by Mel Walker
He strolled down the line, the hum of the machines and the steady rhythm of the production line calmed him. The general buzz of the room reminded him of his workshop. Something was being created out of nothing.
"So what do we owe the pleasure this time Mr. Grant?"
The foreman, Carl Rovell, greeted him with a hearty smile and warm hand. Justin immediately noticed his device, the Les More, sticking out the upper chest pocket of the foreman.
"No surprises today. I just finished lunch early, had a few minutes before my next meeting and wanted to stroll the floor."
The foreman nodded and pulled out the device, "you know you are welcome anytime. This thing here ..."
Justin nodded.
"Thank you so much; it is so much more accurate than anything we’ve ever had access to before. It’s quicker, smaller and easier to use."
"Glad it is of use." Justin began to turn, not wanting to state that he already knew it was more accurate, he had noticed the changes in the nightly overnight reports as the discrepancy levels began to diminish, returning to levels similar to the initial product launch.
The foreman continued, "... well, that's the thing. It is such a cool device, I had a few of the boys take a look at it, and now they are fighting over it, they all want one. As you can see I have to keep it with me at all times."
Justin nodded wondering where this was going.
"... you see Mr. grant we could sure use another one of these things, hell we could use a dozen of them, just for this facility. I can't begin to tell you how many we could use worldwide."
Justin paused.
"Hell. If I brought this thing to the annual engineering conference in Tampa next month, I could probably sell a few thousand in the three days."
The foreman had his complete attention.
"You wouldn't happen to have a truckload of those things stored up somewhere. You could retire off of this."
"Say again," Justin couldn't believe his ears.
The foreman held up the device, shoulder height and held it out arm’s length. "What do you call this thing anyway?"
Justin smiled, "I call it the Less is More, Les More for short. Reminds me that it only takes a small, independent, nimble, bright and strong device to notice and call out the problems of the world."
Justin took the device from the foreman and stared at it, remembering the moment he named the invention, sitting in the workshop tinkering one night. Leslie was across from him, her back to him at another table working on a framing project. The two of them working side by side, so engrossed in their ventures that they barely said three words to each other in an hour. Justin remembered never feeling so connected to another person in his life.
They were two independent people passionate about what they did, loving what they did, and doing it together. At that moment he knew there wasn't any other place in the world he would rather be or would want to be ever again.
Leslie always claimed he was the brains of the family, but he knew the truth. She had forced him to look at every challenge from a different perspective. Time after time whenever he faced frustration and defeat she would challenge him to look at the problem from a different angle. A simple observation from a different viewpoint providing a path toward a previously hidden solution. A simple observation from her led to so many breakthroughs that he had lost count. She was the key ingredient in everything he had ever accomplished.
Sometimes you need to look at life from a different angle. Brute force isn’t always the answer. She had said.
Sometimes less is more. He returned that day long ago as he named his next invention after her.
Justin wiped away a rapidly forming tear from the corner of his eye as he kissed the device.
The foreman furrowed his brow, confusion on his face.
"I’m just saying goodbye to it." He said as he handed it back to Carl. "I have to run."
Justin turned and raced out of the plant floor, a huge no-no: no running allowed.
The foreman, however, stood with the Les More in his hand and with appreciative eyes and watched.
Justin swiped his badge to exit the plant and raced to the lobby where he knew he would get reception for his phone. It only took him two punches for the phone to ring, a keyboard shortcut.
"Don't hang up," he quickly said into the mouthpiece. "I'm sorry. I've been a jerk. I'm not sure what is going on. No matter, my behavior is unacceptable - it certainly is to me and should be to you. I shouldn’t have called you a liar." The words were racing out as quickly as his heart could formulate them. " I had forgotten one of the most important things about us. That neither one of us is any good without the other. I didn’t even realize you called me Mr. Supreme Justice.”
He finally paused and heard a deep breath on the other end of the line. Mr. Supreme Justice the code name Leslie came up for him when he went down his rabbit hole of righteousness and failed to see or hear reason around him.
"...I don’t think you heard much today," was the quiet response from her end.
"I can be a jerk, but you know that. We need to talk; I mean seriously talk. No matter how uncomfortable. We can make it through this. We will."
"...I know we can too."
"Good because I'm going to Indianapolis with you. You know you can't pitch to a client without running it past me first." He laughed at one of the consistent things about her frame business, how each time Leslie sought out his advice.
"Really? But I’m not even sure I am going anymore. After what just happened ..."
"Nonsense. This is an opportunity. This is what you’ve been working for. I don't know much; don't need to know much, all I need to know is that you think it’s important; important enough to stand up for. I'm not going to let you go alone. I have your back."
"Do you Justin?"
He paused, he recognized the tone.
"I'd love to have you come, believe me, I would, but are you coming for support or to keep an eye on me?"
