Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance Page 55

by Mia Mills

  I catch a few people staring from my peripheral vision and decide to start walking towards the main doors while pretending that Ryder visiting me isn't a big deal, "Sure, of course. How can I help you?"

  "Actually, I was thinking of asking you out for lunch." He checks the time on his beige wristwatch, which upon closer inspection is by a brand called Skagen. A particularly cheap watch with good quality. Judging from his things, I don't think Ryder cares very much for spending the money he gets, he's more focused on the saving aspect, which I can respect.

  "Lunch sounds great." I smile back at him and tuck my phone away, "How'd you know it was my lunch break though? Unless you waited in front of the elevator the whole time?" I laugh a bit.

  He rubs the back of his neck while walking with me, "To tell you the truth, I asked around. I know it's probably a weird, but I didn't want to risk asking your assistant because she might tell you."

  "Wait. You asked the people in the lobby?" I can't hide the fact that I'm taken aback by this, and also how I'm both flattered and embarrassed. Lily's going to love hearing about this.

  Hell. She's probably gossiping about it right now.

  "Yeah. Around the lobby. You're pretty well-known, unsurprisingly." He flashes me a warm grin.

  That's just unfair, I can't get mad at that face.

  "Well...I'm guessing I'm even more popular after lunch."


  It doesn't take long for us to get to Le District. Inside, our senses are greeted with the sound of bustling waiters, and the clinking of utensils and plates.

  The ambiance is warm and cozy, the whole place is seemingly separated into categories, making sure to accommodate the guests and make them feel comfortable instead of just mixing everyone up.

  A waiter tends to us and we follow him to our table at the Beaubourg area. I pull out a chair for Zoey and she sits down while marveling our surroundings. The booths are a warm mustard yellow accompanied by white seats and tables while the ceiling is white with gold trimmings and outlines. The waiter gives us both menus and gives us a moment to decide, but before he leaves, I ask for their best wine.

  As Zoey's teal eyes scan the menu, I take little glances at her. Taking note of a few details I hadn't paid attention to before when I wasn't used to her charms.

  Her eyes can look light blue or even green at times, depending on the lighting. Right now it's leaning towards a light green hue. But earlier, when we were walking under the sunlight, her eyes were a striking blue shade.

  Zoey's dark hair has more of a dark blue tone than brown. And it seems to me that the more I look at it, the darker it gets. Somehow.

  I'm rattled when she suddenly makes eye contact with me and end up pretending I'm looking at the menu. It's so obvious that she lets out a giggle. It's a good thing I don't blush easily because if I did, I'd be as red as a stoplight.

  "You have an idea of what you'd like?" I lick my lips and try to take my mind off how embarrassing that was.

  She rests her chin on her hand and pouts, "I'm not sure. Everything looks amazing." Zoey looks up at me and smiles, "You recommend anything?"

  My eyes shift from her to the menu, "I didn't think that you've never been here."

  "Yeah, well...I like to eat at places close to the workplace." She shrugs.

  "The baby lamb chops. I've tried them once." Swallowing the lump in my throat, I continue, "Or maybe you'd prefer the bouillabaisse?"

  She looks at the menu, possibly to check what the meal consists of.

  After a moment, she smiles and puts the menu down, "Those lamb chops sound great. It's been a pretty busy day."

  I nod, "I'll take care of the rest of the course."

  "Thanks." She looks around again, I admire how she looks stunning even when she's just wearing her work clothes.

  "So am I right to think that you prioritize work over everything else?" I lower the menu and maintain my gaze on her.

  She nods once and sighs, "It's easier that way. There's no one asking you to balance things and to make time for them. They know what's up."

  "I like to keep things like that as well. Not many people have this way of thinking. It's always about trying to fit as many things as possible into their schedule that some people worry about."

  "I'm assuming I'm an exempted from that rule of yours? Unless, of course, this is all business." Her smile is more than just a smile, there's a hint of flirting. I like how she subtly pushes the topic there.

