From Boardroom to Bedroom

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From Boardroom to Bedroom Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  She had the perfect words for everything. Literally everything.

  He’d been toying with an idea since the last staff meeting, but he’d thought it too soon to jump the gun. Now, though, he wasn’t so sure. Maybe his idea was exactly what was best not only for him, but for the company.

  “I want to run something by you,” he told her.

  “Okay. Are we back to discussing work?”

  Nigel couldn’t help but smile. “For the time being. What do you say to working as the lead on the marketing for Serephina’s wedding? I mean, not the actual wedding, but the marketing of the buzz around the show? If you could draw something up that I could show her, maybe we could convince her to air their nuptials—possibly into a new spin-off.”

  The idea rolled out of him as he continued on, hoping she would take this on. Roslyn’s eyes widened, her mouth dropped open. After a moment, she regained her composure and took a sip of her wine.

  “Well, I’m flattered you’d consider me for one of the most important episodes if that happens.” She muttered the word as if rolling the idea around in her mind, thinking out loud so as to clarify her answer in some way. “I would love to draw something up for you. I hope that will convince Serephina to agree to the show.”

  A heavy weight lifted from his shoulders. Things seemed to be falling into place and Nigel was certain that everything he ever wanted was right in front of him.

  “Who knows what will happen, but I’m confident with your plans and ideas. Fee will have a difficult time turning this down. She loves the other ladies and this show, and she still wants to see everyone succeed. I have faith in you that you’re my key to getting this show back at the top of the rankings.”

  Something passed over her face, something he couldn’t quite identify. After a moment, Roslyn squared her shoulders and gave a clipped nod.

  “I won’t let you down.”

  * * *

  Sophie drained her second glass of wine and wondered yet again what the hell she’d gotten herself into. Agreeing to another project for Nigel? She didn’t have time for all of this. She needed to get in and out of this job and this persona before Miranda knew she was here. She needed to get back to her life in Royal and back to her legacy.

  But she couldn’t turn Nigel down. When he looked at her with that hope in his eyes, she knew how much he wanted this show to thrive. She saw how hard he worked, how invested he was in the program he’d created. Isn’t that what she wanted? She wanted the life she worked so hard for, the life she was entitled to.

  Nigel could’ve asked her anything and she would’ve agreed.

  She reminded herself that the closer she pulled herself to the mogul, the better her chances were to find the exact information she needed. On the other hand, taking on a longer project may prove to be dangerous...from all angles. Still, she would stay until she got the ammunition she needed on Miranda and then Sophie would have to go.

  “How was your dinner?” Nigel asked.

  Sophie glanced down to her plate and was shocked she’d been able to eat a bite, what with the guilt and nerves fighting for top spot in her belly.

  “Fine,” she lied with a smile. “Much better than grabbing takeout and heading back to my apartment.”

  Her uptown penthouse was actually perfect. She’d spared no expense when looking for a short-term lease. She’d had to pay for the entire month, but she would be out long before that...she hoped.

  The glass walls she had offered her a spectacular view of Central Park, and with the snow they’d had lately, every time she looked out her windows, she felt a little bit of giddiness. She didn’t have snow in her part of Texas and the blanket of white always took her breath and inspired her for future designs.

  “We can dine together every night if you prefer not to eat alone,” he replied, placing his napkin on the table.

  “This isn’t a date.”

  “Of course not. You know I don’t date employees.” Nigel quirked a brow. “Did I imply it was?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  He laughed and shrugged. “I like your company, both professionally and personally. You’re not immune to all of this, either.”

  There went those nerves again. And when he’d toyed with the ends of her hair? Revved up all of her sexual urges with the simplest of ways. Still, he didn’t get involved with his staff, or so he kept saying, and she couldn’t throw away her virginity on a man she was lying to and essentially using.

  Except, she wanted to. Mercy how she wanted to.

  She was so out of her league here. The flirting, the charm... She was a complete innocent in every sense of the word.

  “Dating would certainly complicate things,” she finally stated. “I mean, I’m only working for you temporarily and for all you know I have a boyfriend back in Texas.”

  Nigel reached for her hand, stroked his thumb along the top of her knuckles, and stared directly into her eyes so intently that she’d swear he could see into her soul.

  Oh, boy. He may keep saying he didn’t date employees, but he hadn’t said anything about making said employees ache with desire.

  “If you have a man in Texas, then he’s a fool for letting you come here alone.”

  Oh, that low British accent had her toes curling in her Ferragamo pumps. There went that belly flutter again.

  “Do you hit on all of your employees?” she asked.

  “I’ve never made a pass at any woman I worked with,” he explained. “I’ve never wanted to.”

  Until now.

  The words hovered between them and she wished she could ignore the blaring bells and red flags waving in her mind. If this were another time, another place, if she could show him her true identity and start over, then maybe this attraction could lead to something more.

