I.N.E.T 4

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I.N.E.T 4 Page 14

by Brenda Cothern

  “Uh ah.” Slade shook his head when Knight went to kneel between his legs.

  As much as he loved feeling Knight’s hot wet throat gagging on his cock, what he wanted, practically needed, was to be buried deep in his lover’s ass. He had every intention to be there, too, fucked up ribs or not.

  “Ride me,” Slade ordered and when Knight was about to protest, he continued, “I won’t move, promise. You can do all the work.”

  Knight couldn’t help but grin at Slade’s smirk. The thought of feeling his lover buried deep in his ass made his dick leak. He doubted Slade would remain motionless because he knew his lover too well. Still, watching Slade slowly stroke himself was like waving a red flag in front of a raging bull.

  “Okay,” Knight agreed and purposely didn’t look at the dark bruises on Slade’s flanks after he retrieved the lube from the bedroom.

  Slade’s mouth couldn’t help but water as he watched Knight’s arm working behind his back. He loved watching his lover open himself up for him and it made his cock twitch against the palm of his hand. Slade groaned when Knight finally stepped between his legs and dribbled lube down his shaft. Slade only stroked twice to spread the slick before he pushed his cock up away from his body.

  Knight was hyperaware of where he placed his knees when he straddled his lover. If he wasn’t careful, he could accidentally press against Slade’s injured ribs. He scooted forward, his knees spread wide, and placed a hand on the back of the couch before he took Slade’s cock in his own hand. Slade’s hips jerked up and Knight growled. The sound was a warning for Slade to remain still and when Slade relaxed his ass back down onto the couch, Knight knew his lover got the message.

  Even with the prep, the burn of Slade entering his body made Knight hiss and pause. It felt like forever since Slade had fucked him. Knight lifted up a bit then sank back down further letting gravity do the work for him. Burn or not, Slade felt fucking incredible.

  It took every ounce of willpower that Slade owned not to thrust up or push Knight down. He’d promised he wouldn’t move, but damn if that wasn’t one promise he knew he would be breaking before they were done. Knight felt so fucking fantastic. So hot and tight that Slade had to grit his teeth and close his eyes otherwise the look of pure bliss on Knight’s face would have him cumming way too fucking soon. The deep moan that escaped Knight’s throat had Slade clenching his fists at his sides in an effort to restrain himself from touching his lover in order to direct Knight’s movements.

  Once Knight was fully seated, he remained perfectly still and opened his eyes. The expression on Slade’s face almost looked as if his lover were in pain. However, Knight knew better. Slade was doing his damnedest not to cum. Knight leaned forward and lowered his head to kiss Slade. The kiss soon turned wet and sloppy before Slade pulled back.

  “Fuck, Knight,” Slade panted out. “Move. You have to move.”

  The pleading tone in Slade’s voice made Knight smile. He loved it when Slade was so close to the edge and that close to losing it. This was the real man, the man he loved more than life itself, not the hardened bad ass INET agent. When they made love, Slade’s soul was bared for Knight to see just like he knew Slade could see his.

  Slade hissed when Knight sat upright and rotated his hips in a circle. His lover’s movement was agonizingly slow while he teased. Slade caught himself just in time before he thrust up. Still, he couldn’t resist placing his previously fisted hands on Knight’s thighs. His fingers grasped harshly, but he didn’t attempt to guide Knight’s movement.

  Knight leaned back and used his hands on Slade’s knees to brace himself. He used his arms and knees to lift his hips from Slade’s. His lover’s loud moan and tightening fingers on his thighs almost made Knight cum all over them both.

  “God, Slade.” Knight locked his gaze on his lover’s blue eyes that were only a shade darker than his.

  “You feel so fucking good. Ride me, Knight,” Slade panted out his order.

  Knight did just that. Every time he came down onto Slade’s hard cock, it hit his spot so perfectly that he saw spots before his eyes. He wasn’t going to last and if the tight grip on his thighs was any indication, Slade wasn’t going to either. Knight was just about to reach for his own cock that was leaking all over them when Slade moved.