  But I'm not one to let a challenge go, "This isn't business. It's a date."

  To this, her smile disappears, it's replaced by the reddening of her cheeks and her eyes widening. Got her.

  The waiter brings the wine over and I tell him our orders. When he leaves, I turn back to Zoey who has resorted to drinking her wine. This side of her is new to me. The flustered and cute appearance she puts off when she's caught off-guard by something. Gavin and the other two might just see her as a sexy woman—which she is—but she's more to that. There's more to her essence than just her appearance. No matter how unbelievably beautiful she is, it won't trump how she's a dedicated worker, a woman who holds confidence in herself, and a person who does her best not only for her benefit but for others as well.

  "I wasn't sure if I should say anything," I say, "but you look beautiful."

  She smiles and shakes her head at me, "You're eager to flatter me, but I didn't do anything special today."

  I take her hand in mine and lean forward, "I didn't mean just today. I meant every time I saw you, ever since that night. You look beautiful."

  To this, she has no reply. I find satisfaction in the fact that I've managed to make her speechless, it only means that I have a chance with her. And I'm more than willing to take all the chances I can get. I squeeze her hand and smile before letting it go.

  "Sorry. That must have been awkward for you." I take a sip of the wine, "If you find it uncomfortable, let me know. I'll work on my manners."

  This time, she's the one to take my hand, "No! No." She clears her throat, "I was a loss for words. I guess. I'm not used to someone being so blunt with me on a date."

  I blink then joke, "The cons of focusing too much on work, huh?"

  To my merit, she blesses me with her laughter. When she lets go of my hand, the warmth of hers linger. And if I could, I would bottle it up and keep it as a souvenir.

  I love making her laugh. Most especially knowing she's probably tired from work.

  By the time the food arrived, Zoey and I had several stories from work and Wall Street in general. It turns out we had more in common when it came to our experiences than we thought. The same quirks of bosses and the same hobbies to cool down our heads. It's nice getting to know little things about her that the others might not even be aware of.

  The waiter fills our wine glasses and then leaves.

  "Hold on, before we start...I'd like to make a toast." I raise my glass and she raises hers while giggling, "To Zoey, who manages to smile even after her clients send her e-mails of their personal life that should really be sent to their therapist rather than their analyst."

  She holds her laughter in and then adds, "And to you, Ryder, who manages to both be dense and extremely straightforward, sometimes to the point where I think you can convince adults that Santa's real."

  We clink our glasses and then take a sip.

  Taking the spoon, I straighten up and tell her, "Just so you know..."

  She waits for me to continue.

  "...Santa is real." I jest.

  She shakes her head and laughs before eating the caviar.

  I raise the spoon to my mouth, already tasting the flavors that will burst on my tongue when suddenly a voice booms from across the room.


  I turn to look at who the intruder is, although I already did have an idea from the energy of that voice alone. I groan. Wyatt. Great.

  As he's walking closer, I take a deep breath to calm myself down and clench my teeth. No use in asking hi
m to leave. He probably won't listen. much for spending time with her alone.


  I can tell from Ryder's expression that he's disappointed I'm here. But it's just a total coincidence. My colleagues wanted to have lunch in Le District since it's been a while since we ate here. The only reason I even spotted them was because I heard Zoey's distinct laughter.

  Ryder's expression only gets a lot sourer when I finally reach their table, yet I don't seem to mind because in contrast to him is Zoey's radiant smile.

  I return her smile with my own, putting my hands in my pockets, "Did you get the flowers I sent?"

  "Yes, I did. They were so beautiful, thank you." Her smile brings unexplainable joy to my heart.

  "I wasn't actually planning on sending you flowers." I pause, "I mean, I wanted to give you something, but I wasn't sure what you'd like. When I saw those flowers I just knew I had to get them for you. I kept thinking about how the colors complemented you and how it might brighten up your day."

  Zoey puts a hand over her heart, beaming, she says, "Aww...thank you, Wyatt. That's so sweet of you. It did brighten up my day."

