From Boardroom to Bedroom

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From Boardroom to Bedroom Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  She had to tell them what she’d be doing, but she’d been stalling, struggling with her guilt. In all of this snowballed mess, she had to be honest with someone. She couldn’t exactly leave the country without letting her brothers know. She respected and loved them too much to lie... She’d done enough lying as it was.

  Sophie dialed and wrapped her arm around her midsection to hold in the warmth of her coat. Kellan answered on the first ring.

  “There’s my favorite spy.”

  Sophie inwardly groaned, hating the nickname, even though this had all been her idea. “Good to hear your voice, too.”

  “Found out anything yet?”

  “I’m getting closer,” she stated, which was partially true. She was actually going to a meeting later with two members from the camera crew. If anyone knew about behind the scenes shenanigans, it would be them.

  “I hope to have some information within the next few days,” she added. “But I called to tell you that I have to do a bit of traveling. I’ll still check in and keep my eyes and ears open, but... I’m going out of the country.”

  “Out of the country?” he repeated. “How does that fit into the plan when Miranda is going to be in New York for filming?”

  Yeah, she was still trying to figure that out herself. In her original plan, she would have already left New York by now with the sought-after evidence in hand. As it was, she would have to dodge Miranda if she popped into the office, but Sophie had seen the upcoming shooting schedule and there was no reason for Miranda to be at Green Room Media for the next few weeks.

  “I can’t do anything to raise suspicions,” she defended. “I was asked to travel, so that’s what I’m doing.”

  Swirls of snow fluttered around and mesmerized Sophie as she clutched the cell. For someone so accustomed to heat, she really was enjoying her time in NYC during the winter. Maybe she should visit more often. Perhaps she should even incorporate some of her videos here for inspiration... Well, once she could go back to being Sophie Blackwood, posh interior designer and not Roslyn Andrews, temporary consultant and wannabe mistress to Nigel Townshend.

  “And going out of town is a direct order from the boss?” Kellan joked.

  “Pretty much,” she muttered, as die-hard runners braved the cold and jogged by. “Listen, it’s only for five days and I promise I haven’t lost sight of the prize.”

  “I’m sure you haven’t. But, Darius said that Miranda invited him to Blackwood Hollow. I don’t know what she has up her sleeve.”

  Sophie gripped her coat and the cell as dread settled into her belly. “He’s coming there?” she exclaimed.

  Darius Taylor-Pratt was their half sibling...a secret revealed after their father had passed. Even in death, her father continued to work his controlling hands in their lives.

  “Apparently,” Kellan replied. “She may be trying to pit him against us, but I’ll keep my eye on things here. Don’t worry.”

  “What the hell is she plotting?” Sophie muttered.

  Frustration and confusion settled in alongside her guilt and she wondered if any of them would come out of this entire situation unscathed. And all because her father had been selfish or blinded by his young ex-wife and decided none of his children deserved their legacy.

  Miranda sure as hell didn’t deserve it, either. Buckley had been twenty-six years older than his bride. Why else would a beautiful young socialite marry a wealthy older man if not for the money she could get out of him? Miranda made no apologies for liking the finer things and Sophie knew the woman was just gathering a nest egg for the rest of her lavish life. And now she was pulling in Darius.

  Sophie hated sounding spoiled and the issue truly didn’t come down to money, but the fact Miranda just didn’t deserve a dime of what should have been theirs. She didn’t deserve the family home that held so many memories of Sophie’s childhood. Sophie’s brothers deserved to keep the estate, to pass down to their children one day.

  “Does Vaughn know Darius is coming?”

  “Yeah. We talked this morning. You know he doesn’t like all this family drama, but he does want to know what’s going on.”

  Sophie still didn’t know why her father had never confessed there was another heir. Maybe he’d wanted them to find out after his death so he wouldn’t have to deal with the questions, the repercussions. Or maybe he had wanted them to all be in an upheaval, perhaps pitting against each other. She truly had no idea what his ultimate plan had been for his children.

  Sophie came to her feet and sighed. “Don’t keep me out of the loop just because you’re worried. I’m doing this grunt work and I deserve to be included as soon as you know anything.”

  “I promise to call you when I learn more,” he vowed. “So, where are you going that’s taking you away on business?”

  Sophie didn’t want to lie anymore. She was tired of it. Even though she knew she’d take backlash from Kellan and Vaughn, she had to be up front, because that’s what she expected from them.


  “What the hell for?”

  Sophie cleared her throat and made her way back down the path. “Nigel is taking me for his sister’s wedding.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Damn it, Sophie. You’re getting in too deep there. You need to just come home and we’ll figure out something else. Traveling with Nigel Townshend to his home is a bad, bad idea.”

  Sophie bit the inside of her cheek, trying to quickly come up with the right words to reply, but Kellan beat her to it.

  “Oh, no. Don’t tell me you’re sleeping with your fake boss.”

  “I’m not sleeping with him.” Not yet. “He asked me to be his date because his grandmother is always on his back about not settling down. He figured if I went, they would at least leave him alone for a few days and he could enjoy his sister’s celebration without getting hassled.”

