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Hawk Page 17

by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “I heard there was cake,” he moves closer to the counter. He’s smirking. He’s a cock block. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “Yeah, what kind would you like?” Hannah asks pulling away from me. I stand back and watch her move. “I personally love the chocolate, its rich but not too sweet,” she says.

  “I can grab it myself, I don’t want to bug too much,” he says. I wish he would leave. I was getting Hannah in the mood again. Sex and chocolate.

  “You’d never bug me, Doc. You’ve saved me more times than I care to admit. I owe you a lot,” she says as she fixes him up a slice of cake with some ice cream and hands it to him.

  “Thanks Hannah,” he says. He walks out with a big grin on his face.

  “I’m glad you were able to get these cakes out here. I really didn’t want them to go to waste,” Hannah says turning towards me. She notices my discomfort. “What’s wrong Hawk?” she asks walking towards me. She rubs her hands on my chest and down to my cock. She licks her lips and strokes me a little.

  “Fuck Hannah, you’re going to make me cum in my pants.”

  She stops and gives me a quick kiss on the lips and walks towards the door. “Come on, I want to get back to my house.” She giggles.

  “You little tease, you’re going to pay for that later, baby.” I need to adjust myself before walking out.

  “I sure hope so,” she banters right back.

  I follow her out towards my car. She waits for me by the car door. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “It’s locked, Hawk. Come on, I’m eager to get back.” She’s too excited.

  “Baby, Sam gave me orders to keep you away until tomorrow.”

  “No.” Her face falls to sadness.

  “Yes. Now, come on. Let’s go watch a movie. I haven’t been able to just relax with you.”

  “I wish you had a house, Hawk,” she blurts out.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Oh, and why’s that?”

  “It’d be nice to not be in the clubhouse. It carries a lot of memories for me. I feel crowded and everyone is looking at me and the women are burning holes into my back just for touching you and talking to you.”

  “Tell me how you really feel,” I tease.

  “I’m serious, Hawk. I don’t want to upset anyone.”

  “Come on, let’s take a walk,” I say. I don’t give a fuck if anyone is upset. Hannah is going to be in my life and if they don’t like it they can fucking leave.

  “Where are we going?” she asks dragging her feet.

  “I want to show you something. We have a garage where we work on bikes and I want show you some of the ones I’ve been working on.”

  She walks besides me. We spend the next 3 hours talking about bikes and hanging out in the garage. She gets close with one of the brothers, Kit. He’s the only mechanic that I let touch my bike.

  Kit has a girlfriend. She works for the government and is overseas right now. That man is so devoted to his girl, I don’t worry about him coming onto Hannah. There are a few brothers I wouldn’t leave her alone with but he’s not one of them. I get a phone call that I have to answer.

  “I need to take this,” I say to Hannah and Kit. I leave them behind in the garage.

  Chapter 20


  “Wait, so how long have you guys been together?” I ask Kit. He’s one of the mechanics and brothers for the Blazing Saints. He’s been in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend. The way he talks about her is amazing.

  “We’ve been together for 3 years. Apart now for 6 months since she left for her assignment overseas,” he answers me as he works on a bike.

  “Wow, good for you guys keeping it strong,” I say. Hawk had to step out for a phone call.

  “I love that woman with my whole being. I want to make her my old lady. If only I could get her on the back of my bike. She refuses to ride.”

  “Really? I love it. I used to have a vintage Harley that my dad gave me but my ex sold it. I’ve been trying to find it but it’s hard finding the exact one without knowing who he sold it to. I just hope it hasn’t been broken apart and sold for pieces.”

  “Right on girly, I like a chick that can ride.” He holds his fist out and we fist bump.

  “It’s so freeing. If I had a bike, I’d ride it for sure.”

  “I’ve got a bike here you can take for a spin. I don’t mind. It’s been sitting around as a just in case one of the brother’s bikes doesn’t work. We actually keep a ton of bikes for just in case.”

