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Rejected Page 12

by Amelia Rademaker

  Jack’s finger disappeared. “Hey,” Grace cried lifting up onto her elbows.

  Jack never lifted his head. He pushed Grace back into the chair. She was about to raise hell when heat enveloped her clit. Through the soaked fabric of her panties, Jack sucked her clit.

  Grace screamed. Her climax detonated like a bomb. Her pussy quivered in vain as Jack continued to suck on her. Grace jerked as Jack continued to rub her sensitive flesh. Her muscles clenched in hot waves leaving her limp and shaking.

  Growling, Jack sat back on his heels. He gripped either side of her panties and ripped them. Grace only had time to blink before Jack opened her to his gaze. She shivered at the intense desire burning in his eyes.

  “Look at your pink pussy,” his thumb brushed against the entrance to her flesh. “You are small.” He smiled. “You are going to choke my dick, aren’t you? I better get you nice and wet for me.”

  One thick finger traced her pussy, rubbing the evidence of her arousal around her lips. Suddenly, almost accidentally, the finger slide into her making Grace groan. Jack hummed his approval. Slowly, gently, he stroked her inner walls. Grace squirmed as she felt her muscles clench around the invasion.

  “You’re dripping down my hand,” Jack groaned. “I have to taste you.”

  Grace watched him bend his head, fanning her desire hotter. She reached down tangling her hands into Jack’s mink soft hair.

  Cold air rushed Grace’s heated core as Jack spread her legs wider. His tongue licked and sucked her lips. Over and over he teased her clit. Every time his wet heat came close, her body clenched, desperate for release.

  “For fuck’s sake, do it already,” Grace snarled between clenched teeth.

  Smack! Grace yelped. Jack slapped her sensitive skin. He raised a single eyebrow. “Who is in charge?”

  Grace tried to grind herself on his hand.

  Smack! The sting was impossibly infuriating. It hurt but it made Grace jump with pleasure.

  He lowered his head rubbing the sensitive skin along her thighs. “I will keep you on edge all night if you don’t let me take my time.”

  He licked a wet patch along her pussy. Grace dropped back with a whining moan. His mouth sent flames up her spine and his fingers kept her right on the edge of climax. Heated breaths paused over her neglected clit. Jack’s hand pet and stroked her even as her body tensed with anticipation.

  He bit down. Grace screamed as pleasure exploded in her body. Heat shot through her as Jack drew out her climax. Her body tensed as the orgasm continued. She was vaguely aware that she was sobbing in deep gasping breaths.

  Just as suddenly as it came, the pleasure ebbed to nothing more than muscle spasms. Grace was limp against the leather recliner. Sweat coated her body. Jack pulled his fingers out of her sending a shock up her spine. He sucked the last of her juices from his hand.

  “Good God, Jack,” she panted, “that almost killed me.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t say that. I was hoping that would be round one.”

  Grace hummed, her eyes still closed. “Round one, huh? If that’s how you start the match I’d love to see your finishing move.”

  Jack handed her the clothes they’d thrown. Once she was dress, he gently lifted her into his arms. He shut off lights as he carried her up the stairs. “Oh,” he drawled, “you’re not ready for my finishing move, not with those ribs, but we can still have some fun.”

  Jack carried her into a room that she would have guessed was his even if she couldn’t smell him on every surface. The room was decorated in dark colors. The walls were plain white with no art or photos hanging up. The bed was no nonsense. A gray comforter lay on top with two matching pillows on top. On either side of the bed sat matching nightstands.

  Grace could tell they were original Jack Taylor’s. They lacked the flare of his public collection but it was impossible not to see Jack’s personality in the clean carved fronts. They were the only personal flare in the whole room.

  Jack threw back the comforter with one hand before setting her down. Grace barely touched the bed before Jack set both pillows behind her. He folded the blanket back over her legs, patting the fabric down before looking up.

  Grace couldn’t help smiling at the obvious care for her comfort. It was cute that Jack was fretting over her.

  Once he got Grace comfortable he stripped out of his shirt. His jeans were still open so he only had to push them the rest of the way off.

