Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 51

by Mia Mills

  “Listen, I heard what you guys were fighting about. I mean, it’s not surprising since I was literally just in the other room.” She sighs, “But if you guys can’t keep it civilized then maybe this was a mistake and you guys should leave.”

  None of us speak up. I don’t know about them, but honestly I’m scared that I might say the wrong thing. Or that I might not be the one she wants to hear say the right thing.

  Her eyes go over us, when our eyes meet, I realize that I’ve been holding my breath, “Well? Are you all going to stay?” She raises both her brows questioningly, “Does that mean you guys are going to, at the very least, try and pretend like you guys are friends?”

  We all look at each other and nod.

  “Good.” She sighs then smiles, “Let’s eat then, I’m famished.”

  When we begin eating, I suddenly realize something and can’t help but smile.

  Goddamn, this woman just overpowered the bigwigs of Wall Street. What have I gotten myself into?


  It doesn't surprise me that it didn't take a while for them to fight amongst themselves. Although I did hope that they wouldn't do that and just focus on the food I prepared. I guess I should have known better, they were already at each other's throats back at the awards ceremony a few nights ago.

  I have to admit that I'm flattered because these four gorgeous men are interested in the idea of being with me. Even though I know I have an appeal since not only am I attractive, I'm also smart, and so I'm no stranger to men wanting to have me, I would never have thought that the top four key players of Wall Street would be quarrelling over such a small thing.

  The dinner went by much smoother than I anticipated considering the fact that they had literally just snapped at each other just a few seconds before we began eating.

  They probably didn't even notice that I was observing them the whole time. They were all too busy trying not to do or say something wrong. Most of the time they just complimented the food I prepared or exchanged looks with one another.

  Now the only thing left is dessert. I excuse myself to grab the key lime pie and remind them to play nice. I'm testing the waters and seeing if they'll actually listen to me.

  I head off back into the kitchen and bring out the pie from the refrigerator. Interestingly enough, they do listen to me. I'm moving the pie onto a cake stand while also waiting for them to start bickering again. It's to the extent that I feel like my ears are going to fall off because I'm straining too much yet all I hear is a slight murmur.

  When I get back to the dining room, I almost drop what I'm holding at the sight of them laughing together and genuinely having a great time.

  What the fuck happened when I went away? Why are they all friends again? It's like nothing ever happened.

  Composing myself, I bring the dessert to the center and start slicing equal portions for each of them while still trying to get a feel of the atmosphere. So far, it really does seem like they've all patched things up that quickly. It's either they'll all odd and crazy or it's just a top-tier Wall Street thing.

  What? They have a club for these things? Jesus Christ, Zoey. You're not thinking straight.

  After I'm done serving the pie, I make my way back to my seat. They're all noticeably more aware of my presence. I'm not sure what they talked about while I was gone, but I'd be willing to bet that it had something to do with me. We're eating the pie, but I feel like there's a spotlight on me that won't go away and it's making me want to squirm.

  Shifting in my seat, I break the silence with a joke, "What about we eat the pie before you guys eat me all up with your eyes? From the way you're all looking at me, it's like you're all lions who finally found a piece of meat in the jungle."

  Instead of lightening the mood, I feel as if I've only made things heavier. The tension feels like it's seeping into me, but for some reason, I'm liking the way they're checking me out.

  Maybe this was what I wanted all along.

  Surprisingly, Jonah is the first to speak, "Does it feel that way?" He laughs nervously, "Sorry. Don't know about these guys but I was just enamored by everything you've done this evening."

  I can't help but let the compliment get to me, the next thing I know, my cheeks are burning. And from their expressions, it's obvious that they know he got to me.

  "Oh please. It's nothing much. Just a few cookbooks and YouTube videos, anyone could do it with a few tries." I wave a handoff to try and divert their attention away from my face, but it doesn't work. They're still looking at me.

  Somehow I find that I'm more flustered in the company of these four men than I was in front of that crowd when I made that speech.

