King of Corium: Dark Enemies to Lovers Bully Romance (Corium University Book 1)

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King of Corium: Dark Enemies to Lovers Bully Romance (Corium University Book 1) Page 4

by J. L. Beck

  My gaze ping-pongs between Q, who is standing as still as a statue, his penetrating gaze piercing my soul, and Ren, who is smirking like someone told him a hilarious joke.

  The two of them are like Adonis, both equally as gorgeous as they are dangerous. I try not to notice how attractive Q is with his sharp jawline, piercing blue eyes, and unruly black hair. His clothing hugs his chiseled body, and I take a step back, trying to put some distance between the three of us. I told myself I would stay under the radar, protect myself, and keep my mouth shut. The problem is, everything has started to compound, and the reason for all my problems, or at least a part of my problems, is standing right in front of me.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than torment me? My life’s shit as it is, and I don’t need the two of you heaping more onto it with your bullying antics.”

  I’ve never been the type to sit down and shut up, but something tells me right now should’ve been one of those instances. Too bad, at this moment, there’s no one to stop me or tell me that I’m basically signing my own death certificate. The objective was to steer clear of him and his family, not put a bright red X on my back.

  “Excuse me?” Q blinks, his gaze turning feral in a flash.

  All I can hear is the swooshing of blood in my ears. Q takes a step toward me, and instantly, I’m in a trance, a rabbit caught in a trap. I’m not sure where the courage comes from to say what I do next, but it’s something I’ll come to regret. I know it.

  “You heard me. I’m the one being called a rat, the one with a father in prison. Your life is still perfect, as it always has been and will continue to be,” I growl, my own anger over the past year rivaling any sanity inside me.

  Q’s perfectly sculpted lip curls in disgust, and I notice the way his body tenses and his fist clench at his side. I should be scared, and on the inside, I’m all kinds of terrified, but I also feel powerful. I feel like, for once, I’m being heard and seen. He takes a threatening step toward me, that single step eats away all the remaining space between us, and I can feel the rage rolling off him. It’s threatening to swallow me whole, and at this point, I kind of wish it would. Ren must see something I don’t because he slides between us, grabbing Q by the shoulders while pushing him backward.

  “She’s a rat. Don’t let anything she says bother you,” Ren says while leading him away from me. My legs are like Jell-O, and how I’ve managed to remain standing this long is a mystery. The promise of violence and pain reflects in Q’s eyes and back at me, and somehow, I know I just made the biggest mistake of my life.



  Until five minutes ago, I had no intention of messing with her. I knew she would be here and that our paths might cross, but that didn’t matter because I never put the blame for what happened on her. My hate was solely reserved for her father and the people involved in the attack on my family back home.

  All that went to shit, and the rage shifted the moment her spiteful words met my ear. “Your life is still perfect, as it always has been and will be.”

  She had no fucking idea, not a clue as to what the past year has been like for my family and me. What her father did was merely the icing on the cake. If she wants to play the innocent card and pretend she’s done nothing, then she’s in for a rude awakening.

  “She’s a rat. Don’t let anything she says bother you.” Ren’s voice takes on a calming tone, and I become hyperaware of his hands on my shoulders. I peer over his shoulder, my gaze going to the spot where Aspen was standing just moments ago.

  She’s gone now, but her presence still lingers. Her words still swirl in my head. My anger toward her plateaus and my muscles burn, the need to expel the hate and rage burning like a blazing fire across my skin. I already know no amount of time at the gym is going to help. It’s only going to be a drop of water on a hot stone.

  No, I need a new way to calm the storm inside me, and that way is going to involve Aspen Mather.

  A smirk forms on my lips as I imagine all the things I can do to her, the ways I can make her pay and cause her pain. I’d never considered myself a sadist, but the feelings she brings out in me are making me second-guess myself. I know I’m going to enjoy every minute of bringing her to her knees.

