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by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “I had an architect in here, she said they were the best and super ecofriendly.”

  “She was right.”

  “You’re welcome to cook in here anytime you want.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “Yes. I will never lie to you Hannah.”

  I can feel a lot of sexual tension building in the room.

  “Maybe, I should get going.”

  “Please stay. I promise I won’t try anything. Remember, I’m a man of my word. I will never harm you.”

  I stand up and go to his tv console and scan everything he has in here. To be honest, I don’t want to leave. I feel at home here in his apartment.

  “Can I watch this?” I ask about a movie I’ve never seen.

  “Sure. It’s streaming live. The TV is smart and hooked up to WIFI.” He grabs the remote and turns the TV to the movie. “Are you sure you want to see this? It’s kind of graphic.”

  “Yes. I’m sure. It’s supposed to be a great movie.”

  “It is, I’ve seen it a few times.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with watching it again?”

  “Absolutely,” he says. “Would you like anything to drink or eat?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Hawk and I settle in on the bed. We aren’t super close but close enough that I can feel his warmth. “Your bed is so comfortable too. What are these mattresses?”

  “They are custom made for us. We helped out a few people a while back and they owned a mattress company. As a thank you, they offered mattresses for life.”

  “Wow, I’m going to have to get one of these.” I settle into the bed and watch the movie.

  Chapter 11


  I wake up with a warm body next to me. The last thing I remember was watching a movie with Hannah and then falling asleep. I open my eyes slowly and look down and see Hannah sleeping against my chest. We must have fallen asleep watching the movie last night. I don’t want her to be scared when she wakes. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

  “Hannah, baby, wake up.” I caress her cheek as I try to wake her. She starts stirring in bed. “Hannah,” I say again. I hear her let out a little moan.

  “Mmmmm. Hawk?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. We fell asleep with the movie last night,” I say quietly.

  She moves enough to look up at me and gives me a smile and cuddles up closer to me. I think she’s still half asleep.

  “I haven’t slept that well in months,” she mumbles almost incoherently.

  “I’m glad.” I’m glad that I could help her sleep. Having her near me is giving me the biggest hard on though.

  “Hawk?” She quickly realizes that it really is me and moves away quickly.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sleep on you like that. How embarrassing.” She has her head in her hands.

  “It’s okay, you don’t see me complaining. I’ve never actually slept next to a woman. That’s the first time.”

  “You’ve never slept next to a woman? I find that hard to believe.”

  “Yeah. I’ve never had a woman stay the night in my bed. You are the first.”

  “My cousin must be worried.” She gets up and fixes her clothing and exits the bedroom.

  She literally just ran away from me. I get up, shower, and get dressed. I work on some business for the club for about two hours before heading out to the main room of the clubhouse. As soon as I turn the corner into the rec room my nose is assaulted by cinnamon.

  “Do you smell that?” I ask Axl who’s sitting on the couch.

  “Hannah is at it again. Apparently she started making dough last night,” he says.

  “What is that fucking smell? I want to lick the air,” Delta says sticking his tongue out.

  “Hannah,” I reply.

  We all head to the kitchen and Hannah is bent down with the oven open and pulling out what look like croissants. There’s also a tray of cinnamon rolls and some muffins.

  “Hey guys, good morning.” She avoids eye contact with me.

  “Hannah, what’s going on? Is it someone’s birthday?” Delta asks licking his lips.

  “No, I just felt like baking. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll repay you for all the ingredients,” she says.

  “We don’t mind, and you’re our guest. You don’t have to repay anything,” I say. It irks me to think that she feels the need to repay us. She’s feeding us all.

  “I smell ham and cheese croissants,” Jimmy says, walking in. “Han, you didn’t,” he stalks over to her giving her a hug. I don’t like it. He notices me watching and quickly removes himself from her.

  “I did, I made ham and cheese croissants, chocolate and plain.”

  “How did you do all of this?” I ask. She was just with me a little over two hours ago.

  “I prepped last night. I got all the dough made last night and proofed in the fridge. I hope no one is gluten free. I think I made enough. Please take something, enjoy,” she says grabbing a croissant. She sits at the bar in the kitchen and pours herself a cup of coffee and pulls apart the croissant. Hers has chocolate in the middle. I watch her eat and lick her fingers that are covered in melted chocolate. I want to lick those fingers.

  I grab a cup of coffee. “Mmm. This is different. What is this?” I ask. This is definitely not the same shit they always make in here.

  “What’s that?” She asks licking the side of her mouth. I use my thumb and clean off the side of her mouth from chocolate and lick my finger. She just stares at me and turns bright red.

  “The coffee, it’s nutty and rich,” I reply nonchalantly. I smirk.

  “It sure is, its fucking the best coffee I’ve ever had,” Delta says.

  “Damn girl, where did you get this from? I want to buy 10 bags of it pronto,” Axl says as he shovels a cinnamon roll in his mouth.

  “I blend it myself.”


  “I blend it myself and make it myself. I was never able to find a coffee I love so I made my own. I brought it with me when we came to the clubhouse. I can’t live without my coffee,” she replies.

  “Can you make me a bag of that? I’d love to send it to my sister. She’s an addict,” Axl says.