  "The food has been amazing, Zoey." Ryder gives me a warm smile, I figure that it's an attempt to make me feel comfortable. If it is, it's working.

  I smile back, "Thanks, Ryder. I really appreciate it."

  He looks at the others and checks the time from his wristwatch, "It's getting pretty late. So I'll be calling it a night and heading home. I'm sure you need the rest as well?"

  "Yeah. Of course. Thank you for the company. I'm glad you guys enjoyed dinner." I get up from my seat and they all follow after me.

  "We should be the ones thanking you, Zoey. It's not every day we get to eat home cooked meals, and certainly not of this quality too." Gavin pitches in the conversation.

  "Ha! It's really nothing. I thought it would be embarrassing to serve any less." I laugh, then I realize I'm no longer nervous. In fact, I feel kind of disappointed that the night is already ending.

  What were you expecting, Zoey? That they'd all want to make love to you after dinner?

  Make sweet, sweet love? With their probably huge cocks?

  Goddamn, that does sound nice.

  Oh my God. I have to stop thinking about their penises.

  By the time my thoughts come to a halt, we're already at the door. Gavin and Jonah are the first to head out, each giving me their best smiles. Wyatt takes my hand and kisses it, I can see from my peripheral vision that the others wished they'd done that.

  "Good night, beautiful." Wyatt winks, "I'll be in your dreams."

  Before I can respond, Ryder gets in between us and takes my hand, "Time to go."

  "Right. You guys drive safely." I lean against the doorway and wave at them.

  "I hope we can do this again sometime, Zoey." Ryder squeezes my hand lightly, "It'll be my honor to be the one cooking something for you next time."

  My cheeks flush red and I have to look away from the penetrating gaze of his grey eyes to be able to speak, "That sounds great, thanks. I'll keep it in mind."

  Right now my main concern is to get them all out of my house before I'm controlled by my hormones. As the night progressed I become more and more aware of their scents and by this point, I'm just about to lose it.

  When Ryder lets go of my hand and goes out along with the rest of them, I watch as each of them gets into their respective cars and drive off before I close the door. Leaning against it, I take deep breaths and remind myself that I did the right thing. I was being professional and there really was no indication this would result in a hook-up.

  Except for that part where they all basically admitted that they were all very much attracted to me.

  Regardless, no one made a solid move, so I still didn't do anything wrong. I may have wasted an opportunity to spend the night with a gorgeous alpha male who could have fucked me until both of us were lost in time, but that's okay. Is it? Fuck. Now I'm just regretting things.

  Before more thoughts could enter the stream of my consciousness, I hear a car pulling up in my driveway. When I open the door to peek, I see that it's a black Audi. I don't remember whose car that is, though. The car door opens and Ryder slides out into view.

  "Hey." He's striding towards me, the way he's looking at me makes my heart pound.

  "Oh. Hey." I tilt my head to the side, "Did you forget somethi—"

  He plants a kiss on my lips before I can finish aski
ng the question. I'm not surprised to find myself kissing him back. God, he tastes fantastic. We're both already breathing fast, I can already feel the back of my mind starting to numb from just imagining what he's going to do to me. From what's pressing against my crotch, I can tell that he's packing quite the package down there.

  Ryder pulls me even closer to him, deepening our kiss and making our bodies touch. His left hand lost in the knots of my hair, his right hand fondling my breasts.

  Every part of me he touches ends up feeling scorched, it's like he's burning up.

  My hands run wild over his body, feeling his chiselled abs and then trailing off onto his sculpted back. How can someone at the top of Wall Street have time to tone their washboard abs? It hardly seems fair to the rest of us.

  But I'm not complaining.

  He props me up onto him and I wrap my legs around his waist, his lips travel to my neck and I feel him marking my neck with a bite. My lips part and a soft gasp escape me.

  The next thing I know, he's has me against the door. It's the only thing separating us from the outside world. Anyone could easily hear me from the outside if I moan just a little bit too loud. With this in mind, my body feels even hotter than it was moments ago. It's almost like lust has taken the form of fire and it's coursing through my veins. Ryder's erection pushes against my ass, I want to rip his clothes off and let him take me.