  “What the hell are you smiling about?” Ren asks, dropping his hands and taking a step back. He looks as confused as I feel.

  “I think I just found a new hobby.”

  Ren raises his eyebrow. “Yeah? What’s that?”

  I ignore his second question since it’s obvious. “I’m going to head to the administration office and get some info on Aspen. I want to know what classes she’s taking.”

  I don’t say it out loud, but I actually want to know everything about her. The more I know, the easier it’s going to be to hurt her where it counts.

  Ren doesn’t even question my request. He knows me well enough to know that when I get fixated on something, nothing will get in my way. Whether Aspen likes it or not, making her life a living hell just became my newest obsession.

  “How about I get you her class schedule, and you go to PE? A little workout is going to do more for you than trying to charm the panties off some secretary, especially when you look as pissed off as a grizzly bear.”

  I pin him with a stern look. “We both know I won’t have to charm anyone. They’ll give it to me out of fear and simply because I ask them to.”

  “True, but sometimes you catch more flies with honey. Plus, my class isn’t for another hour. Let me do the panty snatching, and you can do the scheming.”

  “Fine.” I nod. “I’ll see you after lunch.”

  Ren slaps his hand on my shoulder and leans into my side. “Don’t kill the girl. You know the rule. Can’t end her while we’re here.”

  “Killing her is the last thing I want to do. That would give her an easy way out. What I have planned will make her afraid to step foot out of her dorm room.”

  “I like the way you think.” He grins and saunters away.

  I do my best to shake off the lingering rage and head to PE. The building that houses the main recreation center is closer to the surface. I take the elevator up with a few other students and make my way to the large gym. The inside is the size of a football field, the ceiling high and slightly bowed, making it look more like a hangar than an actual gym. The only thing giving away what this place is meant for is the field markings on the ground and the various sports equipment scattered around.

  I walk up to the small crowd of congregating students, trying to figure out what everyone’s doing. It’s then that I notice the floor mats, and I catch sight of the teacher handing out hand wraps. He’s about my height but bulkier with black buzzed hair and olive skin. He’s of Asian descent, but when he talks, it’s without an accent.

  “Welcome to class. I’ll be your instructor for today. First thing you need to know about me: I hate repeating myself. So pay attention the first time because I won’t show you twice. You can call me Quan. We’re gonna start with basic hand-to-hand combat. Most of you are probably well versed in it, but I need to see where everyone is at, so we’re going to start out slow.”

  All I can do is roll my eyes. I don’t need this class. There’s nothing he can teach me that I don’t already know. I’m about to turn on my heels and walk out, but then as fate would have it, I spot her sitting on the ground with her back against the wall.


  Sparks of excitement form in my chest as I take in her small frame just as she’s pushing herself to stand. She tucks a loose strand of blond hair behind her ear, her gaze trained on the instructor. She hasn’t noticed me yet, so I slowly move closer to her, making sure to stay hidden behind a few other students.

  Quan continues talking, but I drown the sound of his voice out and give Aspen my full attention. I study her delicate face, map each curve of her body, twitch of her muscles, and hair on her head. The more I know about my enemy, the better.

  “All right, everyone, find a part
ner.” Quan’s voice booms through the space, and students start to pair up immediately.

  None of the guys even glance my way. Everyone is keeping their distance from me. One petite but brave girl actually gathers up the courage to walk up to me. Her blond hair is knotted into a tight bun at the top of her head. Her icy-blue gaze sizes me up.

  “Want to partner up, big guy?” she asks with a heavy Russian accent.

  “Any other time, I’d love to, but today, I have someone else who needs an ass-kicking.” I look past the nameless girl and over to where Aspen is standing. She still hasn’t noticed me, even though she is actively looking for a partner.

  Russian girl walks away without another word while I stalk closer to my prey. Much like me, people don’t want to partner up with her, though for entirely different reasons. They all know what her father did, and if criminals hate one thing, it’s a fucking rat.