  Slade was there. Just fucking there, and there was no way in hell he could continue to remain still. He thrust up hard and used just as much force to pull Knight down against him. He barely managed two thrusts before the third had him exploding deep inside of Knight.

  Knight barely registered the moment when Slade moved before he was decorating Slade’s abs and chest with his cum. His orgasm blasted from him so strongly that he released Slade’s knees and curled forward. At the last second, how was beyond him, Knight grasped the back of the couch to stop himself from collapsing down on his lover. He buried his head in the crook of Slade’s neck and fought to catch his breath.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” Slade whispered against the side of Knight’s neck while he caressed his lover’s back. “Beating off to the memories of you fucking around with that twink just wasn’t cutting it.”

  Knight snickered against Slade’s neck before giving him a kiss and sitting up. They both moaned at the movement. “So, you’ve been here long enough to see that, then.”

  Knight was surprised not to feel his anger spike at the thought of how long Slade had been in town unbeknownst to him. Slade just grinned at him and winked.

  “You enjoyed watching me put him on his knees?” Knight leaned forward and whispered against Slade’s lips.

  “Yeah,” Slade replied and kissed Knight. “The role-playing was hot as hell,” Slade admitted when they broke apart.

  Knight pulled back to meet Slade’s gaze and the movement caused his lover to slip from his body. He winced at the twinge of pain briefly before a smile spread his lips.

  “It was,” Knight agreed. “Still, couldn’t help but think of you being with us though.”

  “Yeah?” Slade smirked with a raised brow.

  “Yeah.” Knight kissed Slade again.

  Slade hummed into their kiss and didn’t stop the visions of what it would be like for him and Knight to tag team the twink.

  “Might have to see if we can arrange that,” Slade suggested when Knight climbed off of him.

  “After the op, maybe,” Knight replied as he walked toward the bedroom.

  The shower was started and Slade joined Knight under the warm spray before he spoke, “Some guys have a ‘brothers’ kink.” Slade grinned and began to wash Knight. “And those who do usually have an incest kink, too.”

  Knight laughed even though he was totally on board with Slade’s thought process. It wouldn’t be hard for him to find out if Matt would be in to having sex with him and his ‘brother’ just like it wasn’t going to be hard for him to discover what other role-playing fantasies the guy wanted to act out.

  “I think I’ll just have to find out the next time I see him then.” Knight returned Slade’s grin.

  Knight took the soap from Slade and gently washed his lover. Neither of them bothered to get dressed after they dried off. They climbed into bed and each took more pain meds before Knight snuggled as close to Slade as he could without hurting him.

  They were drying off after another shared showered to get rid of the mess they’d made from their mutual hand jobs when there was a knock on Knight’s door.

  “It’s probably one of the guys coming to drag you out of here.” Knight grinned.

  “Like that’s going to happen.” Slade laughed.

  Slade wrapped a towel around his waist before heading to the door. Knight just smiled and wrapped his own towel around himself then followed Slade.

  “Oh my God, Mark!”

  Matt had expected Mark to have some bruises, but nothing prepared him for how bad those bruises would actually be. He’d brought over some food since Mark said he wouldn’t be in to work for a few days, but now Matt was thinking the man shou
ldn’t come back to work for a few weeks.

  Slade stood frozen next to the open door. Matt looked him over from head to toe and the expression of concern on his face was sincere. Knight stood just as frozen. He was mentally cursing himself and Slade for not checking the surveillance camera on the laptop. They assumed it could only be a teammate coming over this early in the day. They should’ve known better since assuming anything while undercover could get them killed.

  Knight waited for Matt to catch sight of him and he didn’t have to wait long. He watched Matt’s eyes grow wide before they bounced back to Slade. A frown appeared between Matt’s brows. Knight was sure it was one of confusion. Between seeing him and Slade not only beat all to hell, but obviously both fresh out of the shower, the guy definitely had to be confused.

  “Better let him in, Slade,” Knight said softly while his mind was scrambling for an explanation to explain this fiasco without blowing the op.