  As if reading my mind, he uses one of his hands to unzip his pants and whips out his gigantic cock. For a moment I am blank. This is the largest cock I've seen in my life. And I've seen big ones.

  Ryder starts grinding on me, I respond by biting his lower lip and swaying my hips back and forth.

  We're too lost in ecstasy that we don't pay notice to the cars pulling up outside. And by the time my brain finally listens to reason, it's too late.

  I hear someone step onto the patio when the wooden floorboards creak slightly and I pull away from the kiss. Ryder leans back in, I stop him by placing my index finger over his lips. He looks at me, puzzled.

  "Wait." I look away from him and turn my head a little to see through the peephole, "Oh my God. They came back. All three of them."

  Gavin rings the doorbell and I flinch.

  Ryder puts me back down and wears his pants before whispering, "Damn. I thought I'd have more time."

  Hearing this makes me turn my head back towards him too abruptly, a slight pain tingles on the back of my neck, I try to keep my voice down, "What do you mean? You knew?"

  "No. Not really." He shrugs, "I assumed that if I had the thought to come back after everyone left, so would they."

  I bite my inner cheek. That makes sense. This is probably their way of competing. They're trying to outsmart and one-up each other.

  "Go hide in the kitchen." I tell him.

  He blinks once, then twice, "Why?"

  "Just do it." I'm trying hard not to just shove him there.

  "They're going to find out, anyway. I don't see the point in lying." He moves closer to the door but I stop him before he can open it.

  "It's not lying. It's...not telling them you're here." I roll my eyes. God, I'm so lame.

  The ends of his lips curve into a smile, "Well, alright. If that's what you want." He goes into the kitchen without further protest.

  This isn't what I thought would happen. And after kissing Ryder I feel even hornier than I was before. I'm not even sure if I'll manage to hold myself back from the others. Nonetheless, I have to open the door. I run my hands through my hair in an attempt to make it look less disheveled. Hopefully, it worked.

  I swing open the door and smile at the three men outside, "Hey!" That was too enthusiastic, I am not a good liar, "Hey. What's up? Did you guys leave something behind?"

  What's up? Really? That's the best I could come up with? Step up, Zoey. Geez.

  Gavin tilts his head and his eyes look behind me, "Are you alone? We thought we heard something."

  "Heard what, exactly?" I place a hand on my hip, trying to look less conspicuous, I doubt that it's working though.

  This time it's Wyatt who speaks up, "Ryder's in there, isn't he?"

  I can't help but smile out of nervousness, I don't even know why I'm nervous. What's it to them what I was doing in here?

  "What? Pfft...why would he be here?" I wave my hand off at him.

  They exchange glances and I can tell that they know I'm lying.

  Gavin turns his head slightly to the side and nods towards the driveway, "His car's in your driveway."

  Oh shit.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath before moving to the side so they can go in. Wyatt has a grin plastered across his face while Jonah doesn't meet my eyes. I can't seem to get a read on Gavin's expression. But I can see that there's something that sparks within him when Ryder joins us in the living room.

  Ryder shoots me his metallic gaze while sporting a wry smile, "Told you there wasn't a point."

  Shaking my head, it dawns on me that I'm actually smiling at what he said. This isn't a joke, Zoey. For all you know, these guys could do anything to end your career.

  They all have their eyes on me, I'm not really sure what to do in this situation. Do I just play it off as a joke or do I apologize?

  I open my mouth to speak then close it, I think Gavin sees my hesitation since he says something before I do.

  "So what were you guys doing?" He puts his hands in his pockets. When I look at him it feels like he's towering over me, his confidence is seeping out of his pores.

  Ryder is the one to answer first, "We were just getting into it when you guys interrupted us."

  I can feel my cheeks burn red because of how blunt he is. Wyatt's smile only gets wider, while the other two aren't really showing much of a reaction.