  The man’s ass was a thing of beauty. She had no idea a man could have an ass that nice. She must have made a noise because Jack looked over his shoulder and smiled.

  “You like what you see?” He turned around giving her the full package. “Then you won’t mind that I sleep nude?”

  Grace shook her head as Jack walked towards the bed. She did not mind that at all. Her body was warming at the thought.

  Jack slide under the covers. He pressed himself against Grace sending heat through her clothes.

  “How are your ribs doing?” Jack sat up on an elbow.

  “If I say they’re killing me will this stop?” She wiggled against his semi hard cock. She watched Jack’s eyes darken before he forced himself to lean away from her. “Just kidding. They aren’t as bad as they were earlier. Mostly they’re just sore.”

  “Good. I don’t like the thought of you being in pain.” He rested an arm around Grace’s middle. Grace shifted until her face was buried in his chest. She breathed his scent in enjoying his clean smell. She felt content wrapped up in Jack.

  Grace leaned away from him just enough to look in Jack’s eyes. “You seem different.”

  The side of his mouth quirked up. “You mean because I’m talking to you and not running away from you?”

  Grace shrugged. “Yeah, there’s that but the guys always said you were kind of a hard ass. A good guy,” she rushed, “but just very serious.”

  “I feel different.” He let out a deep breath. “Paul said something the other day that really struck a chord with me. It takes a lot of energy to fight your other half. My wolf and I haven’t been in harmony for a long time.” He brushed a strand of hair out of Grace’s face, lingering. “I forgot how much peace comes from having someone in your life.”

  Grace knew he wasn’t talking about his wolf.

  “Where does that leave us?”

  Jack continued to play with her hair. “I don’t know. I know what I want but this is about more than me.” He twisted to look down at Grace. “What do you want, Grace?”

  You her wolf howled excitedly. She was more cautious though. “I want to build a lifelong relationship with someone. I want a partner who loves me. I want children. I want to have a happy family.”

  Jack didn’t say anything. He stared into her eyes, searching. Grace saw the moment his expression relaxed. “That sounds like heaven. I’m not familiar with the happy family part but I want to learn.” The smile dropped. “I don’t want you to choose me because I’m your mate. I’ve treated you badly. I want you to build a life with me because I’m the one you want to build a life with.”

  “Is this your way of asking me out? Because it’s kind of insulting that you would ask me out after you’re already naked.” Grace pulled back the cover wagging her eyebrows.

  Jack wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “Don’t be a prude. So, is that a yes?”

  Grace gave him a straight face. “You’ve already gotten into my pants, Jack Taylor, and you weren’t terrible. I’d be willing to give you another chance.”

  “I wasn’t terrible.” He pretended to contemplate that. “We might want to have your memory checked. I vaguely remember you saying that I almost killed you with orgasms.”

  “Aw,” Grace pat his chest sympathetically, “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I don’t know if you know this but I kind of like you. It would be bad manners to insult you the first time I’m in your house.”

  “Insult me, huh?” Jack dove forward, fake biting Grace’s neck. She squealed halfheartedly pushin
g him away. They wrestled, careful of her ribs, until the playing transformed to something else.

  Grace bit down on a spot at the base of Jack’s neck that made him howl, his hands gripping her arms painfully tight. She felt his cock thicken against her belly. Her body heated in response. Licking and nipping Grace made a path towards his jaw.

  “I want you.” Grace could barely get the words out she was breathing so heavily.

  His hips flexed against her. “I want you too.”

  He kissed her softly. Grace sighed into his lips. The kiss was sweet, loving. She wrapped her arms around him needing to be closer. Jack coaxed her mouth open explaining her with his tongue. Grace’s mind flashed back to the living room when Jack had made her come with his mouth.

  Jack kneaded her ass pulling her tightly against him. Grace clawed at his back. Their kiss became frantic. Jack dragged himself away with a gasp.

  “Why are you wearing clothes?”

  “I don’t know.” It was the stupidest decision she’d made all night. Desperate to feel her skin against his Grace ripped at her shirt. Jack yanked her sweats down. The instant she was naked they wrapped their arms and legs around each other.