Justin stood pacing, he wasn't surprised by the question once he heard it, but instead was surprised that the thought hadn't crossed his mind. "Not in the least," he replied effortlessly. "You are my wife, the love of my life and the mother of our child. I trust you with everything I am and everything we are."
He heard the weep on the other end of the line, "those are the words you said to me when we renewed our vows on our twentieth wedding anniversary."
He nodded realizing only after that she couldn't see him, "words I live by every day. I may lose myself at times, but I never lose us."
"What about work?" she asked.
"What about it. How many times have you sacrificed for my job? It's about time I reciprocate. Besides with things going on around here, you may soon be the breadwinner in the family."
"What is going on dear?" her voice filled with concern.
"No worries." his mind drifted to the Les More. "You know your man always has a plan."
"That's what I am afraid of..." she said as her voice trailed off. "Hurry home, we have a lot to discuss. You have to pack - the flight leaves at seven this evening."
"Ok, let me notify my boss, and I will see you at the house. I’ll try to get there by five, five-thirty the latest."
"I can't wait."
"Me neither."
"I love you, Justin."
Justin felt the warmth in his chest. Those three little words, so powerful. Armed with those three words, Justin knew there wasn’t anything which could stop him. “I love you, too.” He clicked off the phone and turned, headed back to the office ready to do battle.
Chapter Twenty-Two
The smug look on Everett Cooper's face immediately brought Justin back down to earth. He would never get used to the shared office.
"Security caught up with your friend on the stairway." Everett couldn't wait to share the information.
"That's funny; I don't recall asking for a play by play update."
Everett paused as if assessing his r
esponse, "I figured you were out of the loop seeing that you were off campus for nearly two hours."
Justin looked at his phone; it had a red message light. "Who's looking for me?"
"Just your boss."
Justin paused.
"Called, emailed, came through twice..." Everett continued to twist the knife. “Mumbled something about three-hour lunches have to stop ..."
"Is he in his office?"
"I'm coming with..."
"No, you're not," Justin said hovering over Everett.
"Actually I am." He stood, the men stood face to face. "Barry wanted to see us both in his office when you returned, or as he said it if you returned."
Lost in thought, Justin merely followed Everett without a sound or a question. He even failed to note that they were not headed toward Barry's office but rather a small conference room. He was seating before he even noticed that Marcus, as well as the representative from human resources, were also present.
"Well nice of you Justin to finally show up." Barry began with his standard irritating voice.
Justin tried to snap out of it as he noticed Marcus attempting to meet his eyes. He scrunched his shoulders; he didn't know what the meeting was all about either.
"Well let me begin, for the record, please note the time as two twelve in the afternoon." It was the previously quiet HR rep who appeared to be speaking to himself as he wrote on his pad. "All present and accounted."
Marcus sat up in his chair like a defendant in a courtroom as if he was being presented to the jury for the first time.
Barry had a smirk on his face as if he had a big secret. "I'll keep this short as after this meeting each of you will have plenty of work to take care of." He stepped away from the small conference room table toward the front of the room and pressed a few buttons on the control panel on the wall. The silkscreen came alive dropping down from its hidden compartment in the ceiling, and the overhead projector began to warm up.
He cleared his throat to ensure he had everyone's complete attention, it was an unnecessary move, but one Barry seemed to bask in nonetheless. "I've spoken to each of you individually already, and this session is to formally notify you that due to position elimination only two slots will be available in the new organization for a senior quality assurance engineer. Marcus is already slotted, so that leaves the two of you vying for the one position.
Barry paused as if anticipating the room to break into a frenzy.
Everett rewarded Barry by leaning forward, “mine” he whispered not so discreetly.
"Per HR guidelines we have been reviewing each of your past reviews, performing assessments of current performance..." Barry let his eyes work the room stopping temporarily at Justin, "...including attendance and unexplained absences."
Justin made an audible chuckle and took in the look of incredulity from Marcus.
"Both candidates are known quantities. Instead of an interview, as I’ve explained, we have devised an assignment. I will walk you through it today and will take questions. When you return to your desk, you will receive an email from me containing this presentation I am about to walk you through along with a few additional reference documents for the assignment. Any questions thus far?"
Justin watched Barry's hesitation; he wasn't about to give him the courtesy of a question.
Everett didn't share that assessment.
"Wonderful technique Mr. Boyton, innovative approach as well. Quick question, once we complete the assignment how soon will I be notified that I have the position?"
"Wow, Justin you certainly were right about this one," Marcus shouted across the table.
"Just call him three, as in what place he will end up on this little assignment," Justin added even louder.
Barry pushed back from the table, a look of embarrassment on his face, "I'm right here if either of you has something to say ..."
"Now, now children. Let's get back on track. But yes Everett as you can see this situation is uncomfortable for all of us." Once again Barry's eyes made their way over to Justin, "some of us more than others." He moved his attention back to Everett, "We would like to rectify this situation as quickly as possible so that the valued members of the new team can move forward. A decision will be made within a week."
