Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17)

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Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17) Page 10

by Katie Dowe

  “So am I,” he said abruptly. He walked over to his desk and pressed the intercom. “Cancel my meeting with Howard.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am going with you to see him.”

  “Edward, no, please, I agree with you. I don’t want to go.”

  “I want to go and tell him why he cannot contact you ever again.”


  Tyrone’s expression took a downward spiral as he saw the tall commanding presence of Edward Moore next to the woman he had tried to kill. He had been given a room and both of them came into the room, with Abby coming in first. She looked so different and well groomed. The man hovered over her as if he expected him to jump at her throat.

  “I am glad you came,” he said looking up at the silent Edward.

  “What is it, Tyrone?” she asked him wondering at his haggard appearance and the dull look in his eyes.

  “I wanted to apologize for what I did.” His eyes darted nervously as Edward’s hands clenched on Abby’s shoulders. “I was out of my mind and did not know what I was doing.”

  “Really?” Abby asked him scornfully. She could feel the coiled tension in Edward and knew that he was holding onto his control by a thin thread. “You almost killed me.”

  “And I would have killed myself if that had happened.” He looked up at Edward again and looked back at Abby quickly. “I am asking for forgiveness.”

  “I can’t right now.” She got to her feet and he reached for her automatically. Both Edward and the guard reacted at the same time but Edward was nearer.

  “You don’t get to touch her!” His expression was terrifying as he grabbed Tyrone by the throat. Abby’s heart thudded into her breast as both she and the guard tried to prise his hand away. He let go after a while and stepped back. “You can show her how sorry you are by never calling her again. I would hate to make things worse for you.” He took Abby’s arm and hustled her out. He did not speak not even when they were on their way back. It had turned to dusk and Abby wrapped her jacket around her as she felt a shiver.

  “Please talk to me.”

  He did not say anything but continued driving.


  “I need a couple of minutes,” he told her coldly. He had never spoken to her like that and she recoiled with hurt. She did not say anything else and when they reached the house she marched straight into the kitchen and put on the pot to make some tea for herself. If he did not want to talk to her then fine!

  He did not follow her in but went in the direction of his study. She made her tea and sat at the counter sipping it. She was not going to find him, she thought. She had told him that she was not going to see Tyrone and he had been the one to force the issue and now he was upset with her. He knew she had a past before she met him and he had not seemed to mind. He has every right to be upset, a little voice told her. Well! He should not be upset with her! She stiffened as she heard him come into the cavernous kitchen, lingering just inside the doorway. “Are you coming to bed?” His voice was soft and apologetic but she ignored him.

  He walked into the room and stood in front of her forcing her to look up at him. “I am sorry,” he told her wearily. “You bring out the best and worst in me. I am not used to the intensity of what I feel for you. I wanted to kill him for hurting you and I was angry at you for allowing him into your life.”

  “That’s unfair.”

  “I know.” He came around and turned her chair around to face him. “I love you so much that it spreads through my entire pores and into my bloodstream.” He laughed ruefully as he rubbed her arms. “I am afraid that it is too much and I cannot control it.”

  “I just wanted to face him and let him know what I thought of him.” She reached up and spread her hands on his chest. He had taken off his jacket and unbuttoned his light pink shirt. She felt his warmth and sighed. “I hate when you are upset.”

  “Usually it is not directed at you. I sat in my office a minute ago and it occurred to me that you would probably want to leave.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Why?”

  “Because of the way I behaved,” he admitted ruefully. “When I came in here and saw you sitting there I felt such relief that I was weak from it.”

  “I am committed to you, Edward.” She curled her hands into his chest. “In fact I am more than that. I am in love with you.”

  He stared down at her dazedly for a moment and then pulled her up and into his arms. “My baby,” he said shakily as he rubbed his hands all over her back. “Thank you!” he whispered. He stepped back and looked down at her, his grey eyes turbulent. “Oh Abby,” he whispered brokenly as he took her lips with his in a stunning kiss!

  Chapter 10

  “I am going back to work.” Abby told him quietly. They were sitting in the living room sitting around the blazing fire while he perused a document in his hand. She was propped up against the cushions with her feet on his lap, his hand casually thrown over her legs. It was late afternoon and he had come home an hour ago.

  He looked up at her for a minute and then spoke. “No.”

  “It was not a question, Edward,” she told him coolly. She loved him but where she was concerned he did not think straight. It had been two weeks since she had been home and a week to their wedding. She had chosen her dress and had declined to wear white but had picked out a strawberry colored one that came to her knees. Jenny would be wearing gold. “I am going back on Monday.”

  He put away the document he had been reading and gave her his full attention. “You don’t need to work and you certainly do not need the money. Besides we get married next week.”

  “I see.” She pulled her feet from his lap and moved away from him. “You expect me to be the dutiful wife who stays home and go out with you when needed. Is that it?”

  “No. I expect you to be the wife who supports when whenever I go anywhere. I travel a lot for work and I would like you to accompany me.”

  “And do what exactly?”