  “Need a partner?” I ask casually, walking up to her side.

  At my voice, she spins around so fast that I think she might give herself whiplash. Her already large eyes go even wider as she gapes at me. She’s a good foot shorter than me and has to crane her neck back to look up at me.

  She blinks slowly like she’s digesting what I’ve said.

  “That would hardly be fair. You are twice my size.”

  “Did you just call me fat?” I can’t help but smirk.

  “Funny.” She rolls her eyes at me like she has no idea the amount of danger she is in. Earlier, she put on a show, and now she has to face the consequences.

  Folding her arms over her chest, she scans the room, realizing that everyone has found a partner, and we are the only two left.

  “I guess you’re stuck with me.” I can practically hear her swallow.

  Her sass evaporates as she frantically looks for a way out. Her eyebrows pinch together, and fear overtakes her features. I’m not sure if she wasn’t scared until this moment or if she’s simply good at hiding it. Either way, her mask has slipped, and I can see the panic starting to set in.

  “Let’s go, you two,” Quan calls over to us. Everyone else is already practicing the moves he demonstrated, and we are the only two people standing around doing nothing. “Start fighting.”

  Aspen gives the instructor a pleading look as if he could save her from me. To drive it home, he actually turns away from us, giving us his back.

  “You heard the man, no more standing around.” I snicker, and then I’m on her.

  I’ve never fought anyone smaller than me, so when I tackle her to the ground, I do so with much more force than necessary. The thin mat isn’t much of a buffer to her small body as she falls onto it, so the air passes her lips on a wheeze. She grunts clearly in pain and squeezes her eyes shut. I almost feel sorry… almost.

  A soft whimper passes her lips, and she tries to roll away from me, but we both know things aren’t going to end that easily. I climb on top of her and straddle her hips. Her eyes fly open, and her hands finally start moving. She tries to push me off, but I easily snatch her wrists and pin them to the mat. If she thought I would let what she said and what her family did slide, she’s stupider than I thought.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Hand-to-hand combat.” I wink.

  “This is not what we are supposed to practice.” She sneaks a peek around the room, and I follow her gaze. No one is paying us any attention. Quan still has his back to us, ignoring what is happening like the rest of the class.

  “I don’t think anyone cares what I’m doing to you.”

  Leaning in, I put most of my body weight on her, immobilizing her completely. With my chest pressed against hers, I can feel her heart banging against my skin furiously.

  Her blond hair fans against the floor, and her cheeks have turned a soft shade of pink. Her chest rises and falls so rapidly I can see her pulse in her throat.

  Lowering my head even more, I brush my lips against her ear. Fear laced with her unique flowery scents invades my nose, and I fight the urge to take a deeper breath. Her entire body trembles, and my cock stirs to life.

  “Let me make it clear to you since you obviously haven’t figured it out yet. You’re at the bottom of the pole. You’re the dirt beneath the feet of everyone else here. You mean nothing to anyone. I bet I could pull your leggings down right now, fuck you on this mat, and not a single person would stop me, no matter how much you screamed. Care to prove me wrong?”

  My threat sends her into a struggle, and she tries pathetically to push me off, but all she does is rub herself against my already half stiffened dick.

  I chuckle into her hair, and that’s when she does something I didn’t see coming.

  She turns her head toward me, so her cheek is pressed against mine and her lips are on my neck. Her hot breath fans out over my skin, chasing a shiver down my spine.

  For a moment, I think she’s going to fucking kiss me. However, instead of the softness of her lips, I get the sharp bite of her teeth.

  She bit me, and not just a little bit. The bitch bites me… hard.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, startled by the unexpected pain. I shove away from her, giving her enough time to buck me off and roll away from me.

  Stunned, I get up on my knees and bring my hand to the side of my neck to touch the tender spot.

  She really fucking bit me.