  “Really? Are you sure?” I would absolutely love to be able to take a spin around the parking lot. My heart rate picks up from excitement.

  “Absolutely. Come on.” He leads me towards the back and uncovers a sporty looking Harley.” He tosses me the keys and a helmet.

  “Are you sure?” I’m so freaking excited.

  “Yeah. You’ve ridden before right? You weren’t just pulling my chain?” He looks concerned now.

  “I learned to ride a bike before learning to drive. Up until maybe two years ago I would ride every day.”

  “Take her for a spin. We have a lot out back that’s empty. No one should bother you.”

  “I’m too excited for this,” I jump up and hug him. “Thank you.”

  “Careful now, I don’t want Pres seeing his lady hugging another man,” he jokes. I playfully slap him on the arm.

  I grab the bike and wheel it out of the garage to the empty lot. I pop the helmet on and hop on. I rev the engine and the thrill of riding comes back to me. I start slowly by riding around the perimeter of the empty lot just to get a feel of the bike. It’s amazing. Once I get my bearings and acclimated to the bike, I pop a wheelie, getting up on the back wheel. I used to do tricks on my bike. Nothing crazy but I love this shit. I continue doing various tricks and just riding around for what feels like an hour.

  I’m pulling up to the garage on the bike and see Hawk standing there with his arms crossed. I pull right up to him and hop off. I remove my helmet. I can’t help but beam with excitement and happiness.

  “What the fuck, Hannah?” Hawk says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Where did you learn to do those things?”

  “I told you before I used to have a bike. I learned to ride one of these before I learned to drive a car. I can’t believe how much I missed it.” I go up to him and give him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  He doesn’t let me go but holds my waist and stops me from leaving.

  “You okay, Hawk?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, I just want to feel you next to me a little longer,” he says, looking down into my eyes.

  “Okay,” I lean up on my tippy toes and give him a peck on the lips and squeeze him tightly in a hug. I step back and look up to him. “Everything okay?” I ask him again. I feel like something is off.

  “Babe, you keep asking me and I wish I could tell you but I need to protect you. It’s club business.”

  “Well, I’m here if you need to talk,” I walk into the garage to find Kit. Hawk follows behind. I feel him staring at my ass. “I can feel your eyes on my ass, Hawk,” I shout dangling the keys in the air.

  “It’s a damn nice one too,” he rushes up behind me and spanks me.

  “Oooh, careful now. I might like that a little too much,” I give him a wink.

  I can’t find Kit anywhere. I want to make sure he knows I’m returning the key and helmet. “Where did Kit go?” I ask Hawk.

  “He had to run an errand,” Hawk replies. “Whatcha need, baby?”

  “I just wanted to say thank you and give him back the key.”

  “Don’t worry, you won’t get in trouble. After all you are with me. I’m kinda the President and run shit around here. If you fucked up that bike and totaled it, nothing would happen to you,” Hawk says very matter of factly.

  “Is that so?” I raise my eyebrow.

  “Yup. People know your mine. They are just
waiting for you to become my old lady,” he teases.

  “And what exactly does that entail, Mr. Gunner,” I reply using his real name as I prop myself up on a counter. My legs are dangling.

  “It means you are mine for life beautiful,” he replies walking over to me between my legs.

  “So, it’s marriage?”

  “Well, it’s not like a wedding ceremony but in the biker world it’s like a marriage. You would get full club protection and basically no one fucks with you, not that they would fuck with you now regardless of old lady status.”

  “Does an old lady have to do anything?”

  “Well, most get tattoos with their man’s name and property of the club cut that will say who they belong to.”

  “Do you guys fuck each other’s old ladies?”

  “Shit, Hannah. No. We don’t. Being an old lady isn’t something we take lightly. I mean there are some people who are into that shit but I’m not. I’m a jealous man. If you’re mine, you are mine. I don’t share.”

  “Do you have to get a tattoo?” I ask.