  But the harsh reality was she was only here to take down her ex-step-monster. She’d gone to drastic measures to do so and she couldn’t get sidetracked now—not when she’d promised her brothers. And besides, how could they build anything real between them now? She couldn’t keep up the facade forever, and the more deeply they got involved, the more betrayed he’d feel when he learned she’d been lying to him all along.

  “I have to attend the CBN Awards Ceremony on Friday. I was going to go alone because it’s not a big deal and I know this is last minute but...” That thumb continued to stroke her hand and he eased just a touch closer. “Join me.”

  “Nigel, I—”

  “I’ll send my personal stylist to your office tomorrow morning,” he went on. “Choose anything you want and I’ll make sure hair and makeup are informed you’ll need their services. They’ll come to you, so don’t worry about that.”

  Was she living in some warped version of Pretty Woman? Turning into someone she wasn’t and getting a makeover to go out and be draped on the arm of the hottest man she’d ever met?

  If her brothers had any idea Nigel Townshend was hitting on her, or the way he kept looking at her and touching her, they’d have had her on the jet back to Texas before she could even say Pretty Woman.

  “I’m not sure how it would look—my going to an awards show with you,” she replied. “Especially since I’m new and we just started working more closely together.”

  Not to mention the fact if the cast of Secret Lives was there, Miranda would recognize her right off the bat. Glasses and blond hair would only cover so much.

  “Won’t you want to go with the ladies from the show?” she asked. “You know, like a united front?”

  “This isn’t a ceremony for them,” he replied. “It’s for directors, producers, creators. It’s a small affair, but I’m expected to attend.”

  Miranda wouldn’t be in attendance? He was offering up a free dress, hair, and makeup, and a night of schmoozing?

  Beyond all of that, Sophie had never felt such a pull, such an instant bond to another
man. How could she just ignore all of that? Yes, this was the worst possible timing considering the circumstances, but she was in the thick of things now, so...

  Sophie smiled. “I’d love to go.”

  The smile that spread across Nigel’s face had her wondering if she’d just sacrificed every part of her sanity...and her heart.


  “Okay, Nigel,” Lulu said, as she stepped from her en suite. “I’ll try to hint around to Fee about her wedding. I agree it would be amazing to make it a special episode of the show.”

  “Thanks, Lulu,” Nigel replied. “I knew I could count on your support.”

  She disconnected the call and slid her cell into the pocket of her robe.

  Lulu Shepard may be one of the stars on Secret Lives, but her life was crumbling. Her very best friend, the one she confided in and went to when she needed a trusted soul, was leaving the show.

  Seraphina had found love and was moving to Texas to begin her life. Lulu was happy for her, but selfishly she wanted her friend to stay in her life, as a constant, reassuring presence. Though she did love the idea of the wedding being aired for the world to see. The love Fee and Clint found should be shared and celebrated at any opportunity.

  But after the wedding...what would Lulu do with Fee so far away? Their luncheons would be reduced to texts and occasional calls. Even now, Fee was away more than she was home, spending as much time as she could with Clint in between packing up her life in Manhattan. It was almost enough to make Lulu wish she’d stayed longer in Texas... But no, it was better that she’d left.

  This show was such a huge part of her life and she loved every aspect of it. She truly had no idea what she’d do if the show failed or if she didn’t have that constant in her life anymore.

  The doorbell rang and Lulu glanced to the time. Nearly ten o’clock. Who would be stopping by this late?

  Clearly someone the doorman knew, but he hadn’t buzzed her to let her know, meaning it was either a neighbor or the guest was on the list to be allowed up unannounced.

  That narrowed down her suspects to just a handful.

  She crossed her penthouse and looked out the peephole. The one person she both wanted to see and wanted to avoid stood on the other side.

  Kace LeBlanc.

  She tightened the knot on her silky robe and pulled in a shaky breath as she slid the lock and opened the door.


  Those warm brown eyes landed on her and she felt the jolt just as fiercely as if he’d reached out and touched her.

  She’d done some reckless things with Fee and the cast of the show, but none had been as reckless as starting to lose her heart to Kace. The man was the opposite of her, he lived in Texas, he irritated the hell out of her... But she couldn’t deny there was still something about him that turned her on in ways she couldn’t explain.

  She’d seen a different side of him when they’d helped clean up from the fires in Royal. He’d not been so cocky and arrogant. He’d been...strong, powerful, commanding in a ridiculously sexy sort of way as he’d worked to get things organized and put the town back in order.

  And she’d ultimately given in to that attraction. Who could blame her? There was no way she could keep denying herself, denying him.

  “What are you doing here?” she finally asked.

  His eyes raked over her state of undress and she shivered once again. Who knew a stare could be so potent?

  Kace took a step forward, urging her back until he was inside and could close the door behind him.

  “I’m in town for business,” he told her. “I was walking to my hotel and the next thing I knew, I ended up here.”

  “Without calling or texting?” she asked, irritated that he could get to her on every level. “That’s rude, Kace, even for you.”