Satisfied with the answer Everett rolled his chair back to the table.
"Now let me get back to my presentation." Barry clicked off his title chart and presented the first of several slides on the assignment. "Team, you will have twenty-four hours from the start of this meeting to review, complete your assignment and then present right here in this same conference room for a no more than thirty-minute presentation." He scanned the room for any additional questions, pausing on the HR rep who nodded for him to proceed. They had apparently covered all the checkpoint items for HR.
"Here is the scenario. A company, for this assignment we are calling it ABC corporation, is facing stiff competition after decades of being an industry leader. Top analysts have concluded that the organization has become complacent, fat and lazy. A new management team has been installed, and you are the senior advisor to this organization. You have been assigned the manufacturing area which currently has a workforce of close to sixteen hundred people worldwide. The company produces twelve products, eight in US plants, three in Europe, and one in Asia.
You are provided in the documents the breakdown of production metrics, workforce efficiencies, and operational costs. etc." Barry flipped through a series of charts, graphs, and summations quickly.
Justin chuckled to himself at the blatant non-obvious attempt at Barry to have the team work on problem management had obviously delegated to him to handle. Justin crossed his legs and leaned back interlocking his fingers behind his head. His chuckle returned as he noticed Everett writing, taking copious notes as if he was a high school student prepping for the SAT.
"Your challenge is to maintain and or increase production of the efficiency rating of the plants while reducing overall costs by at least forty five percent." Barry paused for a reaction when none was forthcoming Everett jumped.
“…Wow,” he muttered with the expression of a young puppy hoping to be rewarded with a pet.
"Exactly." Barry smiled that he had gotten his punch line he glanced over at Everett. Justin feared Barry would actually pet him.
"Nothing is off the table to make this number. Headcount reduction, plant closures, the retirement of underperforming products, reduction in operational procedures, oversight, administrative costs, ...."
Justin leaned forward suddenly, "... and by a reduction in operational procedures I’m assuming you mean the safety and quality procedures we currently have in place..."
"We?" Barry giggled to himself; it was not a good look on him. "Remember Justin we are speaking of a fictitious company, ABC." His inappropriate laugh returned. "Do try to keep up."
Justin bit his tongue, ready for a rejoinder but decided against it.
"We are looking for innovative, aggressive proposals which will get this organization back to its profitable ways. You now have a little less than twenty-four hours."
Barry flipped to the last page of the presentation. As the team began to stand Barry added, "oh and do remember that you must take care of your day to day activities as well so please only work on this during business hours if your schedule permits."
Justin stood, his head swirling, this was the last thing he needed.
"Oh, Justin you got a minute?" Justin stopped in his tracks not even bothering to turn toward Barry. "I've gotten called into another critical meeting and as the senior standing member of the group I’d like for you to cover my next session. It's purely routine, a monthly readout on performance by the branches. It tends to run dry and usually long, and unfortunately, we rotate who take the minutes and today is my turn so you'll have to capture the minutes and publish them out by the end of the day as well. I'll forward you the invite, but it’s a four-hour meeting from two to six. You are already late."
p; Justin didn't even bother to argue; it was pointless. Barry had made it clear he wanted him out of the organization, and at this moment Justin had to agree with him.
Justin realized he was already late for the meeting but he raced to his office anyway Everett was already in full research mode as he turned away from Justin when he entered the room, attempting to hide his papers on the desk in front of him and tilting his laptop down so it couldn't be read.
"Didn't Barry have you cover that session for him?" Everett said surprised to see him.
"How did you know about it?"
Everett couldn't resist, "who do you think suggested it to him?"
Justin smirked, "I didn't realize I was back in high school." He stepped past him toward his desk picking up the phone, "I’ll only be a minute then you can go back to what you think is an approach." Justin dialed the number and turned away from Everett.
"Yeah, it's me. Something’s come up in the office. I'm not going to make it back in time."
"It sounds serious," Leslie replied, stress in her voice. "Are you still making the trip out?"
"Only if I can invent the clone machine in the next two hours."
"I understand...."
He could hear the disappointment in her voice, a voice too familiar and too frequent in the last few months, "you know if I could I would dear. I really would. You'll do great."
"Glad you think so. There is one issue that I wanted to get your thoughts on."
Justin felt a tap on his shoulder, Everett stood there pointing to his watch. Justin squeezed the phone tighter and turned away from him, "shoot dear. What is it?"
"I can't tell you over the phone." She paused as if searching for a solution, "I'll leave a folder on the bed with the issue, take a look when you get in and give me a call early in the morning. We'll be getting in late, and it'll be after midnight by the time we get to the hotel."
"What time is the presentation?"
"Nine-thirty - we'll need to leave the hotel by eight to get there early and make sure everything is good to go."
"I'll buzz you at seven."