  "Wall Street's a bleak place, we need all the splashes of colors we can get." I brush her hair lightly with my thumb and feel Ryder's intense glare wash over me, "And speaking of colors, this place is bright! It would be great to have lunch with you guys here."

  Her eyes turn to Ryder as if waiting for his confirmation, but he doesn't say anything. But I know for a fact that this guy's seething in his chair just by imagining that I'll share their meal with them.

  I add, "What I mean to say is that I'd love to join you guys for lunch. It's a great day out and it'll only get better with the right company. You guys seem to fit that description."

  "I'm not so sure about that, Wyatt." Ryder finally speaks up, "I mean, this is a personal affair between Zoey and I. It would be great if you read the atmosphere and backed off."

  "So you guys are on a date?" I grin, "Well, the more the merrier, am I right?"

  "I don't think it works in this context." He's not budging at all. If there's anything I admire about him, it's how stubborn he is. It's also the one thing I hate about him.

  But I don't think he pegged me for a guy who'd back down, "And I think our situation with Zoey doesn't really fall into normalcy. So regardless of context, me joining you guys for this lovely meal is in no way, shape or form not workable."

  "Personally, I don't want you here." He finally admits.

  "Oh. No one told me this was going to be a heart-to-heart session." I pretend to be emotional then I laugh, "But jokes on you, I don't want you here either. And yet you are."

  "And yet I am."

  "Sometimes we don't always get what we want." I smirk, he squints his grey eyes at me.

  "Maybe you should go back to your friends. You said you were going to have lunch with them. They must be waiting for you for so long." He changes the subject. Quick-thinking, huh? If he can't make me leave, he'll guilt me for staying.

  It's too bad I'm not the type to feel guilty over these things.

  "Oh no." I wave a handoff and scoff at him, "They're colleagues, they'll understand. Besides, I can reschedule."

  "Are you really sure it's alright?" Zoey turns to me and asks, her eyes are so beautiful looking up at me like that. I make sure to stop my thoughts before they delved into naughtier things.

  "Yeah. Of course. I mean, to be able to spend even just another second more with you? I'd trade anything!" I lean in her chair while I watch the color rise to her cheeks. Adorable.

  By this time, I'm sure Ryder just wants to get things over with. He's probably tired of watching me flirting with Zoey. He knows he can't make me leave and that he's just making himself suffer. He raises a hand and a waiter comes over.

  "Could you bring us another seat for our guest here?" His eyes still send daggers towards me. I give him a smile, just to subtly mock him more. It works.

  The waiter brings over another seat and I don't waste another second to sit down before Ryder changes his mind. At that time, more food also arrives. Ryder requests that they add another serving to all the remaining courses for me.

  Well, at least he's still being a gentleman about things. Even though he'd probably prefer having my head on a pike.

  As we're eating, I wonder what the Gavin and Jonah are up to. The market's a bit busy today but I'm sure that those two would rush to Zoey's side if she so much as sneezes.

  "It's been a while since all of the guys got together with Zoey, right? Maybe we should tell them to come by, ask them what's up." I suggest. Just from that suggestion, I can see that Ryder's losing more of his patience with me. He's an interesting guy, it's fun messing with him. Most especially since he doesn't really know I'm messing with him. He just thinks I'm dumb.

  "Actually, I think the three of us should spend quality time together. It's not every day that we meet like this, and usually with the other two around, things get rowdier." He smoothly dodges the idea, as expected of him.

  "I don't know, meeting the others kind of sound nice. I bet they're stressed about work." I shrug innocently. Zoey's munching on her food, but she's looking at Ryder and seeing how he's going to react. I find myself watching her. I don't know if she knows that she often observes others. Maybe it's because she's a market analyst? Did she get used to just analyzing everything?

  Ryder places his fork down and wipes the corners of his lips with the napkin from his lap, "I have a better idea." He gulps down the wine and licks his lips before continuing, "What about the three of us go somewhere with a little bit more privacy? For some peace and quiet?"