  He took one step closer. “Are you going to turn me away?”

  Lulu crossed her arms to keep from reaching for him. “No. No, I’m not.”

  The smile that spread across his face had her wondering what the hell she was getting in to.

  * * *

  “Did I tell you how stunning you look tonight?”

  Sophie didn’t need the words. She could tell by the way Nigel kept close to her side, the way his eyes would roam over her as if he knew exactly what she looked like out of this sultry red dress that fit her every curve.

  When she’d seen all of the options for her to try on, she’d fallen in love with this one immediately, unable to stop herself from imagining how Nigel would respond to the sight of her in it. He hadn’t disappointed. She should’ve turned him down, she should’ve stayed focused on her task and not gotten swept up in all of the glitz and glamour and limo rides with a sexy man.

  Yet here she sat in the back of his car as they maneuvered through the city streets. He shifted in his seat and his leg brushed hers, as if she needed the reminder of how close they’d been all evening.

  Throughout the entire night, Nigel had constantly touched her in some way—his hand on her lower back to guide her, his thigh aligning with hers beneath the table at dinner, a simple hand holding hers as he led her to and from the car.

  “There wasn’t a man in that ballroom who wasn’t mesmerized by you,” he went on. “I’m glad you were my date.”

  “So this was a date?” she asked, trying to search his face as the flashes of the lights off the streets and buildings slashed across his features.

  “What if it was?”

  Be careful.

  The voice rang through her head, but she ignored it. There was nothing careful about being this close, this attracted to the man she was deceiving.

  She’d never misled a single person in her life and here she was lying to the one person she actually wanted to get to know on a personal level.

  But there was so much chaos going on in her life, how could she even think about something personal with Nigel? Their lives were worlds apart and he didn’t even know her real name.

  “I thought you didn’t get mixed up with employees,” she countered.

  He slid his fingertip along the slit in her skirt...the one that extended all the way up her thigh. Sophie shivered as her eyes darted from his hand to his face.

  “I never have,” he agreed, with a level gaze. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind...if you’re interested.”

  Up and down that fingertip went. He touched her nowhere else, but she couldn’t suppress the arousal that spiraled through her. She needed to put a stop to this... She’d needed to stop him long ago, such as when he’d asked her to join him for dinner or when he’d stared at her in the penthouse office like she was the most delectable thing and he was a starving man.


  His finger stilled. “Should I stop?”

  Sophie pursed her lips as a silent sparring battle took place between her awakened wants and common sense.

  But she’d put her career ahead of her personal life for so long. Couldn’t she just take what she wanted? Just this once? Who said she had to save herself for the right man? What if that perfect one never came along? What if Nigel was the right man?

  “You’re thinking,” he murmured. “I can practically see you arguing with yourself.”

  “Sometimes I just want to ignore what’s right, what’s expected of me.” Her thoughts spilled out before she could keep them inside. “Do you ever have that guilty feeling that you’re being selfish?”

  Nigel’s eyes dropped to her lips. “Every decision I make is on purpose. So, no. I don’t have regrets.”

  Of course, someone as powerful and confident as Nigel wouldn’t second-guess his actions. He likely had his life all laid out to perfection with no worries of consequences.

  Sophie had always prided herself on her own strength, but sitting in the back of a dark car with her faux boss had her willpower shrinking. Even before tonight, he�
�d mesmerized her and made her wish for and want more than she’d ever allowed herself.

  Why couldn’t this be easy? Why couldn’t she have met him under different circumstances? Why did she have to choose between holding true to her legacy and the promise to her brothers and going after what she desperately wanted?

  Before Sophie could say anything, the car came to a stop and moments later, her door opened. The driver extended his hand to assist her and as soon as she stepped out, she realized they weren’t at her penthouse, but back at Green Media.

  She glanced back to Nigel as he exited the vehicle.

  “That will be all, James.”

  The driver got back into the car and drove away.

  “How am I going to get home?” she asked.

  Nigel smiled. “If that’s where you want to go, I’ll have him come back.”

  “And my other option?”

  “Coming up to the penthouse with me.”

  She took one step toward him, silently telling him she wanted just that. She wasn’t sure why he brought her here, maybe he wanted to do some work later, maybe he wanted her to feel like they were on neutral ground since they both worked here...she had no clue.

  Her imagination went into overdrive and she wasn’t so sure she was ready for more than this sexual banter and heavy tension. But if not now...when?

  They were clearly attracted to each other and they were both adults. She was tired of always working. Even with her fake work she was working.

  While she loved her job, it had always come ahead of her own personal life. Like now. Even her faux job was getting in her way.

  Sophie adjusted her clutch beneath her arm and pulled in a shaky breath.

  “I could use a drink first,” she admitted, shivering against the cold.

  Nigel removed his suit jacket and draped it around her shoulders. Now she was fully enveloped by his scent, his warmth. Another stepping stone on this path they’d started down together.


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