  He shrugged a little bit. “Explore or go shopping-“ He saw the look on her face and stopped. “I don’t want you to work. You don’t need the salary and it would be unfair for Romano’s to be paying you when you don’t need the money.”

  “I will tell accounts to take me off the payroll,” she said as she got to her feet and went towards the fireplace.

  “Monique will never agree to that.” He had come up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist holding her tight. “I am sorry, Abby,” he murmured. “But I am old fashioned in that respect.” He turned her to face him. “I am able to give you everything you ever wanted and I am eager to do that.”

  “I have to do something, Edward,” she sighed as she looked up at him. She loved every facet of his handsome face and how contented she felt around him. With him she did not have to worry about her weight or anything else. He made her feel special and for that she would always be grateful for. “How about consulting on a part time basis?”

  “That sounds good.” His grey eyes twinkled as he looked down at her. “I would not want to deprive the stuck up men of your fashion expertise. Look what you did for me!”

  “Then it is settled.”


  It happened two days before the wedding. She had gone back to work and as she had promised Edward she was going back as a consultant and had discussed it with Monique who had agreed. She had been feeling the dizziness and the nausea for a week now and had chalked it down to the emotional upheaval she had been facing since she met Edward and especially since the wedding was impending. His parents were due to come tomorrow and had told them that they would find their way from the airport. She had been liaising with Eleanor and Leesa and of course the wedding planner but felt inadequate because she had no idea what they were doing! It was early in the morning when she felt the dizziness again as she got dressed.

  “What is it?” He had come up behind her as she clutched the marble counter top in the bathroom they shared.

  “I-it’s nothing.” She shook her head slightly and took a deep breath. “I guess I am not quite recovered yet.”

  He turned her around and looked at her keenly. “When was your last period?” he asked her unexpectedly.


  “It was in early November when you had cramps and I put a warm towel on your tummy.” His hands untied the towel she had wrapped around her. She stiffened as he brushed his fingers against her nipples. It was the slightest touch but it felt as if an electric shock had gone through her body!

  “Oh Christ!” he whispered as he stared down at her.


  “You are pregnant.” His hands trembled as he cupped the back of her head and brought her close. “Abby,” he groaned as his mouth came down on hers roughly. He had a meeting with the manager of his midtown bank at nine but he did not care. He was marrying the woman he adored and she was pregnant with his child. He could not contain it! He dragged his mouth from hers and bent to take a nipple inside his mouth. It set her so violently that she called out his name over and over again as she clutched his hair. Her body felt as if it was bursting into flames and she could not stop it! His fingers entered her and she came immediately, her body trembling violently! He teased her mound as he lifted his head to look down at her flushed face. “We are going to make a stop at the doctor.” His hand was still between her legs stroking the protruding flesh making her unable to think. How could he have so much power over her body? She leaned against him weakly. “Don’t worry it is the same way with me,” he whispered as he brought her hand down to touch his erection which was throbbing against her. “What you do to me,” he whispered as he turned her around and bend her against the counter entering her swiftly.

  It was another half an hour before they were able to get dressed!


  Doctor Henry Whittingham had delivered countless children with great success. He was the doctor every single one of the members of the club used and he had been so chosen because he was also a member of the club and had his own private medical center in a very secure space where the staff were very discreet.

  He ran the ultrasound machine over Abby’s belly and looked at the monitor with a small frown. “You are definitely pregnant,” he said with a slight smile. “But you also have fibroids, my dear.”

  “Is it dangerous to the fetus?” Edward asked him as his hand tightened on Abby’s.

  “No.” He looked at the monitor closely. “They are slightly abnormal but I would not want to risk hurting the fetus to operate. I will monitor it closely. I can prescribe something to shrink them but that is all I can recommend for now.”

  “Is there anything I can do in the meantime?” Abby asked him.

  “I will prescribe some vitamins and give you a list of things to eat but that is all for now. We are looking at an August delivery.”

  “Thanks, Henry.” Edward nodded.

  “I will be in my office.”

  Edward used the napkins to wipe her off and helped her to get dressed.

  “You are worried.”

  He looked up from buttoning her sweater and smiled at her. “I am scared,” he corrected her.

  “Of what?”

  “Of doing the wrong things.” He reached behind to secure the elastic band in her thick hair. The cold was biting and she had worn a hat over her head to keep warm. “Of not being able to protect you and my child.”

  “Can we get through the months of pregnancy first?” she teased him. “Did you want us to get pregnant so soon?”

  “I was hoping.” His lips widened into a smile. “My joy is complete.”


  “What are you still doing here?” Lisa asked him in surprise as she came into his office the day before the wedding. He had been trying to tie up loose ends because he had no intention of coming back in until the New Year. The offices would be closed anyway. He looked up at her briefly before going back to what he was doing. “I am making sure I have everything covered. Did the Manhattan Bank called?”

  “They did and it was sorted out.” Lisa glanced at the watch at her wrist. “It is almost six p.m., Edward. You are getting married tomorrow morning at ten. You should be home or out at some bachelor’s party not here cooped up in the office.”