  “No, but most if not all of them do to show respect for the club.”

  “Hmmm this is interesting. How come you don’t have an old lady?”

  “Because I hadn’t found her yet,” he nuzzles my neck. “I think that might change soon though,” he gives me small kisses along my collar bone and neck.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “There’s a guy here with us. He’s just watching,” I whisper into his ear. He immediately stiffens and turns shielding me.

  “What the fuck, prospect?” he shouts at the guy watching us. I’ve never seen him before.

  “Sorry, Hawk, I couldn’t help it. She’s beautiful. Is she open for sharing?” His eyes are wide and devoid of any emotion.

  Hawk is livid. “What the fuck did you say, prospect?”

  “The woman, she’s beautiful. Are you sharing her?” The prospect asks again. Oh shit. This doesn’t seem to be going well.

  “Prospect, this is my woman. You will not disrespect her or me. You understand?” I’m holding onto his waist because I don’t want him to pummel this guy. Also, if he walks, I will fall off the counter top.

  “Sorry, Pres. I didn’t know.”

  “You will not look at her or touch her or as much as breathe in her direction.”

  “Never again, Pres. Sorry.”

  “Get the fuck out of here, prospect,” Hawk shouts. I can feel his body tense. The prospect walks away, almost jogging.

  “Hawk, calm down.”

  “He was disrespecting me and you. I won’t stand for that.”

  “He wasn’t doing anything bad, he wanted to share me. Are you not into a little threesome with me and another man, baby?” I taunt him.

  “Never. Not in this fucking lifetime. You’re mine. I don’t share.” He’s seriously upset.

  “Hawk, calm down, okay? I don’t want anyone but you, okay?”

  “You better not.” His skin feels hot to the touch.

  “Chill out, macho man. I’m here with you, holding you, giving you my body. Kissing you,” I kiss him. “Hugging you,” I hug him. I keep my arms around his neck and search his eyes.

  “I’m serious, Hannah. I don’t like the way he looked at you. I’ll need to talk to Preach and find out more about this guy.” I think he should. There was something off about that guy.

  “Can we go back to my house now?” I’m trying to change the subject and distract him.

  “Not yet. Sam isn’t done. She wants you to stay the night. She said she’ll be done tomorrow.”

  “Really? I was hoping to be able to stay in my own home.”

  “Sam knows what she’s doing. I trust her. She’s making sure it’s perfect for you. How about we go into the city and spend the night there?” He knows I don’t want to go back to Jen’s or stay in the clubhouse.

  “Really? Where will we stay?”

  “Jax, Delta, and I share an apartment there.”

  “I need to get some things if we are going to stay the night.”

  “Come, let’s grab you an overnight bag,” he says, holding out his hand and helping me down from the counter I was sitting on.

  “Are you sure, Hawk?”

  “Absolutely. Why would I not want to spend time alone with you?” He gives me a wink.

  Hawk leads me to another garage. It’s pitch black. “I can’t see anything,” I say, getting nervous.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe.” The lights turn on. I can’t believe my eyes.

  “What is all of this? How did I not know about this?” Hawk just brought me to a huge concrete garage. They might be a biker gang but holy shit they have cars of every type. “Whose cars are all of these?”

  “Mostly leadership. We like our cars. Come on, let’s get into a more comfortable car,” he leads me to a Range Rover. It’s black and decked out to the nines.

  “She drives super smooth and more comfortable than my truck. Come on, let’s go grab your stuff and we can get on the road.”

  “What about your club duties?”

  “I already texted Jax. He’s in charge while I’m gone.” Hawk helps me into the car and we head to my cousin’s house.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to grab some clothes and my toothbrush.” I run into the house and quickly grab my toothbrush. I only have a pair of pajamas and underwear at my cousins. Everything else is at my house but we can’t go there because Sam wants it to be a surprise. I run back to the car.

  “Is that it?” Hawk asks.