  “Sure,” she says.

  I grab a ham and cheese croissant and I think a blueberry muffin. I stand across from her as she eats. I take a bite of the ham and cheese croissant and I think I might cum in my pants.

  “Fuck me,” I exclaim.

  “I’d love to,” one of the club whores says as she walks in, in barely any clothing.

  “I’ve never tasted something like this before, Hannah,” I say.

  The club whore comes up to me and hugs my arm and whispers into my ear, “That’s because you haven’t tasted this pussy yet,” she says.

  “I think I lost my appetite,” Hannah says as she moves and takes a seat next to Jimmy. I think she heard that bit.

  The club whore starts laughing. “What do you say, Hawk? You wanna give me a taste. I’ll make it worth your while,” the club whore says. I think her name is Kitty. What this bitch doesn’t know is that I’m not getting anywhere her kitty with my mouth. This bitch has fucked everyone from here to space. She’s got fleas.

  “Get off him, bitch, Hawk is mine. I told you before,” says Freya from behind me. She’s another club whore.

  “You lost your chance. Get out of here,” Kitty says squeezing my arm further. I don’t mind people touching me normally but right now I’m getting pissed. I just want to eat my fucking delicious pastry in peace. I jerk my arm to get her off but she doesn’t budge.

  “See, he doesn’t want you touching him,” Freya says as she comes up to my other arm and squeezes my bicep. She moves her hand down towards my cock that’s still hard from being next to Hannah.

  I grab her hand. “Stop,” I growl out. She jumps and stands back.

  “Both of you get the fuck out of he
re. I’m trying to enjoy my fucking breakfast in peace,” I yell.

  They both scurry away.

  “Jeez Pres, what the fuck what that all about?” Axl says.

  “No fucking clue. I just want to eat my delicious breakfast in fucking peace. I don’t want any pussy around me fighting while I’m enjoying my meal,” I shout out as I sit at the table across from Hannah. I’m fucking annoyed.

  “You must be used to women throwing themselves at you Hawk. All of you must be used to that by now,” Jen says from out of nowhere. “Hannah, you didn’t,” she walks over to the baked goods on the counter. “I love these muffins, this is the blueberry of my dreams,” she says as she grabs a blueberry muffin and a plain croissant. She takes a seat next Hannah at the table.

  “Where were you all night?” she asks Hannah.

  Hannah doesn’t answer. She looks mortified.

  “I ugh fell asleep in the triage,” she says looking at me with wide eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Jen asks.

  “Yeah, I just had a headache and wanted somewhere quiet and alone and just ended up sleeping in there,” Hannah makes up. Is she embarrassed by the fact that she slept next to me? She avoids making eye contact with me.

  “Did you see Doc?” Jen asks.

  “Yeah, last night, he took a look at the cut on my head,” Hannah says.

  “Hannah, thank you so much for breakfast. We’re lucky to have you,” Delta says.

  “No problem guys, it actually helps me keep my mind off things. I like cooking and baking, it’s my way to relieve stress and tension,” Hannah say pulling at her croissant layer by layer. “Hey, do you think I could go out and get some stuff?” she asks.

  “You know you can’t do that. We’re on lockdown. No one in or out unless it’s absolutely necessary or for work,” Jax replies.

  “Well, it would help me keep my sanity if I was able to go to the store. Do you really think someone would be at the market trying to kidnap me in the bean aisle?” She says.

  “It’s not a risk I’m willing to take,” I reply.

  “Fine,” she gets up from the table abruptly and leaves.

  “Jen, what the fuck was that?” I ask her cousin.

  “She’s getting antsy. Maybe, I can pick her up some stuff on my way back from work?” Jen says.

  “No,” I reply. “It’s not safe.”

  “Okay,” she leans back in defeat. She knows not to argue.

  Now I feel like an ass. I get up and head out to find Hannah. I go into the rec room and she’s sitting in the corner by herself just staring out the window. I walk over to her and take a seat next to her. She gets up and stands.

  “Please stay,” I say reaching for her arm.

  “No,” Hannah replies walking away.

  I stand and follow her. She goes back to my old bedroom.

  “Hannah, stop running. What is going on?”

  “I need space. I feel claustrophobic. I’ve had enough conversation this morning. You’re two girlfriends are the worst,” she says.

  “They aren’t my girlfriends. I’ve never even fucked them, not that it matters,” I say.

  “Yeah, well, they sure know a lot about your club to not be your girlfriend. I thought you said you don’t tell the women anything out of fear for their safety.”

  “We don’t,” I reply. What’s she getting at here?”

  “Well that’s a lie Hawk. They knew a lot more than I think they should then.”

  “What exactly did they talk about?” I ask her, the club whores don’t know shit but I’ll entertain her.

  “The one with the cat name said that her old man was set to come in on the 10th. Her and the other one had these tattoos too they were covering up with makeup. I thought that’s pretty cool since the makeup completely made their tattoo disappear. They were both helping each other cover up the tattoo. The other one was talking about drugs. She also mentioned something about the finances of the tattoo shop and strip club. She said she was getting her share of the money from some guy named Gator.”

