From Boardroom to Bedroom

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From Boardroom to Bedroom Page 3

by Jules Bennett

  She wasn’t here to expose him for anything...unless he was involved in some scandal alongside Miranda. And even then, she didn’t want to hurt anyone so she wouldn’t do any harm to Nigel.

  But Sophie couldn’t start digging just yet. She had to ease her way in. Day two, she’d put more of a push on the plot since time was of the essence.

  “I imagine there’s quite a bit to escape from and many reasons to clear your head.” She focused her attention back to the view. “Even the strongest people need to take a mental health break.”

  “The business can be cutthroat at times,” he admitted.

  “Too many divas to work with?” she joked, hoping he’d follow her lead.

  “The ladies on the show?” he asked, raising his brows. “They’re not terrible. A few can be demanding, but overall, they don’t cause me too much trouble.”

  Not what she wanted to hear, but she’d barely gotten started.

  Passing the time with Nigel certainly didn’t make her angry.

  “So, do you live up here?”

  Nigel turned his attention toward her. “Oh, no. I’ve stayed here occasionally after long days of work, but I generally use this to take a break. We’ve had a few in-house gatherings and private showings up here for the show.”

  “I don’t want to give the wrong impression,” she began, hoping she sounded stronger than she felt. “I mean, you know you’re an attractive man—”

  “People Magazine thinks so.”

  Sophie couldn’t help but laugh. “As I was saying, I’m not here for anything other than a great opportunity to learn and be an asset to your team and maybe grow my own skills on the side.”

  Nigel lifted one dark thick brow.

  “Professional skills,” she corrected, still unable to stop smiling. Oh, he was a naughty guy, and she couldn’t help but like that quality.

  “Believe it or not, I need a personal consultant and I take this company very seriously.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and cocked his head in that sexy, arrogant way. There was no doubt Nigel was a force to be reckoned with. He was known around the world, not just for his charm and good looks, but for the way he’d started a company and grown this reality show with high-class divorcees and launched these ladies to superstardom...including Miranda.

  “But since we’re being honest,” he went on. “You obviously have to know you turn heads.”

  While she wasn’t vain, she also wasn’t one of those women who feigned being ugly or put herself down in the hopes of gaining compliments. She was also well aware that some men found a plus-size woman unattractive. Those were the men she didn’t have time for in her life.

  While it was gratifying to know that he didn’t fall into that category, Sophie didn’t want to get into this topic with Nigel. She couldn’t afford distractions and she certainly couldn’t afford a rumor of the new hire trying to get ahead by flirting, or more, with the boss. Rumors would just draw unwanted attention to her. Miranda couldn’t know Sophie was anywhere near this office.

  “Well, now that all of that is out of the way, is the attraction going to be a problem?” she asked, holding his gaze and forcing herself to face this head on. She’d always believed in honesty.

  Well, except for her current situation, where she was lying about her name and why she was there. But some things were simply a necessary evil.

  “No problem,” he assured her with a crooked grin and that toe-curling accent.

  Maybe other people were immune to Nigel and that sultry voice, but she was new here, new to him. She’d have to put up her strongest steel defenses to keep some resolve between them.

  “What else should you be showing me?” she asked. “Maybe where my work space is? Or what projects you’d like me to review?”

  He stared like he wanted to say something, but she raised her brows, a silent question waiting on him to answer.

  “Craig set up an office next to mine,” he told her. “If you’re going to be working with me, then I need you close by. The space is not overly large, but you do have a window.”

  “My own office?”

  Sophie certainly hadn’t expected that. An office right next to Nigel? This position was better than she’d ever hoped.

  Things were lining up almost too well for her. But she had to ignore the pull she felt toward her new boss and concentrate on what she came here to do. She didn’t change her life and her looks just to snag a Brit. Getting the scoop on Miranda was priority number one.

  “Does my office come with an elevator?”

  Nigel’s lips twitched once again, and she noticed every time he became amused his blue eyes twinkled. So silly to notice such things, but she couldn’t help but study and try to figure out more about him.

  “Sure. It’s the one you used to get from the lobby to the reception area.”

  Sophie rolled her eyes. “Not what I meant,” she joked.

  She turned her attention back to the view. This was certainly a far cry from the Blackwood Ranch and its open skies with fields of green. Still, this was a different kind of beauty with all the steel combined with old structure. Her designer eye took in all the various shapes and colors. The snow seemed beautiful on the buildings and balconies. She wondered what a fresh snow would look like on the busy streets. Probably kids enjoyed playing in it and throwing snowballs.

  The wintery white had her thinking about the recent home office she’d decorated in white and soft blues with various pops of green.

  “Do you always study your surroundings?”

  Nigel’s question pulled her back as he stepped in beside her. Sophie glanced over her shoulder and shrugged.

  “Occupational hazard. I love designing and creating, so my mind is always working.”

  “You’re perfect for this position,” he stated.