  "I knew you were coming back, you sneaky bastard." Wyatt shakes his head and laughs, "I bet you didn't even waste a second and just went at her."

  "She's right here, Wyatt." Ryder's brows form a light crease when he furrows them, "Plus, I thought that you guys would do the same. And seeing as to how all three of you are here, I was right."

  Jonah finally looks at me, his expression serious, "So do you find Ryder attractive? Is he the one you're choosing between the four of us?"

  His sudden question makes my words come out as fragmented, "A-attractive? Ryder? He...I mean sure, he's attractive. But all of you are attractive. I can't really...I mean it's weird to choose all of a sudden when we've barely known each other."

  All of them are quiet as if they're studying me. Then Jonah speaks up again.

  "Does that mean I can still convince you to choose me?" He takes a step forward.

  Gavin puts a hand on Jonah's chest, stopping his advance, "Don't force her into it. She has a point. We just met her. There's no reason for us to rush things like this."

  I let go of the breath I didn't know I'd been holding, my muscles loosen up.

  Wyatt's eyes light up, "I have an idea." He leans close to me, "What if we all fucked you?"

  This makes the atmosphere thick, I feel like I'm wading through sand. All eyes are on Wyatt.

  "Come on, guys. Don't look at me like that." His eyes lock on to me, a few strands of his blond hair falls over his left brow, "I mean what if we fucked you one by one? And if you can't decide then you can meet with us throughout the next few months. We'll be suitors. Treat you properly. But tonight we fuck. If you somehow reach a decision just from that, then that's fine too."

  No one says anything, so Wyatt takes initiative.

  "Is anyone here not agreeing to this?" He looks down at their pants and my eyes follow where he's looking. They're all rock hard. The tents on the crotch of their pants leave very little to the imagination. I can tell that underneath those layers of clothing are monsters ready to ravish me.

  As much as I feel dirty for what he's suggesting, I can't help but be interested. My pussy's craving their cocks, most especially after seeing Ryder's earlier and not being able to take it all in. If I say yes to this,
what'll that make me?

  Who cares? It's my life. It's not my fault these men want me.

  I lick my lips, Wyatt takes this as a sign that I'm agreeing with what he suggested.

  We get to the bedroom and I find myself wondering if doing this is right. But it doesn't take very long because by the time I turn around Wyatt has stripped himself of his clothes. Involuntarily, I realize I've been biting my lower lip.

  "I guess I'll go first?" He starts to walk towards me, but Gavin intervenes.

  "Wait a minute," He shakes his head, "why should you go first?"

  Wyatt looks at each one of them and then at me, "Alright, let's leave it up to Zoey."

  My eyes widen and scan their expressions, I'm trying so hard not to look at their bulges, but every second I feel tempted, "Me?"

  He nods, "Yeah. Who do you want to have first?"

  I swallow the lump in my throat and close the distance between us, "Well, you're already"

  He gives me a lopsided smile and then carries me to the bed, when we're there he pulls off my clothes piece by piece. Wyatt's lips trail over my neck and my earlobe, I shudder when I feel his warm breath against me. It feels like I'm being pricked by needles.

  As he's undoing my bra with one hand, I feel his other hand trace the outline of my body. He travels to my inner thigh and slowly goes up. I gasp a little when he teases my clit with his thumb.

  I see in his eyes that he feels how wet I am. He knows there's no need for foreplay, maybe he can even see in my eyes how hungry I am for his man meat.

  He slips off my lace panties and continues rubbing my clit as he laps my breasts.

  My eyes stare at his cock, I know he's itching for fuck me just from the veins throbbing.

  Finally, his cock nears my entrance, he circles the tip over my pussy lips in an attempt to tease me more. But I've had enough teasing. I want him in me.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him towards me in one swift motion. In less than a second, I have his entire cock inside me. My back arches and I feel the euphoria rise from my cunt to my head, making me dizzy. I'm amazed at how I managed to eat up such a monster of a lust muscle.


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