  Grace loved the feeling of Jack’s rough body against hers. His calloused hands explored her body what she ran her fingers through his hair.

  Grace felt slick wetness running down her thighs. When Jack pinched her nipples, she moaned. He ripped his mouth away from hers and lavished her breasts. Grace arched her back, pressing her breasts into his mouth. Jack growled around her nipple. Sensing her desperation he bit down lightly. Grace’s breath caught. He lapped away the sting.

  “Jack,” she panted, “please, I need you.”

  With a pop, Jack let go of her nipple. Treating her like a treasured gift, he shifted their bodies until Grace was lying on her back and Jack was kneeling between her legs.

  His breath was coming in ragged gasps. Grace could barely stop from squirming under his gaze. “You’re beautiful.”

  Grace lifted herself onto her elbows and reached for his erection. She squeezed the hard length forcing a hiss from Jack. Stroking him, Grace rubbed his heat along her slit, coating him in her arousal. Grace pressed his head into her entrance stopping just when he stretched her.

  She glanced up to find Jack watching her. Eyes never leaving hers, Jack pressed forward.

  For a second, Grace wasn’t sure if he would fit. She felt stretched beyond belief. With an audible groan Jack slide home. His hips meeting hers with such force, all of her breath left her.

  Grace kept still, savoring the feeling of being completely full. She could feel every inch of Jack heating her from the inside.

  “So tight,” Jack groaned. “I’m not going to last, Gracie.”

  “Don’t care,” she panted, “need to come.”

  Jack snarled, his hips pumping forward. Grace grabbed his arms covering her body with his. She loved the feel of his muscles against her. She needed more. Desperate, she lifted her hips.

  “Don’t move,” Jack hissed through gritted teeth. He dipped lower, kissing her neck, sending shivers down her body.

  Tortuously slow, Jack pulled out nearly to the tip. Slowly, he pumped in and out as Grace lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  Wetness dripped down her thighs. She felt her orgasm building. Her wolf was howling for her to bite Jack. Mark him as ours. Bind him to us.

  “Touch yourself,” the command was more bark than words.

  Grace’s hands snaked down her overheated body pinching her nipples until she felt her swollen bud. Wrapping her in his arms Jack started fucking her.

  It wasn’t sweet and slow like earlier. It wasn’t showing her that he was the dominate one. It was purely for pleasure.

  He fucked the air from her lungs with every thrust. His cock hitting her cervix, sending jolts of pleasurable pain up her spine. Grace furiously teased her clit knowing her climax was coming.

  Jack growled and snarled, the air of his breaths hot on her neck. Grace whimpered at the animalistic sounds. His teeth grazed her throat sending her over the edge.

  Jack pushed forward with one powerful thrust, howling his climax. His cock throbbed filling her with hot cum. His teeth pressed into her flesh but just when he was about to break the skin he reared back.

  Chest heaving he lifted himself off of her.

  “Fuck.” Jack breathed, falling next to her in the bed.

  Grace agreed. Hot wetness leaked down her thighs. She shifted, wincing.

  “Shit, sorry I lost it there for a minute.” Jack heaved himself out of bed moving towards the bathroom.

  “Nothing to apologize for. That was amazing.”

  Jack came back from the bathroom with a towel. He cleaned Grace before throwing the towel into the bathroom. He got back in the bed and wrapped himself around her.

  They didn’t say anything, enjoying the comfort of each other’s arms. Something nagged at Grace’s brain keeping her from falling asleep though.

  “Jack?” He hummed but didn’t move. “Why didn’t you bite me?”

  In the heat of the moment Grace thought Jack was going to mark her as his mate. His teeth had been at her throat.

  Jack rested his chin on top of her head bringing her against him more firmly. “I wasn’t just talking when I said that I wanted you to choose me. I don’t want to take your choice away from you. No matter how right it feels at the time.”

  Grace nodded her hair brushing against his chest. She was grateful for that. If Grace’s wolf had her way they would have swapped bites. Hell, Grace had wanted it at the time. Jack was a man of his word. He proved himself when Grace was out of her mind with lust.