  Sophie swelled with pride, but there was a niggle of guilt. She wasn’t here because she wanted to ensure the greater good of Secret Lives. No, she needed to see those precious unedited outtakes with Miranda. Surely there were some that revealed behaviors or hinted at secrets the producers didn’t want the public to see. There had to be something juicy there.

  “With this being your first day, I won’t bombard you too much. But tomorrow, you better be ready to work.” Nigel gestured toward the elevator. “What do you say we go check out your office and then I’ll have lunch brought in. Sushi?”

  Sophie nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

  * * *

  Nigel shoved his hands in his pockets and stared down at the magnificent skyline. He’d been a complete idiot to bring Roslyn up here earlier. He never fraternized with his staff.

  But from the second she’d stepped foot in his office, she’d had a presence about her that had drawn him in. She’d been poised, confident, polished, sophisticated. She’d been witty and that smile had been like a heavy fist to his gut, knocking the air right out of him. She almost seemed too good to be true.

  And she had been honest. Brutally so when she’d confronted him about the attraction between them. Part of him was impressed that she’d been so bold, while the other part had secretly wished she would’ve acted on her baser impulses.

  Bloody hell. What had gotten into him? He couldn’t act like this, not even in his thoughts. This company was his everything. He’d come to New York wanting to start his own legacy and he had done a damn good job of it. He couldn’t just throw that stellar reputation away because he had the equivalent of a teenage crush. He had to regain control of this situation because Roslyn had been here for one day and he was already second-guessing getting involved with an employee.

  He had bigger issues to deal with—like the fact Secret Lives needed a major bump in the rankings.

  The cell in his pocket vibrated. There was never downtime where he was concerned, not in his position overseeing the company and not when worki
ng with several socialites.

  He glanced to the screen and saw Seraphina’s name.

  Seraphina Martinez, or Fee to close friends, was one of the ladies on Secret Lives. She had a big lavish lifestyle and a giving heart. There was nothing low-key about her and she was a fan favorite. Especially after she came out with her bestselling cookbook, Not Your Mama’s Cookbook.

  Nigel turned from the skyline view as he answered the call.

  “Fee,” he greeted. “How are you?”

  “I’m good, thank you. Listen, I just wanted you to know I’ve been thinking of your offer and I’m not sure I can accept.”

  Not what he wanted to hear. Seraphina had fallen in love with real-life cowboy Clint Rockwell and they were planning their future Texas. When she’s talked about leaving the show, Nigel had tried to entice her into staying in NYC by offering her an impressive package that came with marketing for her cookbook, more airtime and a nice sum of money.

  “Now don’t turn me down yet, luv,” he told her. “We can make this work. I was hoping you’d consider a spin-off.”

  “A spin-off?” she asked. “Nigel—”

  “Just think about it,” he interrupted. “A Southern series showcasing you and Clint in this new chapter of your lives would be something the viewers would love.”

  Not to mention maybe that would be the angle he needed to save his show.

  Nigel rubbed his forehead and pulled in a deep breath. He hadn’t come this far in his career to allow setbacks to deter him. There was no room to be a failure or even to be mediocre. Staying in the middle of the road in prime-time television might as well be the kiss of death. Another show would come along and bump them right off.

  Maybe exploring new territory was something they needed to try. The cast had gone to Texas to Miranda’s ranch for the Christmas episodes that had actually caused a slight uptick on the rating’s scale.

  “Clint is everything to me,” Fee went on. “We’re a team now, but I’ll discuss this with him. I’m not sure he wants all the cameras following us around Texas.”

  “Just talk to him,” Nigel repeated. “I bet an episode centered around your wedding would be a killer series opener.”

  Silence greeted him on the other end and he knew Seraphina well enough to know she was considering this option. His mind rolled from one idea to the next. This could be the key to those ratings he desperately needed to boost.

  “I’m just not sure,” she finally stated. “Clint and I really want out of the limelight. We want to start fresh. Those fires that ripped through Royal really put things into perspective for me.”

  The fires she referred to had ultimately brought her and Clint closer together, but only after putting them both in a lot of danger. The town really pulled through and continued to rebuild. They’d all been affected in one way or another.

  “Think about it,” he told her. “Talk to Clint.”

  “I will,” she replied. “I know I still have some time left on my contract—”

  “We’ll deal with that later. See what Clint says first and get back to me. Let’s not borrow worries just yet.”

  “Thanks, Nigel.”

  He disconnected the call and blew out a sigh. His mind circled back to his new consultant and he wondered if she would be able to offer insight to a new project should Fee agree to it. He didn’t want to disclose this new information just yet...but he hoped he could talk Fee and Clint into a spin-off, that may be the answer to his problems.

  Also, he wasn’t about to spout highly sensitive inside business secrets to a brand-new hire. He missed his assistant right now. Merryl always knew what to do or the right things to say, but she was out with her new baby.

  But even if the spin-off happened, and became a real success, Nigel wasn’t ready to give up on saving Secret Lives. It was the main show he’d started all on his own once he rose to CEO at Green Media Room. He’d come to New York to do something grand, not having anything to do with the Townshend name. Secret Lives was what he had to show for all those years of hard work. It was his baby and he would do everything to see it thrive.