  Oh. Is he trying to insinuate something?

  I pretend to be dense and unaware of his point, "What? But lunch has been great. Why would we ever want to leave this table for some ‘peace and quiet'?"

  Zoey's eyeing the both of us, apparently, it seems that she's also hungry for something other than lamb chops.

  "Wyatt. I know you're playing dumb. You're a sex maniac." He runs his fingers through his thick brown hair, "Are you in or are you out?"

  If he's trying to push me away, he's gravely mistaken. I'd do anything to ravish Zoey again, even if it means I have to share.

  "I'm in, of course." I lean back my chair and look from Zoey to Ryder, desperately trying to hold in how much I'm excited for what's about to happen, "So...should we leave and get to dessert, already?"

  Zoey is the first to get up and take her things, we're both looking at her, "Let's go. I don't know about you guys, but I'm craving for some banana cream pie."

  I can't help but smile at what she said. She knew what she was doing.

  This is turning out to be the best lunch break I've ever had.


  Ryder's limo just dropped the three of us off. Yes, that's right—the three of us. I am not doing this on purpose.

  It was only supposed to be Ryder and me out for lunch. But Wyatt was there...What was I supposed to do—ignore the man? Now, you know ignoring any one of them isn't possible.

  So we're here, at one of the H Hotels. I don't even have to wonder why. Of course, the owner is one of Ryder's biggest investors.

  How do I know that? Well, it's pretty much standard information for a market analyst that's into him; at least professionally?

  Who am I kidding? More than professionally.

  The receptionist immediately recognizes Ryder and insists on giving us the largest suite. She then ushers us to the elevator.

  "You'll see that we have everything ready for you at the Penthouse Suite." She says a bit too nicely.

  "Good. Thanks." Ryder replies.

  As we stand alone in silence, I take the time to contemplate on what I am doing. Juggling four men? And mind you, the biggest men in the market. Biggest—how appropriate because they all really are.

  It was just the other day when I was with Jonah and Gavin. The beautiful weather, the spacious backyard and the hard, hard fuc

  Sucking the cocks of two side-by-side men is arousing even if I'm not on the obvious end of pleasure. Being in between them is literally breath-taking as they both jam their dicks inside of me from opposite ends.

  Having them eager to fuck me in every way, my mouth, my pussy, and my anus. They surely know their way around the table. Pun intended.

  Now that I'm with Ryder and Wyatt, it's pretty much safe to bet that the same thing will happen again.

  Is this really the smart thing to do? Maybe not, but forget about smart. I want this.

  Before I could think things through, Wyatt interrupts my thoughts. He pushes me against the elevator walls and kisses me hard. He's all over me until the elevator opens to let two people in.

  They stare at my disheveled self and wonder for a second why. Thankfully, they get off on their floor.

  As soon as they do, I'm taken by surprise again. This time it's Ryder and he kisses me more aggressively, raising my dress a bit to caress my behind.

  When we reach the highest floor, the elevator doors open and he slaps my ass before he lets me go. Tell me, how can I not want this? This is the dream.

  The suite is spacious and exquisite, but Ryder and Wyatt don't pay much attention to it. Instead, they look at me and pin me against the wall.

  They simultaneously strip me off my clothes as if they were on a timer. After which, they step back and undress individually; their eyes not leaving my body.

  Both of them lead me to the gigantic bed by each taking a hand of mine. Ryder pushes me, and I fall on the bed.

  He spreads my legs wide, keeping them parted with his hands on my inner thighs. He inhales and exhales deeply, and his breath already brings a heady sensation as I anticipate what he is about to do.

  I maintain eye contact as his tongue touches my clit, but Wyatt redirects my line of sight to the side where his throbbing cock is.

  "Open your mouth for me." He commands.

  He wants me to suck but I hold out on him to tease him. I just bring out my tongue and lick the tip. I slowly progress taking more and more of him by an inch, every time.


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