  “Uh-huh. And you’re telling me he’s not interested in you?”

  Oh, he was more than interested. Her body still tingled from just how interested Nigel Townshend was. There was nothing about her feelings for Nigel that she’d be sharing with her well-meaning brothers.

  “Listen, I know what I’m doing and I’m a big girl. You worry about finding the scoop on our long lost sibling and I’ll work on Miranda.”

  “I don’t give a damn about Miranda right now,” Kellan growled. “You can’t get caught up in a love affair with Nigel. You’re vulnerable, Soph. You’re grieving and totally out of your element. Besides, Miranda will know what you’re up to if she catches you anywhere near her showrunner.”

  “Stop worrying about my mental state. I’m fine,” she assured him, even though she was worried herself. “And nobody is going to catch me. I barely recognize myself in the mirror with all this blond hair and these glasses.”

  It was true. She missed her dark hair. The blond did horrid things to her skin tone, but a dye job was worth the sacrifice if she could get some blackmail material on Miranda.

  She might come across as all mama bear on the screen, doting on her costars and always trying to help, but nobody was that squeaky clean and wholesome. There had to be some proof that Miranda had done something underhanded to get the Blackwood money—something that would justify getting the will thrown out. Sophie wasn’t sure how she could make this work to their advantage, but she had to try. No way was she giving up her childhood home that easily. If they could just get Miranda out of Royal for good, they could all move on to the next chapter of their lives. They hadn’t gotten along with the woman when she’d been married to their father, so now that he was gone, there was no reason for her to stick around.

  “I’m heading back to work,” she told her brother. “Keep in touch and don’t make me beg for information.”

  She disconnected the call and made her way back to Green Room Media. She ha
d a meeting to get to, a trip to prepare for and a stepmother to bring down.

  All in a day’s work.


  Nigel settled into his seat as the jet taxied down the runway. He glanced at Roslyn, trying to figure out why she’d been so quiet and reserved on the way to the airport and since boarding.

  Maybe he’d been too demanding by asking her to be his date. Maybe she’d felt pressured, like her job would be on the line if she refused. That wasn’t the type of man he was, nor was it the type of man she deserved. He wanted her to know she mattered, she was valued. Not someone he considered disposable if she didn’t comply with his wishes. And certainly not who could be bought.

  Bloody hell. Since when did he try so hard to impress a woman? He actually cared what Roslyn thought of him. Oh, he’d always prided himself on caring for his dates, his relationships, but no other woman had impacted him like Roslyn.

  He admired her talents, her brilliance, and he couldn’t ignore the sexual pull, the desire and passion he’d witnessed. The combination continued to make him wonder if there was something else smoldering beneath the surface...and he couldn’t wait to explore.

  Bringing Roslyn to his family’s estate was risky, but hell, he’d taken risks his entire life... Why stop now when the reward could be so memorable and thrilling?

  When the plane lifted, Roslyn gripped the seat and closed her eyes. A minimal act, but one that hinted at why she’d been so closed off since they’d boarded. Well, he’d finally found her flaw. He had honestly wondered if she was too good to be true...and if fear of flying was her only drawback, he was in real trouble.

  Nigel didn’t want a commitment or love or anything crazy long-term, but he enjoyed Roslyn and couldn’t help but want to see where all this went.

  He came to his feet and crossed the cabin to the other white sofa, taking a seat, and her hand. He squeezed, earning him a quick glance.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  “You looked like you needed it. Why didn’t you tell me you were afraid of flying?”

  Roslyn lifted a shoulder and glanced down to their joined hands. “Pride? Fear of admitting I’m flawed? It’s silly, actually. I mean, flying is the safest form of travel, or so the saying goes.”

  Nigel shifted in his seat and took both of her rigid hands in his. “Relax,” he told her. “I’ve never been in a crash yet.”

  Roslyn rolled her eyes and gave a half grin.

  “That’s better,” he murmured with a smile. “But, seriously, having a fear is nothing to be ashamed of. Why didn’t you ask me to sit with you and hold your hand?”

  “I’ve never asked anyone to hold my hand when I’ve been afraid,” she countered. “Talk about humiliating.”

  “Everybody is afraid of something.”

  She quirked her brow and leveled his gaze. “And tell me what your fear is? Besides your grandmother.”

  Nigel laughed, but she wasn’t far from the mark. He’d never discussed his true anxieties or insecurities with anyone before.

  “Failing my family,” he finally admitted. “They were all stunned when I wanted to move to New York and start my own brand and work in television. I need this show to continue to succeed not just for me but for them. And then there’s my personal side. Settling down, marrying, and starting the next generation of little Townshends is actually expected of me and I know my family is disappointed that I’ve waited this long. I could always find a woman and start a family, but that’s not what I want. My parents were married a long time before my mother passed from a stroke. I want love. I’m just not sure when it will find me. I’m just so swamped with work and growing the brand.”