  With as sharp and witty as Roslyn was, and with her impressive résumé on design, he knew she had a brilliant mind. He planned on putting that to use and making sure his show remained on the air.

  Could she be the miracle he’d been waiting on? Was she even capable of doing what he’d been unable to do himself?

  He didn’t have all the answers, but he knew one thing for certain... He was going to get more time with Roslyn and he couldn’t wait.


  Sophie had been surprised when she’d gotten to her office the next morning and there had been no sign of Nigel. Craig had said something about an emergency and had given Sophie a list of things to read up on for now. Later, she was to sit in on a meeting with a few of the crew members from the show.

  Perfect. A meeting was just the type of jumpstart she needed. No doubt the team would discuss the cast members and Sophie intended to take detailed mental notes on Miranda.

  A couple hours later, there was still no sign of Nigel, and Sophie had to admit, she’d found herself thinking about him while she’d been reading the materials in preparation for the meeting.

  The only way she could let Nigel in her mind, in her life, would be as a stepping stone to carry out her plan.

  Unfortunately, she hadn’t expected these newfound responses. No man had ever heated her the way Nigel did. She’d never found herself wanting to throw away her innocence so fast, but Nigel pulled out a whole host of sensations she’d never known existed within her.

  Maybe it was the bad boy power trip, or maybe it was the way he’d looked at her like he was imagining her naked. Maybe it was the way he could banter with her like they’d known each other for years.

  Regardless, she’d never had an intimate relationship, let alone a fling. That was the main reason she’d had to be completely honest yesterday. She didn’t want Nigel to believe she was here for him or give him the wrong impression of her true nature.

  Well, her sexual true nature.

  If she’d met him under different circumstances—where she wasn’t lying to him, where she’d have had the time to actually get to know him—she might see where this attraction would lead.

  But the fantasy was moot and she had to remain focused.

  Sophie grabbed the documents and her cell off her desk and stepped from her office. The notes on marketing and upcoming filming ideas regarding Secret Lives had been interesting from a viewer standpoint...if she bothered tuning into the popular reality show. And she actually might religiously watch the show if Miranda weren’t on there. The other ladies were in fact really interesting.

  Sophie had watched a couple of times, but just the sight of Miranda acting all sweet and kissing cheeks with her bling sparkling in the lights was enough to make Sophie gag and change the channel.

  The meeting room was down two floors and Sophie made her way into the elevator with a few other employees she didn’t know. They chattered about office gossip, none of which was useful to her.

  When Sophie stepped into the meeting room, she found a seat at the end of the long table and smiled at the young man next to her.

  “You’re new,” he said. “I’m Miles.”

  Sophie nodded. “Roslyn. Nice to meet you.”

  “These meetings are so silly,” he muttered as he leaned into her. “Any of this information could be sent in an email, but Mr. Townshend is really cracking down. He’s actually been on edge more lately. The ratings have dipped lower than ever.”

  Sophie kept quiet as Nigel entered the boardroom. His baby blues swept over the handful of employees before landing on her. A thrill shot through her and she had no idea how the man exuded such power in a room full of people and with just one simple look.

  “I gather you all read the ma
rketing notes,” he began as he took a seat at the head of the table. “We’re taking a new approach to the social media aspect and I want to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

  Sophie listened intently as they went around discussing the new segments and how to best maximize the social media content. She watched as Nigel seemed to take to heart each employee’s suggestions and she had to admire a man who didn’t pawn staff meetings off on other employees or use them as a platform to spout his own ideas without listening to anyone else. He didn’t patronize any of his crew members or make them feel like their ideas weren’t worthy or of value. That spoke volumes for what he was like as a CEO.

  Sophie also wanted to chime in along with everyone else and tell them they were going about this completely wrong. From personal experience, she knew what pulled people in and she knew how to dive into a certain market to really target the niche market.

  Added to that, consulting was also about listening to all of the facts before offering up her opinion or suggestions. She was new and didn’t want to step on toes on her second day, so she chose to just remain silent.

  Sophie did take down notes on things she would like to discuss with Nigel in private. She’d recommend different angles on their current marketing plans. After all, she hadn’t blown up on YouTube for nothing. She liked to think she’d done a few things right and knew how to grab the public’s attention. Of course it didn’t hurt she excelled at her career choice, but she’d had to market herself and become a brand to get that initial attention.

  Her eyes darted back to Nigel and...

  Speaking of attention. He stared at her in a way no man ever had before—like he wanted more than her thoughts. And in a room full of people.

  Someone else started speaking, but Sophie didn’t hear what they said. Nigel broke the spell by glancing away, but Sophie couldn’t quite focus for the rest of the meeting.

  Once they concluded, she gathered her things and headed back to her office. That meeting hadn’t produced anything she could use to further her plan. In fact, very little was said about the show’s stars at all. When filming was mentioned, it was mostly locations being brought up for upcoming shots and how they would be marketing the show by implementing new ideas.


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