  “Knight.” Slade looked over his shoulder and met his lover’s gaze. They may have talked about fucking the little twink together, but he doubted Knight would play the ‘brother incest’ card to salvage this mess. So, he wasn’t really sure what his lover’s plan was when he stepped aside to let the chef into the apartment.

  Slade? Knight? Matt looked between the two half naked battered brothers. Neither name was Mark’s last name so he had no idea what those names actually meant. He had no idea which of the men was Mark, either. Still, that didn’t stop him from entering the apartment. Neither man said a word while he walked over to the breakfast bar and set down the thermal bags containing food. Matt’s gaze bounced between them again and he crossed his arms over his chest. God, they both looked like they had been hit by a truck.

  “Which one of you is Mark? I can’t tell with all that bruising,” Matt said with more confidence than he felt. In reality, he was embarrassed that he was having difficulty telling the brothers apart.

  “I’ll go get dressed.” Slade started toward the bedroom.

  “Aaron,” Matt gambled and called out. When the guy stopped and looked back at him, Matt smiled. “Well, at least I know who is who now.”

  Slade snorted and shook his head before continuing to the bedroom. He slipped on shorts and didn’t even pause before grabbing a pair for Knight.

  “Mark, what happened? Why do you both look like you should be in the hospital?” Matt may have only been in one car accident, but even he thought the injuries on both men were spread out too much to be a result of a car accident.

  “We had an accident,” Knight replied as if it were true and ignored Matt’s skeptical gaze.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Matt began. “At some point after I left on Sunday, which only leaves yesterday morning, you and your brother got into an accident.”

  “Yeah,” Knight confirmed.

  “Here.” Slade handed Knight a pair of shorts.

  Knight accepted his shorts and didn’t hesitate to drop his towel to put them on. If flashing Matt distracted the guy, all the better for them.

  “And you always shower with your brother after you’re both in an accident.” Matt looked between the two men. Neither seemed bothered by his insinuation.

  “Sometimes without an accident.” Slade smirked and winked at the chef.

  “Jesus, Slade,” Knight grumbled and dragged a hand through his hair. He was still trying to think of a way to salvage this mess, but apparently his lover thought going with the incest idea was their best bet.

  Matt looked between the men. Something wasn’t right and it had nothing to do with Mark’s brother admitting they showered together. In fact, that was super-hot as far as Matt was concerned. No, something else was going on between the brothers, he just knew it.

  “I thought your name was Aaron.” Matt stared at Mark’s brother.

  “It is.” Slade grinned at the chef.

  “Then why is Mark calling you Slade?” Matt countered.

  “Look, Matt,” Knight began, but was cut off by his apartment door opening.

  All three men turned to the door. Payne and Spider entered the apartment and suddenly the place felt way too small. Neither man looked happy if the glares they shot Slade and Knight were any indication.

  Matt moved to the far end of the kitchen to put as much space between him and the hulking men that he knew had to be Aaron’s friends. He remembered the blonde from the grocery store and he didn’t seem menacing then. Now, however, the guy did. The other guy with him definitely looked like someone he wouldn’t want to meet on a dark street.

  “We’re done here,” the blonde said.

  Aaron’s friend walked toward Mark’s bedroom as if he’d been here a hundred times before. Maybe the guy had. He really thought he knew Mark, but seeing these men had Matt questioning everything he thought he knew about his coworker.

  Slade followed Payne into the bedroom and started packing up Knight’s shit. Being done meant the op was either finished or the team was being pulled so Slade didn’t even bother to ask. He’d get the details once they were all back at Hunt’s place.

  “Fuck,” Knight cursed and ran a hand over his head again.

  He was being pulled and couldn’t help but wonder if it was because Slade showed up. He also couldn’t help feeling disappointment and relief. Both emotions were because of Matt. The chef was looking between him and Spider with confusion and the expectation of an explanation. Sadly, he wouldn’t be getting one.