  Nigel stopped himself before he went on too much. He already sounded like a fool for believing in love. Roslyn had already said she wasn’t sure the emotion truly existed and he wasn’t so sure there was someone out there for him, either.

  At what point should he give up and just find a woman he’d want to be the mother of his children? Did he actually have to love her in a way old romances said a husband should love a wife? What was even normal these days, anyway?

  “Family really means that much to you.”

  Roslyn’s murmured words pulled him back.

  “Family is everything,” he stated. “That’s why I’m going to all this trouble to bring a date.”

  Her wide smile made her eyes sparkle. “And here I thought it was because you couldn’t stand being away from me.”

  Nigel moved closer, settling his hands on either side of her hips until she had her back pressed against the leather couch.

  “That, too,” he said before he slid his mouth over hers.

  She moaned against his lips, sliding her hands over his shoulders and threading her fingers through his hair. Just the simplicity of her touch had his arousal pumping through him. He had to remind himself that she was still innocent, but he also couldn’t ignore how passionate she was.

  When Roslyn arched that curvaceous body against his, Nigel slid his hands beneath the hem of her silky blouse and found warm satiny skin.

  Roslyn tore her mouth from his and dropped her head back, his name coming out on a whisper from her lips.

  “Tell me what you want,” he demanded.

  He wasn’t going to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with, but he wanted her more than he wanted his next breath...and they certainly had plenty of time on this flight for him to show her just how much he needed her.

  “Tell me,” he repeated, easing back to watch her face, to look for any hesitation that might indicate she wasn’t ready for more.

  Her eyes met his and she smiled...and his body responded. There was nothing in her eyes but hunger, desire and anticipation.

  His hands shook as he slid her shirt up and over her head. When he tossed it to the side and reached for the straps of her lacy black bra, she reached up and framed his face with her hands.

  “You’re nervous,” she stated with a soft smile. “That’s adorable.”

  Adorable. Not a word anyone used to describe him since he’d probably been a toddler.

  And nervous? Nigel wasn’t about to admit any such matter how true the statement. They both needed this. They both had been dancing toward this moment since she sashayed into his office in those hip-hugging jeans and killer heels, dazzling him with her beauty and impressing him with her knowledge and her mind.

  Instead of answering, he dipped his head to graze his lips over the swell of her breasts just above the outline of that sexy-as-hell bra.

  Roslyn eased down as he reached behind her back and unhooked the garment. She jerked it from her arms and lay on her back, staring up at him, her eyes silently pleading for him to take her.

  Definitely no hesitation here. This woman knew what she wanted, knew whom she wanted. Nigel may not understand why she’d waited so long to give herself to a man, but he was damn happy she’d chosen him.

  He didn’t know what this said about her true feelings, but he couldn’t analyze that right now. He wanted her and she sure as hell wanted him.

  With her blond hair all fanned out around her and her body completely exposed from the waist up, Nigel didn’t hesitate to remove the rest of her clothes, including her shoes. Once she laid bare beneath him, he came to his feet and made quick work of shedding his own things.

  There were certainly perks to owning your own jet. Privacy being the key.

  The way her eyes raked over him had Nigel hurrying even more. He procured protection from his wallet and covered himself before settling over her.

  Her hands trembled as she slid her fingertips up his arms and over the curve of his shoulders.

  “Looks like we’re both nervous,” she told him with a shaky smile.

  This might as well have been his first time, too, because he did not want to screw this up. He wanted Roslyn to experience
everything she deserved and more. Her satisfaction hinged on his every touch, his every move. Everything that happened here would be with her forever...and he knew this experience would be lasting for him, too.

  Believing in someone was key in his life and he knew he had her trust if she had decided to give her virginity to him. The idea humbled him and made his confidence grow even deeper toward her.

  Nigel was about to ask again if she was okay, but her knees came up on either side of his hips and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Nigel leaned down and covered her body, her mouth, still without joining them completely.

  Taking his time was what he should have been doing, but all Nigel wanted to do was be one with her, to finally feel her heat and know her take everything she was willing to give.

  Later they could explore. Between his own wants and her arched body and soft moans, Nigel knew they were both just as eager.

  He lifted his head slightly, wanting to see every emotion she displayed as he slid into her.

  Roslyn didn’t disappoint.

  Her mouth dropped open a second before she bit her lip, her lids fluttered shut, and she tipped her head back, pressing her breasts into his chest.

  She. Was. Perfect.

  Nigel moved carefully at first, more than aware of each sound or expression she made. They settled into a rhythm so effortlessly, as if they’d done this before...or as if they were meant to be.

  The thought was silly, but there was no other way to describe the manner in which they fit and moved so beautifully.

  She whispered his name on a plea as the rhythm of her hips quickened. Nigel followed her lead. She may lay beneath him, but all control was in her hands.

  Roslyn’s fingernails bit into his back as her climax took over. She arched, tightened her knees against his hips, and let out a cry of passion. Never before had he seen anything so erotic, and yet vulnerable.

  Her abandon had him losing control even further and following her into his own release. Nigel gripped her hips and slid his mouth over hers to connect them in every way possible.


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