  “All my stuff is at my house. I have fresh undies and some pjs and a toothbrush.”

  “We can buy some stuff in the city.”

  “I guess.” I reply. I really don’t want to spend on clothes.

  We spend the next hour riding into the city. I fall asleep about 15 minutes in. Hawk holds my hand the entire way. When I wake up as he’s pulling into a huge high-rise building.

  “Where are we?” I ask groggily.

  “Hey. How’d you sleep?”

  “Like the dead. Where are we?” I rub my eyes.

  “This is the apartment.” The place is guarded and gated like Fort Knox.

  “This place is gated like Fort Knox.”

  “I pay for privacy and safety,” Hawk pulls into a parking space and runs around to open my door. He grabs my backpack and my hand and we head towards the elevator. We enter the elevator and he hits the button for penthouse.

  “Hawk, why do I get the feeling that you..” I stop before finishing my thought. I’m starting to feel out of place.

  “Are you gonna finish that sentence baby?” He laughs and leans down giving me a kiss.


  He smirks at me. The elevator doors open to an amazing apartment.

  “Holy shit.” I’ve never been in a place like this. I’ve only seen places like this in magazines. The space is huge. Marble floors throughout. The whole back wall of the apartment is windows and glass doors that lead to a huge patio. There is a beautiful kitchen and dining room in the back. There are a pair of stairs on the right that leads to who knows where.

  “What do you think?” Hawk asks me.

  “You own this place?”

  “Yup, we needed a place in the city.”

  “Hawk, this is something you see in a movie. Are you a famous person or something?”

  “Nope. Just a President of an MC and a guy who works hard for his money.”

  “Would you like to go out to dinner or order in?”

  “Um, do you think we can go somewhere, where I can buy some clothes? You guys don’t want me to see the house until it’s done and I’m going to need clothes. I really don’t want to wear these again unless you have a washing machine.” I say pulling at my shirt.

  “Hannah, I will buy you some clothes. It would be my pleasure to buy you something sexy.” He winks. “I’ll be right back. I n
eed to use the restroom. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Mrs. Carson comes by daily and cleans the place and stocks it when we need it.”

  Who is Mrs. Carson? I walk further into the kitchen and it’s beautiful in here. I make my way to the fridge and take a peek inside. It’s fully stocked with food. How long did he think we would be here for?

  “Did you find something you want?” Hawk asks me, startling me actually. I jump.

  “Just grabbing a water. Hawk, this place is stocked for more than a day.”

  “I wanted to make sure we have everything possible. Plus, I know you like to cook so I wanted to make sure you had anything you wanted if the mood struck.”

  “Thank you.” I hug him around the waist. “I think maybe you went overboard a little,” I laugh.

  “Never. Come, let’s go find you something to wear. I want to take you out to dinner.”

  We head out to a few stores and everything is way too expensive for me. We’re in the last store and there’s a beautiful dark blue dress. I’d kill to wear something like that but it’s over 400 dollars. I could never justify spending that much on clothes. I scour the racks for clearance and I’m able to find a dark pair of jeans and a cute top. I also find a pair of cute flats. I walk to the register and pay for my stuff.

  Hawk went off on his own and returns with a couple bags. “You ready baby?”

  “Yup, I got some clothes.” I hold up the bags.

  “Great. Let’s get going. I made us reservations in a few hours. It’s for a French restaurant.”

  “Oooh, I’m excited.”

  I’m able to grab some toiletries and stuff to fix my hair. I can’t do much with it at the moment but I can always trust a bun.

  A few hours later….

  We’re in his apartment and I just got out of the shower. I had to kick him out of the room because he kept trying to fuck me. We’re going to be late for our dinner reservations if I let him in. He went to another bedroom to shower and get dressed. I hear a knock at the door.

  “Hawk, I’m not letting you in. We will never get out of here with your sexual appetite.” I shout from the bathroom door.

  “I promise I won’t touch,” he says through the door. “I have a surprise for you.”


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