Slade, before he stopped himself. He wanted to go to his lover, beg for forgiveness, and take care of the injuries that were the result of his blind rage. However, even though Slade’s gaze held nothing but understanding that didn’t mean his lover wanted him anywhere near him after the damage he’d caused.

  Slade saw Knight pause in his approach and knew Knight feared coming close to him. Slade understood Knight’s fear had everything to do with the guilt his lover felt and Slade’s rejection than fear that he might lose control again.

  “I’ll get some ice,” Zep’s comment broke the silence that stretched between all four agents.

  Payne had strategically placed his six foot one frame between them even though Slade knew his intervention wouldn’t be needed again. Slade held out his hand to Knight and he ignored his teammate’s pale gray scrutinizing gaze that bounced between him to his lover and back again.

  Knight hesitated for a moment when Slade held out his hand to him. How his lover could even stand to look at him let alone want him close totally baffled Knight. However, confusion over Slade’s desire for him to join him on the couch didn’t stop Knight from walking over to his lover. He stood just far enough away to only take Slade’s outstretched hand.

  Slade tugged on Knight’s hand once his lover’s palm connected with his. Knight hesitated for only a moment more before coming closer. His lover’s gaze left his and studied his face. Slade knew what Knight saw. His nose was busted from the blindside and he would need it to be reset. He could also feel a bruise throb that he knew was starting to form along his jaw.

  Knight wasn’t in any better shape. His eyebrow was already starting to swell and turn black and blue. Just like a bruise was starting to form under his lover’s split and swollen lip.

  Slade tugged on Knight’s hand again to get him to sit on the couch next to him. His lover’s face was a wreck, but Knight was sure most of the damage he’d done was to Slade’s body. All he could do was pray he hadn’t caused Slade too much damage. Knight already couldn’t forgive himself for what he had done to his lover. If he had caused serious damage, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

  “I’m sorry,” Slade said quietly without breaking eye contact with his lover.

>   Knight winced and deserved the pain it caused. If anyone should be sorry, it was him. He couldn’t find his voice, so he just shook his head and fought the tears that threatened to fall.

  “This,” Slade waved the hand that had been clutching his side toward his battered face. “Is all on me. I should never have followed you. You asked me not to, to trust you which I do, but I followed you anyway.”

  “Bullshit. This,” Knight mimicked Slade’s wave at his face. “Is my fault and totally on me,” Knight finished on a whisper before he looked away. “I could’ve killed you, Aaron.”

  Slade barely heard Knight’s last words and he fought not to tense at them. His lover had been in a blind rage, but there was no way he would have let Knight kill him. He would’ve hated to shoot his lover, but he would have if it came to saving his life.

  “But you didn’t.” Slade squeezed Knight’s hand. “And you know I wouldn’t have let you.” Knight turned his pain filled gaze back to him and Slade smiled. “I would’ve just shot your ass and you could have blamed Zep again.”

  Knight had no idea how his lover could joke at a time like this. There wasn’t a damn thing that was funny about the beating he laid down on Slade. However, Zep’s reply made the corners of Knight’s lips threatened to twitch into a grin.

  “Fuck you, both.” Zep stepped in front of them. Their teammate was holding several Ziploc bags full of ice.

  “Let’s get those shirts off to see the rest of the damage you fucking masochists caused each other.” Payne joined Zep standing in front of them.


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