  Falling asleep in Jack’s arms she found her feelings for Jack growing. The next time they ended up in bed, she might bite him first.

  Chapter Ten

  A ringing phone woke Jack up. He was warm and comfortable, practically still asleep, so he let it ring. The body in front of him moaned trying to pull the covers over her head. Jack smiled at Grace’s antics.

  Jack gently patted her hair away from his face. It was a mess. They never got around to putting it in a bun last night. It was greasy, tangled. Jack loved it. Grace always wore her best when she was hunting him. He liked seeing her in a more natural state. Even if he had to deal with the fallout.

  Last night had been amazing. Grace was funny, well read, and he felt like he knew her. It hadn’t felt like a first date. It had felt like they were old friends catching up.

  Grace burrowed further into Jack, brushing her ass against Jack’s morning wood. Old friends who have earth shattering sex he amended.

  For a second last night, buried inside Grace, Jack had almost marked her. She felt like his. His wolf nearly took over. He wanted to put him mark on Grace and have her mark on him but the night they reconciled was not the time to do it. Grace deserved to be wooed, for Jack to show her what kind of life mate he could be. Fuck, she deserved a nice meal before he took her as his mate, not some hasty mating in the frenzy of the moment.

  The phone rang again. Grace groaned. Jack slide out of bed trying not to wake her up. Grabbing the phone Jack snuck out of the room shutting the door behind him.

  “Hey,” Jack whispered walking down the stairs.

  “They trashed Grace’s cabin,” Ben said not bothering with hello.

  Jack swore. “Who did we lose?” Ben had put a guard on the cabin. The fact that the rogues were able to get past them meant that whoever was guarding her house was injured or dead.

  “No one. I put the Tates on it,” Jack growled at that. “Get over whatever issue you have with them. They’re the best stealth team we have.”

  “They sure as shit didn’t do their job if Grace just had her cabin trashed.”

  “Because they followed the rogues back to their den and got info that could keep us from getting massacred.”

  Jack begrudgingly respected that. “What did they learn?”

  “This shit is bigger tha
n a few stray rogues.” Ben exhaled heavily. “Someone is recruiting rogue Packs. The increase of attacks hasn’t been random. Someone is calling the shots. “The rogues kept talking about reporting to someone and how time was running out.”

  “Fuck.” Rogues never worked together. They could barely sustain the small Packs they lived it. And that worked to the advantage of everyone else. Rogues were too fearless, too unpredictable to defend against. Black Bird couldn’t guard against multiple rogue Packs. They’d be leveled. “Did they learn anything else?”

  “They’ve been using the cabin as their base of operations for a while now. I'm guessing we didn’t notice because of whatever is cloaking them.” Shit. They could have killed Grace that first night. “They left something at the cabin. They’ve been trying to go in and get it but I think they’ve been ordered to keep a low profile.”

  “Kind of shot that to shit when they attacked Grace.” Now the entire territory was looking for them.

  “I think you were right, the attack was an accident. Grace’s car was in the shed out back, the paint would have masked her smell and she wasn’t making much noise. They wouldn’t have known she was there until they saw her. They’re not after Grace. They’re interested in whatever they left in her cabin.” Ben sounded furious.

  “Why would they need to trash Grace’s cabin looking for something if they’d been using her cabin as their hideout all this time?” They should have been able to go in, grab whatever this thing was, and leave undetected.

  “That was my question too. It seems the only guy who knew where it was hidden was that wolf you killed. No else saw where he put it. Between Dane and Grace, the cabin hasn’t been empty until last night but now, they’re down their main man.”

  “Did we get anything that could tell us where this thing is? Or what it is?”

  “Ezra said they had to hightail it out of there before they could hear anything else.” Ben paused. Jack got a bad feeling. “We need Grace to come out to the cabin.”

  “Hell no,” Jack yelled. “There is no way I’m taking Grace out to a secluded cabin we know the rogues are interested in. Especially after finding out that we’ve got multiple rogue Packs working together.” Jack would die first. His hackles rose just thinking about it. He shook his hands trying to get his claws to retract.


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