  I watch her get up, and I already know her next move. She’s going to make a run for it. It’s what weak prey that can’t fight back do. She doesn’t get a single step in before I snatch her ankle and pull her back down onto the mat. Her body lands on the floor with a thud, and she lets out a yelp. She kicks at me with her free foot, but I evade her attack with ease.

  Grabbing her from behind, I pull her body flush to my chest and hook my arm around her throat, putting her in a chokehold. She fights me in earnest now, elbowing me in the ribs and even trying to throw her head back, probably hoping to connect with my face. None of her moves faze me. All that matters in this instance is control.

  Ignoring my surroundings and her struggling, I tighten my grip on her. Like a boa constrictor, I pull her in, closer with each breath she takes.

  Her ass grinds against my crotch while she fights harder to get away, and both of her hands claw at my arms shackled around her. Her sharp nails pierce my skin, eliciting a hiss from me. I already know she’s going to leave more than that bite mark on me.

  Once more, I tighten my hold on her, drawing a defeated whimper from her lips. One moment, her whole body is stiff, fighting against me with all her might, and the next, she goes completely lax in my hold.

  Her head lolls back and onto my shoulder, and her arms fall uselessly to her side.

  The room goes eerily quiet, and when I look up, I notice the whole class has stopped fighting. All eyes are on me, holding a passed-out Aspen in my arms.

  My first instinct is to release her altogether and let her unconscious body fall to the mat, but something has me pausing. I drop my arm from her throat but continue holding her, supporting her weight fully. The concept has an allure I didn’t know I was craving. I don’t know why, but I like cradling her to my chest when she is passed out and can’t defend herself—not that she has a chance against me even when fully conscious.

  An odd sense of calmness washes over me. There is something about having this kind of control over her. I’m not only holding her body in my arms; I’m holding her entire life in the palm of my hands.

  For the past year, everything around me has been chaos. I couldn’t protect the people I love… I was so helpless. I had no power over anything, but right now, at this very moment, I’m in charge. I, and only I, decide what happens next.

  The only question is, what am I going to choose?



  A sharp sting to my cheek drags me from the darkness of my mind. My eyes are already fluttering open when someone slaps my face again.

  This time, it’s hard enough for my head to jerk to the side.

sp; What the hell? It takes me a moment to make sense of what’s happening.

  My vision focuses on Quinton’s face, who is scowling at someone to my right. Following his glare, I find Quan—the instructor—kneeling on the ground beside me. His hand is raised, hovering inches from my face. Then I notice Q’s fingers wrapped around Quan’s wrist like he just stopped him from slapping me a third time.

  I must have hit my head because there is no way I’m reading this situation right.

  Quinton shoves the instructor’s hand away, and the man who is supposed to be teaching us scrambles to his feet like he’s scared of his student.

  “She needs to be taken to medical to be checked out,” Quan says.

  “She’s fine,” Quinton answers like he’s in charge.

  “Yeah, but I still have to bring her ass to medical. Liability and shit. I’m not losing my job over something small.”

  “All right, fine. I’ll take her,” Q offers.

  “No,” I croak, trying to sit up. My throat feels like someone shoved crushed glass down it. “I don’t need to go to medical. I’m okay.” I’m really not, but the idea of being alone with Quinton has me pushing through my lightheadedness. I can’t imagine what he would get away with if we were alone after what just happened in a room full of people. My best bet is to put as much distance between us as I can.

  “Nonsense. I’ll be happy to take you.” Q winks at me.


  “I said no.” I push myself up to stand, still a little disoriented. I wobble on my feet, and Q has the audacity to grab my arm. Almost like he’s being a good Samaritan helping me off the ground and not the one that just choked me to unconsciousness. I pull my arm from his grip as soon as I’m on my feet, but the quick movement has my head spinning and making me sway from side to side like a leaf in a storm.

  Quinton wraps his arm around my back and pulls me into his side to stabilize me. Whatever game he’s playing, I want out of it.


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