  Matt had no idea what the hell was going on. One moment, he was questioning the brothers and thinking about how hot it would be to be sandwiched between them. The next, he was watching Mark get dressed after his brother brought him more clothes. Aaron was holding a small suitcase and the blonde haired guy held a laptop.

  “Mark, what’s going on?” Matt continued to look between all four men before his gaze settled on Mark. “Why are you leaving? Where are you going?”

  Knight walked over to Matt while the rest of the team headed toward the door. He took Matt’s hands even though the guy was hesitant to let Knight hold them.

  “I really like you, Matt.” Knight smiled down at the smaller man. “You know that, right?” Knight did like Matt and wished he and Slade had met the man under different circumstances. They hadn’t, though.

  “Yeah, but what’s going on?” Matt searched Mark’s eyes for an answer.

  “I can’t tell you that right now, Matt,” Knight said gently. “But I’ll see you tonight when I come in to pick up my last paycheck and will talk after you’re finished for the night. Okay?”

  Knight was lying, but he sure as hell couldn’t tell Matt the truth even though he thought the guy was innocent. Plus, he needed Matt to go to work like he normally would. It was bad enough that Knight had called out for a few days the night before, but if he and Matt both didn’t show for work tonight it would be suspicious.

  “Maybe you can make me a late dinner, then?” Knight understood Matt’s love of cooking and knew that was a sure way to get him to work that night.

  “Okay,” Matt agreed and looked forward to not only cooking for Mark and seeing him later, but also an explanation for what the hell was going on.

  “I’ll see you later,” Knight whispered his lie and didn’t resist leaning down to give Matt a soft kiss.

  Payne and Spider were nowhere to be seen when Knight turned around. Slade was waiting for him at the door, his bag still in hand, and Knight had almost reached him when Matt called out to stop him.

  “Wait.” Matt grabbed the thermal bags from the counter and held them out to Mark. “Might as well not let this go to waste.”

  “Thanks,” Knight smiled at Matt and took the bags. He gave Matt one last kiss before he followed Slade out the door.

  Matt stood in Mark’s apartment doorway and watched the twins disappear down the hall. It wasn’t until they were out of sight that he realized he was still standing there when he should be heading home to get ready for work.

  Slade rode with Spider, and Knight and
Payne followed in Knight’s rental car. Knight glanced over at Payne and that was all the prompting that it took to get his teammate to tell him what the hell was going on.

  “The FBI are moving in tonight,” Payne said simply.

  “So, since I wasn’t going to be at Midnight’s tonight, it just made sense to grab me before we go in,” Knight deduced.

  “We’re not going in.” Payne paused and waited for Knight’s anger to make an appearance. He was surprised when it didn’t, so he continued, “Fish pulled us totally off the case. Aside from doing the last bit of surveillance for the bust tonight, we’re done.”

  Knight didn’t immediately reply. He and Lita had been under for a few months now and hadn’t detected anything drug related. Even if the drugs were being moved in and out while Midnight’s was closed, the team surveilling the place would have seen something. They hadn’t found shit, so it made sense for Fish to pull them.

  “Why the hell did the FBI even call us in?” Knight asked but didn’t really expect Payne to answer.

  “No idea, but Fish isn’t happy.” Payne grinned.

  Knight chuckled. Seeing Fish pissed off was funny when the man’s anger wasn’t aimed at Slade and him by association.

  “Lita?” Knight asked out of curiosity.

  “He’ll be there tonight,” Payne replied. “Fish wanted at least one of us there and since Lita knows the FBI agent who called us in, Fish is hoping he can get some answers about why we were even here in the first place.”

  Knight just hummed his agreement and both teammates fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride to Hunt’s place.


  Matt was distracted all night long. Even preparing entrées didn’t send him into his normal Zen-like state. Several times his sous chefs caught mistakes he normally wouldn’t have made although they never said anything. Matt didn’t notice their concerned glances, either. No, his mind just kept replaying what had happened in Mark’s apartment earlier that day. He couldn’t make heads or tails of what the hell that had been all about.


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