  What the fuck. “Did you get a look at the tattoos?”

  “No, they were both on their forearms. You would never know there are there, it completely blended in. I myself had to look twice.” Fucking shit, how did they know about Gator. Gator was one of our members, he left a few years back when we changed leadership. He wanted to be Sergeant at Arms but I wouldn’t allow it. He was a druggie and not focused. All he wanted was a patch but not do any work to help improve the club. He gave the club a bad name.

  “Where did they go?”

  “They said they were going to get some food,” she points to the kitchen. She has no idea what she just told me.

  Before I leave I turn to her. “Can you make me a list of the things that you want from the grocery store? I’m going to have the prospect pick it up for me.”

  “Uh, I need to get Jen to loan me some money before he leaves.”

  “Don’t worry about that, you can repay us back later,” not that I will be asking. “Just make up the list and he will get you whatever you want.”

  “I don’t know, Hawk, I want quite a bit of stuff. It’s kind of expensive.”

  “Make the list,” I say as I walk away. I don’t give her the option to give me another excuse. I’ll have Jimmy pick up the stuff for her and that’s that.

  I send a text out to my leadership. I give them a quick low down. I need them to meet me in my room but first I need to get a few things.

  15 minutes later…

  I’m walking into my bedroom with Kitty and Freya. I came on to both of them and they think they’re going to get to fuck me. They throw me onto the bed and they both start stripping.

  “I knew you would change your mind and want a piece of this kitty,” Kitty says, grinding on Freya.

  “You couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I wanted you all to myself but I don’t mind sharing a little. We’re going to have some fun,” Freya says. She turns to Kitty and grabs her face and starts to kiss her. In any other situation this would be hot but it’s about to be something different.

  I send a quick text and in walks in the leadership of the Blazing Saints MC. Axl, Doc, Delta, and Jax have all walked in.

  “Oh, is this going to be a party?” Kitty says.

  “Do we get to fuck all of you?” Freya says licking her lips.

  “Not a chance you Devil whore. Sit down,” I say to them as I get up.

  “What’s going on Hawk?” Kitty exclaims in a high-pitched voice.

  “Sit,” I say sternly and loudly. They get the point and quickly sit down.

  “Doc, you got the cleanser?” I say.

  “Yup,” he says coming up to the women and kneeling before them.

  “Give him your arm,” I say.

  “No, I’m not giving you my arm. Your gonna drug us or something,” Freya says.

  “You will give us your arm or you will lose it. Got it?” Delta shouts. Both women jump. People know not to mess with Delta.

  Kitty is holding her arms close to her body along with her purse. Freya is now hugging her legs.

  “Listen, you guys can either do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way,” I say. The rest of my brothers are standing around them. They aren’t getting out of this. We can force them or they can comply. We don’t like touching or hurting women but they’re hurting us and our club.

  “Fuck you,” Kitty shouts.

  “Just do it,” I shout. Doc and Axl work on Kitty and Delta and Jax work on Freya. Axl is holding Kitty still while Doc cleans off her arm and the same with Jax holding Freya and Delta cleaning. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  “Well, well what do we have here,” I say to both of them.

  “Fuck you, Hawk,” Freya shouts this time.

  There arms reveal Property of Devil’s Daddies tattoos. These bitches belong to the assholes trying to kill our women and attack us.

  “They are fu
cking spy bitches, Pres,” Delta states.

  “You fucking bitches have been spying on us. What have you told them?” I ask.

  “We aren’t telling you shit,” Freya spits.

  “I’m done with them. Delta, take care of them. Find out everything,” I say.

  “Got it, Pres. I haven’t played in a very long time,” Delta says. Sick fuck loves to interrogate people. He always gets them to break, every, single, time.

  Delta and Jax take the women out back to one of our empty rooms.

  Axl, Doc, and I stay behind.

  “I can’t believe that shit. What’s in their bags?” I ask.

  Doc opens up one of their bags and finds a phone with pictures of Hannah and Jen. They also have recordings of church meetings from little microphones.

  “How could they have gotten this, Doc?” I ask.

  “They must have stuck it on one of us. These little stickers are mics,” he says holding one up. “Pres,” Docs says in a tone I don’t like.


  “They have a conversation between you and Hannah,” Doc says.

  “Delete it. Now.” I shout.

  “It’s done.”

  What the fuck. “Doc, I thought you ran a sweep for bugs?”

  “I did, they must have brought these in afterward,” he says examining the phone and microphones.

  “Well do another sweep now. I want this place secured,” I shout leaving the room and heading to the gym. I need to blow off some steam.

  Chapter 12


  I’m really not sure what happened to Hawk. He was asking me a bunch of questions about the two girls that are always throwing themselves at him. He left immediately. Luckily, I was able to give Jimmy a list of the groceries I wanted. I felt like making some homemade pasta with truffles and meatballs and I also felt like doing a lasagna with fresh pasta, homemade ricotta, and fresh mozzarella. I was going to get fancier but these are bikers. I also made fresh Italian bread and a surprise for dessert.

  “Hun, what is that you are making? It smells fantastic in here,” a woman named Betty says. She’s one of the older members wife. She seems nice.


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