  “Abby is spending the night at her old apartment and the place is pretty lonely without her there. I am planning to sleep here on one of the coaches,” he said with a wry smile. “When did I become this needy guy who depends on the woman he loves?”

  “When you fell in love.” Lisa sat across from him. “No bachelor party?”

  “The guys are holding one at the club and of course Dad is planning the entire thing.”

  “And your Mother?”

  “She is seeing to the last minute details of the wedding. I left her this morning still talking to Abby about place settings. She does not have any family, Lisa, and I want it to be so special for her.”

  “You are her family now.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” he mused.

  “How many times have you called her today?”

  “More times than I care to tell you,” he said with a grin. “She overwhelms me with the way I feel about her.”

  “And tomorrow she becomes your wife.”

  “And tomorrow she becomes my wife.” He trembled at that. “I love her.”

  “I know.” Lisa got to her feet. “I was not sure what to get a guy who has everything for a wedding gift so I got something for the bride instead.”

  “I am sure she will appreciate it.”


  The light snow came down early in the morning of the twenty-second and did not stick but was enough to make a dazzling display on all it covered. Abby fidgeted a little bit as the stylist Lena put the final touches to her hair. A very chic cream hat was perched on top of her head with the lace coming down over her forehead. Her makeup was flawless with the eye shadow highlighting her beautiful brown eyes. The dress with its ruched neck and puffy sleeves suited her to perfection and drifted a little past her knees. She was wearing the emerald necklace that matched the stone in her engagement ring perfectly as were the emerald in her lobes. Eleanor walked into the room just then looking extremely elegant and beautiful in a soft shade of lavender with her ash blonde hair coiled on top of her head.

  “Darling, you are stunning!” She clapped her hands as she looked at her soon to be daughter in law. “I wanted to give you something from Edmond and I.” She gave Abby a long rectangular red velvet box. Abby opened it and gasped as she stared at the string of pearls glistening there within the folds. “I can’t-“ She began but the woman waved her protest away. “Family heirloom,” she said lightly.

  Abby bent and kissed the petite woman on her cheek. “Thank you for accepting me into your family.”

  “You are welcome, darling.”


  She walked up the aisle littered with rose petals on his father’s arm, her eyes only on him. The chapel was packed and she noticed that most of the wives were there to give their support. Princess Debbie had sent her apologies as she was touring Europe with her husband and family and Kelsey had gone to the Caribbean for a few days with her family. The others were there and turned to look at her as she made her way to her groom, whimsical smiles on their faces as they stared at her. He took her hand and placed it on his arm and they continued up to where the minister was. “Ladies and gentlemen welcome. We are gathered here today to witness the union between Edward Antonio Moore and Abigail Angela Johnson. Surely this is certainly a beautiful day for this man and this man to be declaring their love for each other. I will now allow them to repeat their vows.”

  “Abby, I love you more than I can ever express. I have been waiting for you my entire life and now that I have found you I have no intention of letting you go. You came into my life to change the way I dress but you have changed the way I think and the way I behave. I cannot be away from you for a long time without wanting to be with you. I
feel like a callow youth around you, but I don’t care! I am happy and excited and joyous and it is all because of you, my darling. I promise to spend the rest of my life protecting you, caring for you and loving you like no other.”

  “Edward.” Her lips trembled and she had to try again. “Edward, my love, you amaze me and as scary as being loved the way you love me is I feel as if I am on top of the world! Thank you for what you do for me and to me. I lost my parents and always figured that I was alone but you have showed me how wrong I was. I have you and soon our baby and I have a family and friends.” She looked around at the women who had befriended her. “I love you with all of me even when you are being your most annoying by telling me what I can and cannot do.” He smiled at that. “I love you and I promise to love and honor you every single day of my life.”

  He lifted her hands and kissed them softly lingering on the flesh.

  The minister came forward and requested the rings. His best man was Lorenzo who handed the rings to him. “Please put the rings on.” When they did the minister bowed his head and blessed the rings. “Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests. Both Edward and Abby have declared their love for each other and I want to congratulate them for taking this step. Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Edward pulled her into his arms and bent his head to her, his lips brushing hers gently like a soft wind and a quick breath. Abby clung to the lapel of his slate grey jacket and opened her mouth beneath his. He felt her tongue and shuddered against her as he brought her closer. He dimly heard when the minister introduced them as man and wife as he put her away from him forcibly!


  The reception went by in a daze. The ballroom of the hotel was richly decorated in strawberry, emerald and gold. The side tables were brimming with food of every description and the gifts had been taken away to make room for dancing. The cake was a rich mixture of strawberry and vanilla with vanilla frosting. The guests were a mixture of bankers from around the world to rich and powerful men of society. The women were dressed in a range of colors and looked as if they tried to outdo each other with their jewells. Abby wondered if they whispered behind their soft jeweled hands and wondered what on earth was Edward thinking when he married to her! She felt a shaft of uncertainty which was quickly dispelled when he took her hand with his. “You are the only one for me,” he whispered as if he knew what she had been thinking.


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